Day 2: I couldn't log in yesterday which is... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 2

nsd_user663_deleted profile image

I couldn't log in yesterday which is why I never did a Day 1 post.

I spent the whole of yesterday in bed feeling sorry for myself and thinking of cigarettes for about 23 hours. The hour I didn't think about them was when I was eating :rolleyes:

Wish I could think of something positive to write but the truth is there isn't anything. Not seeing any benefits and life seems really boring. If I had to sum my quit up in one word it would be PANTS.

If I disappear from the forum over the next couple of days it's because I'm sat in the garden smoking for dear life :eek:

Not sure what will happen as having been through a few quits I can tell the difference between a good and a bad one for me. This doesn't feel good at all and if it doesn't lead to me giving up completely I will sneak off and not come back until I have an established quit :(

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nsd_user663_deleted profile image
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23 Replies
nsd_user663_14114 profile image

It says i am not allowed to send you a PM??? So here is the PM i was going to send you:

Hi Karri,

sorry to hear you are having a bad day, and the same yesterday too.

Sometimes you just HAVE to admit you are having a bad day (which you have done), and do nothing but hide under your covers and wait for it to pass.

TRY and think positively (hard, i know), and also try and distract yourself (hard, i know). Since its a nice day, how about a walk in the park (minus your wallet, just in case) or a trip to the beach if you are near the coast.

If you just need to be at home, then maybe have a nice bath, get into your PJs and watch a film or something?

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

...Not seeing any benefits and life seems really boring.

If it helps just ask yourself what you've done.

Actually I'll tell you...

You've stopped breathing smoke in and out of your lungs about 20 times a day.

Ok, you've also stopped blowing smoke rings, which admittedly I can see as a major loss sometimes, but really that's it.

Thankfully it's getting easier to find the nicotine truth as more and more of that red herring comes to light and we know the withdrawal from it is somewhat irksome but straightforward. Regardless there's no benefit there and it's no exciting.

So that's it. 20 times a day you used to spend five minutes breathing in (and out) smoke.

You're still allowed to do everything else except the smoke bit.

Buy yourself a 'crafeaway' plastic fag and use that instead even if it means popping outside to suck on it.

There's more than one way of breaking a habit.

Give your habit teeth and it'll bite you though.

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Hi my friend

Firstly well done, no VERY well done for getting through Day 1 and nearly all of Day 2. You know how horrid the first 2 -3 days are. So, it's been horrid. 2 - 3 days of boredom, pantishness and general annoyance is nothing in the scheme of what smoking can do to us.

I know you know this, but just try to say to yourself that OK the next day, or maybe 2 will be grim, but then it'll be so much easier. it will be, you know that from your last quit.

Eat, go and have that bubble bath you love, eat in the bath, do whatever you have to do to not smoke, and it really really will be worth it.


Hi Claire. Thanks for that and have decided to cook a big fat roast dinner this evening as they take forever. I am going to do about 3,000 roast potatos and 15 pounds of mash to ensure I am so full I can't move to do anything, let alone smoke :D

I'm really wishing I hadn't let my last quit go as that really was a good one for me :rolleyes:

I was just passing by and thought I heard someone talking about a roast dinner!!

Right then where is it???

Oh I have to dish out some advice first eh?? Ok here it pick up one lousy fag and put it in your mouth and before you can say "ouch that hurt" I will be round to give you a it Mrs???;)

Now about that roast :D

nsd_user663_22968 profile image

Wish I could think of something positive to write but the truth is there isn't anything. Not seeing any benefits and life seems really boring.

I had to pick that bit out as if I am truthfully honest that is how I still feel now! The only positive I can actually write is that I am an ex-smoker. The question is would my life be any better as a smoker? Of course it wouldn't, being a smoker wouldn't make my life any more interesting than it is now. So the benefit: I am still living the same boring old life just without smoking! (And my breathing is a tiny better)

You are doing so well, write it off as a bad day and I hope tomorrow is better. :D

Thanks Chrissie and in my heart I know you're right but I just feel like the voice of doom today. Do you think we should do a Shirley Valentine :eek:

Not before I have had my roast!!:eek:

nsd_user663_25498 profile image

Hi Karri

Thinking of cigarettes for 23 hours????? Oh yes, I know that one.

I'm on day 9 and it's down to about 22 hours 59 minutes now. So it does get better!!

Seriously, hang in there - all the reasons that led you to this quit are still valid.


nsd_user663_22968 profile image

Thanks Chrissie and in my heart I know you're right but I just feel like the voice of doom today. Do you think we should do a Shirley Valentine :eek:

Let's go before my 10 year old takes all my money - he came home today wanting £855 for a school trip!!!! :eek::eek::eek: That made me need to smoke!

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hi Karri, are you telling yourself you can't do it, tut tut tut so negitive. Come on girl get positive one hour at a time.

If I came round to you and offered you a teaspon full of 100 hundred slow poisons would you take it or tell me to go to france. Because every time you smoke a ciggy that's what you are doing. Taking a teaspon full of poison.

Just a thought :eek:

I'll be round for that roast so I hope you got plenty.


nsd_user663_20978 profile image

one i read that sticks with me is if a snake was biting u and putting poison in u each time and one of those bites might be the one that would kill u would u keep going back and letting it bite u and just hope that bite wasnt the one

just something that stuck with me and rang true

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Boo I am so glad your quit is going well for you. You have done amazingly since you started and I hope you are really proud.

I'm a lost cause now I think. Going to hang my quit hat up and call it a day and leave as one of those people that never got it unfortunately.

You keep going as you are - you're pretty amazing x

NONONONONONONONONONONO It's bedtime. Go to bed, go to sleep, you can't smoke there.

Come on sweetie you CAN do this. Just wait till tomorrow morning. Not now, not at this time of night. See if you can get through till tomorrow morning. One hour at a time.

Put that fag packet down NOW....Don't you dare. I'll call John and the boys....xxxxxxxxxxxxx Pretty Please

nsd_user663_20978 profile image

when i smoked i never ever beleived i could quit i didnt believe i could get through any situation or emotion without a cigarette i was a very very dependant smoker but i decided to give it my best and i went through hell those early weeks cried for england mourned my beloved cigarettes thought about them 24/7 never thought i would be a normal person again, i was jealous of smokers i even considered smoking a few dog ends in deparate times but i stuck with it and used all nrt nessasary then i started to come up the other side and thought about it less and less saw the benefits saw it for wat it really is

my friends are shocked i am still quit as they saw me as dependant on cigarettes

Karri u can do this if u just drag yourself through the early bit of the quit honestly i never ever saw myself where i am now

u can do it

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Karri I don't care if you smoke or not, that is your decision. But you can still come on here and talk to us. Don't you dare dissapear, you hear or I will come round and well your not to big to be spanked with a roast. Or would it be a roasting? Ohh dear, have I said the right thing? mmmmmmmm maybe not a what the hell.

You stick around you, you, you, girl you. :mad::)


Karri I don't care if you smoke or not, that is your decision. But you can still come on here and talk to us. Don't you dare dissapear, you hear or I will come round and well your not to big to be spanked with a roast. Or would it be a roasting? Ohh dear, have I said the right thing? mmmmmmmm maybe not a what the hell.

You stick around you, you, you, girl you. :mad::)


I agree Jack,

If you smoke or not is absolutely your decision (however stuupid) but don't you just disappear, you will get there in the end Karri just keep trying!!;)

nsd_user663_10013 profile image

Boo I am so glad your quit is going well for you. You have done amazingly since you started and I hope you are really proud.

I'm a lost cause now I think. Going to hang my quit hat up and call it a day and leave as one of those people that never got it unfortunately.

You keep going as you are - you're pretty amazing x

Put that effin hat back on :mad:

Took a while but I found it - just put on repeat and laugh :D

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Karri, I'm going to talk straight.

Alright, so you feel crap. But honestly, did you think this was going to be like being fed marshmallows and margaritas by handsome naked men whilst in your own personal pool on a tropical island?

You need to understand you will feel crap for a while, accept it, embrace it, move on.

Don't think to yourself 'I'm feeling really bad therefore I obviously can't do this'. Think 'I'm feeling really bad because I am releasing a bunch of toxins and finally dealing with a few decades worth of serious addiction.' Understand and accept that this is something that you just have to get through. Be brave. We've all been there and feel your pain. But at the end of the day it just has to be worked through.

Please try and stick with it. You're not doing yourself justice by hanging up your hat now.


nsd_user663_7235 profile image

I agree Jack,

If you smoke or not is absolutely your decision (however stuupid) but don't you just disappear, you will get there in the end Karri just keep trying!!;)

John' I don't want karri to quit quitting either but she has to do it for herself and Helsbelles thank you for saying what we probably all want to say, Why Karri? because you have tried so hard to help others on here, we all love you and really want you to succeed. If I could come there and take your hand and help you through the next few days I would do it. I'm sure there are many on here that would do the same for you.

Jackxxx big hug.

nsd_user663_23871 profile image

If I could come there and take your hand and help you through the next few days I would do it. I'm sure there are many on here that would do the same for you.

I certainly would. Is there any roast left? :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Good grief, I have no desire to punch you! And I will hold your hand for as long as it needs holding.

But I do feel (and I hope you don't mind me saying so) that you are in constant search of some kind of mythical perfect quit/mindset, and when you feel you don't achieve it you give in to thoughts of failure. I hope there's a next time soon, and next time... just choose not to smoke. End of. Take what comes even if it's a bit grim and messy, keep choosing not to smoke, and before you know it you'll be through the worst and feeling like a million dollars.

Bless you K, you'll do it. I know you will.

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Karri, your not a failure! :( you will quit smoking! .....everyone who begins smoking in the first designed to stop sometime... ....nothing lasts forever and you will quit ! whether it will be tomorrow, next week, or next month.... you will do it love! the only person you have upset is you! no one on this forum is against you or resenting the encouragement! ..... You will find the right way! maybe dont look at it as a forever thing...give yourself a week to complete! ....... tell yourself im not going to smoke for a week....and that you will smoke after that! if that makes sense! .....after the first week im sure you will think different again! look how quick a week goes! just a thought! :)

nsd_user663_25209 profile image

Awww Karri (((((((hugs))))))), i feel so sad for you. Dont stop trying chick, because one day will be the right day. You are an amazingly supportive person to others as you have been with me. I thank you for that.

I look forward to the day you come on here and tell us that you've nailed that quit. Iv not been on here long but you guys are all so lovely and its almost like having a new cyber family lol!!!

Take care hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:o

nsd_user663_25398 profile image

Ok, I'm embarrassed - how the hell did I miss this thread!! :o

Karri, I'm so sorry that you felt you couldn't keep it going this time. I know just how that feels.

I quit a couple of years ago for 3 weeks, after reading Allen Carr. I felt absolutely fantastic for the first 2 weeks, but week 3 was a disaster - I just couldn't keep the motivation up, I was completely obsessed with the thought of a fag, and in the end, I caved.

I've spent my time since then trying to get that positive feeling back about quitting (even though it didn't work!), and because I couldn't, I just kept putting it off. Eventually I thought I'd try the Champix, but right up to the day of my quit, I didn't think I'd do it, because it didn't "feel right" - just look at my first post.

BUT... I'm now on Day 9, and although it's early days, I do think I may have cracked it! I'm not elated and excited about stopping (as per Alan Carr!), but I feel calm and focused, and that feels better to me.

All I'm saying is that you can put it off waiting for that magical positivity (as I did!), thinking that you won't be able to stop without it, but actually reading lots, ****ysing your reasons for smoking and making a calm, rational decision can work too.

I'm sure you will succeed as and when you make that decision - please don't beat yourself up in the meantime. So pleased that you're sticking with the forum - it's lovely having you around. :)


Sarah xxx

nsd_user663_25398 profile image

Thanks Karri - glad that you were able to identify with it! Just remember - you CAN do it (even though it's hard to believe that sometimes!) xxx

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