Gemma 1 - Nic Monster 0: Or, how I'm getting... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Gemma 1 - Nic Monster 0

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
25 Replies

Or, how I'm getting more and more like a proper non-smoker.

Was off having a few drinks with my friends, and towards the end of the evening 2 of them went out for yet another fag. (Did I really smoke that much on an evening out?)

Hadn't bothered me before but it did this time - maybe 'cos I could see them through the window.

Anyway I didn't think about having a fag - i really and truely don't want one *ever* and am happy to say I'll never smoke again - something I never could in previous quits.

But it did make me want my e-cig, which was in my bag as usual.

First off I thought I'd go and have a few puffs on it in a minute, then something in me snapped, maybe 'cos of what I wrote earlier on here?

So i told Nic to get stuffed, and didn't touch my e-cig for the rest of the day, and you know what? It was tough but saying no felt flipping good :D

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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25 Replies
nsd_user663_56712 profile image

that frying pan is getting rustier and rustier through lack of use :)

I was out last night and noticed how often friends were going out for a cig, one guy went out 4 times in one hour!honestly, he was only back in for 10 minutes bfore off he trotted...and doesn't it stink! Im not sure which is worse, the smell on their clothes hair and skin or the smell on their breathe!

looking out the window at people smoking, unless they were talking to someone else, they just looked sad, as if they didnt want to be there, not relaxed or anything, sort of hunched...

That used to be us:(

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

that frying pan is getting rustier and rustier through lack of use :)

I was out last night and noticed how often friends were going out for a cig, one guy went out 4 times in one hour!honestly, he was only back in for 10 minutes bfore off he trotted...and doesn't it stink! Im not sure which is worse, the smell on their clothes hair and skin or the smell on their breathe!

looking out the window at people smoking, unless they were talking to someone else, they just looked sad, as if they didnt want to be there, not relaxed or anything, sort of hunched...

That used to be us:(

Lol, well i'm sure we can still find a use for it!!

Ooh yes, it's amazing how often the smokers go out for a fag - especially if there's more than one if that makes sense? I used to nip out for a smoke whenever someone else did anyway, just because really. :/

It really does look sad, have noticed this a lot lately!! It's one of the things that convinced me we don't really enjoy smoking - if we did then there's no need to look so ashamed ;)

It did used to be us, but it isn't any more 'cos we're FREE!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

you are winning this tough battle Gemma :D and that is brilliant! And you realise that you want to challenge that Ecig each time and are doing it! More,you are feeling proud of resisting it and so we are feeling proud of you,very proud! X

Aww thanks Max!!

I really couldn't have done it without you guys on here :) x

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Have you ever seen a smoker, or you yourself, look at the cigarette tehy are smoking, smile at it , smile while they are smoking and at the end stub it out and say that was enjoyable? they really do look miserable when they are outside esp on their own.

when you said you were going to go and have a few puffs on your ecig, did you mean that you have to go outside when you use that?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Have you ever seen a smoker, or you yourself, look at the cigarette tehy are smoking, smile at it , smile while they are smoking and at the end stub it out and say that was enjoyable? they really do look miserable when they are outside esp on their own.

No, never!!

I can remember smoking and wondering what I was doing to myself, can remember feeling like I needed it, but not thinking "this tastes yummy" or anything. Flipping sad!!

Oh and I usually held it away from myself which adds to the awkward look, lol

when you said you were going to go and have a few puffs on your ecig, did you mean that you have to go outside when you use that?

It's tricky.

You don't have to go outside, you can use them anywhere *in theory* but if you're asked not to you have to stop. Mine looks more or less like a fag, it's about as long as a Superkings fag ( I think, haven't had one of them for years) but a bit fatter and the end lights up orange so I don't want to risk getting chucked out for "smoking" in a pub. I use it at work when i feel the need, no problems.

I tend to go into the toilets and have a puff when I'm out 'cos I'd feel a right prat getting that out in the smoekr's area!! :eek:

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

my local has signs saying they are allowed and sells the disposable ones (apparently they last for 300 puffs).

so you have become a closet ecig-ger..your brain is already telling you that you don't want your ecig and is weaning you off that too:D:D

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Quite weird isn't it Gem..

That you say you puff on it in the loos cos you would feel silly going to the smelly smokers area to indulge. Damn thing means you cannot even go and stand among the dog ends with the smelly smokers!:rolleyes:

It's a lose-lose with the E Cig as far as I can see.

That did actually make me LOL.

Now I have visions of Gem hiding in the toilets having a sneaky puff, bit like smoking at school!!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

my local has signs saying they are allowed and sells the disposable ones (apparently they last for 300 puffs).

so you have become a closet ecig-ger..your brain is already telling you that you don't want your ecig and is weaning you off that too:D:D

Think they take a while to catch up down here, lol.

Was walking through town using messenger on my iphone a couple of years ago and was getting funny enough looks for that!!

But yes, it does feel wrong slinking off to the loo for a puff.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

That did actually make me LOL.

Now I have visions of Gem hiding in the toilets having a sneaky puff, bit like smoking at school!!!

Lol, I missed out on that 'cos I was much too much of a goody :p

Only took my fags to school once, didn't dare smoke any on site, and was so terrified of someone finding them that I never did it again, until 6th form when they didn't care.

Suppose I'm catching up, lol.

Dead right Trea-that is what the Gemma Lou brain is saying and that is what your lovely Wequit pals are telling you too x

Quite weird isn't it Gem..

That you say you puff on it in the loos cos you would feel silly going to the smelly smokers area to indulge. Damn thing means you cannot even go and stand among the dog ends with the smelly smokers!:rolleyes:

It's a lose-lose with the E Cig as far as I can see.

It is weird, but I hate the smell of smoke so much now and love that I haven't smelled smoky for nearly NINETEEN WHOLE WEEKS that I'd hate going to the Leper's Corner.

The e-cig isn't geat, but know I've said before that without it I would almost certainly be smoking again. :/

It was when, not if I started back up and the e-cig was the last chance really.

Now I'm kicking that too YAY.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

And to add to this, was out on Saturday night too and didn't even bring my e-cig with me!! Put it away before i went to my friend's place and didn't miss it in the slightest :)

Am amazed that I managed, but Nic is taking one hell of a beating now. Stinky little worm :p

Will still need it sometimes I'm sure but those times are getting less and less!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I am so proud of you Gemma :D:D

Wasn't easy this ecig thing and it isn't over yet but YOU now have the upper hand and the demon is on the ropes getting the battering he deserves,the little ****!!!

Thanks Max :)

Lol, the e-cig is almost easy compared to kicking the fags!!

Haven't brought it to work with me today, I have gum and my patch is on so no matter how much I might like a puff, I can't have one.

Have gone from using it pretty often to only using it sometimes and am very pleased with that!!

*rolls herself a post-it note*

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

*rolls herself a post-it note*

Yay, it still works!! Take that stupid brain :p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Lol, do you want me to throw you a Chupa Chups?

Ooh yes please!! It looks a bit better than sucking on a blue bit of paper and it's way tastier :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

For sure - I have two, do you want the strawberry or the coke?

Strawberry please, I love them!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Woohoo, thanks Kat :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Haven't touched it now since before breakfast!!

I have been in a dodgy mood for a bit though and have a stinking headache :o:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

hang tough hon, you're doing soooo well!:D

Aw thanks :)

Am trying not to use the e-cig or be a grumpy cow, lol.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Am trying not to be a grumpy cow, lol.

Which isn't working :(:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

The grumpy bit is NOT fatal, don't sweat it! You just need to break through this barrier and it'll all fall into place again, hang in there sweetie, you can do it, I know you can :D

Not for me maybe :p

Feels flipping horrible though, my heart's racing and am trying really hard not to bite people's heads off and don't think it's working :(

Will get there though :(

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I could well be wrong here but do you think you might be using too high a patch? I don't know how much nicotine those e-cigs put into your system but it could easily be less than is in that patch and going back up to a regular, constant dose of the evil little oik could be giving your body a bit of a shock - hence the racing heart, etc, etc. Only a thought, but could be worth checking out.

Hi Kat :)

I don't think it's that, if anything it's more like i was back when i stopped smoking - and did end up quite dependent on the e-cig so I guess it's the fun all over again!!

If it was just the heart then I'd wonder if I was overdosing, but 'cos i was in a foul mood too am thinking it was withdrawal.

It did feel pretty scary though, my heart was going mental. :eek:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

And today my boss is having a "bra moment" (getting on my t!ts) so that's just fab :mad::rolleyes:

Am having to resort to my very low strength e-cig cartridges or one of us won't get out alive :p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Breathe hon, breathe! Sarah, make sure that frying pan is not within Gem's reach - there could be bloodshed!:eek::D Gem, redirect that angst at the foul little oik who is actually making you feel this way - your boss is a pain in the butt no doubt, but it is really our common enemy who is turning our sweet, gentle, butter-wouldn't-melt Gemma into Attila the Hun! KICK HIS STINKY YELLOW BUTT!

There definitely would be bloodshed!!

It's both really, Nic is being a pain 'cos I'm trying to quit the e-cig but even when I smoked, my boss in one of these moods would make me growl!!

Just can't sneak off to Leper's Corner and have a fag (or more likely 2) now.

Am on the lowest strength VIP sell (except 0) it's not too bad and am still using it less!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

And that's really good! Don't be so tough on yourself, if you're under this much stress and are still using it less then you're moving in the right direction - don't worry so much, you're doing just fine! Honestly petal, there's no need to be so hard on yourself, you made the decision that you need to wean yourself off the e-cig (well done), you're now taking steps to do that and making progress (another well done) so you're right on track! It'll just take a little time, that's all, so be kind to yourself and allow yourself that time - Rome wasn't built in a day so the fortress that Nic O'Tine has built to protect the e-cig won't be demolished in a day either!

You really are doing ok hon, honestly!:)

Aww thanks Kat!!

I *am* getting off the e-cig, which is fab!! These filters feel a lot weaker than the old ones (I binned the last of the 24mg ones, these are 11) and they felt a lot weaker than the cigarettes I used to smoke so it's progress!!

Think this is the last real trigger for me, stress for me has always meant smoke like mad, and it's been my downfall before so I'm being careful not to risk anything!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Kat applies the common sense and love and support so utterly superbly,agree with you totally Kat :D

Gemma love this will take time do NOT get angry with yourself,it will take time to break this.Just know that the worst is done,and if you need to lean on the aids then you do it girl-do what you have to do,there is no time scale.

You are doing wonderfully tackling this and are such a huge asset to this forum for your advice to others these days,people depend on you ;)

Thanks Max, that's really nice!!

Am not angry with myself, a bit disappointed 'cos yesterday I had some e-cig before breakfast and that was it, today has been different. But hey, at least I'm not scrounging a fag!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oh, and I definitely have almost some kind of smoker's cough thing going on here. :eek:

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