I'm going for it....: Ok so here I am my last... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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I'm going for it....

nsd_user663_63907 profile image

Ok so here I am my last day of smoking well actually my last 5 hours I have arranged 2 days of childcare for my youngest other 3 are at school so school hours are free for me then hubby is off Friday - Monday so have a few days where I can concentrate and make myself better I'm dropping off my youngest at 10am today coming home and having my last cigarette ever I'm scared stiff but strangely excited also that I'm going to do it I've spent the last few days reading reading and reading.

I be also made some videos of myself in despair at wanting to quit and why.....and in a panick attack and smoking to show its not helping. Etc etc but I'm still scared I'm trying cold turkey I want to fight the nicotine monster I want to get through and nrt kind of defeats that in my mind BUT If I do give in it will be to nrt not a cigarette not thousands of other chemicals, I need to stop smoking, I want to stop smoking, so I'm writing this all down.

The only issue I have and can see is lack of support I have 3 friends who have stopped, they range from 6mths -5 years but each I've spoken to says how hard it is even thought I've asked them not to they just say it every time and it defeats me each time I've been trying and because I have anxiety attacks and suffer very much low esteem I struggle to belief I'm strong enough for this I know it doesn't help but I get myself worked up quickly so I need the opposite kinda got me thinking you could do with a mentor you know like AA someone to phone or text when your in despair of the nicotine monster that reminds you it is possible it won't help to smoke someone who's beaten the horrid monster

....... Hence I made the videos really hoping it helps me, I'm so scared after my colposcopy and I know smoking is making it worse my anxiety is worse because I smoke I question every niggle I feel and persuade myself it's too late I'm dying I've been up most the night worrying am I am not strong enough, what's this pain....and when I call any friend with this they all say don't stop your putting extra pressure on yourself, now is not the right time blah blah but when is the right time ??. so now I'm posting in here and I'm counting the hours till I an extinguish my last cancer stick, and I'm praying I stay strong enough to keep believing, I CAN DO THIS

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nsd_user663_63907 profile image
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22 Replies

Hi Shelly. What an amazing post, it brought tears to my eyes. The video of yourself in despair is inspired.

You sound brave to me - much braver than you think you are! Keep posting on here.

You can do it!

Incy_Wincy profile image

Wow, Shelly, that's an incredibly brave post - the video idea is amazing. I kept lists, of reasons I wanted to quit, benefits I'd gain by quitting, things I hated about smoking, all in my purse for easy referral. Making a video is inspired.

Shelly, I'd offer you my phone number to mentor you, but the nature of my work means I can't have my phone on me during the day. If you need someone to be there in the evenings and weekends, then let me know. I'm off work today though :)

You CAN do this. Unlike your friends, I haven't found it too difficult to quit. The first few days, yes, I was hit by lots of cravings. Changing routine was really helpful to me - sounds like your routine is different today without your youngest, so maybe try and take yourself somewhere different, or immerse yourself in something. I spent quite a lot of time in bed with a book in the early days. BUT by keeping my lists on hand, reminding myself how well I was doing to get so far (every hour, every day, every time I did something without smoking where previously I would have smoked), almost constantly patting myself on the back, I kept really really positive. You can DO this!

Self esteem - there's a little secret there. Within days - maybe less - of quitting, my self esteem sky-rocketed. I hadn't realised how demoralised I'd been by smoking/knowing I should stop/feeling unable to stop. Once you stop, your self esteem will grow because you'll feel strong. This is not far away. YOU CAN DO THIS Shelly!

Did you say you'd read Allen Carr's Easyway? It helps lots of people - including me. Keep reading, anything and everything.

Sending positive thoughts all the way xx

nsd_user663_63907 profile image
nsd_user663_63907 in reply to Incy_Wincy

Thank you I need to be brave I need to do this and I'm sure if I didn't have anxiety issues I'd be swinging from the chandelier in excitement of being free as there is that part on me its just my other side is strong but I know no matter what I am not touching another cigarette again no more toxins

Incy_Wincy profile image

Oooh, I can also recommend phoning someone like NHS Go Smokefree 0800 169 0 169 or QUIT 0800 00 22 00

They're really helpful - I rang when I was feeling like I might fall off the wagon and just talking about it gave me extra strength!

Incy_Wincy profile image

I also signed up with nhs.uk/smokefree for motivational texts and a 'quit-kit' that has a calendar of suggestions and info for the first month.

AND I downloaded an app... smokefreediary.com/ which I found really really helpful. It gives you counters for money saved/health gained/fags not smoked/time smoke-free etc. It also has daily missions and a diary feature - really kept me focused and helped me celebrate all my milestones.

Good luck, and I'll shut up now!

Incy_Wincy profile image

Oooh, I just posted a reply and it says unapproved...why I wonder? Testing...

Hello shelly, quitting smoking although hard, for some it's relatively easy , each and every ones quit will be different, my mantra is just keep going, I,m not to sure about personal mentors, as situations arise out of there control, and at the end of the day, you have to be a little selfish and quit for you.

A little rule on the forum if your in trouble, post and wait for three replies then decide if you want to smoke!!!it often gets you through a crave.

Thousands of people give up smoking every year,YOU CAN ALSO.

I wish you well my lovely hour by hour sweets, water lollipops, all help in the early stages, so fantastic you have made the decision to quit, you body will THANKYOU so much.

Look forward to your up dates

nsd_user663_63907 profile image
nsd_user663_63907 in reply to nsd_user663_59644

Thank you I'm going to jump I know it xxx

Shelley I feel for you. I have been quit now for 41 days and I haven't found it so hard. If your resolute you can do it. Everyone has their own methods of beating this addiction mine was to alter my routine for a while, drink loads of water to clear out the toxins and sucked on sugar free sweets. We are all here to help you, so post as much as you want. I can honestly tell you it gets easier day by day. I smoked 30 cigs a day for almost 50 years so if I can do it anyone can xx

nsd_user663_63907 profile image
nsd_user663_63907 in reply to nsd_user663_63741

Thank you that gives me hope I can do this I can beat this monster inside me x

Thank you everyone I'm running behind thanks to child care delay but I'm still going to do this came on here first and now going to read the last part of Allen Carr and have my last cigarette have spent the morning terrified and just been in tears to my cousin who's having my youngest as I said to her I KNOW THIS IS IT IM NOT SMOKING ANYMORE but by god I'm terrified not of not smoking but of my anxiety and dealing with It not of actually never smoking again I need to ride this storm and I KNOW there is an end to the storm I've just got to get through the it and I can I need to keep believing in myself so I'm probably going to waffle a lot on here and will apologise in advance if I do. Xxx

Hi Shelly, I was indeed like you so scared of what awaited me, when I gave up the smokes.

To my great surprise, nothing happened, head didn't fall off still got my arms and legs attached to my body, I then indeed realised, it was a mental choice to get through day one, bit by bit, hourby hour, and when you've done one day you can do another so on and soon.

Keep posting and reading, you can do this

Okay I'm ready :-) I'm actually excited :-) I'm in a good place I'm going to do this I have been trapped for 27 years poisoning myself for nothing to relieve nothing and I'm about to stop, I'm smoking my last cigarette now and I know it will be my last, I need to keep this euphoria up, I've actually recorded the last part the instructions and last cigarette so I can just listen to that bit again should I need to remind myself when my monster shouts I will do this I'm jumping I'm going to be free I'm not going to feed anymore

okay I survived the school run and only an hour just over and I will have survived the kids (well the younger 2) lol as for not smoking yes still in freedom land Im still certain I never want to smoke ever again but OMG the anxiety makes my chest sooo tight when a craving hits but I keep telling myself that CT is better as I can just rid my nicotine once and for all rather than slowly, so keep saying get through the next week and the monster will be dead, im working tonight till 10pm so cant even go bed early to hide haha but at least I work from home so no outside pressure from seeing anyone so that's good just thought id update I know its not been long but I was a a very heavy smoker on roll ups almost at a chain smoking standard so for me this has been a looong time and im proud of my little bit

nsd_user663_63907 profile image
nsd_user663_63907 in reply to nsd_user663_63907

mmm im guessing the time setting is wrong as I posted this at nearly 5.50 not 4.50 as don't put kids bed till 7pm, jut encase anyone wondered why my poor kids were going to bed at 6pm :+)

And so you should be, just keep going little by little. Doing great, craves are hard, but each crave is one less you have to deal with.

Keep at it

Incy_Wincy profile image

Well done you! I'm so proud of you - day one is so tough, you've done really really well. Keep being proud of yourself, keep telling yourself how strong you're being (even if you don't feel it!) and embrace early nights (I slept LOADS in my first week - I think lots of us did!)

Keep reading, keep posting, and keep saying NOPE :) You're amazing. x

Thank you its quite strange one minute im crawling and then I get a calm acceptance that I need to get through this but I know there are battles ahead and im still staying positive at the mo and am going to bed tonight as a Non-Smoker for the first time in over 26 years only 45 minutes left although have to admit im hoping I sleep all night :-)

The support has really helped thank you x


I am an off and on quitter - so many times I have tried and so many times stumbled. I was on day three of my current quit and came across your first message as I logged on this morning to get a little boost to help me through the day (I always find day 3 really hard). What a remarkable, powerful post - it pushed me to get through to day 4. I really hope that you make it and am sure that with your current determination you stand every chance. If ever you need a little push to keep you going, keep posting and I will try to return the favour! :)

__steve__ profile image

Well done Shelly and congratulations!

I remember the panic/euphoria of day one :) but smoking doesn't enter my mind these days. Keep going, you're doing fab.

S xx

Right carrying on in here as can't really post day 2 can I till dinner but I actually slept a lot better than I feared I would but omg am I tears this morning I still actually do not want to smoke, as in have a puff but I want this ache to go away, I go through moments of yay this is it I'm free I feel like this because I smoked not because I want to and it will pass to omg I can't do this go and take nrt it's strange my fight seems to have shifted from cigarettes to nrt, a cigarette just isn't an option :-/

Morning shelly, hoping to day goes as well as can be, hold tight. You can do this today you can.

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