All of a sudden a struggle again: Gosh i... - No Smoking Day

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All of a sudden a struggle again

nsd_user663_57734 profile image
20 Replies

Gosh i sounded positive earlier & i was! I'm nearly through day 7 but i'm missing smoking so much, i feel sad but good for not smoking. But i just dont have anything to feel that complete feeling. Tea and cookies just aint cutting it. Think this is another mad crave, my mouth is actually just watering for one but i know if i did i would jus feel crappy! God this grip that nicotine has over us i hate it and find it such hard going sometimes.

I wonder if these mad carves will ever leave me. I know everyone says it gets easier but will i ever stop thinking about smoking????

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nsd_user663_57734 profile image
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20 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gosh i sounded positive earlier & i was! I'm nearly through day 7 but i'm missing smoking so much, i feel sad but good for not smoking. But i just dont have anything to feel that complete feeling. Tea and cookies just aint cutting it. Think this is another mad crave, my mouth is actually just watering for one but i know if i did i would jus feel crappy! God this grip that nicotine has over us i hate it and find it such hard going sometimes.

I wonder if these mad carves will ever leave me. I know everyone says it gets easier but will i ever stop thinking about smoking????

Ooh I remember that feeling so well Kim!!

It's very familiar - like you're feeling empty in your tummy and when will this end?

Well it does end. It doesn't happen overnight but it definitely does go!!

The emptiness is because you've smoked for 16 years and you're a bit shocked the habit's gone - plus it's nicotine withdrawal too. You've spent all that time training your brain that having a fag makes things better, and now you're unlearning it!!

Hang in there hun, you want to beat this and you flipping well will!!

Meantime get a lolly and suck on that, drink water, put some music on and take your mind off it :)

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

Hey there,

It does get better I promise you but as said it doesn't happen over night. Try to occupy yourself with something else - perhaps exercise, I find eating almonds/seeds slowly is quite good too, clean your teeth, have a bath. The thoughts/craves are a collection of little moments which feels like you are thinking about fags constantly but in reality each one only lasts a few minutes. Eventually the time between the thoughts gets longer and it may be a few hours in between thoughts, then a day, then a few days etc, the more you bat them away the easier it gets.

Hang in there you'll do it and the rewards are awesome :-)

nsd_user663_22435 profile image

Gosh i sounded positive earlier & i was! I'm nearly through day 7 but i'm missing smoking so much, i feel sad but good for not smoking. But i just dont have anything to feel that complete feeling. Tea and cookies just aint cutting it. Think this is another mad crave, my mouth is actually just watering for one but i know if i did i would jus feel crappy! God this grip that nicotine has over us i hate it and find it such hard going sometimes.

I wonder if these mad carves will ever leave me. I know everyone says it gets easier but will i ever stop thinking about smoking????

I'll just share this with you, Kim...this is my post from a few days ago:

I don't remember this from my last quits...All of a sudden, I'm having a major craving. I'm not talking the ones that only last a few minutes...I'm talking full on screaming craving that's doubled me over. This is awful...I'm crying & shaking. This feckin sucks....7 days clear & this is actually worse than the 48-72 hours after quitting cravings. Yes, I've kept busy, yes, I've done deep breathing, yes, I've walked, yes, I've taken a bath, yes, I've chewed gum...I think the only thing I haven't done is kick the c r a p out of something...& I can't do that because of the arthritis in my ****** hands & feet!!!

So...I'm with you all the way. I'm a few days ahead of you in the quit, Kim...but I CAN tell you it does improve. It's utter & total hell when it's happening but it does...really does...get better. Hang in there...punch a wall, scream into a pillow & ley the storm pass xxx

nsd_user663_57734 profile image

I find thats the only thing that gives me bit of pleasure the sweet stuff baly, & i aint got anything nice in!!! I no i have to take my thought away. Cant help little niggly thoughts getting into my head and me thinking of never smoking again, i dont want to but cant help but think i will miss it.

I have to get away from that!!! I no what i have to do but telling my brain that is where the problem is. Like all of a sudden i lose all confidence in my quit, self doubt, failure creeps in aswell!!!! Its a mental trip......

Sophie bless you, that sounded like such a difficult crave & you got through it, this is a minor probably compared to yours its just the mind tripping i cant deal with. I'm in control of my brain and thoughts so why the hell do i let this rubbish take over my thoughts where is it coming from???

I'm sorry everyone for these posts, feel on top of world then like this. One minute your praising, then your having to pull me up. I appreciate it anyway. I think if i didn't have this forum i would have gave in already......

I'm sticking with it

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I'm sorry everyone for these posts, feel on top of world then like this. One minute your praising, then your having to pull me up. I appreciate it anyway. I think if i didn't have this forum i would have gave in already......

I'm sticking with it

Never ever ever feel you have to apologise hun, that's what we're here for!!

I *know* I'd be smoking again without this place, it's saved me lots of times and it's nice to help!!

Oh and sweet stuff is fab for me, I got hooked on pink wafer biccies :p

Well done for sticking with it :) xx

nsd_user663_57605 profile image

Lady K ~ I have also wondered if these cravings would ever stop. Thank goodness for all of these wonderful people in this forum that have assured me the cravings do stop. I have also been eating more sweets - but fear I am going to trade in one bad habit for another. I don't want to get addicted to candy! :p I have been eating lots of sunflower seeds. Give that a try.... the time it takes to get the seed out of the shell etc...helps with time and the whole hand to mouth motion. Not sure if that makes sense - but give it a try. Don't throw in the towel - you have gone too far to give up.

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Hey Lady K! That little s***bag trying to sink his teeth into you? He does that and it can take time for him to get the hint! :rolleyes:

Cravings like these were, unfortunately, those few "grit your teeth" moments. Not much makes a difference and you spend all of your time trying to tell yourself to think positively, when all you want is to wallow and smoke 100 cigs. Well, at least you THINK this is what you want.

Beware hun, Nasty Nic is a horrible, nasty little devil who will plant anything in your head to make you give in.

Grin and bear it hun. Do whatever you have to. Tomorrow is another day and you will find this easier. Just drag yourself through the tough patches! You can definately do it! :D xxx

nsd_user663_22435 profile image

I'm sorry everyone for these posts, feel on top of world then like this. One minute your praising, then your having to pull me up. I appreciate it anyway. I think if i didn't have this forum i would have gave in already

Hey....keep letting us know how you feel. I know what it's like when people don't seem to understand how difficult it is...& how much of a surprise these cravings are when they hit you. We'll be here for you x

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

I find thats the only thing that gives me bit of pleasure the sweet stuff baly, & i aint got anything nice in!!! I no i have to take my thought away. Cant help little niggly thoughts getting into my head and me thinking of never smoking again, i dont want to but cant help but think i will miss it.

I have to get away from that!!! I no what i have to do but telling my brain that is where the problem is. Like all of a sudden i lose all confidence in my quit, self doubt, failure creeps in aswell!!!! Its a mental trip......

Sophie bless you, that sounded like such a difficult crave & you got through it, this is a minor probably compared to yours its just the mind tripping i cant deal with. I'm in control of my brain and thoughts so why the hell do i let this rubbish take over my thoughts where is it coming from???

I'm sorry everyone for these posts, feel on top of world then like this. One minute your praising, then your having to pull me up. I appreciate it anyway. I think if i didn't have this forum i would have gave in already......

I'm sticking with it

No apologies please! ;)

I'm sure if you look back over my posts you will see hours sometimes between the personality changes. I would post something really positive in the morning and would be feeling like crap only a couple of hours later! :O

Get it all out of your system. Here is really the best place to be right now! :) x

nsd_user663_57605 profile image

No apologies please! ;)

I'm sure if you look back over my posts you will see hours sometimes between the personality changes. I would post something really positive in the morning and would be feeling like crap only a couple of hours later! :O

Get it all out of your system. Here is really the best place to be right now! :) x

Sarah - Exactly!!!! No better place to vent your frustrations then here.

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Tea is another option...

Ok this may sound a bit odd but I have discovered that I suddenly like tea now that I don't smoke. Also as I never drank it while a smoker, I don't associate it with smoking. In particular, I have fallen in love with teapigs. And the best news is.... Most of the varieties are actually good for you!

So, the moral of my story is try something new, that you may find enjoyable, whether it be a food, drink, exercise, hobby. I'm sure it will give you something new to focus on.

Hang in there


nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Will the cravings ever stop? Will you ever stop feeling this way?

Absolutely, categorically YES and YES!!!

It happens at a different time for everyone, but it happens for everyone.

I felt exactly like you did to begin with, thought I was going fruit loops. And I spent 24 years dragging away on those things, thought I would NEVER be able to give up. Thought it was part of my identity.

But now, I promise you, although I do still think about smoking in a very detached way, if someone offered me a grand to light up, I wouldn't do it (and I'm really broke :D). I seriously can't even imagine the thought of breathing in smoke now, the very idea makes me feel sick.

And there's nothing special about me - EVERYONE has it in them to quit. Just keep going, one day at a time, keep undoing that subconscious programming bit by bit. You can do this!

nsd_user663_22435 profile image
nsd_user663_22435 are you today, hun? Feeling any better? xxx

nsd_user663_57734 profile image

Hey thanks everyone! I'm day 8 and half, very pleased.

Hi Sophie i'm ok today thanks & you? Ive had a few little thoughts today nothing major, although at one point thought i could really do with a fag right now!

Just at a & e with my son he hurt he's wrist, normally out for a fag not now, just waiting.

Really love how people are so quick and kind in their response to peoples problems its a great help thanks so much x

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Hey thanks everyone! I'm day 8 and half, very pleased.

Hi Sophie i'm ok today thanks & you? Ive had a few little thoughts today nothing major, although at one point thought i could really do with a fag right now!

Just at a & e with my son he hurt he's wrist, normally out for a fag not now, just waiting.

Really love how people are so quick and kind in their response to peoples problems its a great help thanks so much x

Glad that today has been a little less difficult hun.

Well done!! :D x

nsd_user663_22435 profile image

Just at a & e with my son he hurt he's wrist, normally out for a fag not now, just waiting.

Aw, poor lad...& poor you! How brilliantly are you doing? You've been have battled against so much these few days...well done! x

nsd_user663_57734 profile image

Thanks so much guys. Sophie are you ok? Btw my son was ok x

nsd_user663_22435 profile image

Oh, I'm glad your son was ok. I'm fine, hun...still busy trying to find room to put crap from one room, simply to make enough room to sort that room out! :D

nsd_user663_57734 profile image

Glad your ok & lol its a problem i face all the time SPACE or lack of it x

nsd_user663_22435 profile image

lol its a problem i face all the time SPACE or lack of it

It's a nightmare....moved to this house 2 months ago (bedroom tax) from a 4 bed to a 3 bed & the dining room's still full of feckin boxes & crap! Still trying to sort the rooms out but we're having to repair the walls & ceilings before we even get brush to wall due to the fact that the numpty who lived here before was a complete bodger! (& I'm trying to be nice...actually, if I typed exactly what I feel about him, I'd be banned from the group!!!)....& then there's the garden....I filled half a large bin bag full of their dog's crap because they were too damn lazy to walk it & let it go in the back garden! But it's a hell of a mess!

Still, at least there's plenty of things to do which should keep my mind & body under control! ;)

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