Because it sort of is ;): Just posting here... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Because it sort of is ;)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
51 Replies

Just posting here 'cos it's now exactly a week since I last smoked my e-cig, which I think makes it day 8?

Anyway I'm flipping pleased with that 'cos it was like my dummy and was using it way too much!!

Am reducing the amount of NRT I'm on - it really is like a second quit, and if anything the e-cig is more insidious than fags because I had to make a conscious choice to go out and have a real smoke while I could use the e-cig anywhere so it really crept up on me. :eek:

I wanted to thank everyone who helped, especially Kat (who dragged me back from using the e-cig) and Max (who hated it anyway) 'cos I'd probably still be on it without you guys :) xxx

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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51 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Sweetheart I am SOOOOOO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!! :D:D:D

I know it came as a real shock to you to realise how hooked you'd become on it :eek: and it's been a real battle getting off it but you've faced it and you are WINNING!!!!!:D:D:D

It really is a second quit in many ways because it was both nicotine AND the hand to mouth action that you got back into with the e-cig so to be fighting both a second time is a big deal and you are doing fantastically well.

So be flippin' proud of yourself and how you've got through this last week because you deserve to be, you've earned a few treats so make sure you have them!;)

Aww thanks Kat, that's lovely!!

I'm really proud of myself for beating it - it's been rough and know it probably still will be 'cos like you say it's the hand to mouth thing as well - and the inhaling thingy too. Too much like smoking really :/

Am going to do it right this time and treat myself to something nice as well!! :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma sweetheart am so proud of you!!!

Typing on a mobile so brief but heartfelt Well

Done !!!!!! Xxx

Aww thanks Max!!

To freedom!! :D :D xxx

nsd_user663_56673 profile image

Well done Gemma-Lou, you're a real inspiration and I think a cautious tale for anyone using an e-cig. Be strong and you'll conquer this. Now for, handbag, facial, posh cream, posh chocolates..the list is endless :D

nsd_user663_57395 profile image

Well done. I think that really good.


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well done Gemma-Lou, you're a real inspiration and I think a cautious tale for anyone using an e-cig. Be strong and you'll conquer this. Now for, handbag, facial, posh cream, posh chocolates..the list is endless :D

Aw thanks!!

I hope it does warn other people about the e-cig 'cos they seem all nice and safe but they're not really - as my cough sort of proves :eek:

Ooh, those sound fab - got to choose which one now!!

Am thinking shoes maybe, or choccies :D :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well done. I think that really good.


Thanks Siane :)

How are you getting on?

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Wow, that's gone so quckly :D Well done sweetheart, you've done such a great job and I knew you'd hang on to the quit no matter how hard you had to fight! 8 Days with nothing ... not one somke of either the real thing or the plastic one. I think we've discovered that patches are the safest way to help, because it's nothing like the real thing and there are stages to follow. We were just sort of let loose with the e-cig so it's no wonder it was harder to kick!! :rolleyes:

I hope you're really happy with yourself hun. :) Well done! xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Wow, that's gone so quckly :D Well done sweetheart, you've done such a great job and I knew you'd hang on to the quit no matter how hard you had to fight! 8 Days with nothing ... not one somke of either the real thing or the plastic one. I think we've discovered that patches are the safest way to help, because it's nothing like the real thing and there are stages to follow. We were just sort of let loose with the e-cig so it's no wonder it was harder to kick!! :rolleyes:

I hope you're really happy with yourself hun. :) Well done! xxx

Aww thanks hun :)

I'ts been tough - really just like quitting all over again :eek: but I've managed OK so far!!

Am definitely much happier being on patches and a bit of gum here and there than on the e-cig, like you say it's nothing like having a fag which the e-cig is apart from the taste.

Seems daft to be craving a bit of plastic though - and actually quite scary.

I'm really pleased with myself now though - being hooked on the e-cig made me feel a bit of a fraud being on here :eek:

How are you getting on? :) xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

And now I feel rubbish :( :( :(

Am all grumpy and teary - know it's withdrawal but it flipping sucks :( :(

nsd_user663_54332 profile image


Tough it out babe, you are stronger than you think and this WILL pass. I know it's lousy while you're in the midst of it but you can get through this, and when you've come out the other side you can pat yourself on the back and celebrate another obstacle overcome.

Hang in there sweetpea, you're doing fine xxx :)

Thanks hun :)

I've got a stinking headache too :/

Know it will pass and I'll be fine soon but urgh it's horrible!!

Am not going to go next door to beg a fag or anything but I just want to feel normal again!!

*growls* xxx

nsd_user663_57490 profile image

Don't give up!

Embrace your grumpiness and tears.. Take some time out and be angry if you need to be.. Just make sure you focus your anger ON what's causing the anger.. That damn nicotine!! Be angry.. Just be angry at the nicotine..

You are doing an amazing job..

A bit of anger and a few tears now are better than the consequences of continuing!!

Stay strong.. Cry if you wanna!


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I bet! Get yourself a glass of water, it might help your head as well as calm you down

It does help a bit, just chucked a 2L bottle :eek:

Am still a teary, grumpy cow but not a thirsty one :p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Don't give up!

Embrace your grumpiness and tears.. Take some time out and be angry if you need to be.. Just make sure you focus your anger ON what's causing the anger.. That damn nicotine!! Be angry.. Just be angry at the nicotine..

You are doing an amazing job..

A bit of anger and a few tears now are better than the consequences of continuing!!

Stay strong.. Cry if you wanna!


Thanks :D

Ooh I won't give up, haven't got any ends for my e-cig even if I'd brought it and don't plan to ask one of the girls in the next office for a real fag!! It would taste awful and probably make me feel dizzy - especially the manky ones one of them smokes, lol. :eek:

I am angry with the nicotine, and from quitting the real fags know this doesn't last but it's flipping annoying!! xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

The hour approaches when we can escape - WOOHOO!!!!:D:D:D

Not long hon, will join you in a glass of vino later ;)

Can't come soon enough, am feeling flipping lousy :/

YAY for going home :D :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Chin up kiddo, the day is nearly done xxx

YAY :cool:

Can cope with the craves pretty well now but it's the tearyness I hate :/

Might be one of those days I just say stuff it and go to sleep!! xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Join the Cops Gemma

That would give you lots of reasons to cry and want to hide under a duvet!!!:confused:

Ooh flipping heck no, am definitely not meant to be a copper :eek: :eek: :eek:

Now come on like Kat says,chin up.Face it like a champ.You KNOW,we KNOW that if you tough it out,this will all go away just keep at it,if you have to retreat to bed do it love.;)X

Yeah you're right, just got to get through it.

It's horrible though, wish I'd never bought that bl**dy e-cig!! x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

No shame in hiding under the duvet or in the bath - I did it soooooo much at the beginning!

Am snuggled under a blanket in my PJ's with a pot of tea, lol

Still feel pretty rubbish but it'll pass. :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

it will NOT last for ever love

BUT if you sort of half quit,it will hang on and make things hard

That's where I was before I packed the e-cig in.

Have a horrible feeling I'd have ended up like your friend if I'd carried on with it :eek:

I have never ever heard of anyone snuggling in bed in pjs with a pot of tea,now I have heard it all :D

LOL I'm on the sofa, but that really did make me laugh!!

Am going to attack the pink wafers in a bit too :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Am still swapping between wanting to burst into tears or slap people, lol but I'm not giving in.

No e-cig stuff in the house any more and I can hardly go to the Co Op in Winnie the Pooh PJ's can I? :p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Lol!:D:D:D Is it something about living down here and being single and female - I've got Winnie the Pooh AND I also treated myself to Eeyore pjs when I first quit!

It's got to be!! :D

I got a set of 3 PJ tops a few weeks ago, Winnie the Pooh, Tinkerbell and Alice in Wonderland :cool::cool:

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Am still swapping between wanting to burst into tears or slap people, lol but I'm not giving in.

No e-cig stuff in the house any more and I can hardly go to the Co Op in Winnie the Pooh PJ's can I? :p

Well done sweetie (is jealous of Winnie the Pooh pyjamas), you're sticking it out once again. You really are a star! Just stay with it and look forward to a day, not far from now, when the tears and grumpiness goes again and you're back to your bubbly self!! :D Not long until that dirty little devil gives in and realises you really mean it this time! Xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well done sweetie (is jealous of Winnie the Pooh pyjamas), you're sticking it out once again. You really are a star! Just stay with it and look forward to a day, not far from now, when the tears and grumpiness goes again and you're back to your bubbly self!! :D Not long until that dirty little devil gives in and realises you really mean it this time! Xxx

Aww thanks :)

It's tough but I know it doesn't last thank goodness!!

Hopefully Nic will pack his bags and clear off ASAP 'cos he's just being a pain, am not going to give in so he can go now!!

*Does a twirl in her PJ's* xxx

nsd_user663_57321 profile image

You are a hero to me because you have not only quit cigs but the e-cig -what a woman!!! You are a tremendous support to everyone, don't give in :p. (by the way for some reason I thought you would be blond! (I am!) xxx:p:(;):):p:p:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You are a hero to me because you have not only quit cigs but the e-cig -what a woman!!! You are a tremendous support to everyone, don't give in :p. (by the way for some reason I thought you would be blond! (I am!) xxx:p:(;):):p:p:

Aww thanks, that's lovely!!

Well, my hair isn't blonde any more (unfortunately, was really blonde but it grew out when I was about 5 :( :( ) but my mind is :p


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

She is! It's just her hair doesn't know it!:p:D:D

LOL!! Think that's about right!!

Maybe I should fix that? :D

nsd_user663_57549 profile image

glad i read this

Was tempted by e-cig but saw elderly man in X-Ray department who was continually puffing on one for 30 mins + and he didn't seem to be breaking any habits. Maybe works for some but after reading your posts and others seems to prolong the habit breaking. Well done so far...I'll be watching how you are getting on


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Was tempted by e-cig but saw elderly man in X-Ray department who was continually puffing on one for 30 mins + and he didn't seem to be breaking any habits. Maybe works for some but after reading your posts and others seems to prolong the habit breaking. Well done so far...I'll be watching how you are getting on



You definitely did the right thing not getting one!!

It's OK if you've got the willpower to avoid using it like a dummy, but unfortunately I haven't so ended up well and truly hooked!! :eek:

Trouble is that it's so much like smoking - hand to mouth, inhaling "smoke" etc that you don't really achieve anything unless you're only using it very rarely.

nsd_user663_57321 profile image

Hey, blondes are not necessarily thick!!! :p;):p x. We can be quite clever at times:rolleyes:,x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hey, blondes are not necessarily thick!!! :p;):p x. We can be quite clever at times:rolleyes:,x

I'm thick and a brunette :p x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

So was I! It just got darker and darker as I got older. Now of course it's getting lighter and lighter again!:eek::D

It's so unfair!!

Lol, I was gutted :(

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

If I get through today without either being fired or arrested for murder it'll be a flipping miracle!!


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You WILL get through today 'cos we are telling you to :D

And if you need to be arrested I will do it,tell me before you do anything as I fancy a day out to Cornwall,will save me from my predicted day of tedium!:cool:

I'll get through somehow!!

Am kicking myself though, 5 months in I should be over all this but that damn e-cig :mad::mad:

Lol, well if I start getting really murderous I'll let you know :p

Seriously Gemma square up to the yellow git and land a first blow,he is weakening I can see it! Lots of love sweetie XX

Yeah I know he is - have been through this bit before but grrrrrr!!


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Max is right, this is sheer desperation on the nicotine monster's part, he thought he had it sussed, that through the "healthier" delivery system of an e-cig he'd got you back under his smelly yellow thumb forever but you cottoned on to his cunning plan and are making a bid for total freedom which has sent him into sheer panic! He is pulling out all the stops, trying every trick in the book to get you back and he's doing all this because YOU'RE GETTING AWAY FROM HIM!!!:D:D:D

So you keep running like hell and when you feel that tap on your shoulder, turn round, plant your back foot and land him a facer!

He's an evil little s*d isn't he?

Nic, not Max lol

Talking of Nic, got to remember to get more gum at lunch or after I finish tonight :eek:

What annoys me is that I won't be able to go out tonight 'cos of feeling like this and don't want to risk thinking "stuff it" and having a fag. :eek::(:mad:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Would your friend be out tonight who gave you a straw to smoke? If so, you could just give him the heads up to keep an eye on you and police you for the night?

I'm not sure, will have to ask :)

But don't think I'd be much fun :/

Stupid nicotine, stupid me, stupid e-cig

*Sits in the sulky corner*

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Now come on you, no sulking! You're doing really well and as you know from when you quit the fags back in December this WILL go away! No pain no gain sweetpea, and it will only interfere with you having a good time for a very short period, then it'll be business as usual:D

Chin up petal, it won't be for long xxx

I know, it's just bugging me. Grrr.

Oh well, will just curl up again and hopefully it'll all go away soon.

And apparently I've got more clothes waiting for me at home YAY xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma lou!!!

Let us look at some positives here,you sound so sad sometimes.

Aww I'm sorry Max!!

1) You do not smoke real,throat burning,poisonous stinky expensive deadly cancer sticks any more.You did before!!!!!:cool:

YAY that's definitely true!!

2) If you had NOT take the Ecig,by now you would be back on fags-true?

Yeah i would be, am pretty sure of that :eek:

3) If you had not joined this forum,you definitely would have been back on fags by now.

Oh that's definite, it would have been yet another failed quit for sure!!

I really owe you guys!!

4) The money you have saved so far-amounts to HUNDREDS of pounds :D

£1,216 :D :D :D

5) You have the support love and encouragement of some new people,that have never met you but care a lot for you-how good is that :D

It's really lovely, and a huge thank you!!

6) you have a determination to clear all addiction to nicotine away,and a determined effort to do something will nearly always succeed.

And I will do definitely :D

Lol, back when I was a toddler someone said I was very determined and I still am :cool:

I would say that's pretty good going there sweetheart!!!!!! Now as Kat so beautifully put it,plant the back foot and land a facer on the ugly git!:D

Yeah when you look at it like that it's pretty flipping good!!

Thanks Max x

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Good afternoon beautiful :)

Sounds like you're having a bit of a rough day? I really am going to have to come to Cornwall and bash that little s***bag over the head, aren't I? :p

You have MORE new clothes?!!! :eek: Okay, Gemma, have you ever considered the possibility that you might be a shopaholic? Tehehehe.

I just wanted to come on here to tell you how wonderful you are and to remind you that you're doing so amazingly well hun! Kat, Max, thanks for holding the fort. I'm sorry I've been a bit rubbish on the "helping" front recently :(.

Gem, if there's anything you need (besides the obvious), please let me know. We could sing to you or read you a book, get pissed with you (virtually, unfortunately, but any drunk is good drunk!).

Keep up that fighting spirit!! :D You're doing great! xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Good afternoon beautiful :)

Sounds like you're having a bit of a rough day? I really am going to have to come to Cornwall and bash that little s***bag over the head, aren't I? :p

Hiya hun :) Yeah it's not good - am trying really hard not to lose my temper with pretty much everyone and everything, then feeling all teary - just like quitting the real thing. Grrr

Am so glad you didn't get hooked on yours!!

Don't know why the last few days have been so tough, but they will pass!!

Lol, you still got your frying pan to smack him one with?

You have MORE new clothes?!!! :eek: Okay, Gemma, have you ever considered the possibility that you might be a shopaholic? Tehehehe.

Ooh yes i definitely am!!

Am happy with that addiction though, if they find a cure I don't want to know :D

I just wanted to come on here to tell you how wonderful you are and to remind you that you're doing so amazingly well hun! Kat, Max, thanks for holding the fort. I'm sorry I've been a bit rubbish on the "helping" front recently :(.

Gem, if there's anything you need (besides the obvious), please let me know. We could sing to you or read you a book, get pissed with you (virtually, unfortunately, but any drunk is good drunk!).

Keep up that fighting spirit!! :D You're doing great! xxx

Aww thanks, that's really nice :)

I feel a bit daft going through this *again* but heck it's just the damn e-cig and apparently I was literally using it like a dummy so it's got to be expected really!!

If it wasn't for you guys I'd definitely have caved in by now so a huge thank you :)

And yay getting tipsy :D


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Am feeling loads better now YAY

Hope it lasts 'cos I felt flipping awful most of the day :eek::eek:

nsd_user663_57059 profile image

Am feeling loads better now YAY

Hope it lasts 'cos I felt flipping awful most of the day :eek::eek:

Glad to hear your feeling more positive!

Your doing so well lovely! Keep going xxx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Am feeling loads better now YAY

Hope it lasts 'cos I felt flipping awful most of the day :eek::eek:

Yay!! Keep that positive head on sweetie :D

And yes, I still have my frying pan if needed ;) xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Been off and bought more Nicorette 'cos I'd nearly run out, and had to queue up at the fag counter was I tempted to buy a pack? Nope!!

Glad to hear your feeling more positive!

Your doing so well lovely! Keep going xxx

Thanks Sophie!!

I'm feeling so much better it's incredible :D Am hoping Nic's going to leave me alone now!! xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Yay!! Keep that positive head on sweetie :D

And yes, I still have my frying pan if needed ;) xxx

Think the weekend's going to help!!

YAY for the frying pan!!

Ooh and i haven't had any gum since just after my lunch so that's pretty good going :D :D


nsd_user663_57321 profile image

Hi Gemma

Sorry you seem to have been struggling today but hope you are OK now? Hope you have a lovely weekend and don't think about it too much! x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Gemma

Sorry you seem to have been struggling today but hope you are OK now? Hope you have a lovely weekend and don't think about it too much! x

Hiya Jess :)

I'm feeling so much better now, it's fab - it's sort of like flicking a switch :eek:

Am looking forward to the weekend now :D

Hope you have a fab time too :) xx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

It's annoying - and am sure it's just because of quitting the e-cig - but I've often got this feeling where I'd really like a fag, not a full craving but still bugging me. :/

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I know it must be a pain sweets but be grateful it's not a full blown climbing the walls I'm desperate for a fag crave - every cloud babe!

Yeah you're right :)

I kind of feel it most in the morning, 'cos I used to smoke more then for the kickstart, same for e-cig, so I'm a bit dopey and grumpy until I wake up properly :eek:

*Is now more of a tea-addict than ever*

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Lol, love it! I couldn't bear to drink tea for ages at the beginning, firstly because the Champix made it taste awful and then later because the two things always went together - cuppa and a fag! These days I'm back to my builder's tea though, just making my second cup now!:D

Ooh I love strong tea!!

Was more of a coffee-and-fag girl so had to cut right down drinking that for a while but am OK now!!

Really odd though, the smell of coffee reminded me of ciggies for a long time :S

Definitely couldn't live without my tea though :D :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma love

I can detect a slight but definite change in the tone of your posts over the last week which proves to me that-you are winning this!!!:D

Just do the same-every day,fight it off,you will get clean of this nicotine monster,this insidious beast.I wouldn't smoke a fag now if you paid me!!!

I am thanks to you guys!! :D :D

Would have quit quitting before Christmas without this place, but I think this is the one for me now :D

I'm probably a bit odd, but while there's times when I fancy a fag and think it would be nice to have one, I don't think if it came to it I could smoke one. Heck, couldn't even smoke the e-cig so that's good :D

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Keep going!

Gemma 8PAGES OF REPLIES! I am not going to read them all I have got the gist of the post and all I can say is well done to you! It had to be done at some stage and sooner rather than later my love. I know you are getting loads of support from your quit buddies Max Kat Sarah, to name a few so I know you are going to be fine and in a few weeks time you will look back and be so thankful that you have kicked Nicotine and Ecigs out of your life. You really

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma 8PAGES OF REPLIES! I am not going to read them all I have got the gist of the post and all I can say is well done to you! It had to be done at some stage and sooner rather than later my love. I know you are getting loads of support from your quit buddies Max Kat Sarah, to name a few so I know you are going to be fine and in a few weeks time you will look back and be so thankful that you have kicked Nicotine and Ecigs out of your life. You really

Hi Haze :)

The support on here is flipping fantastic, I owe all of you big time!!

Max, Kat and Sarah have between them dragged me through some rubbish so they are literally lifesavers :cool:

Am really glad to be off the e-cig at last, it was a ball and chain like the real ones were so I'm glad to be off it!!

Soon I'll be totally nicotine free YAY!!

It's a bit tough but so far I've only had 2 bits of 2mg gum and my patch so that's real progress compared to goodness knows how much nicotine from the e-cig :eek:

*Is munching her way through a large tub of Extra*


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