Please help!!: All I want today is a... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Please help!!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image
24 Replies

All I want today is a cigarette. I've been fighting this same craving for the last two hours now, and it's driving me mad. I don't have my patches, gum or e-cigarette on me (haven't really used them recently), and I really feel like I need something to help!


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nsd_user663_56237 profile image
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24 Replies
nsd_user663_19503 profile image

Hi Sarah I was exactly the same yesterday, craving all day long. Today however hardly thought about smoking. These cravings do pass just stay strong you know you can, smoking now will make you feel worse. Good luck

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Thanks guys

I just wish I could have a little warning rather than being tricked into thinking it's easy and then POW!! It's unexpected and very unwelcome :(

I feel so guilty today, because I'm agreeing with that stupid voice! My brain keeps telling me "you may as well give in, it's only going to get harder and you'll feel so much better if you smoke!"

It's days like today that I regret ever starting.

I'm physically under the weather, as I had a rather painful injection in my hip yesterday, so I think I'm just feeling down.

Thank you for the support, it means so much and I think it's what I need to get me through today. That, and maybe some hard boiled sweets!!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Thanks Kat.

Whilst I feel mean using your misery as my aid, I'm glad to know that I'm making such a difference by quitting now instead of waiting until it's so much harder, so thank you!

I wish the cravings could be more even. I think I'd rather have more of them and find them easier than be winded by the odd really difficult one.

I hate this little creature in my head but want to listen to him so much at the same time!

My sensible head keeps telling me how ridiculous it is to feel such a strong desire to kill myself slowly, so I think I need to listen to that voice a little bit more!

And thank you for giving me the extra fight to push myself. I know how disappointed I will feel in myself for giving in, and it's so not worth it.

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Going bonkers

Almost three hours since my last post and I don't think I've spent longer than a couple of minutes a time NOT thinking about smoking.

I don't understand, after the last three weeks of hard work and trying to be positive, why today is getting me down so much :( Why am I letting these thoughts take over?!

In the last three hours I've tried reading, going for a walk, eating, sucking on sweets and mints. Nothing is enough of a distraction!

The most worrying thing is that this is the first time I haven't cared about what others would think if I fail. I purposely told EVERYONE I know, so that I could think of these people when times were hard.

What have I done wrong? And what has changed my mind so quickly after all my hard work?!

*not enjoying the fight today*

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Almost three hours since my last post and I don't think I've spent longer than a couple of minutes a time NOT thinking about smoking.

I don't understand, after the last three weeks of hard work and trying to be positive, why today is getting me down so much :( Why am I letting these thoughts take over?!

In the last three hours I've tried reading, going for a walk, eating, sucking on sweets and mints. Nothing is enough of a distraction!

The most worrying thing is that this is the first time I haven't cared about what others would think if I fail. I purposely told EVERYONE I know, so that I could think of these people when times were hard.

What have I done wrong? And what has changed my mind so quickly after all my hard work?!

*not enjoying the fight today*

Oh heck you are having a rough day Sarah!!

Don't think about what other people would think if you failed, how would you feel? I can tell you - it feels bloody awful, and after 3 weeks quit it'll smell and taste vile :eek:

Have you tried my post it note trick? It sounds stupid but it got me through times just like you're having now!!

If that doesn't work go to sleep, tomorrow *will* be better, honestly it will. :)

Drown the nico monster out with loud music, that helps but you can't let yourself be beaten by a stinky plant!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image


Listen up

You are not alone here.All quitters hit similar points of resistance.This WILL PASS it may be Hellish :eek: but it WILL PASS HONESTLY you must fight it.Coming through has 2 effects you 1) know you can fight a bad crave 2) feel immensely proud of having done so ..

Stay on here all night if it stops you smoking!!! x

What he said!!

I was a teary mess, would have sold my soul for a fag, but beating the monster feels so good!!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

I think I may well be on here all night :o

Changes today are that I'm feeling grumpy.

It's the first time since my quit that I've really felt like a moping, hard done by mess. I need a good slap and a reminder of what I'm fighting for!

My hip hurts. Some doctor yesterday jabbed with a needle and it f***ing hurts today. And I barely slept last night and everything is annoying me!

I am surrounded by "social smokers" who find it annoyingly easy not to be controlled all the time by something I'm struggling to say no to, and a best friend who has made quitting look so easy!

Annnnd breathe ...

I've been telling myself for the last hour "maybe think about it again tomorrow, maybe then you can have one" and, strangely enough, this has eased me a little.

I'm hoping that a good night's sleep and a fresh perspective will help tomorrow.

Until then, you might all be stuck with my annoying rants :D

Thank you, once again, everyone. Every minute I am typing is another minute I'm not smoking.


nsd_user663_54332 profile image


It is a really good recognised tactic-tell yourself you will not smoke today but maybe tomorrow,just one.And repeat-each day.And stay on here :D x

Both of them *really* work.

I said I'd have one in 20 mins, knew I couldn't 'cos I'd chucked my fags out but it *did* help and being on here and ranting really saved me.

We have all been where you are now, and we beat it - you will too :)

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Thanks for the boost guys :)

I'll take a look at those videos and keep thinking positive. The night will be out before I know it and I'll have won another day!

Going to treat myself to some chocolate and a good film that I can sink my teeth into.

I'll keep you all posted and will be straight back here if I feel even the hint of a craving.

*Through the worst for the evening?? Fingers crossed!*

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Gemma, can you please tell me your post-it note trick?

I'm intrigued! :D


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma, can you please tell me your post-it note trick?

I'm intrigued! :D


Lol, it sounds ridiculous but I got a post it note and rolled it into a fag shape and pretended to smoke it. Honestly I felt better in seconds and I was climbing the walls for a smoke before!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks for the boost guys :)

I'll take a look at those videos and keep thinking positive. The night will be out before I know it and I'll have won another day!

Going to treat myself to some chocolate and a good film that I can sink my teeth into.

I'll keep you all posted and will be straight back here if I feel even the hint of a craving.

*Through the worst for the evening?? Fingers crossed!*

With that attitude, you're going to make it :)

Enjoy your choccie and your film!!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Funnily enough ...

I have a lollipop in my bag and had thought it could be a good idea, in desperation. ;)

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Beat that craving!!

I feel like a Musketeer with a back up team, prepared to beat the living crap out of anything that dares to strike! Lol.

It's just what I need :D

*Enjoying a strawberry lolly*

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Who loves ya baby!! :D

sorry old joke.

You are as good as through tonight with us 3 fighting off the craves with you :D

Kat is lethal to the poor buggers I saw her chop a crave into 1000 sweets once and eat the lot :cool:

Love this post.

Will remember not to get onto the wrong side of Kat! X

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

There you go, you're the D'Artagnan of the forum! En garde!

Ha ha! Ok, now I have an image in my head of me, dressed as a Musketeer, sword fighting a cigarette!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Ha ha! Ok, now I have an image in my head of me, dressed as a Musketeer, sword fighting a cigarette!

And you're chopping it into tiny bits!!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Found an even better one!

Aaaah, wow! How do you make them move like that?!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

And dancing while you do it!

And if that doesn't work, there's always a bat

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Aaaah, wow! How do you make them move like that?!

They're on lots of sites :)

And you can whack the nico demon with a fish

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

But sometimes you need the big guns!!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Awesome! Do you just copy and paste the link?

nsd_user663_56237 profile image


nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Well this will keep me busy for a while if I'm struggling!!

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