I really do want to quit smoking but I know... - No Smoking Day

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I really do want to quit smoking but I know its gonna be a long road

nsd_user663_58062 profile image
40 Replies

Good evening all.

As you may have gathered from the title of my thread I do want to stop smoking but I know it will take grit and determination as ive I have tried several times to stop with limited success (my last attempt coming last year (2 days) but a stressful day at work left me reaching for the ciggies again. I have enlisted the help of this forum as a support base.

I am a 25 year old male (been smoking since I was 16) I mostly smoke tobacco and some days I lose track of how many I do smoke (probably 10-20 a day) I have been previously bad on weed but I have managed to give that up this year (despite a few relapses)

My worst times are:

The morning brew

Winding down breaks

Dinner breaks at work

During alcohol consumption

My old man passed away due to lung cancer last year (ud think that would make want to quit on the spot but it hasnt) it shows how much of a tough addiction smoking is to actually quit.

I have also been struggling with a gambling problem for a while also (which has been more financially and emotionally draining than smoking) had a nasty relapse with that on friday night but i am on the right track with it (lets ****** keep it that way shall we)Im going to find giving up smoking tougher than giving up gambling I know it already.

Im going to start by going cold turkey tmoz and contemplating not having a drink for the rest of the month to aid the abstinence from smoking, im not going to start tonight as ive been smoking for most of the day and will find the cravings too tough to resist this evening.

The methods ive previously used are patches (chucked them in the bin because they irratated my arm and created discomfort) I do have an e-cig but no filters AND I WOULD PROBABLY HAVE BOUGHT SOME IF I DIDNT GAMBLE THE REST OF MY WAGE AWAY.

The hard work starts from tomorrow

Any advice would be greatly appreciated


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nsd_user663_58062 profile image
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40 Replies
nsd_user663_55073 profile image

Hi Rob

You have made the right decision to quit, it will not be easy, and there will be hard times ahead, but if you are determined you WILL do it.

Come on to this forum when you want to vent, type anything, and everything, there is always someone here to give advice.

It is a good idea to refrain from drinking, as the two go hand in hand.

The first three days are the most difficult, but it does get easier.

Good luck. :)

nsd_user663_58062 profile image

Cheers for the reply Jane ;)

I know its gonna be hard and I will try not to be too hard on myself in the event of a relapse.

Thank you

nsd_user663_58062 profile image

Thanks Max

I will have to do whats best for me, that's all I can do at this point.

Cheers for the support

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Good luck

Good luck and welcome!

You have certainly come to the right place for support!! Give it your best shot - set yourself targets and reward yourself for meeting them (not with cigarettes obviously). We are all here to help.


nsd_user663_58062 profile image

Goin to sleep shortly.

Last cig has just been smoked, im off work tomorrow so I will have to keep myself busy.

Night everyone

nsd_user663_58062 profile image

Good afternoon

I have had 3 cigarettes today (last one being an hour ago) even though its only 3 cigs its still a few smokes tho. Im not getting myself too down about it, if we didnt make mistakes and learn from them we wouldnt be human.

I had been watching this for a bit of inspiration and it has been a bit of an eye opener:


Will post again tonight


NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Quitting is a marathon not a sprint.

Its worth having a read through the links in my signature and the bottom 2 are free online quit smoking programmes.

IIRC they both suggest that you start following them before you stop smoking.

Reading up about nicotine and addiction and what to expect while quitting helps you get your head around what is happening and how to secure a successful quit.

If you can change the way you think of smoking then it will make it more straight forward. Try to let go of the idea that quitting is a sacrifice and that you are denying yourself some kind of pleasure. In reality you are denying yourself nothing, look on it as a positive situation regaining health, wealth and control.

95% if a quit is in the mind, nicotine as a drug doesn't cause as strong a chemical dependency as we are led to believe, after 3 weeks the chemical withdrawal in done but over the many years of smoking we create a conditioned response to light up at numerous times and in numerous circumstance. Unlearning these habits (for lack of a better word) isn't easy you just have to practice and the more time you do it successfully the easier it becomes.

All the best


nsd_user663_58062 profile image

Think I've relapsed with just about everything this month :-(

Not good

Need to attempt another quit at some point

Got a few nights out so I'll probably relapse with the smoking then.

I'll be back when I've got my **** in order.


nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Hi there, sorry it didn't work out for you this time but I hope you will be back soon to try again!


nsd_user663_59642 profile image

I'll be back when I've got my **** in order.


Have you got it back in order, yet, Rob?

You can do it, both the gambling and the fags. You really have to want to do it. Yes, it will be twice as hard, stopping two things at once, but the rewards will be doubled and you will be cheered on twice as loudly!

Just think of the wonderful new life which is there, just waiting for you. :)

nsd_user663_58062 profile image

IM BACK!!!!!!!

As the majority of you will have gathered, I didn't return as I went back to smoking and did not give it a good go at all.

I return on day 2 of not smoking with a plan in place this time & patches, gum & an e-cig :).

Come through some awful cravings in the last 24hrs but come through them I will find this going tough.

Here's to a fresh no-smoking free start!!!!!!

Be back on soon

Thank you


Last cigarette smoked 7/5/14

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

IM BACK!!!!!!!

As the majority of you will have gathered, I didn't return as I went back to smoking and did not give it a good go at all.

I return on day 2 of not smoking with a plan in place this time & patches, gum & an e-cig :).

Come through some awful cravings in the last 24hrs but come through them I will find this going tough.

Here's to a fresh no-smoking free start!!!!!!

Be back on soon

Thank you


Last cigarette smoked 7/5/14

Good luck Rob hope the next few weeks arent too trying for you sending lots of positive vibes, :)

nsd_user663_58062 profile image

Thanks for the reply Donna those positive vibes I will be sending back :).

Still no cigs today :)

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Welcome back Rob, and well done from me on getting to grips with Day 2. The first 3 days really are the worst in my opinion and once you're through them you can start to count down the hours to the end of your first smoke-free week. :)

Very glad to hear that you've armed yourself with plenty of NRT this time. I know many people can & do manage to quit CT and I have huge admiration for them but I know that personally I couldn't have done it. Knowing you have some NRT to turn to can truly make the crucial difference and I hope that proves to be the case for you.

Lovely to meet you by the way. :)

PS: Did you manage to kick the gambling issues into touch? If so, it goes to show that you have the strength and will-power you need to do the same to the Demon Nic. :D

nsd_user663_58062 profile image

Thanks for the message skiddaw :)

Day 2 is over and done with in a couple of hours time when I grab some 40 winks.

Some very testing times lie ahead and it's not gonna be easy.

I'm like you for the fact that there is no chance of me quitting via CT at all.

Let's see how it goes & thanks again.

Sadly at present I haven't managed to get on top of the gambling but that's an issue that I will deal with separately. I have a specifically set up support network for this. I have however started to make headway with it again which is good :).

Quitting smoking is undeniably harder and if I can conquer this then there is nothing I can't achieve.

nsd_user663_58062 profile image

Good morning all.

Onto day 6 of no smoking and it has not been easy.

Still getting by on the patches and the c**p e-cig not much else to say at the mo really apart from I'll be back posting during the week.

Stay strong folks.


Last cigarette smoked 6/7/14 18.56pm

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Well done Rob! Really glad to hear you're still with us and holding on in there. :)

Whatever it takes...just keeping doing it and keep putting one foot in front of the other. You can make it.

nsd_user663_58062 profile image

Thanks for the replies Jenny & skiddaw :)

Just over a week up to now & I'm amazed that I've made it this far and more tests will come my way as I adjust to my now smoke free life.

Not been easy as I say but hanging in there & not doing too bad.

Went to see the stop smoking nurse and my CO2 levels are good and more patches prescribed happy days!!!!

Be back soon


Last cigarette smoked 6/5/14 18.55pm

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Well done Rob! Keep up the brilliant work.


nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Well done that man! :D

A big pat on the back from me Rob. You should be very proud of yourself. :)

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Well done on getting that first week out of the way Rob x

nsd_user663_58062 profile image

I'm a bit overwhelmed with all the replies thanks very much it means an awful lot :)

nsd_user663_58062 profile image

Good evening

The reason for my absence has been coz I totally went of the rails & started smoking again. Got a couple of nights out planned this weekend so I'm going to be trying to stop again from Monday

Be back on at the start of the week .

nsd_user663_62366 profile image


We are all waiting for you, wagon's leaving soon. Come back on and join us fellow ex-smokers, nicotine addicts, on the ride out of nicotown. :D

I have fallen off soo many times I've lost count and am determined to stay on this time. You can do it, Rob.


nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Rob, stick with us and we'll all hold onto you to stop you from tumbling off the wagon again.

You can do it- you can, honestly- and you will. With us behind you (and quite possibly on top of you holding you down) how can you possibly fail?? :D

Welcome back mate :)

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

Good evening

The reason for my absence has been coz I totally went of the rails & started smoking again. Got a couple of nights out planned this weekend so I'm going to be trying to stop again from Monday

Be back on at the start of the week .

It's Monday tomorrow, see you then ;)

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Indeed it is Monday to morrow, so come on let's get underway. Make this day, a quit day.

Nothing to be lost by not trying! We are here to support each other through those difficult times,

So I wish you well and do hope tomorrow is the right day for you!

You can do this, as form me, I cannot believe I've come this far, and the main contribution to my quit is the power of the people on the forum, just brilliant

nsd_user663_61059 profile image

Good luck man.

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Hi Rob, have just read your thread, how well you are doing.

I wish you all the success you need to deal with this strong addiction, doing great, just keep going, I do hope your proud of your self so far,

nsd_user663_63134 profile image

From my e-cig using experience, it doesn't matter whether it has filter or not. Coz it contains no tar and other harmful chemicial things like tobacco.

Hi again and really sorry for not coming back & posting.

I have stopped again (day 2)

This time doing it with support from the stop smoking doc & using NRT in the form of Nicorette quickmist & the inhalator.

Been a bit tough but not doing too bad up to now.

Will keep the contact up this time.


nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi Rob, let's make this the one for us eh? Read and post often it will help keep you on the straight and narrow, good luck x

Yes let's do :). For now what I can say is that I feel good for stopping & I don't need cigarettes in my life all they'll do is drag me down. I felt the difference at the gym today even in this short time :)

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Exactly and you will only feel more health benefits as time goes on, nice one for trying again, you can do this xx

Hi Rob, having looked back at your previous posts it seems that alcohol is a quit killer for you. You posted a couple of times that you expected you'd smoke on nights out and you did.

If you really want to quit, you need to stop repeating previous mistakes and avoid situations that are likely to lead back to smoking. Half hearted rarely, if ever, cuts the mustard when it comes to quitting.

Reading that back it may sound harsh, but if you really do want to quit smoking then you have to do what it takes. Going willingly into situations that are likely to cause you to want to smoke will just make it nigh on impossible to build a solid quit.

The question you have to ask yourself is are you prepared to do whatever it takes to quit? Are you prepared to avoid excessive alcohol to preserve your quit? Repeating history will just lead to the same end result.

You can do it, plenty have, but rather than really wanting to quit, you have to really, really, really want to quit :)

I am back :-)

Rather than delving in too deep I disappeared coz I started again etc.

Done 2 weeks with an e-cig which I plan to stay on for at least 6 months but I'm just gonna have to charge the fucker if I take it out simply put.

I'm gonna create a new thread to support this new quit.

Thanks for reading


No cigarette smoked since 21/1/16 :-)

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor in reply to nsd_user663_58062

I know what you mean about not charging the e-cig before you go out. I was in that flat battery situation a few months ago. It's like having cigarettes but no lighter!

Best of luck with the new quit and I look forward to seeing how it goes.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Welcome back Robman, wishing you success, strength and positive vibes in your new journey...look forward to reading your progress....:)

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

Robman... I admire your consistent quit efforts..You really brings meaning to the saying: "Fall 7 times but stand up 8 times" !!!

Strongs on this one and I believe this is the one !!!

Thanks for the replies & I'll be back soon 😄

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