Ahhhhhhh Day 5: So just after lunchtime on... - No Smoking Day

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Ahhhhhhh Day 5

nsd_user663_54719 profile image
19 Replies

So just after lunchtime on day 5 and I REALLLLLLLY want just the one. I don't know what it is! It could be the feeling of it's the weekend or I've had a quiet day at work and I'm bored or I'm sick of a few people in here but I have the biggest urge for just the one.....I know I shouldn't but grrrrr!!


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nsd_user663_54719 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Aw Babs I know the feeling!!

It does get loads better though - i never believed it when people told me that but it really does. :)

You are doing so well - 5 days and going CT? That's way better than I could manage.

It probably is boredom, and if you're like me and work with a lot of smokers that's pretty stressful too *but* when you get out the other side of a crave you feel so good for beating it, much better than a stinky fag ever made me feel!!

You can do it :)

Gemma x

nsd_user663_4522 profile image

My pal on Facebook has been doing the quit with me CT and he gave up last night sadly, I asked him what the ciggy was like, he said it was awful nothing like he imagined that 1st puff to be like, instead of sighing luxuriosly as the smoke enveloped his lungs, he coughed furiously had a massive nicotine rush and was almost sick. That has inspired me even more it would be nothing like you would imagine but day 5 has been a bit of a struggle for me too but I keep refreshing these forums...you are not alone

nsd_user663_54719 profile image

I'm attempting CT, my mind tells me to start again and go get Champix! But I don't want to do that because that's cheating! Haha. I do really want to smoke though.

I sit right at the back of the office so I don't really notice when everyone goes for their smokes during the day, I do miss going outside and chatting etc. Hope this passes quickly!! Can't imagine what I'm going to be like tonight/this weekend!!!

Babs x

nsd_user663_54719 profile image

My pal on Facebook has been doing the quit with me CT and he gave up last night sadly, I asked him what the ciggy was like, he said it was awful nothing like he imagined that 1st puff to be like, instead of sighing luxuriosly as the smoke enveloped his lungs, he coughed furiously had a massive nicotine rush and was almost sick. That has inspired me even more it would be nothing like you would imagine but day 5 has been a bit of a struggle for me too but I keep refreshing these forums...you are not alone

I can imagine I'd be the same if I tried smoking again with being off it for 5 days, it would be like starting all over again but in a way....probably just because I want a fag so much, if I did have that couple of puffs, it would hopefully put me off it the wat it inspired you....

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I'm attempting CT, my mind tells me to start again and go get Champix! But I don't want to do that because that's cheating! Haha. I do really want to smoke though.

I sit right at the back of the office so I don't really notice when everyone goes for their smokes during the day, I do miss going outside and chatting etc. Hope this passes quickly!! Can't imagine what I'm going to be like tonight/this weekend!!!

Babs x

Don't start your quit over again - you don't need to, but if it makes the difference between losing your quit and not get some NRT gum. I know after 5 days the nicotine is out of your system though. That, my quit buddy, the patches and this place are what have kept me off the fags!!

It really does pass quickly - I haven't had a serious craving for a cigarette in a while now, there's still times when I'd *like* one but not a really bad crave.

You're going to be fine, don't worry about the future, just think you're not going to have a fag now and it'll all fall into place :)

And of course you can pop on here and rant - god knows I have enough!!

Gemma x

nsd_user663_54719 profile image

I don't want to start over again and I tried the NRT gum before and found it ugh! There is an e-cig at home which I've used a few times in the evening, think I also miss holding a fag!! This place has defo helped me a lot, came across is by chance at work. I don't know what I'd do without a moan on here....my partner is useless!! Haha.

I'm not sure if I'm craving or if I would just *like* a fag...I'll get over it eventually though. Just need to remember why I stopped.....

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I don't want to start over again and I tried the NRT gum before and found it ugh! There is an e-cig at home which I've used a few times in the evening, think I also miss holding a fag!! This place has defo helped me a lot, came across is by chance at work. I don't know what I'd do without a moan on here....my partner is useless!! Haha.

I'm not sure if I'm craving or if I would just *like* a fag...I'll get over it eventually though. Just need to remember why I stopped.....

Some of the NRT gums are vile - the one I use is quite nice but it's best if you can go without it if you're going CT!!

If you've been smoking nearly 10 years that's a lot of "habit" to break in 5 days - but you really will do it!!

Anyway you're at nearly 90 fags not smoked (54mg of tar for the ones I smoked :eek: ) and about £40 better off - that's better than smoking ;)

I bet you're starting to smell things better too by now as well!

Gemma x

nsd_user663_54719 profile image

Some of the NRT gums are vile - the one I use is quite nice but it's best if you can go without it if you're going CT!!

If you've been smoking nearly 10 years that's a lot of "habit" to break in 5 days - but you really will do it!!

Anyway you're at nearly 90 fags not smoked (54mg of tar for the ones I smoked :eek: ) and about £40 better off - that's better than smoking ;)

I bet you're starting to smell things better too by now as well!

Gemma x

It's scary to think it's nearly 10 years I've been smoking....I'm 24!!!!

My balance has noticed a big difference from just these past 5 days!! Scary to think how much I used to spend!

Really starting to struggle this afternoon, especially when someone just asked me how I was getting on and when I said I want one they told me to go with them....no not me, not this time. I'm strong! :rolleyes:

AngryBear profile image

Someone once said to me, at the start of my quit, "have just the one then. But what happens 10 minutes later?"

It just restarts the cycle. You're five days in Babs? Cling on, don't jack it in. Five days is the start, you've done that now, why do them again? Before you know it you won't know how many days quit you are (I have no idea, it's six months and a bit!) and it comes faster than you might think.

"Just the one" won't work. You know that so hold on, you're doing so well :)

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

So just after lunchtime on day 5 and I REALLLLLLLY want just the one. I don't know what it is! It could be the feeling of it's the weekend or I've had a quiet day at work and I'm bored or I'm sick of a few people in here but I have the biggest urge for just the one.....I know I shouldn't but grrrrr!!


It would be nice if we could have just the one... it was an idle thought like this which marked the end of my last quit which lasted nearly a year, and it's taken over four years for me to climb back 'on the wagon'.

I find it's nice to have just the one bar of chocolate occasionally - maybe once a month or two. Unfortunately, cigarettes aren't like that. You can't enjoy just the one, because:

- just the one comes with its own hidden baggage, in the form of the tens of thousands of cigarettes that follow it.

- the whole concept of 'enjoyment' is an illusion - it's just relief of withdrawal symptoms. Did anyone 'enjoy' their first cigarette? Of course not; you only start to 'enjoy' them as you start to depend on them. I remember the first cigarette after almost a year - no 'aaah' feeling at all, no enjoyment.

I know from bitter experience - is your freedom worth it? I learnt the hard way - there is no such thing as just one, I wouldn't even give thoughts like that any credibility whatsoever on this quit.

Freedom is hard won, the most valuable thing in our lives. Never ever take it for granted, or think you can play with it - you will lose!

nsd_user663_54719 profile image

Someone once said to me, at the start of my quit, "have just the one then. But what happens 10 minutes later?"

It just restarts the cycle. You're five days in Babs? Cling on, don't jack it in. Five days is the start, you've done that now, why do them again? Before you know it you won't know how many days quit you are (I have no idea, it's six months and a bit!) and it comes faster than you might think.

"Just the one" won't work. You know that so hold on, you're doing so well :)

Everytime I moan to my mate about wanting one, she says well have one - she's a nonsmoker too!!!

I'm trying so hard to cling on but when it's all I can think about at work, I just want to do it, feel awful that I did it and get over that....ugh. Lol.

nsd_user663_54719 profile image

It would be nice if we could have just the one... it was an idle thought like this which marked the end of my last quit which last nearly a year, and it's taken over four years for me to climb back 'on the wagon'.

I find it's nice to have just the one bar of chocolate occasionally - maybe once a month or two. Unfortunately, cigarettes aren't like that. You can't enjoy just the one, because:

- just the one comes with its own hidden baggage, in the form of the tens of thousands of cigarettes that follow it.

- the whole concept of 'enjoyment' is an illusion - it's just relief of withdrawal symptoms. Did anyone 'enjoy' their first cigarette? Of course not; you only start to 'enjoy' them as you start to depend on them. I remember the first cigarette after almost a year - no 'aaah' feeling at all, no enjoyment.

I know from bitter experience - is your freedom worth it? I leart the hard way - there is no such thing as just one, I wouldn't even give thoughts like that any credibility whatsoever on this quit.

Freedom is hard won, the most valuable thing in our lives. Never ever take it for granted, or think you can play with it - you will lose!

I keep trying to make excuses to have "just the one" I know it won't work though, I just need to be told it! haha.

Thanks guys and dolls.

Babs x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

It's scary to think it's nearly 10 years I've been smoking....I'm 24!!!!

My balance has noticed a big difference from just these past 5 days!! Scary to think how much I used to spend!

Really starting to struggle this afternoon, especially when someone just asked me how I was getting on and when I said I want one they told me to go with them....no not me, not this time. I'm strong! :rolleyes:

Nearly 13 years for me - well of regular smoking, I used to smoke a bit before that for a few years when I could :eek:

But the positive thing is that you didn't go out for one - that is a great sign!!

Angrybear is right - what if you did have "just one"? It would taste foul, and you'd feel rubbish for messing up your quit - I've been there and done that and believe me you feel lousy afterwards.

You can do this!!

Gemma x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I keep trying to make excuses to have "just the one" I know it won't work though, I just need to be told it! haha.

Thanks guys and dolls.

Babs x

It's never "just the one" 'cos then the "voice" changes from just the one to "you've done it now, you might as well carry on" :(

Like I say, been there, done that - my shortest "just the one" was another fortnight of smoking before I got my act together.

If I can do it working with loads of smokers and having no willpower *you* can!!

Gemma x

AngryBear profile image

Everytime I moan to my mate about wanting one, she says well have one - she's a nonsmoker too!!!

I'm trying so hard to cling on but when it's all I can think about at work, I just want to do it, feel awful that I did it and get over that....ugh. Lol.

It was all I could think about all the time in my first two weeks or so, I know what you mean.

Don't try to get, or let, anyone "give you permission". I tried to moan so much that my wife would tell me to smoke. She saw that coming and didn't :D It's your decision, your quit, keep in control, hold on, this does pass! ;)

nsd_user663_54719 profile image

Nearly 13 years for me - well of regular smoking, I used to smoke a bit before that for a few years when I could :eek:

But the positive thing is that you didn't go out for one - that is a great sign!!

Angrybear is right - what if you did have "just one"? It would taste foul, and you'd feel rubbish for messing up your quit - I've been there and done that and believe me you feel lousy afterwards.

You can do this!!

Gemma x

No I didn't but in the back of my mind I wish I did. I'll be finishing work in 10 minutes and it seems to get a bit easier once I'm on my way home.

Hopefully I can get over this and relax!! x

nsd_user663_54719 profile image

It was all I could think about all the time in my first two weeks or so, I know what you mean.

Don't try to get, or let, anyone "give you permission". I tried to moan so much that my wife would tell me to smoke. She saw that coming and didn't :D It's your decision, your quit, keep in control, hold on, this does pass! ;)

I'm standing up and trying to be strong to the very few people telling me to have one. The majority of people and saying how proud they are of me. I want to keep that up. I also don't want to disappoint my mum but then I think it's only 1 and nobody needs to know.....it fairly is being a demon today!

Sorry to moan and rant on so much, I'm only saying what is coming into my head while I type this!! :confused:

Babs x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

No I didn't but in the back of my mind I wish I did. I'll be finishing work in 10 minutes and it seems to get a bit easier once I'm on my way home.

Hopefully I can get over this and relax!! x

We *all* go through that - I did early on in my quit. Now if someone offered me a fag I'd tell them to go away (or something :p ) and you're only 3 weeks behind me!! You still didn't have one 'cos you're stronger than the "nicotine demons" in your head. :)

I'm on here now 'cos it's very slack at work now (always is on a Friday afternoon) and this is the time I'd be in the "leper's corner" more than usual.

You have a nice weekend and treat yourself with all that money you would have spent on fags :D

Gemma x

AngryBear profile image

I'm standing up and trying to be strong to the very few people telling me to have one. The majority of people and saying how proud they are of me. I want to keep that up. I also don't want to disappoint my mum but then I think it's only 1 and nobody needs to know.....it fairly is being a demon today!

Sorry to moan and rant on so much, I'm only saying what is coming into my head while I type this!! :confused:

Babs x

You rant away, you're doing beautifully. And "nobody needs to know"? YOU would know, and that's all that matters ;)

Not what you're looking for?

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