New here and need help please: Hi everyone i... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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New here and need help please

nsd_user663_43130 profile image
15 Replies

Hi everyone i'm new here and would be grateful of any help anyone can offer. I quit smoking on 3rd Jan I'm using patches. I've felt great very positive and proud that i've got this far. The past few days i've felt really down and can't seem to lift myself out of it. I feel like crying just writing this. Is this normal? How long will it last? Has anyone got any tips on how to get over this? Sorry for all the questions but feeling a bit desperate.

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nsd_user663_43130 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_40384 profile image

Hi, don't worry, people feel all sorts of things when they go through this. It's probably nothing to do with stopping smoking. You've done brilliantly to get this far. Well done! Sit it out, be kind to yourself and have a really good cry x

nsd_user663_42145 profile image

Don't give up Lainey... It's just a rough snap (Like a cold snap). It's normal for hormones/emotions to shift when quitting smoking. Cry, take a warm bath, eat chocolate, anything that helps. Remember to give yourself a break, after all you are battling an addiction...and your winning. Extra B vitamins helped me out of my funk....and lots of deep breaths.

your not alone

nsd_user663_20978 profile image

hi laineylou

yes it very normal to be emotional and tearful i remember writing many a post with tears dripping on the keyboard it does pass and get better honestly

i always found going out for a walk was how i coped with low times i would just walk and walk for miles till i felt better i stil walk alot now [started running to now woo hoo] but if i am stressed and it would have been a time in my past that i would have normally turned to a cigarette i go walk instead

or read through all the posts on hear helps no end with all the tips and advice and passes time when u feel abit down

well done you are almost 7 weeks in


nsd_user663_4558 profile image

I am like this every Monday morning before work!:D lol

It will be a rollar-coaster but you will get there in the end. :) Use this site as much as possbile as a support. It works.

nsd_user663_43130 profile image


Thanks everyone all your advice and support is brilliant. It's reassuring to know that others have gone through the same and have lived to tell the tale. After I added the post last night I had a good cry and it helped so instead of holding back the tears in future I'm just going to let them go. I've woken this morning feeling determined and positive again and then after reading the replies I'm smiling again you all made me laugh. I'm going to take everyone's advice starting with a nice brisk walk in the rain.

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Hi lainey I feel the same today. Not because I want to smoke cos I don't. I just feel generally down in the dumps. Feel like I wanna cry and I was snapping at everyone when I first got up. Now i just feel depressed :( I'm on day 23 x

nsd_user663_43130 profile image

Hi Rochelle it's a weird feeling, like you i don't want to smoke but feel down about something. I've just had a nice walk, it stopped raining and the sun came out. I do feel alot better now. It must be a side effect from not smoking or the patches as I don't usually feel down. I've just apologized to the OH for being a nark haha think he kind of understands.

Thanks Kari for your support this forum Is great xx

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Awww Rochelle sorry to hear that. Could it be the infamous 3 week thing?

You have been so positive and hope you get back to normal soon. Take care of YOU and thinking of you.

Good to hear you got through lainey x

i just dunnno, it could be, we are getting the new bathroom fitted at the min and have been since wednesday with no bath or toilet :( weve got a toilet downstairs so thgats fine, but having to go to my nanas every night for a bath. think thats getting me down too, and the thought of having to go untill monday without having a bath in my own house, lol i know that sounds stupid, but its stressing me out. hopefully when thats done on monday then i will be back to normal :) xx

Hi Rochelle it's a weird feeling, like you i don't want to smoke but feel down about something. I've just had a nice walk, it stopped raining and the sun came out. I do feel alot better now. It must be a side effect from not smoking or the patches as I don't usually feel down. I've just apologized to the OH for being a nark haha think he kind of understands.

Thanks Kari for your support this forum Is great xx

we need to do something good to cheer us up. unfortunately i cant have my usual face pack and bubble bath thing that cheers me up. lol x

Si22 profile image

Hi I'm like that still. I have good days and bad days. I'm on day 20. I would have thought it would be where I didn't want a fag now. But oh no. I seriously could light one up every day when the cravings are there. Don't get me wrong they are few and far between with each day. But I could always flip and start again.

We just have to be strong and think of the nice things that are already happening to our bodies since we quit.


nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Come Monday that bath is going to be the best one EVER Rochelle. You should have yourself one of your special pamper nights.

Oh I am planning it already lol :) face pack, radox bubbles, gok wan body butter, can't wait!! Also he had buggered up the heating last night and I think todays mood stemmed from that :( xx I feel a bit better now though

Hi I'm like that still. I have good days and bad days. I'm on day 20. I would have thought it would be where I didn't want a fag now. But oh no. I seriously could light one up every day when the cravings are there. Don't get me wrong they are few and far between with each day. But I could always flip and start again.

We just have to be strong and think of the nice things that are already happening to our bodies since we quit.


Oh I'm not craving a fag, just having a general 'down in the dumps' day. All I wanna do is sit all cosy and eat chocolate. Just ordered an indian for me and my boyfriend. And I have creme eggs in the cupboard. Lol felt weird all day, proper mood swings. Snappy then depressed and teary, its weird but I occasionly do get these moods anyway so I know its not got anything to do with quitting. I got them from time to time anyway. I think we just all do, women probably get them the most lol

nsd_user663_43130 profile image

i just dunnno, it could be, we are getting the new bathroom fitted at the min and have been since wednesday with no bath or toilet :( weve got a toilet downstairs so thgats fine, but having to go to my nanas every night for a bath. think thats getting me down too, and the thought of having to go untill monday without having a bath in my own house, lol i know that sounds stupid, but its stressing me out. hopefully when thats done on monday then i will be back to normal :) xx

we need to do something good to cheer us up. unfortunately i cant have my usual face pack and bubble bath thing that cheers me up. lol x

It'll all be worth it when your bathrooms finished. The not being able to have a bath would get to me too but think positive at least your not going to smell as bad as you did when you smoked lol x

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

It'll all be worth it when your bathrooms finished. The not being able to have a bath would get to me too but think positive at least your not going to smell as bad as you did when you smoked lol x

Haha yeah true!! Nah I don't stink I've been having baths down my nanas lol just came back. Its just not relaxing when its in someone elses house. Gotta get dressed again to come back home. Can't wait til its finished. I hate it when works getting done in the house :(

nsd_user663_43130 profile image

Just using this forum is cheering me up. I thought i understood the quote thing that everyone does when replying to a persons post. So I clicked quote on Rochelle's, then replied then added my post and hey presto it's disappeared lol i've probably added it to someone elses thread!

Hubby's taking me for a curry that'll cheer me up and then get some choccy on the way home woohoo.

nsd_user663_43130 profile image

Hahah just looked it's showing now Ignore me everyone

nsd_user663_43130 profile image

PMSL - priceless :D

I joined this forum last night went to bed after a good cry, got through today and tonight I'm actually laughing. At myself!

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