Week 2 here we go!: Well, began week... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Week 2 here we go!

nsd_user663_3190 profile image
18 Replies

Well, began week 2 yesterday and decided to rip myself off the patches. It was really tough- ate and ate and ate all day, couldn't focus on anything but got through it and I figure a couple more days and I'll be ok. Just want that stuff out of my system and although the patch has got me through the first week, I don't see what difference it's going to make ditching it now or ditching it in 3 months time. It's gonna hurt whenever I do it.

Hope everyone's having a nice weekend and getting through ok. :)

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nsd_user663_3190 profile image
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18 Replies
nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Congrats Chris ;)

nickywalton profile image

Well Done Chris

congrats on making it to week 2 - the sooner the nicotine's gone, the sooner we can start to get better...:D

loads of luck, stick with it...have a good sunday:D


nsd_user663_3190 profile image

Cheers guys!! Feeling good and going strong! :D

nsd_user663_2892 profile image

Well done Chris! :)

nsd_user663_3184 profile image

Well done chris ;) I am on day 8 and dont feel ready to give up the nrt yet :(

Feeling a bit envious of those who have gone cold turkey.

Belinda x x x

nsd_user663_3190 profile image

Cheers guys! Day 8, well done!!! It's horses for courses Belinda, the only right way is the way that works and it's different for everyone. I would have kept on with the patches but I forgot to put it on yesterday morning - by the time the ill effects kicked in it was mid afternoon so I thought I'd keep it going!

Hey Sue, I'm good thanks. Felt a bit like square one this morning, back to spinny head and the concentration of a flea, but I think the patches have softened the blow quite a lot - they were definitely worthwhile but glad to be rid.

Biggest battle today was fighting the feeling that I'm losing a bit of myself, the rebellious smoking bit of me that I really liked. That makes me sad but I don't know why becasue it's a ridiculous thing to think really. Can't believe I'm into week two though, looking forward to pounding the treadmill next week!!!! That's gonna feel goooood! :D

nsd_user663_3190 profile image

I agree Rick, felt like I was back at square one on Saturday which was a little demoralizing, buy hey - just getting rid of that little smoking stick is a battle won in its own right, even if there is a little clear patch on my arm.

It really got me through the first week though - I'm on day 3 without it now and feel like death warmed up but at least there's the resolve that's been build up over however many days without a cigarette, and I think that's where the benefit is.

Glad you're getting there though mate, 2 1/2 months is good going! :)

nsd_user663_3190 profile image

Thanks Smirn, yeah, that Saturday feeling has turned into a Sunday/Monday feeling. Man I just can't think in a straight line. I can't keep on going like this, everything's suffering because of this inability to hold a thought in my head for more than a second. I'm making a mess of work, I nearly crashed my car twice this morning, I can't socialize and I feel like a flippin' invalid. Thinking I may have picked the wrong time to quit. How long does this go on for??!!

Sorry, ranting again aren't I. :eek::eek::eek:

nsd_user663_3190 profile image

I'm hanging, and shouting lol. I've become the incredible hulk - except not green and without the muscles.

Gonna read tales from the quit, thanks Catwoman :)

nsd_user663_3190 profile image

I'm not caving in, don't worry John. ;)

nsd_user663_3190 profile image

Wow! Yesterday the clouds cracked open in a big way! Day 4 without the patches and I felt.... great!!!! Went for a run in the afternoon and then actually had a pint with my chainsmoking mates in the sunshine. And it didn't bother me - well it did a little bit - but it wasn't the intense need that I had last week. They all looked really grey and ill.

Got home, put a film on and got a shock at midnight when I realized I hadn't even thought about a cig in hours.

Starting to think I might actually be able to do this. :D

Hope everyone's doing okay, and congratulations to the 6 weeks team!!!

nickywalton profile image

well done chris...

it's brill when you realise that you haven't thought about cigarettes

isn't it??!!

Bizarre but true:confused::D

good luck, may it get easier by the day...


nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Morning Chris

soooooooooo pleased your feeling a lot better now old nics left the body. Well done on the great work. linda xxxx

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Waheyy thats great Chris! Isn't it great to go a fair while without even giving cigs a thought? Even better, to deal with a crisis and after you've dealt with it, to realise that you never turned to cigarettes for 'support'!!

Its just a matter of waiting for the time between 'thoughts of cigarettes' to become longer and longer now until they are never thought of again :D

Well done!

nsd_user663_3190 profile image

Wahey, thanks everyone!!!! It feels lush - like a proper non-smoker and that! Freedoooooommm!!! Almost anyway. Now I just have to kick the crisps/chocolate/toast addiction. I must've put on a stone in a week!!!! Be doing the Truffle Shuffle soon hehe. ;)

nsd_user663_3190 profile image

hehe, no I feel lush.

Although I certainly am a.... what is the male version of a lush??? :D

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Wahey, thanks everyone!!!! It feels lush - like a proper non-smoker and that! Freedoooooommm!!! Almost anyway. Now I just have to kick the crisps/chocolate/toast addiction. I must've put on a stone in a week!!!! Be doing the Truffle Shuffle soon hehe. ;)

Yay Chris!! More and more these days I suddenly realise I haven't thought about smoking for oh, hours. Feels great!

I've put on half a stone *must stop treating self before self explodes* :eek:

nsd_user663_3190 profile image

I've put on half a stone *must stop treating self before self explodes* :eek:

lol - You seen Monty Python's Meaning of Life? I feel like Mr Creosote these past few days, "Just one more waffer theen meent.....".

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