Day 10 feeling wobbly: First morning didn't... - No Smoking Day

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Day 10 feeling wobbly

nsd_user663_54525 profile image
11 Replies

First morning didn't feel positive, sore throat an grumpy,

On the way to work got speeding ticket, late, other half has flu, my little boy got flu, my daughter is allergic to guinea pigs we got her for Xmas so we had to give them back today an she was distraught bless her heart.

All in bed accept me now I don't know whether to laugh or cry or rock in a corner!

This is the time I would be getting my fix aaaaaaaaargh not feeling so confident now!

What do you do?

I really can't eat anymore or drink any more bloody tea!!!!!!

Sorry for moaning, trying to stay strong and calm for the family, but climbing walls at the minute.....

Will it always be like this after a bad day?

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nsd_user663_54525 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_54524 profile image

You and me both struggling...... I have posted and got great support to sick it will pass is what I am told and I will believe them......I will.......and you posts here and repaint your whole house (or mine preferably) till the crave strong....

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hang in there Wooders, your quit will just get stronger and stronger. I'm so sorry you've had such a bitch of a day but when you get up in the morning with your quit intact you are going to be so proud of yourself and that will make you see how strong you are!

Do whatever it takes, why don't you read as many jokes on this forum as you can, they'll help put a smile on your face and make you feel positive again. Search on jokes. It always helps me.

Bad days won't always make you feel like this, honestly, it's like any other trigger. Face a few of them and it will cease to hold the same feelings for you.

Stay strong Wooders, I will be thinking of you

Molly x

nsd_user663_42471 profile image

Hey Wooders

Day 10, double figures, and seems a good time to remember you don't get to here without strength. You have it.

Sorry for the utter crap day you have had so far, but I know you know the caving now would make it so much worse not better.

When you wake up tomorrow, smoke free, you will know that you can get through anything. You will get through this, just a little patience and it will pass and you will be stronger for it.

Take it easy


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Wooders, stay strong!!

You know I've had a bad day and didn't give in - and I feel so good for it, you will too :)

You've had a stinking time *but* smoking won't make it better. Like Molly says when you get up and your quit is another day on that's going to be a positive thing to be proud of!

Do anything nice for yourself, whatever it is you love to make yourself feel good - your fave film, music, food, hop online and buy yourself something with the money you saved by not smoking, and that will take the edge off it!

Keep posting and reading on here 'cos the people on here are lovely and always help!!

You can do it :)

Gemma x

nsd_user663_54386 profile image

Be strong

No it won't always be like this xxx

nsd_user663_54525 profile image

Yes you are all right, it will pass, going to hang in there with my teeth!;)

Thankyou so much, it would be silly to get this far and ruin it.

Tomorrow is another day and Im going to take a deep breath!

Ramasus you have done so well so far... we've got this!! Hope your feeling a bit better, .... I really need to finish off painting in my house! Maybe we just need a project!;)

I however tonight am about to clean out the guinea pig cage and hide so my daughter doesn't get upset in the morning! ( and try and sell on eBay;)!)

I don't know how you have quit ct Molly you are one brave lady! Hats off to you, Thankyou for MSG in my hour of need, a million congratulations and luck,I'm in awe.

Dom Thankyou again for your kind wise words, I panicked, as last days were not too bad! The feelings really sneak up on you don't they! Theres no going back now.. Month 2 is fantastic please tell me the craves aren't as strong and you stop eating like a horse soon!

nsd_user663_42471 profile image


Good to hear you got a handle on this crave now, another battle won.

For me your body and mind are on the same page, everything levels out. People do keep saying the crave get less and less and easier. My theory is that you get better at dealing with them. As each day goes by you gain more experience in beating it and know what things to do to beat it. I'm sure eventually it becomes second nature, but right now, we have to concentrate and be on guard because as you say, they do sneak up, and always at the worst times.

Stay guarded and positive and online if that helps.


nsd_user663_54525 profile image

Thanks girls,

I'm going to try my hardest, It would be really disappointing if We buckled, plus looks kind of cold out there!

Kind of mental wouldn't bat an eyelid before about going outside in rain, cold, snow just for a quick puff isnt it!

Thankyou both For your help again Strong and focused and no more eating for me! Oooh maybe a new top;)xxx

Dippy_Egg profile image

Hang in there Wooders. Its just been a classic bad day. Try to remember all those shitty things would have happened whether you didnt or did smoke............and its just an addictive illusion that smoking would actually help in any way. It really wouldnt. My advice now would be.....go to bed. Put a lid on the day. You'll be amazed how powerful you will feel tomorrow for having survived it. Mainly though......I've logged stress with the strongest stressy stressingness YOU WILL NOT ALWAYS FEEL LIKE THIS. I promise. At 8 months quit I rarely even think of fags....and you couldnt pay me to smoke one. Upwards and onwards Woody.

nsd_user663_54525 profile image

Thankyou Dom, thank goodness it gets bit better, otherwise might have to lock myself in my house!

Your positivity and encouragement really means a lot, you sound like you have got this one, def a quit for keeps x

nsd_user663_54525 profile image

Hang in there Wooders. Its just been a classic bad day. Try to remember all those shitty things would have happened whether you didnt or did smoke............and its just an addictive illusion that smoking would actually help in any way. It really wouldnt. My advice now would be.....go to bed. Put a lid on the day. You'll be amazed how powerful you will feel tomorrow for having survived it. Mainly though......I've logged stress with the strongest stressy stressingness YOU WILL NOT ALWAYS FEEL LIKE THIS. I promise. At 8 months quit I rarely even think of fags....and you couldnt pay me to smoke one. Upwards and onwards Woody.

Dippy egg, you are right it wouldn't have made it better, it would still have happened Thankyou for your wise words upwards and onwards!!

8 months is fantastic you must feel amazing!!!! Welldone youx

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