Time flies...: Is it because I'm actually... - No Smoking Day

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Time flies...

Incy_Wincy profile image
17 Replies

Is it because I'm actually having fun? I can't believe I'm nearly on my tenth day, which is practically two weeks...which is half a month, which is a whole twelfth of a year, etc etc!

Another couple of minutes and I will have convinced myself I've never actually smoked at all.

Does anyone else, after a good day, feel like it's all too easy?

(NB I'm aware there's still plenty of time for it to be much, much, much harder...but really enjoying the smugness just for today! Watch out for me snivelling next time I have a bad one)

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Incy_Wincy profile image
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17 Replies

Hahahaha! :)

Savour and enjoy the good times and battle and bop your way through the bad times. Eventually the roller coaster ride, as they all do, levels off and comes to a peaceful end. :cool:

Have a great night! :)

Incy_Wincy profile image

Cheers Cap'n :D

Incy_Wincy profile image

hope you don't mind if I call you Cap'n. I'm feeling all piratey tonight!

Well, people do say I have the look of Jack Sparrow...

There I go dreaming again :p

Dream on ;) hehe

So good to see your still with us inch :D

Incy_Wincy....I decided to call that you are describing "the big head sindrome", that's how I always end up relapsing :(

I am very very aware of that now and trying to not underestimate the power of the fags.

Last time I was doing Champix, and around week 7 or 8, it was so easy that my little "junkie brain" convinced me that I was allowed to have a few fags because really...I thought I was in control and could stop imediatly after...end up smoking like a luni for another 2 years before I got to the next quit.

Around the 3rd week this time, went through a fase like that, it was getting so easy that it was actually enjoyable LOL

Last weekend, it just hit me like on the first week, I can't even describe it, I could not stop thinking about them...and then, gone again.

I have come to realize that we will never be NON-Smokers but we will be ex-smokers.

I don't have any cravings at all, I am heading to the 6th week. I don't want to smoke at all.

Don't allow yourself to believe you are done because you are not, that's the junkie brain talking, but enjoy the easy days and survive the bad ones. It's all about what you want to do/be.


Incy_Wincy profile image
Incy_Wincy in reply to

And well done you, too! Nearly six weeks is fab :)

Incy_Wincy profile image

Thanks Mmaya :) Oh, I'm totally expecting it to get harder again - I've relapsed a billion times too! But this time around it definitely feels like I mean it. Actually making the effort to work at it is really helping - like joining in here, installing a couple of apps on my phone and all that jazz.

So, as I said, I fully expect to be here in a day or two, crying about cravings and how hard it is. But I will not give in :) Knocking big head syndrome on the head right now!

See, my biggest motivation is that my dad passed away a little over a month ago, having very recently been diagnosed with cancer in his lungs, liver and brain. Watching him deteriorate so fast, seeing his massive amounts of pain, and what it all did to my mum and the rest of the family and friends, was enough of a jolt to make me realise my next quit had to be the real deal...so here I am. Having said that, I'm trying to focus on the positives of quitting, rather than the grief factor. Onwards and upwards. Here's to my Dad xx

nsd_user663_18145 profile image
nsd_user663_18145 in reply to Incy_Wincy

my deepest condolences on the loss of your dad Incy

and your right focus on the positives as they are the ones that get you trhough each day really hope today is a good one for you too x

Incy_Wincy profile image
Incy_Wincy in reply to Incy_Wincy

Thanks Carol :) I appreciate it lots x

Ohhhhh So sorry Darling! I didn't mean to be harsh on you at all! Very sorry for your loss.

In terms of the quit though, you are doing the right thing for the right reasons, so I am sure you will win!

I'm in a very similar situation actually, I really believe this is it for me...I cannot see myself smoking again to be honest. I was told in January that I am "one pack away from emphasyma" and I am defo not done in this life yet, I have 2 small kids myself, and I'm planning on living for a long time.

I'm having xrays done every week since Xmas because of very serious complications on my lungs, so I'm affraid the fags are out of question for me.

I really wish YOU the best on your quit, I can't even imagine stop smoking and dealing with the loss at the same time.

Sending you a big hug.XXX

Incy_Wincy profile image
Incy_Wincy in reply to

Noooo you weren't being harsh mmaya! I just wanted to remind myself that it's not all fun and games and that I MUST NOT fall off any wagons this time around :)

Wow, mmaya, I really feel for you - how scary. You can do it though, with two lovely little ones to motivate you :) That was a big thing for me too, watching my dad and imagining my daughter having to deal with me going through that at some stage...shudder.

Will be thinking of you and your xrays lovely lady, positive thoughts xx

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Oh incy I am so sorry about your dads passing, watching someone you love dearly deteriorate to that dreaded disease is just horrendous, you could of gone two ways here some people would use that as an excuse to smoke due to stress etc or some people like you would get the jolt they need to quit themselves so glad you are the latter I was unfortunately the former, it's great to have you here, you are going to be a very valued member of this forum I can tell xx

I too am sorry to hear about your dad IW, but you can be sure he is feeling so glad that you are giving up smoking :)

Don't worry about it being too easy and as long as you stick to NOPE you'll never fall off the wagon :)

Hi, sorry to hear about your Dad, that is such sad news. Yes, i did get easier days, but can't say the early days were easy, in fact, it keeps me off the fags to think i will never have to go through those first days again!

For me, it is easier now than it has ever been, but i still over eat.

It is evident that everyones quit is different. I smoked for 30 years over a pack a day at the end, hard habit to break, but not impossible. It would be much harder fighting a horrible illness due to smoking.

i believe everyone has a successful quit inside them, keep up the fabulous work x

Incy_Wincy profile image
Incy_Wincy in reply to nsd_user663_63114

How long have you been off them Caroline? I'm eating SO much! But then, I always did...just now it's more sweets, I think I'm keeping haribo in business!

I miss my dad so much, But, and I hope this doesn't sound cold and heartless, but every time i had a big craving in the first week or so, I thought of my dad's face, those last couple of weeks of his life, how much pain he was in...and it reminded me how important it is to me to stop. I like to think he'd want something positive to come out of the last couple of months though.

I like that, everyone has a successful quit inside them. I heard yesterday that everyone's got one half marathon in them too. I'll skip that one for now I think!

Right, deep breath!

nsd_user663_63114 profile image
nsd_user663_63114 in reply to nsd_user663_63114

99 days i think, will check as have to make an entrance for 100 days lol. Yes, sweet things, but if it's had a heart beat i've cooked and eaten it. I am looking at dieting now, as feel safe enough in my quit to start, at such early days I ate what I wanted. My thighs had have their own gravitational field. At least Stephen Hawkins would find me attractive.

I looked at amputations to put me off smoking, it was poor people with co morbidity factors, but I don't recommend it!

Your quit is unique to you, and nothing at the moment is worth losing it. If you want to think of your Dad, keep Haribo's in business or train for the marathon, then do it.

Not what you're looking for?

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