Last Day of Week 2~Week 3 here we come! ;) - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Last Day of Week 2~Week 3 here we come! ;)

nsd_user663_16968 profile image
7 Replies

Good Morning all

This is my 14th day now, yup 2 weeks now since i stopped smoking those ciggies and tomorrow i can join the lovelly Week 3 experiences.

For me i cant believe that 2 weeks have gone by already. I have also been off the Champix now for a week and apart from still getting really tierd for a bit in the afternoons i think those have started to clear from my system. :)

I also have no intention of starting that disgusting habit again as i dont want to feel the odd one out or end up in nasty rows with my OH just because he gave up and i was still puffing away, even now i feel a little odd because the routine we get ourselves into has to change first and the other part of the process is to keep it going and not slip up. I for one know that i stopped because i wanted too and not because of pressure from other people or for any other reason and i feel that because my reasons are so different, i am in more control this time and its going to work.

2 weeks in and apart from my lungs still shifting the crap, have a slight back ache and the tierdness in the afternoon im almost 100% and i would not want to have to start again, ever! Why would you put yourself through all of this and then go back, i know i wont and hopefully because no one else here smokes i am not tempted by them, infact the smell now makes me urge and thats good cos i dont want to go back to them. My clothes smell nice, my breath smells sweeter, my teeth are cleaner, my fingers are smell free and TBH i knew that as a smoker i smelt even with having a cig outside and now when i think about it, i think it must have been awfull no wonder my OH moaned at me and i dont blame him. URGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Anyhow, tomorrow i start my journey in the Week 3 experriences and i am looking forward to being a better person.

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nsd_user663_16968 profile image
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7 Replies
nsd_user663_17057 profile image


I'm standing at the door ready to welcome you.:D

Well done girl.

I too am off the champix, as I also found them messing with my head, and after two "episodes" while driving (one leaving a scrape from a concrete post on the side of my car), I decided the play safe and get off them. Maybe it was just me being a poor driver. Although my wife commented that over the past month she had noticed that my driving was deteriorating, and I had been taking the Champix for 6 weeks.

How you have managed just CT I don't know !! I have had to resort to half strength patches.

I tried gum, but was going up the wall, but the patches have helped a lot.

Anyhow, remaining strong, and still smoke free.

nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Well done Jo!! You'll like week 3 more than week 2, but not as much as week 4 :).

You're doing great and you sound very positive and determined. Keep it up Jo and this quit's all but in the bag!!

Ed xx

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Thank you

Good morning both of you,


Cant wait for the door to open tomorrow and you along with my other fellow quiiters being there to welcome me, it started off like it was going to drag along but it has gone quite quickly and i just cant believe im at that stage. As for going CT i have not thought about it TBH, i am meant to see the Nurse on tuesday who is then going to prescribe me something but i have not taken anything since last Sunday and by the time i get to my appt that will be 9 days without and i dont know about you guys but i dont think i will need anything.


Again thank you too. I do feel that this time its for keeps. I am totally different in my head if that makes any sense. I knew why i wanted to do this and i knew that i only i can decide how this turns out. I have never liked being a smoker and for me everytime i had one i knew i never wanted it yet as we all know once hooked its not easy to get away from so this time i knew i did not want that Nicodemon ruling my life any longer. Im not going to say its been easy because its not but if your prepared then thats half the battle won before you start.

Have a great day both of you and i will see you in the Wk3 section tomorrow, whoop, whoop :)

nsd_user663_17077 profile image

Hey Jo,

Cannot wait for you to join us! Congrats on doing well. I agree that you are probably best sticking with cold turkey - my nurse said that to me, as I had already gone 9 days CT when I saw her no point doing anything else. Her only suggestion was taking gum on a night out (not that I can remember what a night out is!). I said I did not want the nicotine back but she said better through gum than smoking and nights out are where most people fall down.

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Thanks Genes

I know there is no point in me taking anything else now, i feel im doing OK without so may as well stick as is.

I think my Dad was quite impressed with me as he has been on the inhalator and occasional ciggy for a few weeks. I told him that i was now on nothing and he could not believe it, its easier for me to go CT than him because i feel we smoke for different reasons and he has been a smoker maybe 50+ years now. I wish he would stop but then again im not him and i dont know how it effects him even if he did go CT.

Anyhow, i still cant shift the thick stuff, its going bit by bit. Im going to invest in a facial steamer and some olbas oil and get the thick gunk out that way because if i cough nothing happens and i am fed up with it. I actually think i have an infection there now because my mouth tastes awful so when i see the nurse i may see if i can have some anti-biotics as its not shiftng at all.

Take care all


nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Todays Stats

I have been quit for 2 Weeks, 42 minutes and 30 seconds (14 days).

I have saved £55.91 by not smoking 238 cigarettes but spent that on knitting wool ;)

I have saved 23 hours and 48 minutes of my life.

My Quit Date: 24/10/2010 10:55

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Good Morning Joe with an X :D into week 3 and still sounding up beat and well up for the quit of your life, I love to hear quitters who have reached a point where they want to be quit and stay that way for good and I’m pleased to say you sound just that way.

I am sorry I haven’t offered my support on your threads before but I always seem to see them when they have been on a few days!!!!! Are you avoiding me :D LOL but today hey I have found one you have just posted so well done and have a good one X

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