failed for 4 days ;(: HI there everyone, i'm... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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failed for 4 days ;(

nsd_user663_57818 profile image
16 Replies

HI there everyone, i'm new here as everyone should have guessed ;) ...I have been trying to quit for the past 4 days and have kept going back to the shops to buy a pack. Longest i have been was 25 hours and i just smoked one stick 20 mins ago. Now i'm feeling sad and depressed...

I found this forum and i think i would need all the support that i could get... Im now thinking why did i had to go and buy a pack and why did i smoke again.. but the craving was too strong for me to fight it.

I'm now thinking of trying again after i smoked a few more sticks and throw the rest away since it's going to be my bed time soon and start a fresh once again in the morning :mad:

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nsd_user663_57818 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_56237 profile image

That's a great idea Godspeed, but you could do with a plan. :rolleyes: Do you feel comfortable cold turkey or would you rather have some form of NRT? Are you happy to try again on your own or would you prefer the help of your gp? Is there anything over the last few days that you can take forward with you, to help you in this quit?

However you decide to go about it,we'll be here :) Sounds like you're fed up of the fags and ready to try again, so good luck!

Sarah Lou x

nsd_user663_57818 profile image

That's a great idea Godspeed, but you could do with a plan. :rolleyes: Do you feel comfortable cold turkey or would you rather have some form of NRT? Are you happy to try again on your own or would you prefer the help of your gp? Is there anything over the last few days that you can take forward with you, to help you in this quit?

However you decide to go about it,we'll be here :) Sounds like you're fed up of the fags and ready to try again, so good luck!

Sarah Lou x

Hi sarah, i was actually using e-cigarettes for the past 4 months and quit normal cigarettes last year dec 1 .. than last month i started to get fast heartbeats, tight pressure on my chest etc... so i finally figured out that it was the e-cigs causing it for me. Than i had no choice but to come back to normal cigarettes and now i am just craving or sometimes feel that i missing something ... since yesterday i have tried to eat more , drink more water and try to not think about cigarette but that was what i was thinking all thing i did notice in the time i did not smoke was that my heartbeat was much less than when i am smoking. I think going cold turkey would be a better option for me. Just feeling sad now that i gave in to my cravings

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

It's horrible, I know. But I can tell that you want this.

So lets start fresh tomorrow, with a positive attitude. :) You can do this and cold turkey really is the best way! I used an e-cig on and off and, luckily, it didn't become my substitute. I got rid very quickly, when I realised that it was having similar effects to what you've described and I really didn't want to get hooked.

Try not to beat yourself up. Just being here means that you're serious, which is a leap forward!

I'll be on here from about 8am tomorrow morning. Feel free to pm me or open up a new thread, and I'll be here (along with lots of other helpful people) to guide you through day 1 :D x

nsd_user663_57818 profile image

thank you for all the help and support... Yes i really want to start to have a more health lifestyle and don't want to get hooked with ecigs as well. i read that some had cravings that last only for mins.. but for me it was like most of the time my mind was thinking of lighting up a cigarette... At the end i light one up... But i'm going to try again just worried that i need to control my self when the cravings kick in.. is there anything i could do to contol the cravings?

Would going to a GP help in any way?

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

:(thank you for all the help and support... Yes i really want to start to have a more health lifestyle and don't want to get hooked with ecigs as well. i read that some had cravings that last only for mins.. but for me it was like most of the time my mind was thinking of lighting up a cigarette... At the end i light one up... But i'm going to try again just worried that i need to control my self when the cravings kick in.. is there anything i could do to contol the cravings?

Would going to a GP help in any way?

If you go to your gp he/she will help by setting a date (sometimes this can help to mentally prepare you) for your quit and by discussing NRT available to you, they may also put you in touch with a local stop smoking group that you can attend.

There are hundreds of things you can do to get through the cravings! When you have time, have a good rummage through this forum and you'll find loads. :)

Some of my faves:

Eat sweeties (or swap for healthy snacks)

Drink a glass of cold water, slowly (really works!)

Go for a walk/run


Take it one minute at a time if you have to - I would tell myself "just one more hour, then you can decide whether or not to have one

Remind yourself of how terrible it feels to give in (my fear of the guilt I would feel definately helped)

You'll be fine.

What is your reason for deciding enough is enough, by the way?

nsd_user663_57818 profile image


If you go to your gp he/she will help by setting a date (sometimes this can help to mentally prepare you) for your quit and by discussing NRT available to you, they may also put you in touch with a local stop smoking group that you can attend.

There are hundreds of things you can do to get through the cravings! When you have time, have a good rummage through this forum and you'll find loads. :)

Some of my faves:

Eat sweeties (or swap for healthy snacks)

Drink a glass of cold water, slowly (really works!)

Go for a walk/run


Take it one minute at a time if you have to - I would tell myself "just one more hour, then you can decide whether or not to have one

Remind yourself of how terrible it feels to give in (my fear of the guilt I would feel definately helped)

You'll be fine.

What is your reason for deciding enough is enough, by the way?

My reason for trying to quit is , i feel uncomfortable after smoking, have fast heartbeats, headaches, smells bad and many more reasons... but althoiugh i have more reasons to quit still i can't do it... guess my problem is that i really miss the hand to mouth action and seeing the smoke and making rings or O rings lol.. ;) also maybe the thoughts that i can't smoke after a meal or waking up or going for a ride etc.

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

There are definately plenty of good reasons for us to get rid, that's for sure :)

How long have you smoked for and how many a day would you say you usually get through?

nsd_user663_57818 profile image

There are definately plenty of good reasons for us to get rid, that's for sure :)

How long have you smoked for and how many a day would you say you usually get through?

yes, i've been a smoker for 20 years, i'm 32 now. Normally one pack (20 sticks) a day for me. I also notice that when i'm stress or bored or lonely or excited i tend to smoke more or get the trigger/craving... and if i were to drink alcohol it's a must that i have to smoke and that would mean giving up on alcohol as well.

nsd_user663_57531 profile image

Get a Plan


Sorry you are getting distressed about quitting attempts. Been there - done that. The advice to get a plan sorted out is the best advice. Quitting smoking is momentus! It`s a life changing decision. I`m sure there are plenty of people who can just `stop` - but most of us mere mortals need to make it a campaign. Read up - decide the best course for YOU, set a date and then give it your best shot. Cold turkey may be the best - but its not for everyone. There are plenty of options - patches, gum (lozenges - which I use), chantix etc. YOU CAN DO IT! You seem to be ready to face the challenge. I didn`t join this forum until nearly three weeks into my quit but I had been on here every day reading everyone`s struggles/successes/ideas - it is fantastic support. Good Luck.

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

yes, i've been a smoker for 20 years, i'm 32 now. Normally one pack (20 sticks) a day for me. I also notice that when i'm stress or bored or lonely or excited i tend to smoke more or get the trigger/craving... and if i were to drink alcohol it's a must that i have to smoke and that would mean giving up on alcohol as well.

Good morning godspeed! :)

I hope you're feeling a little better and have a plan ready in your head today. It's proven that positive thinking goes a long way, so get your positive cap on! ;)

You talk about having to quit alcohol as well as cigarettes. Please don't do this. I know so many people who have done this and months down the line they still can't drink because it makes them want to smoke.

It isn't as hard as you're thinking it will be, so don't panic.

Rather than thinking about all of the challenges ahead, let's just take it one step at a time and you can deal with situations as they arise. x

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

I agree with Sarah-Lou. Don't try cut out "triggers" such as alcohol, coffee or chocolate" as this means you are depriving yourself of things you might actually enjoy. Also when you try have those things again some time down the line - the cravings will get much worse.

I am using a e-cig to help me, but I refuse to cut out all my other vices (those listed above) as I would find that too depressing and they aren't harmful in moderation - unlike cigarettes! The e-cig is helping me - but I don't feel addicted to it one month on. My plan is to stop using it in another 2 months.

Well done for making the decision to stop! It is hard but not impossible. This forum is so helpful - there is always someone here to give you a friendly word or a little advice or support. It also helps to see that others are experiencing the same things as you. You will probably also find it rewarding and helpful giving other people advice from your own experiences.

Anyway, enough rambling from me - good luck and let us know how you get on!

nsd_user663_57818 profile image

thank you all for your support... i think i have made up my mind to go cold turkey one more time and see how i do... i still have just a few sticks left and once that is finished... i'm going cold turkey. i'm going to give it another try... i just need to remind myself how unhealthy smoking is and the harm it does to our body.

sometimes i feel good when smoking and thats one of the reasons my mind tells me smoking is not bad for me... But if i could convince it's bad for me i think i would do better...

nsd_user663_57818 profile image

by the way where do i get this book from allen carr? online if possible so that i could read more about it as many seem to talk about that book ...

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

by the way where do i get this book from allen carr? online if possible so that i could read more about it as many seem to talk about that book ...

You can get it cheap on eBay or Amazon no problem :)

Think mine was around £3

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Good luck Godspeed! :)

We'll be here if you need us and please remember to cone on and post if you're struggling at all.

Also, please try to remember that you're doing something really positive for yourself and not think of this as being deprivating. It will be much harder if you feel like you're being punished.

Try to remind yourself of your reasons for quitting, and don't forget to reward yourself with the money you save!!

I'm sure you'll do great :D xxx

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

Hi Godspeed and welcome to the forum, I think the others have it covered when recommending getting yourself a plan and being positive. Good luck :-)

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