Newbie Day Two: Just woke after registering... - No Smoking Day

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Newbie Day Two

nsd_user663_54045 profile image
19 Replies

Just woke after registering last night and activating account.

Well day Two guys.

I'm Chris 30 year old from Glasgow, been smoking 15/20 a day since I was 16. I haven't really attempted before but I'm doing it to after becoming a Dad for first time 7 months ago and to get rid of the disgusting smell feel almost a social outcast being a smoker - I wouldn't of stopped of wasn't for a sickness bug which prevented me from smoking on Tuesday so this is really my third day but since in my head I feel that doesn't count as couldn't smoke anyway so I'm not.

I feel okay this morning with no real cravings so far and sticking to same routine before jump in car to leave for busy day at work.

Using Nicorette fruit gum, it's lovely ha!ha!

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nsd_user663_54045 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_22524 profile image

Hi Chris,

Welcome! I would count from whenever you had your last cig whatever the reason!!! :D But thats cause I think that success will spur you on further! So you be on whatever day suits you. A year down the line it wont matter either way!

I love fruit gum! I survived my first week on sugar free strawberry gum, and even got my husband addicted to it!

Read around the forum lots, my tip would be to read ahead a bit from where you are too! I found it rally helped to read other people's sucess and see them get to big milestones, kinda makes you think "if all these people can do it maybe I can too?"

Congrats on becoming a Dad and just think when you get home from work tonight you can have loads of cudddles without worrying that you smell of smoke!!!

Good Luck!


nsd_user663_54029 profile image

Hi Chris i'm Ollie. I'm on day 2 too cold turkey mate. Have tried quitting many times before but never cold turkey so this time I'm more determined than ever, but really feeling it.

I'm just aiming to get through today and hopefully post on the day 3 forum tomorrow. Keeping busy and well fed (will worry about that later) and doing ok really!

Best of luck pal


nsd_user663_54045 profile image

Hi Chris,

Welcome! I would count from whenever you had your last cig whatever the reason!!! :D But thats cause I think that success will spur you on further! So you be on whatever day suits you. A year down the line it wont matter either way!

I love fruit gum! I survived my first week on sugar free strawberry gum, and even got my husband addicted to it!

Read around the forum lots, my tip would be to read ahead a bit from where you are too! I found it rally helped to read other people's sucess and see them get to big milestones, kinda makes you think "if all these people can do it maybe I can too?"

Congrats on becoming a Dad and just think when you get home from work tonight you can have loads of cudddles without worrying that you smell of smoke!!!

Good Luck!



Thanks for welcoming me to the forum and for your kind words much appreciated indeed. Yeah i suppose your right and I should be counting from my last cig so three days it is - my bug was severe man flu which spurred the urge to stop.

Again thank you, best thing ever becoming a Dad and if anything would make you determined to succeed its this - smoking is expensive but that's not the real reason it's more I don't want to smell and having Harry grow up with me being a smoker - my partner is a non smoker and is very supportive either way.

My work Xmas party is a week on Sat and I feel this could be the major test when out with the lads.

Congrats on your success and I have tried to read as much as possibile on the board - find forums great to share experiences with others.

nsd_user663_54045 profile image

Hi Chris i'm Ollie. I'm on day 2 too cold turkey mate. Have tried quitting many times before but never cold turkey so this time I'm more determined than ever, but really feeling it.

I'm just aiming to get through today and hopefully post on the day 3 forum tomorrow. Keeping busy and well fed (will worry about that later) and doing ok really!

Best of luck pal



All the best and hopefully we can both share thoughts tomorrow - thanks for getting in touch.

nsd_user663_48218 profile image


I would agree that you should count from the time you have your last smoke. Also, don't look too far ahead. Take it one minute/hour/day at a time. If you need to use NRT use it, if you feel you can go without then do so. But most importantly read as much as you can in this forum to get an idea of what to expect.

Best of luck to you.

nsd_user663_54029 profile image


All the best and hopefully we can both share thoughts tomorrow - thanks for getting in touch.

Yes mate...I plan on seeing you over on the day 3 forum tomorrow. Today is almost half done

lefoy123 profile image

T.B.C. frae Glesca's quit

Go for it T.B.C. what better incentive than a new born growing up knowing a daddy who doesn't smoke. Strange words coming from a hairy a***d ex-shipyard welder in Clydebank but what a beautiful reason to quit.

Aw ra best frae Clydebank

nsd_user663_52604 profile image

welcome both of you

Pull up a chair and get comfy,

Firstly well done, those first few days are ROUGH.

Take each day as it comes, and breathe deeply, sounds silly but before i found this haven that got me through and i found others do it too.

Read up on here, its a wealth of experience and knowledge, and we're on your side, at least one of us has felt what you will feel, and we dont judge, (you will be given a slap round the chops with a trout if need be though :D)

and post post post, if it boosts your mood, helps you pass the time while you have a crave, or bolsters up your resolve.

I found this place after i stopped the champix and when i was struggling and id be back on the fags if it wasnt for the support i was overwhelmed with here.

If you think we can help then holler xxxx

nsd_user663_54029 profile image


Thanks for welcoming me to the forum and for your kind words much appreciated indeed. Yeah i suppose your right and I should be counting from my last cig so three days it is - my bug was severe man flu which spurred the urge to stop.

Again thank you, best thing ever becoming a Dad and if anything would make you determined to succeed its this - smoking is expensive but that's not the real reason it's more I don't want to smell and having Harry grow up with me being a smoker - my partner is a non smoker and is very supportive either way.

My work Xmas party is a week on Sat and I feel this could be the major test when out with the lads.

Congrats on your success and I have tried to read as much as possibile on the board - find forums great to share experiences with others.

Chris, not giving you advice mate but the benefit of my experience. Everytime I have quit in the past I have managed a good stint then relapsed but EVERY SINGLE time I can recall the relaspe involved alcohol. This time I am just avoiding it for a while. I'll still see my mates but I know for me at least there is a link between drinking and smoking so I'm on the soft drinks till I feel strong enough. Don't know how long that will be and don't really care. Like I say that's just me but thought it worth sharing with your xmas do on Saturday.

P.S if your "lads" at work are anything like my "lads" then they are far from understanding so you might not get much support there!

nsd_user663_54045 profile image

Go for it T.B.C. what better incentive than a new born growing up knowing a daddy who doesn't smoke. Strange words coming from a hairy a***d ex-shipyard welder in Clydebank but what a beautiful reason to quit.

Aw ra best frae Clydebank


Top man appreciate you taking the time to post and wish me your best.

I'm feeling very positive and have had no massive urges to smoke today at all so far - had a few bits of fruit Nicotenell which no doubt I will acquire a taste for :) Feeling VERY quietly confident indeed.

Have not changed my routine in any way and I'm also not going to avoid people smoking in work etc.

I'm a south side boy but settled over in Bishopbriggs with mrs and wee guy now, know Clydebank well.

The sport pages of todays local papers was a big test for me not smoking arghhh a cigarette may of cheered me up ha!ha!

Cheers for saying hello

nsd_user663_54045 profile image

Chris, not giving you advice mate but the benefit of my experience. Everytime I have quit in the past I have managed a good stint then relapsed but EVERY SINGLE time I can recall the relaspe involved alcohol. This time I am just avoiding it for a while. I'll still see my mates but I know for me at least there is a link between drinking and smoking so I'm on the soft drinks till I feel strong enough. Don't know how long that will be and don't really care. Like I say that's just me but thought it worth sharing with your xmas do on Saturday.

P.S if your "lads" at work are anything like my "lads" then they are far from understanding so you might not get much support there!

It's certainly at the back of my mind and a bridge I will have to cross when time approaches week on Sat mate, 15th.

Exactly the same too - not understanding at all - my closest work colleague stopped cold turkey 6months ago and still hasn't relapsed but we were talking about it and it will be a test for both....especially when the large ones are flowing.

Trying not to get to carried away one day at a time.

How you coping this afternoon?

nsd_user663_53753 profile image

Hi Clarky and Ollie.

Welcome to the forum and good luck to you both with your quits.

Look forward to reading your posts.

Love May x

nsd_user663_54029 profile image

I'm hanging in there with gritted teeth mate. Can't concentrate and feeling a bit light headed but ok really I suppose. I can't believe how slowly time is seeming to pass however! Days feel like weeks.

nsd_user663_54045 profile image

I'm hanging in there with gritted teeth mate. Can't concentrate and feeling a bit light headed but ok really I suppose. I can't believe how slowly time is seeming to pass however! Days feel like weeks.

I have found second half of day a bit tougher but hanging on in there - going to put Xmas tree up after dinner have a nice long bath and a good nights sleep ready for chatting to you tomorrow on day Three mate.

nsd_user663_54045 profile image

Hi Clarky and Ollie.

Welcome to the forum and good luck to you both with your quits.

Look forward to reading your posts.

Love May x

Thanks May much appreciated.

nsd_user663_54045 profile image

Found tonight incredibly hard, cravings were at worst hour or so ago and was actually picturing myself smoking - managed to keep myself busy and not give in.

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

If I picture myself smoking I try to visualise it deeply - drawing nasty tasting smoke deep into my lungs, coughing, the smell etc etc and I find the craving goes, don't know if it would help everyone!

nsd_user663_54045 profile image

If I picture myself smoking I try to visualise it deeply - drawing nasty tasting smoke deep into my lungs, coughing, the smell etc etc and I find the craving goes, don't know if it would help everyone!

That's exactly what i done realised how smelly and disgusting it is - I will not be beaten :)

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

Good for you :-)

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