Time for action!.... And a sports bra!!! - No Smoking Day

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Time for action!.... And a sports bra!!!

nsd_user663_54940 profile image
21 Replies

I've mentioned the size of my arse in a couple of posts and I've decided it's time to do something about it.

When I quit smoking I said I would work on my weight loss once I was comfortable and confident enough to take on another major life change.

Well - I'm ready! :D

As of February 1st I will embark on stage 2 of my new life. I'm hoping that quitting smoking and the way that I have done it will give me the best possible foundation for exercise and healthy eating. I'm not starting a diet - I'm changing my lifestyle. Living on cabbage soup for 3 months will make you lose weight (and friends lol) but it's not healthy. I've been vegetarian for most of my life so I should take advantage of it and eat more of what I enjoy instead of what's convenient.

On Friday I'll post all my vital statistics :eek: then I'll keep track of my progress and post at least once a week.

If anyone would like to join in then please feel free. I'm happy to do this on my own but it's nice to have some company too :D

2013 is the year that I bounce back and take control :cool:

I WILL get back into my leathers and I WILL get out on my bike this year!!

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nsd_user663_54940 profile image
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21 Replies
nsd_user663_55040 profile image


sports bra is the best investment ive ever made, since my quit I've been going to the gym four days a week :).

Ok I haven't lost any weight but then I ain't gained either which is a good thing, now just got to get my eating under control. Cracker bread here I come:(

Hope to hear how you go

Total weight to lose 2 1/2 stone :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

Thanks for the replies....

....Max - I knew you'd be right behind me on this one - I'll push you to the Penthouse if you push me to the treadmill lol

...KK - Thanks for the input but I don't do "diets" as such - healthy eating is the way to go for me :-)

...Becky - I've got a treadmill at home so I'm gonna work my way up to jogging/running. Hopefully I'll have got a decent sports bra by then, not even gonna consider anything more than fast walking without one (38E's don't do running in a normal bra! lol) I've got about 3 stone to shift I think, it might be more cos I've not dared get on the scales yet :0

Well done on going to the gym - not gaining any weight is always a plus!

The plan so far is to buy some decent trainers on Thursday (payday! Woo hoo!) Half price sale on at Wynsors Shoes too - how handy is that?! Then when I get home I'll be removing any and all remaining junk food from the house and restocking with lovely fresh fruit n veg!

.....Better dust off the treadmill too :o lol

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

Hi Juju,

Good way to keep motivated!! There is a social group for those wanting to lose some timber called "until the pants fit" which is good for a bit of support. I've also found a great app for smart phone users called my fitness pal which is also pretty good.

Was my plan too to get fit again as I've lost it - going to sign up for at least one 10k for some motivation!!

Keep posting and good luck!!

Karen x

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

Well here we go....it's Feb 1st and time to kick stage 2 of my new life plan into action!

I've not done my measurements yet but I can add them later.


....I did weigh myself this morning....

11st 10lbs :( That might not sound too bad but I'm only 5' 2" tall!

I was less than that when I was pregnant with my daughter and I'd put over 3 stone on and could hardly move. I'll be honest, I was a bit shocked this morning but taking into consideration that I have probably stopped smoking at the worst time of year I suppose it's not too bad :o

One thing that I do know is that I won't ever break the 12st mark because from today I'll only be losing weight! I'm as determined to do this as I am to remain a non smoker!

I'll be getting on my treadmill once the kids have been picked up by their dad. I'm hoping it won't be too painful lol

I'll update my weight etc every week (and I might use this thread to track what I'm eating day to day just so that I can see what I'm doing wrong or right)


11st 10lbs

Bust - 38E

Waist - 35"

Hips - 46"

B - 2 Weetabix/semi skimmed milk, coffee

L - 2 Weetabix/semi skimmed milk, coffee

D - Fruit and fibre/semi skimmed milk, coffee

1 litre of water so far today

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

Oh eck... had a bad start to today.

Got up late for work so no breakfast :(

Lunch turned out to be a packet of Polo's because I volunteered to do a bit of overtime and didn't finish until 3pm.

Got home and had mushrooms on toast - yum!

Had a kip, woke up and had a yogurt.

Not drunk much water cos I left that at home today too :( and had about 4 coffees.

All in all - not a great day food wise but not eaten loads of rubbish like I usually do.

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

Sports bra and new Allen Carr book ordered :D

Lost half a lb too - going in the right direction lol

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

OOOH Max that sounds really painful :eek: hope it feels better soon, well done for not resorting to having a fag tho - all these things are sent to test us and yep, we're both doing great!

ps try using doors next time instead of rotten ladders lol

Dieting/losing weight is far harder than giving up smoking. Quitting only involves giving up fags...losing weight means giving up soooo much more! I'll see if my view of that changes one I get the new book...

I've got some decent trainers with the money I've saved and I can start to use the treadmill now :-)

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

Well it's been a week..... not a great week but I've not gained any weight so I'm seeing that as a positive :D

The Allen Carr book has finally arrived and I've started to read it. I've also been on the treadmill today :D I'm shocked to find out that I can run - or it may have been a jog, not sure lol - but I was going at 8 km/h which is bloody fast for me.

I can't do that speed for very long, only about a minute and a half, but I reckon if I keep getting on and doing that a few times a day then I'll build up slowly.

Not coughed once either!! What an achievement that is!!! :D

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

I got a bra from tesco...38DD and they had bigger ones too :eek: only cost me £6 (I think lol) It works a treat and is really comfy too. I got some decent trainers too - some Adidas ones from Wynsors. It makes a difference having the right equipment :)

Gonna throw myself into the exercise this weekend and hope I can keep it up during the week.

The smoking isn't a problem anymore. I feel like that's under control.

Need to get addicted to exercise so I can get back into my nice clothes and my leathers.... size 12 here I come!

Let me know how you get on Kat :D

nsd_user663_54940 profile image


Oh 'eck..... well here goes nothing... this is what too many sweets and not enough exercise has done to me!

These are my "before" pictures :eek: I hope I can see a difference when I get the next photo's done in a month :o

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

HOLY SHIT! Didn't think the pics were that big!!

If anyone wants me I'll be on the treadmill!

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

You're having a bud?

Bugger it I'm having a vodka then! lol :D

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

I'll have the vodka neat then just to be on the safe side lol... Mojito sounds good - anything with fresh mint in has GOT to be healthy! ;)

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

Cor the way you were talking Julie I thought you were the size of a barrage balloon! :D

Best of all,you smell sweet as anything and not like some disgusting old ashtray so well done you! X

Lol thanks Max (I think my daughter's camera must take a few pounds off cos I certainly feel like a barrage balloon!)

I think not smelling like an ashtray makes up for a few extra lbs, but I still want to get rid of them lol x

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

I need to put my vodka into a drinks bottle....I keep spilling it and the treadmill's getting sticky!! pmsl

Fizzy water is only calorie free if you put LOTS of alcohol in it ;) lol

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

Yep, I know Shaw! I'm based in Oldham and I go to Shaw quite regular with work. Blimey - small world! How long have you been in Cornwall?

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

I think they did you a huge favour cos you've not missed anything up here! lol.

I'm peckish now.... I should have gone shopping today, all I seem to have in the house is pet food and sprouts :(

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

Livin it up an a Saturday night!....

Best I could do was Fruit n Fibre! Oh well at least it's good for me and tastes marginally better than yellow sprouts from Christmas!! lol

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......Bailey's, my favourite! I'll have to call it a night - I've got at least 4 bottles in the house and I'll only have 3 if I start on that. lol

Enjoy Kat :) hope you don't have a sore head in the morning x

nsd_user663_55248 profile image

Why was I not invited to this party?!!! Vodka in bottles on treadmills. Woah, you girls are rocking!!! I wana go, I wana go!!

nsd_user663_55248 profile image

Right, I'll be up for next saturdays party...if your supplying the Baileys! ;-)............haven't had Baileys for a llllllllllloooooooooooonnnnnnnnggg time!!! mmmm lush stuff!

What time does party start next week???


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