day two - going insane: yes thats right... - No Smoking Day

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day two - going insane

nsd_user663_1775 profile image
24 Replies

yes thats right insane, i ave been up for just over an hour now and already i feel like crap and cant wake up!

my mind will not stop telling me i need a fag! i refuse to have one!

well at the minute......

GGGRRRRRRR!!!!!! :mad:

hows everyone else going today?


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nsd_user663_1775 profile image
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24 Replies
nsd_user663_1767 profile image

Hi Im New To The Forum And On Day 2 Of My Quitting Program, Not Doing Too Bad At The Moment ( Using Patches) It Has Been Scary The Way I Felt Yesterday Was Strange I Am 46 And Have Been Smoking Since I Was About 15 So It Has Been A Long Time. I Have Read The Posts On This Forum And Took Some Very Good Tips From It The Only Thing Is How People Say Going Cold Turkey Is Best. Not Really Ready For The Thought Of That This Step Has Been Hard Enough, Look Forward To Reading More Tips Etc

nsd_user663_852 profile image

There is no 'best' way to do this, you need to do what is right for you! Some are fine with cold turkey some are not, some do well with patches, others don't.

You might have to try lots of different methods until you find what works best. BUT, you must try something! If things are getting tough, go for a walk. If it's still tough, go and get some patches. Not enough? Try gum as well! Still no good? Ride a bike, open a bottle of wine, visit a friend, brush the dog, tidy the shed, just do anything!

Eventually you WILL find what works for you! Sitting there and 'sweating it out' seems to me to be the hardest, most miserable way to go (though apparently it works for some).

Your level of addiction is just that, YOURS! Only you know how you feel and what you will be happy with, experiment to find your solution!

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi every one. I think your both doing well its all ways hard the first few days but this site is a great help. I am on day 21 been smoking for 32 years and in the end was on 40 a day. keep up the good work it gets better. Love Linda

nsd_user663_1767 profile image

Thanks for the reply need all the support I can get. Reading the messages on this forum will help as some of the withdrawal symptoms will become a bit clearer, got my grandaughter tommorrow so thats good running after a toddler keeps me busy.Still trying to find my way around this forum hope Im on the right bit Cheers Little Sue

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Sorry it's harder today Dumplin x x

It's easy to give in to the craving, it takes real strength to stand up to it and show the Nasty Nicotine gezza whos Boss!!

Keep strong and bare with it x x remember the craving will ease, try sipping water, going for a walk, run out as far as possible and scream as loud as you can :D

You can do this Dumplin, you're strong!

Little sue .............

Volcano is absolutly right

People Say Going Cold Turkey Is Best.

I am so sorry Sue that's so unfair, certain posts on this forum have been left in place that should be removed!!

The only way to quit smoking is to stop picking up cigarettes and lighting them and inhaling them!! By ANY WAY OR MEANS!!

We are a network of supporters not preachers x x x x Your doing a fantastic Job of not smoking Sue and we are behind you all the way! whichever way YOU choose!

Well done and keep it up!!

nsd_user663_1775 profile image

thanks i will

indeed go fer a run later,i need to lol,gotta get in shape,

hopefully joinin the T.A on wenesday so....




nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Yeah I see that about the T.A

I am well impressed!

Well Done! x x

nsd_user663_1767 profile image

Oh dear just took my sons coat out of washing machine and found I washed it with his very expensive MP3 player in the pocket !!! Im not going to be very popular better get my head straight and try to work out how to dry it out, didnt reach for a fag which is good

nsd_user663_1704 profile image


It should dry out fine all by it's self, he should be responsible for leaving stuff in his pockets! if he put it in the wash it's his fault. :p

I have washed an Mp3 player, tamagotchi and mobile phone amongs many other objects! the only one above that died was the mobile phone >< hehe

Well Done for not going for a Fag!! :D

nsd_user663_1775 profile image


ive put loads of things like that through the wash it will be fine when it dries out lol :D

thank god im startin to feel better than earlier now :D


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Wicked x glad your coming through the bad bit of the day >_<

nsd_user663_1775 profile image

aye thanks



nsd_user663_1767 profile image

Pleased you feeling a bit better now, thanks for engouragement, went for quick bike ride before starting tea had cuppa with freind. Go everywhere on my bike but hope it will become easier without the fags I live in Norfolk so not too many hills thank god. Here's to a good evening to you all

nsd_user663_1779 profile image

Hey Devon, had my last 1 last night. Woke up today going out of my mind. Lets see this one out, you dont see Cornwall and Devon working together very often. Maybe this could be a first.

Just found this site and wish i'd found it months ago.

nsd_user663_1775 profile image

aye go head then lol

we'll prove that we can work together lol, always thought that to be impossible maself,but then again i thought bout the same wit givin up.

nice to meet ya by the way


nsd_user663_1779 profile image

Ive got to hit day 2. I'm sure it aint going to be good, but hey if a girl from Devon can go through it i'm sure a Cornish boy can.

Keep going to day three. I'm right behind you.

nsd_user663_1775 profile image


lol what u sayin us devonshire lot cant hack it or sumat? lol *jokes*

nah gd luck to ya,and yer to bee honest tomorrow probs will be a deamon fer ya,but u can do it lol, i did!!


nsd_user663_1775 profile image

aye lol

and it'll be me lokin smug! hahahaha up da devonshires!!


nsd_user663_1779 profile image

This Cornish boy has given up. Are you going to join me Devonshire.

Don't let me down.

nsd_user663_1775 profile image

aye i am

indeed goin to join ya indeed.

boudee no you cant come lmao!


nsd_user663_1767 profile image

Quick question, if I have nicotine gum can I chew my nice gum at same time to make it taste better ? Sorry if that sounds stupid just didnt know who to ask though you guys would know :confused:

nsd_user663_1775 profile image


lol its coz ya a sad act i reckon


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Not a silly question at all! got me thinking!

I reckon ordinary will be ok with it, if its a set mg it'll be that mg, like a double vodka is a double vodka neat or with mixer, I heard other people doing it. However a neat vodka does hit the spot a lot quicker than with a mixer!

I know more about vodka than NRT sorry Lol

I would say you should 'Suck it and See'

Serious though try it and see if it works for you or not.

nsd_user663_1859 profile image

I light my first cigarette at the age of 13. Since then I’ve been actively smoking for 12 years. Now, I’m a non-smoker for over a year. I discover the big secret for quitting forever. Therefore, I decide to help people who are willing to quit for good. is a site dedicated to all researchers who are searching for answers. Please, research the subjects carefully, read the posts couple of times if necessary, and I can guarantee you results.

Don’t stop researching, and have a nice trip!

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