bad day today :(: Hiya Guys n Dolls , am... - No Smoking Day

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bad day today :(

nsd_user663_45894 profile image
21 Replies

Hiya Guys n Dolls , am aving a really bad day today :( im on my 20sumthink day cant even be arsed too count , tears are blinding me as im writing this , been gaspin for a ciggie from yesterday, dont know why im feelin sooo bad as i do today :( im not gonna give in coz i will be so mad at myself , ive been too bloody hell and back with this cough and sore mouth and ulcers etc, im not going thru this again no way ! I think what it is as well is, i have kept this quit too myself only a couple of people know and thats only coz they have visited and asked for an ashtray and ive had too say havent got one i have quit lol, ohhh , hope this has passed by tomorrow :( xx

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nsd_user663_45894 profile image
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21 Replies
nsd_user663_42220 profile image

I believe there are defining moments in everyone's quits Scousemum, the times which can make a quit solid or end up breaking a quit.

I believe that this is a defining moment for you. The moment where you will either make or break your quit.

You've had the day from hell, all day. At this point you've not smoked. It's unlikely to ever get worse than you are feeling right now, trust me, I had two of those days in my quit at the start.

If you can beat this mother of all craves I believe you will make this a solid, forever quit. It's the nicodemons last big attempt to break you.

Are you going to get beaten by a plant or are you going to define your quit?

Scousers are made of strong stuff, so my money is on you, not the plant.

Tomorrow this crave will have gone, you'll feel a massive sense of achievement in having beaten it and you'll know that if it ever happens again you can beat it again.

Stand strong Scousemum, I'm rooting for you. :cool:

Aww Lass,

Is your mouth sore from sucking lozenges or gum? I sucked the lozenges before and after a few weeks they did irritate my mouth so had to stop using them. Only thing you can do is go CT now or get one of those e-cigs for when you really need it (or an inhaler.. never tried those) but you need to stop sucking whatever it is.

Go make a cuppa and do something to cheer yourself up .. how about unwinding in a bubble bath.. have you seen the videos on Kitkat's thread 'Somebody Got Bored' .. really made me laugh.

Stay strong and come on here when you want to .. I don't speak to my OH about my quit at all as he thinks I should just do it and that's that - he gave up 15 years ago and never looked back. Every one is different but I think it's good to talk.

nsd_user663_45894 profile image

Thanks Capitan x im sitting here on my own in a mountain of tissues tears and snot im winjing so much lol... they are not even feel sorry for meself tears or anything , i have read sooo much on all the feelings we go thru, and i have had that convo with myself , if i want a ciggie then no-one will or can stop me , i am choosing not too smoke , thats why i didnt tell anyone about my quit , cos i didnt want the added pressure of ohh how many days has it been etc, i want too do this for myself , ... your post made me smile Capitan :D:) thankyou for the kind words, i know tomorrow is another day and its just arl Nick trying too get me so he can sit back and watch me and go ...Seeee i almost always get em in the end !!! xx

nsd_user663_45894 profile image

Thankyou Suze xx

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Top draw stuff Scousemum! :D

Oh and dry that nose, you're dripping snot on the screen and smudging your typing :p :D

nsd_user663_44633 profile image

awww, my heart goes out to you

Stay strong and stick with it, I've done the tears and snot thing a few times now, and have posted quite a few messages about how terrible i've been's horrible isn't it? Pleeeeease get through this, I know how bad you're feeling and I really feel for you, good luck with it all xx

nsd_user663_45894 profile image

Hahahaha your kind words are making me cry more and the more i cry the more snotty i get hehe :D..... Seriously tho ... thankyou , i think the best thing i can do is go to bed and sleep lol, goodnight and god bless and keep doin good with your own quits... Nanite guys n dolls :) xxx

nsd_user663_20558 profile image


capitan's right - this is a make or break kind of day. I think most of us have a couple of them at some point.

You've stuck it out, nearly to the end of the day. Have a nice hot bath, get yourself to bed, be REALLY REALLY PROUD that you've made it through and not given in.

Tomorrow you will wake up feeling better and stronger, I know you will. And all I can say is that I promise you... it WILL get easier. I know it seems like you'll feel this way forever, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Keep going!

Helen xx

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Just saw that you went to bed :rolleyes:

Hope you had a good night and are feeling loads better now.

Helen x

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

Come on scouser you can beat this, im a manacunian and i have:pNo way can you NOT match me, the whole of liverpool would batter ya for lettin a mank beat yer...;)


nsd_user663_44684 profile image

i have read sooo much on all the feelings we go thru, and i have had that convo with myself , if i want a ciggie then no-one will or can stop me , i am choosing not too smoke , thats why i didnt tell anyone about my quit , cos i didnt want the added pressure of ohh how many days has it been etc, i want too do this for myself

I've done exactly the same as you, it gets on my nerves when people say stuff like "oh you're giving up again" or "How long will you last this time" Grrrrrrrrr We can do it & no matter how hard it gets we have to remember that at some point in our lives we didn't smoke (even though for me it was 14 years old :eek:) I've been through some right crap over the years & i'm sure you have so I just keep thinking nothing can be worse than that!

So keep going & don't let that evil b#$tard nicotine get to you :D

Denise :)

nsd_user663_45894 profile image

Morning Guys n Dolls x

Oh my God you guys are great, :D.....Was having a real wobble with my feelings last night , well, for the past coupla days, and i didnt know who too turn too cos no- one understands do they unless they are in the same position, my own family ,if i would have rang one of me sisters , anno they would have just said, ohhh eff that i cudnt do it , so do ya want me too run round with a cupla ciggies for you :eek: hahaha, sooo thats why i was all torn up inside , still feel a little wobbly but no were near as bad as yesterday.

Helsbelles : thankyou so much i wanna be were you are , i know in time ile get there.

Mash ; You a manc eh hehe, your post made me laff mate , yer right , i cant let the scousers down , i have a Manc mate on facebook and shes always postin Liverpool songs on her wall like ferry cross the mersey etc , and sez aww this is for me scouse pals hehehe, seriously tho , Thanx Mash x

Denise 64: Me too, i have smoked since i was 11 im now 50 , so never really knew meself without a ciggie angin out me gob , how bad is that !! :eek: thanx Denise for ya kind words too :) xxxx

nsd_user663_42755 profile image

I'm so proud of you for getting through that SM - and you should be proud too. :D

I think that each time you make it through something like this, you come out the other side that bit stronger. Just keep on going. :cool:

nsd_user663_44157 profile image

Well done scouser. You just keep it up and show them sisters. Your doing really well. Hope todays better

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

So glad you're feeling a bit better today!

Just remember, this is still a relatively young quit you've got going, and you're bound to have wobbles. You're not weak, you're not failing - it happens to most of us at some point! You just grit your teeth and keep making the right choice, each day, and I promise you it will get easier.

I know it doesn't feel like it sometimes, but IT WILL GET EASIER.

IT WILL!!!!!!

In the meantime you pamper yourself any way you can think of and be proud, you deserve it. You've come a long way and you can give the two fingered salute to all the doubters!

Helen x

PS - I wrote this post recently - have a read if you have a minute, you might find some stuff in it to help keep you going. That sounds bigheaded - sorry - there might not be. But anything's worth a try hey? :D

nsd_user663_10532 profile image

shhh dont tell Capitan but I actually had a ciggie in my hand last night. I looked at it for a bout 5 minutes, arguing with myself about wether I should light it or not. I dont know why I even wanted to, I was having a really good day then bam. I am proud to say that I put it back in my OH's packet and walked away. It did continue calling my name all night but I ended up going to bed. I am still a bit wobbly today but am just trying to sleep it off if I can:eek::eek:

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Well done Scousemum, I hope it has been a better day today :D

Shojam! Tried to hide that post away so I wouldn't spot it eh? :p

Did your other half give it to you (the fag, naughty! :p) or did you sneak it out of the packet?

Listen, a fag in the hand is worth two in the gob, so as long as they never go from hand to mouth you'll be fine :cool:

nsd_user663_10532 profile image

hee hee I sneaked it:confused:, I dont know why but I did. I put it back after I pondered over smoking it or not.....glad I did.

Anyway who told you Capitan, I thought I asked everyone not to tell you.....I am sorry sir, will not be happening again;)

nsd_user663_32615 profile image

Come on scouser you can beat this, im a manacunian and i have:pNo way can you NOT match me, the whole of liverpool would batter ya for lettin a mank beat yer...;)

Well from that point of view, I'm a very soft southerner, and I haven't smoked for over eight months. :D That really must mean that anyone can do it. :cool: Well done for toughing it out.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Anyway who told you Capitan, I thought I asked everyone not to tell....I am sorry sir, will not be happening again

Nothing gets past me Shojam :p

I sincerely hope it does not happen again, the cane is out, ready and flexing! :eek: :D

Wait! You might enjoy that! :p

nsd_user663_10532 profile image

ha ha, no pain no gain Capitan:eek::eek:

Not what you're looking for?

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