I'm sick of wobbling....: Ugh I want to say I... - No Smoking Day

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I'm sick of wobbling....

nsd_user663_38091 profile image
10 Replies

Ugh I want to say I'm fine and happy and getting on with my life.... But back in reality land I've got a fake smile, a permanent headache, a constant battle with myself not to go and buy a packet of cigarettes....and a demon sitting on my shoulder saying so what if you smoke....!!!!!

Day 19.... :0(

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nsd_user663_38091 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_34921 profile image


You are at a stage where you find it difficult to keep having the strength to continue the battle BUT you are forgetting that you have the worst of the battle behind you. :)

You are now in a new phase... the days are not as bad as the early days but the memories are still there and will be for some time. Good news.... it gets easier with every day that passes ( well more like good days and bad days but increasingly more and more good days as time passes).

It is important that you believe this ... it is TRUE.:)

Don't listen to that demon ... stay strong .... tomorrow WILL be better. :)

nsd_user663_25112 profile image

:) Hi MSS we gave up the same day. You have to stay very strong and like grumpie says it does get easier but stay on track if you have the one fag you will just smoke the whole lot and then you will definetely feel crap. Hope you stay with your quit.


Proud memeber of the November N.O.P.E group

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Hey MSS,

What Grumpie says, I second. You have to hang on to the belief that it will get better. Keep repeating your reasons, try to be positive, one day at a time, because it honestly really and truly will get better if you stick with it.

Speaking personally at 19 days I was going nutso too. First thirty days were nutso, if I'm honest. Then for the next few months I thought about smoking constantly, had some bad days, but over the course of those few months... well, the way I thought about it changed imperceptibly day by day. It was a long slow process of letting go, getting past all the triggers, gradually changing the mindset. I can't tell you at what exact point I finally relaxed but I can tell you that I'm there now. It's a wonderful place to be, psychologically and physically, and it's absolutely, totally, unequivocally worth every minute of the struggle it took to get here.

So keep strong. Do whatever it takes to keep your head above water (cake is always good I find) and keep posting here. We're all rooting for you.


nsd_user663_38091 profile image

Thanks for the encouragement guys..... I know in my heart of hearts it's gonna take time..... I'm just struggling at the moment and it seems insurmountable.....

Onwards n upwards.....

nsd_user663_6358 profile image

Yo Michelle, we have both just got through week 3, and yep its like by now getting tedious the constant battle, the ever present little nicodevil on our shoulder giving it the 'just one', the feeling of loss like we have lost a friend. Discussed all this with OH [2 yrs smoke free] she explained it thus - smoking has been part of you for years, you have used it as a reward system, as a crutch through hard times, you smoke one cig and then plan when you can have your next, your life revolved around the little white stick and as society outlawed you, you and your co- smokers became a little tight knit community standing outside in the rain or in smoking shelters huddled together like a band of brothers. So to change your lifestyle, to change your whole outlook is incredibly hard but it gets better slowly!! My OH Nickif wouldn't thank you for a fag now she tells me that even if a magic fag was invented that did'nt make you smell like an ashtray, wasn't addictive and cost nowt she still wouldn't be interested. Its got to get easier!! This rant is for me as much as you Michelle coz it aint easy. But we ain't going to crumble, we've come too far girl, one day at a time 'BUT WE CAN DO THIS'


nsd_user663_38091 profile image

Thanks Jonny.....your OH must be SO PROUD of your determination.....I'm glad we're in this together....and those fine words of wisdom help so much....thanks MRS OH.....lol

3 hours Jonny n I'm at 3 weeks....:D:D

nsd_user663_38347 profile image

Hi MSS,you can't give in now! You and the others on this forum are my inspiration. You replied to my thread and gave me the will to continue,I went to my pupil's funeral today and desperately wanted a cig but I thought of all the replies from you and the others and it got me through another day of not smoking,so keep reading these replies and hopefully one day we will know that peace that people go on about after giving up. Curly.xx

nsd_user663_38091 profile image

Hi MSS,you can't give in now! You and the others on this forum are my inspiration. You replied to my thread and gave me the will to continue,I went to my pupil's funeral today and desperately wanted a cig but I thought of all the replies from you and the others and it got me through another day of not smoking,so keep reading these replies and hopefully one day we will know that peace that people go on about after giving up. Curly.xx

Awww Curly yesterday must have been soooooo hard....well done you for getting through without a ciggie.....

I'm on Day 27 today and feel marvellous....you're kind words are like a salve.....this forum is epic in the support it provides.....

Hope you are ok Curly :)

nsd_user663_39067 profile image

I'm on day 22 today, and the difference for me between now and even a few days ago is huge. Had a bad day on Friday in particular with constant irritability and a very strong urge to smoke. Yet today I've just had my first craving all day, and it lasted all of 30 seconds.

What I'm trying to say is don't assume that how you feel now will be how you feel in 2 or 3 days time. On Friday I could have bought a pack of cigarettes quite happily. Today I am very glad I didn't.

After this time, your remaining addiction is psychological, not physical. You are nicotine free, and have been for a couple of weeks. It sounds stupid but you need to keep telling yourself that at this stage of the game, you don't actually want to smoke. You're way past that point. You only think you want to smoke. It's the truth.

Keep it up. You're doing great :-)

nsd_user663_38091 profile image

Thanks Limpet

Hope you're doing ok.....I'm half way through day 28 and today has been a pain ugh


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