Day 4 - Anyone else at this stage? - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 4 - Anyone else at this stage?

nsd_user663_4970 profile image
18 Replies

I posted my first post yesterday, while on day 3 - now on day 4.

As I have read that all the nicotine is out of the body by 3 days I have decided to brave things today and not use a patch, so will see how things go.

So far all going ok. I have less of that longing feeling today but still struggling at the times when I would normally have smoked - before work, before a meeting, after a meeting, at lunch, after food etc. But somehow, and don't ask me how, I have convinced myself that I will not smoke again. Right now I really feel like I won't smoke again, so I'm just going to try and keep that mind set no matter how hard things get.

The other thing I'm doing is not saying that I can't smoke - I could quite easily nip in to a shop and buy 20 of my usual right now. The thing is, I'm not going to because as much as I want, I also don't want to. I've never had this much desire to not smoke before and this is what is keeping me going at the moment, so I really hope it lasts.

Hope everyone else going ok, especially those at this stage too.


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nsd_user663_4970 profile image
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18 Replies
nsd_user663_4889 profile image


Hi Stu

Welcome to the forum. Ive found it very helpful and everyone very supportive whether youre having a great day or if its one of those days which as I say "I go from zero to bitch in 0.5 seconds".

Im on day 4 too... Had my last cig sunday night. Im using champix which has been great for the physical cravings but like you I find the psychological aspect the most difficult.

I associate smoking with most everything :rolleyes: so have had to do some things to change my routine a little and keep my hands busy especially in the evening.

I think its great to not tell yourself you cant smoke because yes you can if you want to... I dont know about you but whenever Im told I cant I say oh yes I can...just watch me :)

Good luck and all the best.


nsd_user663_3190 profile image

Hey Stu, nice going man - 4 days!!! I also found day 4 felt like a breath of relief after the intensity of the first few days. And I think you've found the key in changing your thought process like that, for me its felt a bit like those magic eye pictures - you know where you stare at them long enough and eventually your brain does a kinda flip and you see the image? I was driving along earlier today and I thought to myself how weird it was that I hadn't actually wanted a cigarette for a couple of days. I've been upside down and inside out emotionally, I feel like I can't string two thoughts together and I think my girlfriend might just lock me in a cupboard one of these days, but I haven't once thought about going to the corner shop to buy cigs to fix it. I totally understand what you're talking about just not wanting to smoke anymore. It feels incredibly liberating and I think as long as you keep thinking like that, the feeling will last.

I'm thinking about my life to come in terms of not being a smoker and it's really, really exciting and, I dunno, it's like after a thousand times trying to quit over the past few years the picture has suddenly come into focus. I want to be able to go to festivals and pubs and have fun without it all hanging on having to have a cigarette with a drink, or a conversation or anything else for that matter.

My brain feels like it needs the nicotine, like sometimes it's screaming for it (last weekend after a couple of drinks for example), but this week instead of thinking 'I want a cigarette', I'm changing it to 'My brain wants the drug', or 'I feel cloudy because my brain is adjusting to not having the drug'. Somehow shifting it like that, making it more impersonal and thinking of cigarettes in terms of the substance - the drug - rather than a 'fix' makes me feel more in control and able to make the decision to say 'I'm not going to give the drug to my brain'. It becomes a rational choice rather than an emotional one.

Does that make any sense? I do tend to ramble on sometimes hehe. :o

nsd_user663_4970 profile image

Hi Mona / Chris

Thanks both for your helpful words. I definitely find the apporach of not telling myself I can't smoke has helped me, as like you Mona I'd be more tempted to do it!

Chris, that does make sense! Especially the exciting thought of life without smoking. I used to be able to run loads and I'm looking forward to starting that back up again shortly and hopefully noticing the difference with my breathing.

I think my real challenge will come at thw weekend and the inevitable visit to the pub. Its going to be hard having a drink without smoking but right now I'm so determined to do this I am confident I'll make it through. Anyway, I still need to take it one day at a time and am just looking forward to (can you believe it, i'm looking forward to!!!) not smoking for the rest of the day and then dealing with tomorrow, tomorrow.

Keep going everyone, it must get easier.


nsd_user663_3190 profile image

I hear ya. I'm looking forward to getting out running again too. Be careful in the pub though mate, beer doesn't half monkey with the best laid plan sometimes.

nsd_user663_4889 profile image

My brain feels like it needs the nicotine, like sometimes it's screaming for it (last weekend after a couple of drinks for example), but this week instead of thinking 'I want a cigarette', I'm changing it to 'My brain wants the drug', or 'I feel cloudy because my brain is adjusting to not having the drug'. Somehow shifting it like that, making it more impersonal and thinking of cigarettes in terms of the substance - the drug - rather than a 'fix' makes me feel more in control and able to make the decision to say 'I'm not going to give the drug to my brain'. It becomes a rational choice rather than an emotional one.

Hi again :)

Chris I really like what you said about the shift in thinking. Ive been reading the online book on and one of the things they suggested to do (when I still had cigs around) was to break one up and look at it objectively...some paper..a filter and bits of dried leaves and ask yourself if youre gonna let that control you? Sometimes when the carve hits me pretty strong I think of that broken cig and the bits of dried leaves and tell myself that it has no power over me.

As for the pub careful. For me Ive made the choice to stay away from the pubs until I have a few weeks maybe a month under my belt. Thats just me but like Chris said sometimes the best laid plans....


nsd_user663_4970 profile image

Thanks both.

I'm kind of torn bewteen not stopping myself from doing things because I associate them with smoking and doing things which will clearly make everything so much harder.

I think I'm going to see how the rest of today and then tomorrow goes and will decide at the time. If I'm finding it too hard on the day I'll avoid the situation, if not I'll give it a go as I think the longer I put it off the bigger an issue it'll be in my mind.


nsd_user663_4970 profile image

Good luck tonight Jess.

Yeah, I know what you mean about coming off the NRT too soon. Think I'll be straight back on the patches when I get home - have been a little annoyed today and this is the first day I've been like that so think I need the patches again.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi All :D

Well done all of you you're doing just fine and you're all at or around day 4 if you click the bottom link in my signautre it will take you to a site that has lots of helpful bits including one on the psychological side of quitting which I think will help you all to understand it better just scroll down the page

It helped me a lot so I kept it in my favourites for future reference

I hope it will help you all as it did me


Marg xxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4970 profile image

Thanks Marg - the link is excellent.

I think for me, the reason why this time has not been as difficult so far, is because I have taken the time to understand the changes that occur in the recovery process and to read as many experiences as possible.

Its also what has made me determined not to smoke again.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Stu :D

I'm pleased you liked that link as I said I kept it in my favourites and referred to it a lot for all sorts of things

Education is the key to a successful quit as you've found the more you read the better it is

You may have the odd bad day here and there but remember what you have read and go back and read it again if you need to


Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4901 profile image


Hi Stu and Chris

I'm on Day 3 - so I'm gate crashing really - but I'll be here in 3 hours 25 minutes anyway!

Just thought I'd pick up on the running. I have been a casual plodder for a couple of years now, and today I went for my first run since giving up at lunch time.

Wow - flipping heck - amazing! :eek: You will not believe the difference. My breathing was a breeze - after just 3 days! My nose didn't do it's usually running trick for the whole time, and my recovery was so much quicker. I did 3 miles by the river and it was amazing. I loved it.

Get out there guy's! It is so motivating - I never want to smoke again - I want to run a marathon! :D

Shall we start a running club? ;)

nsd_user663_4785 profile image

If you want to start a running club I'll stand and cheer you on :D

Sorry was never much of a runner whether i smoked or not ............ but I'll do the stop watch or cheer or give you water

Carol xx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Carol :D

Yep me too I'll help but no running no way


Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Jess :D

I'm pleased to hear that day 5 feels easier for you

Well done having a night out, having a drink and not smoking

Glad you selpt well for the first time since Monday so maybe the wine did help

Keep going nearly a week now Big Hug


Marg xxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4970 profile image

Well done with going out last night and not smoking Jess. I'm still not sure if I'll just avoid it at the weekend or tackle it head on.

I like the idea of an ex-smokers running club - it would be great to show ourselves we can keep up with those who have never smoked!

Day 5 today and all going well, except for the coughing. Oh the coughing!!!! Looks like my body has chosen today to get rid of the rubbish I'd been throwing into my lungs and throat!!!

nsd_user663_4891 profile image

Hi everyone!,

I had a good chuckle reading all the posts. We are all worried about going out for drinks when we are ex smokers:) But well done Jess for not giving in.

I personaly stopped drinking as i know that i'd be too week. Drink and ciggys go hand in hand so i'm almost T total and nicotine free!.

Well done to all and take care


nsd_user663_4818 profile image


Just read your post , well done for getting this far,

One thing I would say is be careful coming off the patch after such a short time, I did this once before and failed not on that day but a few days after I stopped using the patch

Good luck - wait till you get to the one week goal its such a great feeling of achievement


nsd_user663_4891 profile image

Hi there,

Good advice just given, may be a good idea to replace it with something else like chewing gum or something...,

It would be such a shame if you had a slip up after almost a week.

But either way, you do what your body tells you and follow it the best you can!

Speak soon and good work to all


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