Day 8. Anxiety and symptoms!: Well here goes... - No Smoking Day

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Day 8. Anxiety and symptoms!

nsd_user663_61413 profile image
15 Replies

Well here goes.....

After my wife gave birth to our first child last Saturday, I knew it was time to give up for good. I've 'played' with smoking for years, been an on/off smoker, sometimes I'd smoke 2/3 a day sometimes I'd smoke 10+.....the anxiety of the pregnancy has meant I've been averaging 10 a day for the last few weeks at least.

Anyway day 8 and the anxiety is at an all time high...I've stopped smoking before and every time I have my digestion system plays up. This time I've developed a weird buzzing effect right in my bottom, it painless and feels like a phone vibration going on and off for about 2 seconds a annoying, It got me to the point where I was going to smoke to see if it stopped it.

This is a real tester, I don't have any cravings so a massive anxiety issue, which being honest existed before I quit too. How do you guys deal with health anxiety??? And any tips to speed up the digestion recovery process.....thanks x

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nsd_user663_61413 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_61094 profile image

Hi Paul

It might be worth speaking to your GP to see if they can help you deal with your anxiety, particularly if you were prone to it before? There are a lot of applications that can help you relax too if you have access to them. I use a few of them on my ipad at night when I am having problems sleeping (anxiety related and something I suffered with prior to quitting).

You are doing really great and there will never be a better reason to stop than a new baby, congratulations Daddy :D

nsd_user663_29008 profile image

Congratualtions on your new baby and quit - what a brilliant reason to stop smoking.

Can't help with the ringing bottom ;) but it will take a little time for your body to repair - but hey so worth it in the end :)

nsd_user663_61413 profile image

Well u have done the right thing giving up with a new born baby. Rescue remedy is good

for anxiety. Your bum problem Im not sure about never heard of that. Could be a trapped nerve maybe x

Yeah I think it may be a trapped nerve....I googled it and a lot of people seem to have had it too my surprise. Nerve endings in the bum area getting more blood due to quitting maybe I thought. And another suggestion is from, I do apologise, straining due to a bit of quitting constipation I think.

It's a weird one, had it 4 days, but I can actually feel the buzzing episodes getting less already...

My baby is beautiful and if she doesn't give me the motivation to stop for good nothing I run 6 times a week and I'm hoping this quit will shave a few minutes off my next 1/2 marathon.

Great forum for support....:-X......KEEP IT UP EVERYONE X

nsd_user663_61054 profile image

Sharing is caring. I've been quite open about the digestive issues I was having :D

The constipation is a real bummer (scuse the pun :P) and it seems to go on forever but I can tell you it *does* gradually get better. I was very constipated and HORRIBLY windy (emphasis on the horrible :D :o ) for quite a while there but I think that I noticed it had gotten much better around week 3-4. I'm still quite windy now but it's less offensive and I'm much more regular now (you wanted to know that, right? ;) )

You could try incorporating some live yoghurt like Yeo Valley into your diet - I was having some with my cereal in the morning. Also making sure you eat enough fibre, and drinking plenty of water (or other fluids, not alcohol though, that probably won't help!)

I've also found my morning coffee has helped a bit as that seems to stimulate the guts, and since I've been doing the couch to 5k program that also seems to have helped.

Anyway that's quite enough poo talk from me :o well done for getting this far and massive congrats on the birth of your little one!

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi there, firstly welcome to the forum and congratulations on becoming a daddy! Secondly STEP AWAY FROM DR GOOGLE... I know it's hard, I suffer with anxiety too and particularly when I quit smoking, I used to look on google a lot for piece of mind but it had a negative effect so I really don't recommend it....there are lots of posts on here about different symptoms and I'm sure if you look through someone will have had the same at some point, my quit symptoms have been, insomnia, digestion problems, anxiety, depression and gum disease, not going to lie it will probably all get worse before it gets better but it WILL get better eventually.

You may find you get a few niggles with different things and maybe cough up some cr4p that you don't like the look of but it's all a healing process and it's all doing you good in the long run, honest it is :)... As mentioned rescue remedy is good and also camomile tea, If you are really worried obvs go to GP but as Deb said the with the bum thing reckon that's defo a trapped nerve, keep going with the quit, like you said the incentive now you have a beautiful baby girl is massive! Good luck xx

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Many congratulations on your new arrival Paul, and on your quit of course. :D

Whilst a tingling bot is a new one on me :) it is common to experience tingling in your hands & feet following quitting, due to the increased blood flow. I would be willing to bet its that, but whatever is causing it, chances are it is related to the quit and will pass in time (everything does- honest :))

Keep us informed won't you?

__steve__ profile image

Welcome Paul :)

Don't worry mate. In a couple of weeks you'll be too tired to be anxious :D

Sorry, that was flippant...

Seriously, you're in the middle of some huge changes. Quitting smoking is the best start you can give your daughter in life (I regret not doing it myself all those years ago).

If you're prone to anxiety, you really ought to have a chat with your doctor, or maybe just a pharmacist.

Best of luck with your quit, and MASSIVE congratulations to you and your wife on becoming parents!!

Cheers, Steve

nsd_user663_61413 profile image

Why am I getting no cravings at all, but loads of what feels like trapped wind?

I think I'd swap cravings for all my withdrawal symptoms.......these aren't good for a hypodondriac.......


nsd_user663_21437 profile image

Paul I had terrible problems in the first few weeks with heartburn, and also being unable to burp when I knew I had loads of wind I needed to get rid of. I used to waken in the night and pace the floors trying to burp :( I'm fine now, thank goodness, it's probably a symptom of your body getting rid of all the poisons that are left in your body, keep strong and ride it out :)

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Why am I getting no cravings at all, but loads of what feels like trapped wind?

I think I'd swap cravings for all my withdrawal symptoms.......these aren't good for a hypodondriac.......


Aww Paul, its so trying isnt it all these blinking ailments we get when we quit... I agree with Blondie, I had bad heartburn for a couple of weeks too and acid reflux, its a right pain in the proverbial...have you tried gaviscon? I am on tablets called omiprazole or something l think and rarely get it now, perhaps ask GP for a prescription of these if the gavisvon doesnt work? All the best :)

nsd_user663_61054 profile image

Why am I getting no cravings at all, but loads of what feels like trapped wind?

I think I'd swap cravings for all my withdrawal symptoms.......these aren't good for a hypodondriac.......


Basically because smoking affects your digestive system (and just about every other system in your body). The theory goes that smoking alters your gut flora, and it also takes over the role of stimulating your bowels to, er, move things along.

So, when you stop smoking your body has to readjust. Your gut flora will change and your body will have to start making your bowels move by itself once again, and it will be a bit slow to respond as it gets used to not being poisoned by the chemicals in cigarettes. You and plenty of others will probably get a spot of tummy ache, trapped wind, constipation as your body does this. It is PERFECTLY normal. I didn't get any cravings to smoke either, but I did get what I think you're describing and the good news is that it *did* pass.

Of course if you are worried, or don't pass stools for a week then go to see your GP or the nurse at your surgery. They would rather check you over and put your mind at ease than you worry yourself into a frenzy!

nsd_user663_61432 profile image

Well here goes.....

Anyway day 8 and the anxiety is at an all time high...I've stopped smoking before and every time I have my digestion system plays up. This time I've developed a weird buzzing effect right in my bottom, it painless and feels like a phone vibration going on and off for about 2 seconds a annoying, It got me to the point where I was going to smoke to see if it stopped it.

Hi Paul

I recognise those symptoms - a few years ago I had the same thing (nothing to do with quitting). Extreme flatulence (kept blowing the wife out of bed) and a feeling like a rubber band twanging at the rear end.

Went to see my GP and he told me that it was my digestive system that had gone into spasm, lots of muscles in it that move the food down and they were contracting and relaxing like nobodys business.:eek:

Gave me prescription for Immodium and basically told me to try that before bothering him again.

Hope this helps

nsd_user663_61413 profile image

Thankyou everyone for your replies....

I don't think I'm constipated anymore, and am back to twice a day!! :confused:

Just the wind now, keep feeling like I constantly need to loo, then eventually the wind passes and I feel normal until the next bout...... Unbelievable, although I do remember these feelings from previous quits.

It'll be two weeks on Sunday, don't feel like I want a smoke, but having been on paternity leave for least two weeks, it's made it easier.

Once I'm back in the office Monday, then it make become more difficult not to have a crafty one.....

If the wind hasn't gone by 4 weeks I'm going back on the cigs :-p

nsd_user663_61444 profile image

First congrats on your new baby!!

I've been getting the rubber band thing too but to me (and obviously not to you fellas) it feels like tiny baby kicks from the inside to my butt :D

Are you on NRT? I'm finding the lozenges are giving me a lot of trapped wind. I suffer from heartburn a lot anyway so have been on omeprazole for years. Have started eating live bio yogurts every day which seems to be helping.

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Thing is, boys, if it ain't one quitting side-effect it's another. :). One thing's for sure- no one gets away scott-free.

However, thankfully, all the side-effects pass eventually and it isn't long before they're a distant memory. Honest :D

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