Can someone make food illegal just fot the ... - No Smoking Day

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Can someone make food illegal just fot the time being?

nsd_user663_5972 profile image
12 Replies

Some of you know that I've had numerous problems in coming to terms with the post quit flab and I think this one of the reasons why I've mucked up previous quits. Hwoever, I realise that smoking is no magic weight loss cure, put it this way when I did smoke I didn't magically lose all of the quitting flab.

But can someone just ban food for a few months, I cannot stop scoffing and most of the time it's crap, chocloate, doughnuts, muffins, danish pastries anything with a high fat and sugar content.

I have a king prawn salad in front of me but it's just not as appealing as a family size bag of revels

Last quit my but needed it's own postcode, this time it's heading towards needing it's own street name :D

Oh well at least I can laugh about it this time round, I've just got to cut out the rubbish, I blame the supermarkets they always put the rubbish on offer and what with a recession and all that :rolleyes: OK that is just an excuse, but I do find it cheaper to eat crap than healthy. Does anyone else find that? The fresh fruit/veg I buy don't seem to last 5 minutes before it's off :confused:

Oh well this time next year I will be in that penthouse as I would have been 12 months smoke free, I will be back down to a size 8/10 and will be able to run 10K :cool:

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nsd_user663_5972 profile image
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12 Replies
CamperPete profile image


........for Tinks :D


........for Tinks :D

Come on Pete

Clearly that is not going to help at all.........

Lets try a more practical solution.


Anytime you feel like eating put whatever you are going to eat into an envelope (barring any rabbit food) and stick it in the post to me.

By way of a favour, and only because it is you, I will dispose of said food for you.

Chocloate, doughnuts, muffins, danish pastries anything with a high fat and sugar content, all of these things will happily be disposed of!!

Salad, fruit, pasta and fish anything healthy or low fat, these things will not!! :(

nsd_user663_17966 profile image

Not to try and sicken you all BUT....

I can't wait to start pigging out, I need to put on weight and I am looking forward to every pound that goes on my body!

Feel free to send me your food Tink and I will get rid of it for you ;)

Shaz x

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

John - cheesy doritos and dairy milk caramel on their way to you. Although I suppose I could have the cheesy doritos, just suck the flavour off them then put the crisp in the bin, that way in theory I'm not eating it - :eek:

Pete - I think I'll take the patch off my arm and put it over my mouth, that way I won't have to worrry about eating or smoking :D

Shashwoo -poor you having to put weight on :p I'll willingly give you some of mine :D, I'm really happy to share

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

I'm going to give it 1 more month before I even think about diet/exercise. I now look 9 months pregnant (I'm not pregnant at all :mad:)and I have been asked when it is due many times in the last couple of months :eek:

But, I don't want to start smoking again, so I'm going to allow myself to keep pigging out on popcorn (3 bags on sat night) and beer and sweets and biccy's and everything else. At least til 15th Feb anyway, and after if I still need to. That will be my next mountain to climb :D

I think I'll take the patch off my arm and put it over my mouth, that way I won't have to worrry about eating or smoking :D

Now there's some clever thinking.........maybe we can get some kind of patent - it would be worth a fortune!!!:D I knew there would be a pass me a choccy bar to celebrate!!

nsd_user663_15752 profile image

We all know the reason that people gain weight after quiting smoking is because smoking surpresses your appitite (I believe it also speeds up your metabilism as well but just sticking to the first point for now).

Is it actually the nicotine that is responisble for loss of appitite? Because Ive noticed in past quit attempts when I used loads of NRT that my appitite didnt really change. So are you using NRT? If not it may help?

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Yep I'm using NRT, hence the comment about the patch over the mouth :) I think it's just a case of cracking the habitual side of smoking for example I when I would usually have a smoke I'm now having food. It's also I think something to do with the sugar levels in body (I'm sure I've read that somewhere) hence I'm craving sweet foods to up my sugar levels and of course food now tastes real good since I don't have no poision from smoking effecting my taste buds :D

nsd_user663_20591 profile image

you all are making me very hungry and im at work sipping coffee and eating crackers..i find im ok here but if i spend the whole day at home i eat tooo much:eek: i try to keep that crap food out of the house so it is not there at 10 at nite when i no longer care...just want some food!! tinks..1 battle at a time!! you can always lose xtra weight but cannot reverse the damage done by smoking which i know you already know!! send me over some of those yummy snacks!!:p

nsd_user663_18695 profile image

I bought scales at the weekend and I am 41/2 stones overwight. I was in a state of shock. I have a plan however, cut out biscuits chocolate and crisps, halve the amount of butter, smaller portions, no seconds and no snacking. I am going to double the exercise I do. If I lose a pound a week that is about 20 pounds off by July when my son is getting married in the South of France. If I lose 2 pounds a week, that is 3 stone, and I will be rounded rather than frankly fat.

But I havent put on 41/2 stone since November, about a stone probably and it may have done me a favour by stopping the drift towards obesity.

So Tinks, hard as it is , it may be time for you to accept that it isnt quitting that causes you to gain weight, it's eating too much, and if you continue to smoke your selfesteem will be lower, and the health risks wont matter so much... smokers are more likely to be overweight than nonsmokers.

I think this is the smoking myth that you like to cling to.

Mine is that smokers are rebels and therefore inherently more interesting and intelligent(:rolleyes:)than non smokers , oh yes and that over the years my body has become so used to poison that if I stop, it will fall apart- thats a good one- lost count of the times I have started smoking again because I had to , to deal with the depression or the allergies. Its all utter B******s. , From now on I will try to be the best I can, thin or fat, sick or well, intreresting or boring.

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

So Tinks, hard as it is , it may be time for you to accept that it isnt quitting that causes you to gain weight, it's eating too much, and if you continue to smoke your selfesteem will be lower, and the health risks wont matter so much... smokers are more likely to be overweight than nonsmokers.

I think this is the smoking myth that you like to cling to.QUOTE]

Hi Sandy - completely agree that it's eating too much which has made me gain weight, however it is only as a result of quitting smoking that I have eaten more and hence gained the extra stones. If I was smoking I would have a smoke when I'm hungry instead of food. Therefore in a way, I have continued to feed the addiction, (if that makes sense).

I'm exercising a lot more and the weekend sees the start of my healthy eating perhaps the odd chocolate hear and there ;)

TBH I'm very happy with my not smoking life (don't get me wrong I get bad days, as do we all) but overall I prefer it, I'll kirb the eating habits then bobs your uncle :rolleyes:

Good luck with your healthy eating


nsd_user663_18695 profile image

Thanks for realising I wasnt having a pop. It is miserable to find yourself trapped in flesh that should not be there. Mind I think that when I look in the mirror too. Who is that old woman with my hair? Good luck with yours too.

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