Seriously Rattled!!!: Day 4 of quitting... - No Smoking Day

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Seriously Rattled!!!

nsd_user663_44912 profile image
18 Replies

Day 4 of quitting, going cold turkey. Not been too bad so far, until today. I feel seriously rattled. Just got new neighbours and twice (yesterday and today) they have woken me up, I work shifts and I didnt get home til 1245am this morning so I didnt appreciate my 830am wake up.

My ribs are agony too, I had shingles a few years ago and when I get tired they hurt, but at the moment the pain is almost unbearable, so much so I have taken pain killers.

Not only that my dog is running around crying as she wants to go for a walk, the back garden just wont do for her sometimes, but the pain I'm in I dont think I can walk her til the pain killers kick in.

To be honest I feel like putting my head on the table and crying my eyes out, but the maddest thing is I feel I am missing the actually act of smoking rather than the nicoteen and chemicals.

Oh well just get today out of the way and tomorrow is another day.

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nsd_user663_44912 profile image
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18 Replies
nsd_user663_18145 profile image

:( ahhh im sorry your having a really shitty day

just remember that smoking isnt going to make anything better your ribs will still hurt the dog will still want a walk and the neighbours are going to be a pain

perhaps you could drop a note through there door explaining to them that you work shifts and tell them your hours and ask them to be considerate when your trying to sleep

failing that do as my mate done especially when he was working nights putting the speakers facing the walls and putting heavymetal music on loud for a night they soon got the pic and stopped being so thoughtless

btw your emotions are going to be all over the place as well dont forget

so your going to feel more upset angry and stressed

hope your soon feeling better

sending you virtual ((hugs))


nsd_user663_42755 profile image

~Stick with it, Clare

It will be uncomfortable but worth it. Come on here for support - everyone knows what you are going through. :)

nsd_user663_4558 profile image

Go for the bigger picture clare. You will get lots of sleep when you are dead :eek:, the dog can wait :D and just wait for the killers to pull in. When they do, have a cuppa and a biscuit then sit back and reflect :).

Smoking wont help but thinking it through will. OK neighbour - hope it wasn't me that woke you this morning! ;)

nsd_user663_44912 profile image

Thanks for the support Carol and Billy, just having a "shitty day", but it will pass. I will speak to the neighbours when I feel calmer, I cant play loud music when I get in late or up early as I have my family to think about. I know 830am isnt early to some ppl, but to me when I went to bed at 2am it is early. My neighbours dont work so if talking to them doesnt help then maybe a 3am wake up call might lol

nsd_user663_44795 profile image

Feel your pain with the shift work Clare.

The only answer for me to stop the waking up was using foam ear plugs and a black out blind.

I found it very hard getting to sleep knowing the rest of the world was up and about busy but had to teach myself to forget what was happening outside and just chill.

Think you're right about the act rather than the addiction.

I'm on my 3rd week now and not really missing the actual smoking (after all it tastes like s**t) but i am really missing the act of making a roll up.

So you're not alone.

Keep ya chin up, tomorrow will be better.:D


Hope you get the noisy neighbour problem sorted, but trust me, the revenge route wont work as it only gets you more wound up and because you're wound up you cant sleep (vicious circle)

nsd_user663_44912 profile image

Pain killers kicking in, ribs not so agonisingly painful, still a little pain but bearable, dog walked and neighbour spoken to (not entirely sure it was sucessful....) so feeling a little more human. Off to have a bath and preen myself as I am off to see a band tonight, just glad there is now a smoking in public places ban or else I would fall off the wagon tonight lol :D

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

sorry to hear your having a bad day but quitting never came with a promise of easy days . life and neighbours and pain still happen. i have found that since quitting and sharing how im feeling on here , all my difficuties are getting easier to live with and overcome. I realized it wasnt just nicotine i was addicted to but smoking ,it was like losing an old friend , hard at first but now im glad to see the back of it and realize my life is so much better without a friend like that and dont miss it at all .

keep going and enjoy the journey of a lifetime.


nsd_user663_46049 profile image

cold turkey! Nooooooo!

I tried cold turky and it's one of the hardest things ive done! shivers, sleepy, anxious (very anxiouos), ratty probably everything you're going through! I got a little help and advice and im on week 6 of quitting now, but im using an e-cig.....much better than a cold turkey!

Anyone else use an e-cig??.....i bought one ages ago, a cheapo one and it didnt work, bought an <brand removed> and it's magic!, i actually bought an e-cig cause ive been reading some guys personal blog/website who's documenting his quit plan and has some other helpful reading stuff and he uses the ecig!...<link removed> , it's quite helpful the site and worth a look for some inspiration, especially if you need inspiration like me....

So what do you people think about these e-cigs..??? i know the uk gov are now backing them, but that to me dont say much apart from there in on it ;) there any dangers to them i dont know about that other people do??

sorry for rambling, im new to this site and interested to know things...

nsd_user663_37114 profile image

I tried cold turky and it's one of the hardest things ive done! shivers, sleepy, anxious (very anxiouos), ratty probably everything you're going through! I got a little help and advice and im on week 6 of quitting now, but im using an e-cig.....much better than a cold turkey!

Anyone else use an e-cig??.....i bought one ages ago, a cheapo one and it didnt work, bought an ecig and it's magic!, i actually bought an e-cig cause ive been reading some guys personal blog/website who's documenting his quit plan and has some other helpful reading stuff and he uses the ecig!...., it's quite helpful the site and worth a look for some inspiration, especially if you need inspiration like me....

So what do you people think about these e-cigs..??? i know the uk gov are now backing them, but that to me dont say much apart from there in on it ;) there any dangers to them i dont know about that other people do??

sorry for rambling, im new to this site and interested to know things...

Do you work for e-cig? lol

nsd_user663_45023 profile image

Do you work for e-cig? lol

Exactly what I was thinking... Think we are all paranoid now :D

nsd_user663_37114 profile image

lol, seen a few posts by iwannaquit saying more or less same thing! Prob not paranoid lol:))

Would also just like to say cold turkey is a great way to stop, its how i did it. Each to there own but if its working for you i wouldnt change it now:)) xx

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

think this person iwannaquit is a spammer i have reported him to the mods im sure they will soon ban them if they are

nsd_user663_37114 profile image

Aw thought they were a spammer! Felt a bit bad saying it in case they are genuine but have very strong doubts!!

Good on you Carol for reporting it anyway xx

lefoy123 profile image

Keep it in the day

"Oh well just get today out of the way and tomorrow is another day."

Good Afternoon Carol when your having the day that your having it's the only way to handle it. As long as you don't pick up today is the most important thing. Tomorrow can look after itself and quite probably when you look back on yesterday you'll say to yourself "just what was I getting my knickers in a twist about"

Michael a.k.a:-lefoy123 Glasgow

nsd_user663_11875 profile image


Just wanted to add that the UK Govt are not backing E-cig's. My cessation lady advised a woman on tuesday that they do not back them as there is new research out that these do contain other chemicals and are not just nicotine and vary widly from brand to brand and has advised the lady to stop using her's and try another "recommended and tested" method. She said there are continuing tests going on with these and until they have proper study based results these will not be backed by the NHS.

nsd_user663_49119 profile image

Day 4 of quitting, going cold turkey. Not been too bad so far, until today. I feel seriously rattled. Just got new neighbours and twice (yesterday and today) they have woken me up, I work shifts and I didnt get home til 1245am this morning so I didnt appreciate my 830am wake up.

My ribs are agony too, I had shingles a few years ago and when I get tired they hurt, but at the moment the pain is almost unbearable, so much so I have taken pain killers.

Not only that my dog is running around crying as she wants to go for a walk, the back garden just wont do for her sometimes, but the pain I'm in I dont think I can walk her til the pain killers kick in.

To be honest I feel like putting my head on the table and crying my eyes out, but the maddest thing is I feel I am missing the actually act of smoking rather than the nicoteen and chemicals.

Oh well just get today out of the way and tomorrow is another day.

Its right decision to quit smoking.:)

nsd_user663_51074 profile image

Cold Turky... hope this advice helps

I did go to the Alan Carr stop smoking clinic and as a part of the therapy and if you don’t stop they give money back, so any of you don’t manage to stop ) it’s worth a shot sadly I am one of these people that can’t seem to get hypnotised :-( Anyways, they made it clear during the 4 hour session that smoking is actually a mental addiction not physical. it does not actually hurt you stopping like heroin for an example it’s a mind game and that is what makes it much powerful drug then heroin, crazy to think that stuff we stick in our gobs day in day or one the most highly addictive drugs on this planet and one of the hardest to break! Scientifically proven.

Nicotine is very powerful and no other drug can create two feelings at the same time, it can make you happy and it can make you depressed! if we had of known back in the day and the shop keeper said to you " if you buy this pack of cigs it will make you so happy and relaxed" the next day the shop keeper said " if you buy this packet of cigs it will make you depressed and will cause short tempers to ensure you have another" you simply would not do it and that is the trap we are in now!

A harsh fact, if you took out the nicotine from pack of cigs and injected the pure liquid nicotine straight into your blood stream, it would kill you out right! a horrible shocking thought to consider. the reason it does not kill us and keeps us hooked is that its absorbed through chemicals and inhaled THEN soaked into the blood and evaporates within 20 mins max! Hence the constant cravings.

I also learned in this session that, the nicotine is so powerful it actually changes the way you think, it can actually cause you to think negative thoughts to feel down so you automatically light up for a fix! it also dampens your high moments, when we get excited we go straight for a cig, to again claim down, this is where the brain thinks it needs calming and the only way to do that is though a cig and if we don’t have them, we get agitated and our moods change!!! Think about it, crazy I know but this is the most powerful drug on the planet remembers. Think about times where you got stressed for no reason? We all do it this is why, it’s the drug!!

Take away all the smoking related deaths, i have personally saw my gran die of smoking related illness ( lung cancer ) my mum has COPD and in using inhalers to breath for 48 years of smoke, she had her lungs tested and they are of a 90 year old!! Bad isn’t it but this was still not enough to get me off them, this shows just how powerful this shit is!!!

ok so it’s not 100% proven that smoking will kills us but we all know it does not help and contributes a lot, I look at it like walking on the M25 your risking your life by getting hit by a car at 70 or as some crazy people like to drive more like 100 MPH anyways, you may not get hit by a car and killed but you may not!! What you are doing is increasing your chances to crazy levels of being killed instead of walking on a quiet road in a country somewhere, where you decrease your chances by a good 80 %

As the therapist told me, it is simple and easy to stop it does not hurt you! It won’t kill you! Nicotine starts to leave the body after 20 mins and no traces what so ever in 48 hours!! How can giving up something you hate be a bad thing? How can you crave something that more than likely will kill you, why should it be hard to give up something you really don’t like? It should be the opposite!

When you feel light headed, or a bit sick, or a bit agitated, enjoy the feeling, what you are feeling is life coming back to you, feeling them slight withdrawal your freeing yourself of years of abuse! It is a mind drug and simply switching that around in your brain is easy. The easiest most painful way to stop is 1, don’t have one and 2, forget it move on! Just say I don’t smoke and smile, your mind will soon adapt.

A key thing to remember is you are not quitting as you’re not quitting or changing your life or routine the only thing you’re not doing is not sticking a cig in your gob! still go to the pub, still go outside with the smokers on your break, still go outside with the smokers down the pub never ever change your routine, if you do you will feel like you’re giving something up or missing out when you’re not! if you start to change the routine you’re in this is part your brain feels its missing something.

You could argue well why don’t you do this Derek? As I said, I need help with the mental side, I stopped for 4 months using this and not once did I crave or miss smoking, I ended up back on them with alcohol which is another story all together which I will tell you, this is my down fall every single time Alcohol when I get so drunk I have one and then bang its back, I understand what it up against now, I understand what I need to do and I intend to do this, I am not scared anymore of not smoking and not scared what I am going to miss out, I am not scared of thinking " I have a meal, I have a wine, I need a fag during work" I don’t need a bloody fag and I will enjoy not having one at these time as I don’t want a shitty little stick controlling me and I certainly don’t want to pay£8.00 for the pleasure of being warped.

Alcohol, it’s true that whoever drinks alcohol may increase their intake of cigs me? I can get through about 40 on a night out or dinner party, I love the whole not smoking in bars as I get to go outside and mingle with others and I find it more sociable lol.. Anyways take away alcohol do you seriously think you could smoke 40 plus the 10-15 you had during the day totally 50-60 fags in one day? I would physically throw up! I only smoke 20 a day max, the reason we do this is alcohol numbs you and you are able to withstand it! So next time you’re drinking and have a minute craving (that’s all they last for) just push it from your mind.

Keep going out side with smokers if that’s what you enjoy you don’t need to stick one in your gob to so******e any crazy thing nicotine has us believe.

Like the smell I love the smell of fresh cigarette it calms me ( probably a childhood thing from mother lol ) any ways I love the smell of petrol too at the garage but I am not going to drink it!! Think of cigs this way, end of the day what’s in petrol is what’s in cigs after all, again it’s not like you will drink petrol? If so why smoke ?

Remember we all have shitty days, today is no example, chin up smile at the end of the day, a cig never made the neighbours wake you or the fact your doggy wants to go for a walk, if you had a fab do you really think anything would of changed ? no it wouldnt of and what would you normally do besides a fag if that situation happened ? just do that but dont put the cig in.


nsd_user663_51074 profile image

I did go to the Alan Carr stop smoking clinic and as a part of the therapy and if you don’t stop they give money back, so any of you don’t manage to stop ) it’s worth a shot sadly I am one of these people that can’t seem to get hypnotised :-( Anyways, they made it clear during the 4 hour session that smoking is actually a mental addiction not physical. it does not actually hurt you stopping like heroin for an example it’s a mind game and that is what makes it much powerful drug then heroin, crazy to think that stuff we stick in our gobs day in day or one the most highly addictive drugs on this planet and one of the hardest to break! Scientifically proven.

Nicotine is very powerful and no other drug can create two feelings at the same time, it can make you happy and it can make you depressed! if we had of known back in the day and the shop keeper said to you " if you buy this pack of cigs it will make you so happy and relaxed" the next day the shop keeper said " if you buy this packet of cigs it will make you depressed and will cause short tempers to ensure you have another" you simply would not do it and that is the trap we are in now!

A harsh fact, if you took out the nicotine from pack of cigs and injected the pure liquid nicotine straight into your blood stream, it would kill you out right! a horrible shocking thought to consider. the reason it does not kill us and keeps us hooked is that its absorbed through chemicals and inhaled THEN soaked into the blood and evaporates within 20 mins max! Hence the constant cravings.

I also learned in this session that, the nicotine is so powerful it actually changes the way you think, it can actually cause you to think negative thoughts to feel down so you automatically light up for a fix! it also dampens your high moments, when we get excited we go straight for a cig, to again claim down, this is where the brain thinks it needs calming and the only way to do that is though a cig and if we don’t have them, we get agitated and our moods change!!! Think about it, crazy I know but this is the most powerful drug on the planet remembers. Think about times where you got stressed for no reason? We all do it this is why, it’s the drug!!

Take away all the smoking related deaths, i have personally saw my gran die of smoking related illness ( lung cancer ) my mum has COPD and in using inhalers to breath for 48 years of smoke, she had her lungs tested and they are of a 90 year old!! Bad isn’t it but this was still not enough to get me off them, this shows just how powerful this shit is!!!

ok so it’s not 100% proven that smoking will kills us but we all know it does not help and contributes a lot, I look at it like walking on the M25 your risking your life by getting hit by a car at 70 or as some crazy people like to drive more like 100 MPH anyways, you may not get hit by a car and killed but you may not!! What you are doing is increasing your chances to crazy levels of being killed instead of walking on a quiet road in a country somewhere, where you decrease your chances by a good 80 %

As the therapist told me, it is simple and easy to stop it does not hurt you! It won’t kill you! Nicotine starts to leave the body after 20 mins and no traces what so ever in 48 hours!! How can giving up something you hate be a bad thing? How can you crave something that more than likely will kill you, why should it be hard to give up something you really don’t like? It should be the opposite!

When you feel light headed, or a bit sick, or a bit agitated, enjoy the feeling, what you are feeling is life coming back to you, feeling them slight withdrawal your freeing yourself of years of abuse! It is a mind drug and simply switching that around in your brain is easy. The easiest most painful way to stop is 1, don’t have one and 2, forget it move on! Just say I don’t smoke and smile, your mind will soon adapt.

A key thing to remember is you are not quitting as you’re not quitting or changing your life or routine the only thing you’re not doing is not sticking a cig in your gob! still go to the pub, still go outside with the smokers on your break, still go outside with the smokers down the pub never ever change your routine, if you do you will feel like you’re giving something up or missing out when you’re not! if you start to change the routine you’re in this is part your brain feels its missing something.

You could argue well why don’t you do this Derek? As I said, I need help with the mental side, I stopped for 4 months using this and not once did I crave or miss smoking, I ended up back on them with alcohol which is another story all together which I will tell you, this is my down fall every single time Alcohol when I get so drunk I have one and then bang its back, I understand what it up against now, I understand what I need to do and I intend to do this, I am not scared anymore of not smoking and not scared what I am going to miss out, I am not scared of thinking " I have a meal, I have a wine, I need a fag during work" I don’t need a bloody fag and I will enjoy not having one at these time as I don’t want a shitty little stick controlling me and I certainly don’t want to pay£8.00 for the pleasure of being warped.

Alcohol, it’s true that whoever drinks alcohol may increase their intake of cigs me? I can get through about 40 on a night out or dinner party, I love the whole not smoking in bars as I get to go outside and mingle with others and I find it more sociable lol.. Anyways take away alcohol do you seriously think you could smoke 40 plus the 10-15 you had during the day totally 50-60 fags in one day? I would physically throw up! I only smoke 20 a day max, the reason we do this is alcohol numbs you and you are able to withstand it! So next time you’re drinking and have a minute craving (that’s all they last for) just push it from your mind.

Keep going out side with smokers if that’s what you enjoy you don’t need to stick one in your gob to so******e any crazy thing nicotine has us believe.

Like the smell I love the smell of fresh cigarette it calms me ( probably a childhood thing from mother lol ) any ways I love the smell of petrol too at the garage but I am not going to drink it!! Think of cigs this way, end of the day what’s in petrol is what’s in cigs after all, again it’s not like you will drink petrol? If so why smoke ?

Remember we all have shitty days, today is no example, chin up smile at the end of the day, a cig never made the neighbours wake you or the fact your doggy wants to go for a walk, if you had a fab do you really think anything would of changed ? no it wouldnt of and what would you normally do besides a fag if that situation happened ? just do that but dont put the cig in.


harsh reality is we are drug absuers and addicas the quicker you realise what it is the easy you can stop

One more thing, the goverment are saying how dagerous the drug is which is true but if its that bad why is it not illigal ? i tell you why, money!! they rake in about 15 billion a year in cigs and i strongly beleive, these nictione replacement patches, gum anything nictione related is a very bad thing! why do you want to stay on something that your trying to get away from ? think about it, your addicated to Nictione not the fag your are not addicated to the cig, your addivcated to the shit in it that controls you. Why do you want to stay on that ? its all about money the longer your addicated to nictotine the longer your will fund the goverments tax. There is no way in hell they want everyone to stop as where will they get the 15 billion from ? they want us to stay addicted, the amount of peoplei know who have used some sort of nictotine replacement only to buy a pack of fags and doubling there cost! not to mention patches are expensive.

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