Made it to day 4: Feeling proud of myself... - No Smoking Day

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Made it to day 4

nsd_user663_57168 profile image
11 Replies

Feeling proud of myself. Yesterday evening was tough, my partner had had a bad day and I just didn't have the capacity to be kind as I was having big cravings! Not a good combination. Went to bed with both of us fed up with the other. Life doesn't stop just because I have given up smoking, it seems:)

But today. The sum is shining and if I get do day 4 then I am making great progress. Lets hope we have a better evening x

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nsd_user663_57168 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Feeling proud of myself. Yesterday evening was tough, my partner had had a bad day and I just didn't have the capacity to be kind as I was having big cravings! Not a good combination. Went to bed with both of us fed up with the other. Life doesn't stop just because I have given up smoking, it seems:)

But today. The sum is shining and if I get do day 4 then I am making great progress. Lets hope we have a better evening x

I have hated that most of all, I think. When you've had a terrible craving day and you go home only to be confronted with "normal life". You just want the world to stop while you get through your bad patch but, of course, it doesn't.

At those times when I haven't been a mardy b***, my other half has delicately broached the subject that I am meaner than normal. Ha! I do feel sorry for him sometimes! And we've had rather a lot of those evenings were we've gone to bed fed up. :rolleyes:

The cloud seems to be lifting now though and I'm much less grouchy than I have been since quitting. I have my normal smile plastered back onto my face, which is the best way to start an evening after work I think! :)

Well done for tackling Day 4! Excellent work :D x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Feeling proud of myself. Yesterday evening was tough, my partner had had a bad day and I just didn't have the capacity to be kind as I was having big cravings! Not a good combination. Went to bed with both of us fed up with the other. Life doesn't stop just because I have given up smoking, it seems:)

But today. The sum is shining and if I get do day 4 then I am making great progress. Lets hope we have a better evening x

You're doing really well Michele :)

Know the feeling that you're "full" already trying not to bite people :p and you haven't got any spare niceness to give, but in the end you'll be a lot nicer 'cos being a smoker stresses you out not calms you down.

nsd_user663_57168 profile image

Thanks everyone for the tips. I know he is really pleased I am giving up in the big picture but that doesn't always help in the moment! Also he is still smoking, but he is a very very light smoker, one in the evening, sometimes two and can easily go a couple of days without. So that makes it tricky too. I can see he is wrestling with whether to stop altogether too but I think I have learnt that this has to be an individual decision.

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Thanks everyone for the tips. I know he is really pleased I am giving up in the big picture but that doesn't always help in the moment! Also he is still smoking, but he is a very very light smoker, one in the evening, sometimes two and can easily go a couple of days without. So that makes it tricky too. I can see he is wrestling with whether to stop altogether too but I think I have learnt that this has to be an individual decision.

My other half has asked if he can pinch my e-cig when I buy a nicotine free one, as he only smokes the odd one during the week and then a few on a Friday night.

At times it has been difficult, because the sight and smell of a live cigarette when he smokes in the garden can trigger a craving immediately. But it has made me fight a bit harder I think. The smell doesn't bother me that much anymore and the stale smell afterwards has really put me off! :)

Pros and cons I think, but it would definately be nicer if our fellas could give up too! It smells so bad and I have no idea why I allowed myself to stink for so long! x

nsd_user663_57194 profile image

4th Day ......

Having just read your words, feel at least that I'm not alone out there! This is my 4th day of giving up the smokes & today was the hardest ever - I had such a craving for a fag an hour ago I could have literally cried - how pathetic is that??? Then I got very curt with my fella but he understands why, nice bloke. I smoked at least 30 roll-ups a day combined with about 10 tailor-mades - what an idiot!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Having just read your words, feel at least that I'm not alone out there! This is my 4th day of giving up the smokes & today was the hardest ever - I had such a craving for a fag an hour ago I could have literally cried - how pathetic is that??? Then I got very curt with my fella but he understands why, nice bloke. I smoked at least 30 roll-ups a day combined with about 10 tailor-mades - what an idiot!

Try not to beat yourself up about it too much Sandy. We all know what the addiction entails and you're definately not pathetic :)

The main thing to remember is that you're doing an amazing thing for yourself. As long as you have a good network of people who understand, that's all that matters. I hope you're feeling very proud of yourself. Four days is great! Not far off your first week, which is an awesome milestone! :D x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Having just read your words, feel at least that I'm not alone out there! This is my 4th day of giving up the smokes & today was the hardest ever - I had such a craving for a fag an hour ago I could have literally cried - how pathetic is that??? Then I got very curt with my fella but he understands why, nice bloke. I smoked at least 30 roll-ups a day combined with about 10 tailor-mades - what an idiot!

Sandypops, that's all normal really it is :)

Early on I was a teary, grumpy, b**chy mess - but that really doesn't last.

It's tough at first but you can make it - blame the fags for making you like it rather than quitting if you can 'cos that's the real cause :)

It's not pathetic, you're beating a tough opponent!!

nsd_user663_57194 profile image

Hi Sarah Lou - thanks for your encouragement but I don't feel proud of myself at all - in fact I feel really stupid for ever starting smoking!! I've been puffing away now for over 40 years & have tried quitting before but never lasted very long - once 6 weeks & once 3 weeks & sometimes (now) I think do I really wanna be this miserable for whatever time I have left ( I'm 63) or shall I just give in, which I don't wanna do!!!!

nsd_user663_57214 profile image

Hi Sandypops

My fourth day too and, like you, have been smoking 20 a day for forty years. I gave up about 6 years ago for one year but went abroad and was tempted by the duty frees and thought "well I'll just smoke when I'm on holiday" but as we know it doesn't work like that and have been back smoking ever since.

I find my worst time is between 6.00 and 8.00 in the evening but if I can get past that (that's why I'm typing at this time of day) I am not too bad but I have finished work now until Monday so I hope I can get through the weekend. I play a lot of golf and I'm hoping that that will help although I'm sure my game will suffer with no cig every couple of holes.

I have to say it helps to read that other people are going through exactly the same as me.

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Hi Sarah Lou - thanks for your encouragement but I don't feel proud of myself at all - in fact I feel really stupid for ever starting smoking!! I've been puffing away now for over 40 years & have tried quitting before but never lasted very long - once 6 weeks & once 3 weeks & sometimes (now) I think do I really wanna be this miserable for whatever time I have left ( I'm 63) or shall I just give in, which I don't wanna do!!!!

I suppose that we should feel stupid and a bit pathetic really. We have relied on something to "relax" us and "make us feel good", even after we've been warned of the health risks. We had no excuse really.

The only point I'm trying to make here hun, is that beating yourself up will not make this any easier for you. In fact, if you think that way about yourself, won't it just encourage you to look back to being a smoker? Make you miserable enough that you just give in because it seems the easiest thing to do?

You sound truly miserable hun :( , are you using anything to help at the moment? Any NRT? x

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Please guys, just do anything possible to stay away from those dirty fags.

Our friendly neighbourhood copper, Max, could even tell you a few good jokes, if it keeps you focused on something other than smoking :D *Max ... psssst ... Max, where are you?*

And please, please, rant on here as much as you like. There'll always be someone here who can help you to bat away those pangs! :) x

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