Help - Having a Horrible Time!: Hello All... - No Smoking Day

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Help - Having a Horrible Time!

nsd_user663_48461 profile image
16 Replies

Hello All

Oh dear, I'm having a really sh*t couple of days. Hellish. Haven't felt well all week (general stop smoking illness I think), work really stresssy, constantly wanting a nic-fix these last couple of days. Can't make it go away. Permanently at the 'I have no patience for anything' threshold, and the tiniest thing is sending me over the precipice and into a hissy fit! :(

Logged on to read some posts for motivation/moral support. It has helped - came across a great one this morning from MadCatWoman, in which she stated something that I'd pretty much said to my husband only 10 mins prior - I can't give in otherwise I've got to either (1) smoke until I die, or (2) go through this and those even worse early weeks again on the next quit attempt. Oh no, neither of those are an option!!

I can't believe I'm feeling this bad at 11 weeks. I haven't had any nicotine at all for over 9 weeks. I kept some NRT in case of emergency, but have managed not to succumb, even in difficult times. But OMG, this little episode is killing me, and I have been tempted to reosrt to NRT (still better than smoking!). I'm still resisting, as in my infrequent lucid moments whilst I'm in this pickle, I can just about remind myself that I have no physical need, I'm just being brainwashed.

We are going to go off out for the day - do anything that wll calm me and/or lift my spirits. Some holiday shopping should do it methinks. :)

I wish this b*st*rd of a nictone terrorist would just get the message, and f*** off and leave me alone! :mad:

So, back to finding some inner strength and sheer bloody-mindedness - I will not smoke today. Oooh - feeling better already. Thank goodness for this forum!

Hope everyone else is doing well and feeling better than I am! Thank you for letting me rant! Ending this less than positive post with a big smile :D

Shazza x

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nsd_user663_48461 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_46317 profile image

Hi Shazza, sorry to hear you're having a tough couple of days:(

I'm just ahead of you on week 12 and not feeling too good myself. I've got that metallic taste back in my mouth and that sick empty feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I remember my smoking cessation guy saying that the nicotine receptors in the brain die down completely at about 3 months, I'm thinking the little b.........s are in the final throws of death and are having the last surge. Hope so anyway;)

We can do this as you say the alternatives are unthinkable.

Enjoy you day out - think I might do the same xxx

nsd_user663_48461 profile image

Thanks Magwillz. Sorry to hear you're getting similar. Roll on 3 months then, please God, let it be true! It just comes as such a shock to have such intense craves just when you thought it was really starting to ease. Like you say, it's the little you know what making a last ditch attempt at getting fed before starving to death. Just need to be on our guards. We're strong, we can do this! :D

My poor hubbie. He's just run me lavendar bath. Bless - what would I do without him - I've been wretched the last couple of days. I'm suprised he hasn't started divorce proceedings on the basis I've transformed into an evil witch! :eek:

nsd_user663_46317 profile image

Aw bless him, it's great that youre having so much support from your hubbie.

Mine is still in bed!!! And he's still smoking!!! Grrrrrrrrr:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_44157 profile image

Mine is still in bed!!! And he's still smoking!!!

Hmm sounds as if you two had a good night then or am I getting something wrong here :D

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Hello All...

I can't believe I'm feeling this bad at 11 weeks. I haven't had any nicotine at all for over 9 weeks.

Shazza x

Sorry to hear you're having a little bit of a bumpy ride Shazza but give it chance!

I, like you, smoked for 31 years. Think about that for a minute. 31 years of embedding a habit into every part of your life. From the minute you got up to the minute you went to bed your life included, and at times was probably organised, around wanting, needing and being able to smoke.

Think about it.

31 years.

That's 372 months.

It's 1,617 weeks.

11,323 days.

271,752 hours.

16,305,120 minutes.

978,307,200 seconds.

That's a mighty long time and, compared to that, your quit of 11 weeks is a drop in the ocean.

You're doing great but you have to expect it to take longer than 11 weeks to break a 31 year habit. Don't think you aren't doing well because you are, you just need to give it time.

I'm now on 21 weeks and in 3 days will have completed 5 months.

That's after a 31 year habit like yours.

It DOES get easier. I still get craves from time to time but they are getting weaker and weaker and shorter and shorter.

They are getting so easy to brush aside now.

You CAN do it, you can tell from your posts that you have what it takes. Just go easier on yourself and expect the craves. After 31 years you have to give it more time than 11 weeks to break the habit.

Just keep saying NOPE and trust that it will get easier and easier. :cool:

nsd_user663_46317 profile image

Thks H that really made me laugh:D


lefoy123 profile image

Trials and Tribulations of ShazzaH

Good Morning Shazza I bet you feel better having got that lot off your chest. You can't beat a good rant. I know where you're coming from as I went through the same ordeal myself. To put it in perspective, I'm a recovering alcoholic being nearly 22 years away from my last drink and I found that kicking the dreaded weed into touch harder than quitting drinking. Hard to imagine but it's the truth just demonstrates just how additive nicotine actually is. Hang on in there it does get better. So indulge yourself go for that retail therapy you talk about.

Look after yourself and all the best with your quit.

Michael;a.k.a:- lefoy123

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Hello All

Oh dear, I'm having a really sh*t couple of days. Hellish. Haven't felt well all week (general stop smoking illness I think), work really stresssy, constantly wanting a nic-fix these last couple of days. Can't make it go away. Permanently at the 'I have no patience for anything' threshold, and the tiniest thing is sending me over the precipice and into a hissy fit! :(

Logged on to read some posts for motivation/moral support. It has helped - came across a great one this morning from MadCatWoman, in which she stated something that I'd pretty much said to my husband only 10 mins prior - I can't give in otherwise I've got to either (1) smoke until I die, or (2) go through this and those even worse early weeks again on the next quit attempt. Oh no, neither of those are an option!!

I can't believe I'm feeling this bad at 11 weeks. I haven't had any nicotine at all for over 9 weeks. I kept some NRT in case of emergency, but have managed not to succumb, even in difficult times. But OMG, this little episode is killing me, and I have been tempted to reosrt to NRT (still better than smoking!). I'm still resisting, as in my infrequent lucid moments whilst I'm in this pickle, I can just about remind myself that I have no physical need, I'm just being brainwashed.

We are going to go off out for the day - do anything that wll calm me and/or lift my spirits. Some holiday shopping should do it methinks.

I wish this b*st*rd of a nictone terrorist would just get the message, and f*** off and leave me alone!

So, back to finding some inner strength and sheer bloody-mindedness - I will not smoke today. Oooh - feeling better already. Thank goodness for this forum!

Hope everyone else is doing well and feeling better than I am! Thank you for letting me rant! Ending this less than positive post with a big smile

Shazza x

Hi Shazza,

I think that when you first give up, you have SO MUCH determination and will power, coupled with an almost euphoric feeling :D at the prospect of giving up, and then over the coming weeks, those feelings diminish somewhat, and you are back to normal again. This, in my opinion, is the hardest bit This is when you dig your heels in, and tell the Evil One, where to go sling his hook.

Also, by now, you might have periods when you forget that you no longer smoke, and stretch out your hand to reach for your packet of cigarettes, and then it will hit you like a sledgehammer......l remember it well, the dissappointment, anger, frustration at NOT being able to have one.:mad:

The best advice l can give you is, keep your brain anything that takes your mind off your craving. I used to spend most of the day on here for the first few months LOL. I also did online jigsaws/games, anything to stop me thinking about Nic.

For the record, l used to smoke about 60 a day for over 47 it can be done. I used Champix, but not for very long as it made me feel a bit sickly.

Stay strong and you will soon have him by the scruff of his neck.:)

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Hi Shazza, not much I can add to anything the previous posters have put. Just hope you had a good day shopping and the nicotine monster stopped bothering you.:)

nsd_user663_48461 profile image

Feeling Better Now

Hello Magwillz, Aitch, Michael, Capitan, Kapper, Haze

Thank you all for your support. Such true words. Thankfully, I'm feeling much better today. :D

Onwards and upwards, as always. :D


nsd_user663_18145 profile image

:) So glad to see your having a better day today

just try to stay positive and those bad days will get less often and weaker

nsd_user663_48461 profile image

Thanks Carol. Gosh, what an awful few days - I think the shock got to me as much as the craves. But I got through it and its passed over now, thank goodness! Can sit here with smug smile as the winner of the latest battle! :rolleyes: :D

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Hi Shazza,

WELL DONE . I just knew it was just a little glitch :).

I remember being caught off guard, more than once, and remember the feeling of surprise as much as anything :eek:. After a few weeks, the cravings vanish for the most part, and then suddenly.....WHAM.....they come back with a vengeance, and i't's like being kicked in the solar plexus :mad:, and the shock and horror of it l found, knocked my confidence for a while.

It does get better l promise you. These little episodes will become longer and longer in between, and less and less severe. I KNOW.....l've been there, and done it LOL.

Take care, Josie

nsd_user663_45734 profile image

Hi Shazza,I found week 12 really hard too,but getting to end of month 4 and it is getting better I promise!!:):) Just keep reminding yourself WHY you wanted to stop. My friend stopped 3 yrs ago and said she very very rarely thinks of a cigarette now and she thought she would NEVER say that,one day at a time goes along way.....:D

nsd_user663_48461 profile image

Thank you Josie and Amanda. It's so nice to know that others have experienced the same, and get through it. I am sooo looking forward to the time when this doesn't feel like the only thing I'm thinking about. And there's only one way to do that ... :)

Onwards and upwards! :D

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Hi Shazza,

I remember that feeling oh so well. :eek: When cigarettes occupied my thoughts every single waking hour of the day. It will pass will suddenly think, " Crikey, l haven't thought about smoking for the last half hour". :cool:

This is why, it is so important to be keeping your mind busy, 'cos it's impossible to think about 2 things at the same time. I found that if l had a craving, l woould come on here, and by the time l had read or posted a few posts, it would have gone again. Also, try to keep your hands busy too, 'cos l believe that when your hands are idle, you start to think about what you used to do with them.....holding a cigarette.

Right, pep talk over LOL. Today is another step to becoming a former smoker. You CAN do it and you WILL do it. :)

Love Josie

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