Day 8: Hi everyone - hope you all had a good... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 8

nsd_user663_58827 profile image
18 Replies

Hi everyone - hope you all had a good weekend.

I had a great weekend which didn't involve any smoking so it's given me an even better start to week 2. I read Allen Carr's easy way to stop smoking at the weekend and I must admit that I did find it useful, mainly because it teaches you than any excuse that you can think of for smoking has already been made up by others many times before and that there are really no advantages of smoking. I'll keep hold of the book and refer back to it if I find that I'm having difficulty.

So far though it's been relatively easy, despite being a very hot weekend where I'd usually smoke a good 40 or 50 cigarettes. I've probably saved about £35 since I've stopped already too

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nsd_user663_58827 profile image
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18 Replies
nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Well done. First week done and dusted!!!!! Roll on 2 weeks - you can do it!!!!

nsd_user663_40237 profile image

I'm right with you here icba!!! The first week was tough, but on to the second week we go.

I went to a friends house last night where 3 out of 5 people were smoking, drinking, and having a good time. Normally I would have been right there with them, but this time excluded the smoking :D Anyway, the cravings have all but passed but am still getting some fatigue in the afternoon and slight head aches that seem to be getting better every day.

nsd_user663_58827 profile image

Thanks for the encouragement everyone.

Max414 I think I 'got' the message in the book but it certainly won't hurt to read it again.

M2tbo well done. I have quite a bad headache today so now I'm thinking this might be a withdrawal symptom.

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

me too

Hi icba and everyone else...pleased to have go through the week-end without smoking(or drinking)lol.....halfway through day 8 and have been so busy havnt even thought of smoking today.....good sign I hope:)

I realise more than half of smoking is all in the mind and I too keep Allen Carr nearby and just browse chapters and find it certainly helps.:D

nsd_user663_40237 profile image

Yes, Kat, this is true. Most headaches are caused by dehydration. At the same time, we are going through nicotine withdrawl and our brain is working hard to create new connections in the absence of nicotine. I'm not a doctor but I think it's pretty common to have headache like symptoms, and drinking water should help alleviate some of them. As always, if it is persistent and worsening, have a professional check it out.

nsd_user663_58827 profile image

I was drinking more water than usual yesterday, however it may have been a combination of my brain getting used to not smoking as M2tbo said as well as the hot weather. Either way I feel fine today so I'll keep drinking plenty of water as begin the 9th day.

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Glad your head is fine today. Hello day 9?

Keep drinking the water - it also helps suppress the appetite a little (if you let it which I didn't unfortunately) ;)

nsd_user663_40237 profile image

Hello Day 9!

I don't know what it's like over the Atlantic right now but in the North East U.S., it is hot and humid and not helping the recovery period.

Oh well, maybe I'll go for a swim later.

nsd_user663_58827 profile image

Day 10 now

M2tbo it's hot here as well. Not really craving a cigarette though which is odd because I used to love smoking on a hot and sunny day. Maybe the Allen Carr book did change the way I think about smoking

nsd_user663_40237 profile image

Day 10 too

I know what you mean about smoking on hot and sunny days. I barbecued some food last night and just being outside and cooking and smoking would be the norm. The cravings have pretty much subsided for me too.

Anyone heard about the ghost limbs that amputees get? Well I was driving to work this morning and had a ghost cigarette. I know this is a terrible analogy, but I just felt like I should be smoking. Anyone else had feelings like this? Luckily it was just a passing feeling and thought, not followed by craving and anxiety.

I feel better every day though, got some lingering fatigue symptoms and some nastiness in the morning still, but I think this quit is the ONE.

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

day 10 for me and going strong

Day 10 now

M2tbo it's hot here as well. Not really craving a cigarette though which is odd because I used to love smoking on a hot and sunny day. Maybe the Allen Carr book did change the way I think about smoking

Hi Icba,glad you are going strong.D10 fo me too and cravings are lesser now.The first days are the hardest and we don't think we will ever get through here we are looking at 2 wks.unbelievable and its gone so fast.:D

My skin looks fresher and Im brushing my teeth within an inch of their life..........lifes on th up :D

nsd_user663_40237 profile image

Iv done that lol i have even panicked that i have lite one and left it somewhere. x

Debbie, that is great. Gave me a good laugh today. I can't be in posession of smokes or at some point I will just break and have one. Not because I want one or crave one, just simply because they are there and no one is there to stop me.

nsd_user663_58827 profile image

Well done to M2tbo, Debbie and carolrose. The days are flying by now, day 11 for three of us. It'll soon be the weekend which means that week 3 is approaching.

I've not had a 'ghost cigarette' yet but i have had a couple of dreams where I've been smoking. I've woken up feeling like I'd ruined my quit attempt only to find that it was all a dream.

I had a nose bleed this morning as well for no apparent reason - I'm not sure if that's related. I don't think I've ever had a nosebleed before.

nsd_user663_56896 profile image

Well done to M2tbo, Debbie and carolrose. The days are flying by now, day 11 for three of us. It'll soon be the weekend which means that week 3 is approaching.

I've not had a 'ghost cigarette' yet but i have had a couple of dreams where I've been smoking. I've woken up feeling like I'd ruined my quit attempt only to find that it was all a dream.

I had a nose bleed this morning as well for no apparent reason - I'm not sure if that's related. I don't think I've ever had a nosebleed before.

Those dreams about smoking is annoying at times, and I think it happens to most of us. I'm into month 4, and this past week I have had I 2 of those dreams. One of them was very intense and I had thought I had smoked for a second.

nsd_user663_40237 profile image

Well done to you too icba on making it to Day 11. This week is dragging on but making it through.

I haven't had any smoking dreams, but I don't think I have been sleeping enough though. Still getting some cravings though, but they are significantly weaker and I can get through them pretty easy. I know working through the triggers is the best way to retrain the brain, but I have a long way to go.

nsd_user663_59570 profile image

New to all this!

Hiya, I started champix just over a week ago and am now on day 8 with the blue tablets. I have still been smoking and yesterday was the first real day I felt sick and cut back on the amount i smoked. Should I keep smoking when i get the cravings or is now the time to say sod it don't need you as i will only feel sick afterwards??!!

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

hi Toni and welcome to the forum

Congrats on your decision to quit. I don't know much about champix but if the cigs are making you feel quit and you are not enjoying them, why are you smoking them?

It might be a good idea to start a new thread asking people about it ( there is a preparation part to the forum which if you post in there all the members will see it) You will get some more replies that are from champix quitters.

As most will say though, it is your and only you can decide but there will be loads of advice and support on here for you.

\look forward to following your journey to freedom;)

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Hi Toni

Like you I only started feeling sick when I started the blue tablets and I stopped on the 10th day, with me I still felt sick once I'd stopped smoking but only on the am tablet, I am now taking just the night time one as the nausea and dizziness were just too much for me, luckily I'm still getting the benefits and have been smoke free for 23 days now. My partner has also decided to quit on Champix, he felt sick from the first day and is due to start the blue ones tomorrow so I have everything crossed for him. Good Luck with the quit and stick with it as long as you can, if things get really bad have a chat with the GP or nurse as they will have more suggestions that will help.

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