I smoked for 19 years then stopped in 2006 using Allen Carr's EASYWAY. Stupidly had some puffs last Summer and started again now I'm struggling to stop again. I've read the book a few times now and know what to do, bought the DVD as well and watched it in one go and then went on holiday with my 7 year old last week and was fine, didn't smoke or think about smoking but on the way home I knew I'd smoke so stopped and bought a pack. One thing to note is I have kept my smoking a secret, only one of my mates knows I smoke now.
My problem seems to be this, when I know I can't smoke I am fine, no real cravings...like when out with friends or at home with my daughter (I live alone and she's with me a few nights a week). But as soon as I'm alone and my subconscious seems to will me to smoke even though I don't really want to.
I'm obviously missing something and am hoping you guys have some hints and tips to help me through this. I'm having a hard time understanding why I can't stop myself during alone time.
Thanks in advance