serious insomnia: well its officially day... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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serious insomnia

nsd_user663_4754 profile image
26 Replies

well its officially day four but ive been up all night. not sure how im gonna cope today on so little sleep but sure ill find a way.

here's to day 4 - day 3 wasnt as bad as it has been in the past by a long stretch, but been down this road too many times before to get cocky at this stage! ;)

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nsd_user663_4754 profile image
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26 Replies
nsd_user663_4847 profile image

You can do it

Day4, you can do, just remember no smoking today. If things get really bad or your really tired see if you can take a duvet day.

nsd_user663_4981 profile image

Morning mate,

keep up the great work of not smoking. I am on day 11 and like you my sleeping patterns have been disturbed considerably, but are getting better.

During my early days of the quit I slept but very little. I think its something to do with the oxygen levels in the brain. Could be wrong. Anyway my point is your sleeping patterns will get better with time. Yesterday was a bad day for me, slept very little and felt exhausted and crap for work all day. However last night slept right through.

It will improve and balance will be returned. I guess our bodies are re-adjusting to life without being subjected to thousands of poisions and being fed nicotine. The healing is beginning.

Keep up the great work. Live the dream of being a non smoker.


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Bman :)

Sorry you're having trouble sleeping just now but it will pass as Andy say's it's down to more oxygen getting to the brain than it's used and once your body realises that you're not feeding it a diet of chemicals anymore it will readjust itself from the abuse we all gave our bodies by smoking but it takes a while so please be patient

Well done you on day 4 and remember it WILL GET BETTER


Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

thanks mah, andy, marg. did get through it and had quite a productive day in the end. shattered now though.

bed time.

another day free, though. and thats all that counts.

I did notice get a sharp reminder of how foul the general air quality is in london though today on a hot muggy day. didnt seem to matter when i was doing 40 a day, but i was quite shocked by it. guess you get used to these things after the first couple of times.

got some abuse walking home just now by some kid for saying "i didnt smoke" when asked for a cigarette but even if i had still been smoking i wouldnt have given him one anyway, so not to bothered about that. just a bit taken back, by his reaction and as it was the first time i heard it come out of my mouth though and i guess it shocked me a bit.

decided with this quit just to do it and not to focus on it too much so that's that, night all.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Bman :D

Isn't it a great feeling the first time you can say to someone

sorry I DON'T SMOKE sorry you got some abuse though

Hope you slept well last night


Marg xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

thanks marg -

yeah day five has been good - didnt think too much about smoking today which amazed me - the champix is really really doing a good job and i think my head is in a much better place than when i first joined the board. Im not obsessing over giving up smoking. Im not making it my main focus. Its just something that Im doing. its incredible.

I am glad i waited longer than the advised period to let it build up in my system. i knew i needed to.

having tried 3 times before of champix and getting cocky and thinking i could stop taking it or cut it down and i fell foul. not going to fall into that trap again.

this time im going the distance!

day five nearly over and done. just been for a 4 mile run and feeling good. cleaned the whole house, which has been needed to be doing for a while, did all my washing. can sleep a happy man tonight.

insomnia seems to have passed. Waking feeling very strange at the moment. like ive had the deepest sleep ever. Guess its sleeping with no nicotine (stimluant) in me. long may it continue.

just taking it day by day at the moment though. small steps.

thanks for the support. :D:)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Bman :D

Glad day 5 was better for you and that you're sleeping again

Sounds like you have the mindset right this time as well

As you say take it day by day those tiny steps all add up and will get you where you want to be


Marg xxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Take a look around these forums and you'll see that the sleep problems are not uncommon. You will normalise for sure, and the sleep will follow. I do wonder if its partly your subconscious that gives you the sleep problems, but when you get your sleep back in check (and you will!) you will feel so much the better.

Just a matter of seeing this through now and using your positive mental attitude (PMA) to see you through, and when you feel you need a bit of support we'll all be here.

I laugh at myself where i can when i get a bit erratic now, and i take each new experience in this quit as just being the latest challenge.

Time is a great thing, and hindsight is even better.

Keep it going things improve so much over the coming weeks, you'll see.

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

Day 6

thanks for the support all.

today is proving to be my roughest day.

have had loads of triggers to me thinking about smoking for some reason today.

Plus my bloody legs are killing me from that run!

on the plus side, I went via the pharmacy and did one of those carbon monoxide tests and its fallen from 23 to 1 which is very very encoraging. I have the same carbon monoxide levels as a non smoker which means that my blood is now fully oxygenated and my body is getting real fuel. :cool:

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Well hey! the carbon Monoxide test is a very positive thing to have done, and what a result!!

As for them triggers you mentioned.. yep i know what you mean, your doing something to keep yourself busy then.. bam! the thoughts are in your head, and your having to fight them off and stop them making you justify what they are asking for.

Its mind games time, its trying some tricks on you today, you are on day 6.. the day before your first full week is done, but as i've said in other posts, its all an illusion bman, there is nothing positive to be gained from having 'just the one', the one leads to many many more.. its trying its best to make u just crack.

You're stronger than this thing though, you always have been, and always will be, so it may aswell stop trying to convince you otherwise yeah?

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

i know - i am stronger.

i seem to have rediculously sweaty palms the last few days though!

i seem to remember this from before - i can t remember how long it lasts. does anyone remember this?!:confused:

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

I get the odd night like that even in my 4th week, but not often. Its been a bit warm this last few days, is it coincidental with that?

How are you otherwise though, are you inordinarily warm? can you wear lighter clothing for a couple of days to help at all?

Anyone else had this sweating palms thing?

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

no im good temperature wise other than that - i mean i know its summer and that but its more than that - its like theres a film of moisture across my palms that is hard to get off - wierd!

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Might sound daft? but just for a couple of days, perhaps get some of them wet-wipes?

They are pretty cold, and will just keep your hands refreshed while you endure this.

I did look up 'champix side effects' and the palm sweating didn't show up in my search, but it could well be just part of the withdrawal. I sweat on my palms when i'm worrying.. how are you emotionally right now fella?

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

yeah fine - maybe just body rebalancing itsself.

I tried to find a decent list of all the physiological changes when the body is repairing itsself but all i coud find was the generic one, you know ...

after 20 mins ..... blah blah blah

after 48 hours ... etc etc

after 10 years ... youve only got half the chance of dying of a horrible death as you used to! :rolleyes:

if anyones got a better one for the first month or two that would be good to post

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Bman :D

Well done day 6 almost the first week done and dusted you're doing great

These triggers are just the Nico :eek: Demons playing mind games with you desperately trying to get you back in their clutches

Click the bottom link in my signature there's a long list of symptoms and a bit about the psychological side of quitting as well

I keep this in my favourites and used it a lot in the early part of my quit


Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

thanks marg - i'll take a look

and to express my thanks i give you harry potter in a zoom lolly!


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Bman :D

mmmmmmmmmm I'll enjoy that lolly thanks


Marg xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

Day 7 today

the insomnia was back last night which i was amazed by as I was so tired i fell asleep on the sofa at 10pm - but as soon i was in bed my neigbours started banging around and i was still awake at gone 2,

anyway, the week mark is looming. my brain is trying to play tricks on me now. im getting irregular but very strong and quick cravings. they dont last long at all but they come out of nowhere and are really powerful.

this is why i know that drinking is not going to be an option for a while.One of those will catch me off guard until im a bit more used to them,

here's looking forward to a sober weekend then! better go see whats on at the cinema ... :cool:

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Bman :D

Day 7 well done you that's great Big Hug for you

Hope you find a good film to watch

Sorry you're getting those strong craves but as you know they do pass in a while and think you're wise to stay of the booze for a bit as well

Enjoy your weekend smoke free


Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

christ - im really pissed -

but i havent smoked. im so proud.

see yous tomorrow .


nsd_user663_5034 profile image

Good on you ....well done ...... to get through a night of drinking and no should be proud of yourself!!! Cheers Kez.:)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Bman :D

You have every right to be proud of yourself

Got totally pie eyed and still didn't smoke this early in your quit well done


Marg xxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

god im so embarrased! i didnt even remember id posted this last night.

hangovers are much easier on you when you dont smoke though. its great. :p - onto week 2 - i'm so proud of myself. and my quitting buddy.

thanks for all the support guys

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Bman :D

No need to be embarassed it happens sometimes

Well done to you and your mate on getting to week 2


Marg xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_5031 profile image

christ - im really pissed -

but i havent smoked. im so proud.

see yous tomorrow .


lol, cool. Love them sort of posts, and the fact you can't remember!

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