i've made it to day 3: Hi i cant believe i've... - No Smoking Day

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i've made it to day 3

nsd_user663_1649 profile image
16 Replies

Hi i cant believe i've made day 3 feel quite positive and not as anxious .Hope you are doing ok sarah and thanks to everyone for your support it has helped me alot take care claire x

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nsd_user663_1649 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Well done.

Did you know that most people fail before day 3?

Anyone who makes it past day 3 is already beating most people who try!

I hope that makes you feel suitably proud of yourself, but don't get complacent... just keep on doing what your doing.

It's working, your doing great :D

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Well done,

You are doing great,

Keep up the fantastic work.

nsd_user663_1649 profile image


Hi thank you both for your kind words, i remember last year when i quit when i found out i was pregnant and the first 3 days were horrible and if i keep that in my mind it might help .My best friend also quit at easter this year and my husband and parents have never smoked and my 7 year old for the past couple of months has also been asking me why i smoke,what its like to smoke etc i so dont want him to make me his role model as a smoker,i want him to know that it isnt cool or clever to smoke and that it is so bad for your health and by quitting im showing him exactly what i think about smoking take care claire x

nsd_user663_3708 profile image

Day 3 is where it starts to get better.... youve made it this far...you can g all the way easily now... just remember you will have by the end of today purged your system from nicotine.... thats the hardest bit.... you are now a non smoker all you have to do is remain a non smoker....

itll happen before you know it

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

my 7 year old for the past couple of months has also been asking me why i smoke,what its like to smoke etc

Probaly one of the stongest reasons to quit. Just imagine your 7 year old smoking. I was 8 when I first tried smoking, cos my mum did it. Just one year older than your son !!!!

Really well done for getting here. Its the toughest part over now.


nsd_user663_3675 profile image

Well done, hope things are starting to get easier for you now!

nsd_user663_3697 profile image

Well Done You

Making it to Day 3 is Great, I remember reading this forum some 3 weeks ago and looking forward to being able to post something on each day then each week and now im looking forward to posting something on Month 1. Every milestone is a great achievement and for many of us in later life we can look back at 2008 as our milestone . The year we quit for good!

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Day 4 now!!!!

How good is that!

nsd_user663_1649 profile image

Hi cant believe ive made day 4 and having a fag was not my first thought when i woke up !!!!! sleeping during the night is really bad not sure if its quitting or back condition claire x x

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Hi cant believe ive made day 4 and having a fag was not my first thought when i woke up !!!!! sleeping during the night is really bad not sure if its quitting or back condition claire x x

Sleeplessness is not uncommon during quitting.

Try not to worry about it, it will correct itself :)

Day 4 is a huge achievement, congratulations :D

nsd_user663_2892 profile image

Well done Tatty! No nicotine in your system any more - take a deep, deep breath, and rfeel the difference! :)

nsd_user663_1649 profile image

Thanks to all of you for your support .Feel really stressed at the moment had about 1 hours sleep last night usually manage about 4-5 hours ,i have alot of health problems and cant work because of them have to have an operation on the 7th december and getting myself in a right state about it which is when i would reach for a fag although i know smoking isnt going to help the situation and i will still feel the same after it.I dont want a fag just feel like i need one but i am not going to have one i will stay strong !!!claire x

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Great attitude,

Breath deeply, calm yourself. Fretting will achieve nothing, nor would smoking - as you already know. Good luck with the op and stay strong!

All the best


nsd_user663_3633 profile image

One of my favourite sayings (My OH hates it :D )

If you can't change it, whats the point in worrying?

If you can change it, don't worry - get on with it!

Worrying solves nothing - smoking solves nothing.

You will cope with and recover after the op much quicker as a non smoker, which by itself is a big inspiration to stay quit.

nsd_user663_1649 profile image

hi thats been one of the main reasons for quitting i wanted to be a non smoker when i have my operation .My youngest son (whos 15months)is a nightmare sleeper and was up alot last night and which i said i would never do again after my eldest son did it ,He ended up in our bed all night and just when i started to feel sleepy at around 6am my husband got up for work and my eldest son decided to come in and have a chat !!!!!!! think thats why i feel the urge to smoke . Where my husband works they have just made 4 people redundent and he was stressing that it could be him and i was the one who kept saying "if it happens it happens theres no point worrying about it we will manage" now i can handle other peoples stressful situations and give support and advice and am quite good in a crisis and a good shoulder to cry on but when its my own situation i turn into a big softy and a complete and utter wreck x x

nsd_user663_3734 profile image


everything you say makes a lot of sense and I hope all the members on this forum can understand how you feel. I do. But quitting smoking has never been an easy thing to do. If it was, everyone would have done it a long time ago and everything had to be okay right now for the whole humanity.

Addictions are one of the hardest things to overcome in this life - fact.

But I always like to mention this - the cure and the right mindset for the start is all you can get to achieve a positive attitude!

:D - Hope this smile can convince you too smile!

With great respect for everything you do,

Charlie R.

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