need help!!!: i am a 34 yr old mummy of... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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need help!!!

nsd_user663_15459 profile image
16 Replies

i am a 34 yr old mummy of 4 kids which really should be enough of an incentive to quit. my 13 and 10 yr old are well aware of the dangers - they are so mad into their sports they wouldnt even contemplate smoking - why did i not have that incentive when i was 13 ( the age i started smoking!!) my baby girl is 6 and already she talks about the day she gets married (i so wanna be there to witness that event!!!) and my baby boy is 3, 4 nxt wk soooo gifted a football (he will play for his country one day). so what is wrong wiv me, i have so much to look forward to yet i still struggle to combat my addiction.....

i am on my 8th quit (i think - it is that many i forget!!!) sooo wanna do it but dont know which avenue to take, tried patches, been offered champix (frit of the side effects) and at the mo i;m on lozzies well i will be tmrow.

if anyone can help, pls do, thank u xxx

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nsd_user663_15459 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_14771 profile image

well done on making a thread :) i can only offer my experiences on patches as that's the way i started (or should that be stopped!!). i found that the weaker patches were no use, just made me crave like craazy, finally settled on the 21mg ones and used them for about a week then went cold turkey (+forum!). sounds like your family will be really supportive, so together with the forum things should be sweet. each time you feel like you might cave in, post first then have a good read while waiting for your replies :) best of luck on day 1, 5mol<er

nsd_user663_14716 profile image

I've had same issue as you with trying to quit gazillion times with different methods and always failing. My experiences:

- Patches, gum, nicotine pills: as soon as I stopped or tried to reduce, the cravings took over

- Zyban: managed longest with these, but could not sleep properly so stopped the pills too early and failed

- E-cigarette: worked ok for 1 night out and then I started to hate the taste of it and could not use it anymooe

This time I decided to be stubborn and went cold turkey. Surprisingly its been easier than I though. For me it seems to be better to get the physical addiction out of the way when motivation is high in the first couple weeks. Now I just fight with the habit and thats going pretty good... have not killed anyone or lost any friends and even husband is still talking to me :)

But as many here say, everyone needs to find the way that works for them. Just keep trying as long as you find yours! Good luck!!

nsd_user663_6440 profile image

Yeah I went cold turkey about 10 months ago, just get through the first couple days and you will be fine. The hardest part is when you are around your smoker friends. Just keep busy and its really not so bad.

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Hi BabyD,

it doesnt matter how many time you are tried before to quit, whats most important is that you havent stooped trying to quit. Every quit you have attempted before, has taught you things about yourself and the quitting process.

In regards to NRT and Champix etc...personally i dont see the point in it. I odnt get why they give you products containing nicotine, when nicotine is what you are trying to wean yourself off. But thats only my opinion.

I did CT, which was actually nowhere near as hard as its made out to be. The first week was the worst, but after that it got better and better and easier and easier.

Have you read Allen Carr's Easyway to stop Smoking? Its a great book for getting you in the right mindset to stop smoking.

I would say good luck, but you dont need luck, you need determination and to keep busy!

Hopefully see you on day 2 thread!

nsd_user663_14941 profile image

I gave up basically cold turkey 4 years ago... hell, that was hard.... hats off to all you cold-turkeyers out there!!

Stayed quit for 2 years before foolishly giving in to a stress induced craving.

Quit 12 days ago using Champix.... MUCH easier this way. Side effects wore off around the same time I quit.... but to be honest I think the nausea actually helped me quit....

Feeling great now!! :D

Whichever way you decide to do it, you will only succeed when you get your head into the right place. Reading this forum, and the links provided by the good folk on here, will help that happen.

Good luck!!

nsd_user663_15459 profile image

Hi all. Thanks so much for ur support. I think this forum is gonna help immensely. My husband is now gonna quit wiv me and we've decided to name Monday as the day. So all u lot keep it up, ur all amazing and I'm gonna keep browsing on here to keep my spirits up and my determination strong xxx

nsd_user663_14628 profile image

Get Your husband reading the forum to!!!! and good luck on Monday. We'll be thining of you and will be here if you need us!

Dannyboy55 profile image

You can do it

In many quotes on the site you will see that we talk about the "nicodemon" this refers to nicotine / fags and it is this that we all worry about as we go through our quit. Everybody will find there own thing that will help them and beleive me I have tried them all over the years with no success and the Champix gave me a lot af bad side effects and I had to stop. Over the 9 months that I have now been quit and been a member of this great site I beleive (only my opinion) that most people who quit CT are the most successful. However the determination in your quit is that lovely family that you describe. So no matter which way you choose to assist you to quit, we are all here reading and trying to help the other quitters,and as many posts will say this site was a great help.

Best of luck.


i am a 34 yr old mummy of 4 kids which really should be enough of an incentive to quit. my 13 and 10 yr old are well aware of the dangers - they are so mad into their sports they wouldnt even contemplate smoking - why did i not have that incentive when i was 13 ( the age i started smoking!!) my baby girl is 6 and already she talks about the day she gets married (i so wanna be there to witness that event!!!) and my baby boy is 3, 4 nxt wk soooo gifted a football (he will play for his country one day). so what is wrong wiv me, i have so much to look forward to yet i still struggle to combat my addiction.....

i am on my 8th quit (i think - it is that many i forget!!!) sooo wanna do it but dont know which avenue to take, tried patches, been offered champix (frit of the side effects) and at the mo i;m on lozzies well i will be tmrow.

if anyone can help, pls do, thank u xxx

nsd_user663_15459 profile image

Thanks benny and danny in a strange sort of way I'm looking forward to Monday :)

nsd_user663_15639 profile image

you can do it! :)

Hola! just wanted to show you my support, it seems you have already done this few times, what went wrong? what was the thing that made you get back to smoke?

Find support in your kids, get them involved, they surely love to help mum. Tell everyone you have quitted, make a statement, convince yourself telling others. That's the route I have taken, I'm writing a blog every couple of days where I talk about how the day/s went. I dedicate each blog to an additive from tobacco, and it reminds me that it's not just tobacco that we smoked, it's a whole load of cr#p they put in cigarettes and tobacco.

I've told all my friends and family, and everyone supports my cause and they understand it's hard. You will find the odd person that offers you a ciggy, yesterday I had a "friend" offering me a fag when we were drinking at the pub, why would a true friend want me to fail?

You can do it! Get over the cold turkey, you'll see that after the first day it gets easier :) I'm in week 3 and quite positive ;)

nsd_user663_15459 profile image

Ah thanks so much for showing ur support. Do u know the blog idea is fab and I'll be doing just that. Thanks so much

nsd_user663_7713 profile image

Good Luck For Tomorrow :)

Im The same, iv got a nearly 4 year old lil boy and he is asking me to give up, hates when i buy cigs aswell.. but can i judt give up .. no :confused::confused::confused:

nsd_user663_15459 profile image

hiya Emma

my lil boy is 4 on weds, he keeps chewing his fingers and his dad told him to stop chewing his fingers earier today and he replied "i'll stop chewing my fingers when u two stop smoking!!!" we had to giggle at him but seriously he's right, so we are now armed with patches, gum and lozenges to help us along the way!!!

are you quitting at the mo 0 if so how are u doing it CT or with the help of NRT, whatever ur doing good luck and let me know how ur getting along, Donna

nsd_user663_14513 profile image

Bioresonance ?

Hi guys

I tried 2 months ago in Manchester that bioresonance therapy it cost me only 85 quid, and I'm still not smoking :)

It wasn't too hard to quit, but you need to know, you have to overcome your habit. That is your job doesn't matter what therapy you try the machine or the hypnotzer won't block your hand. You need to do. If you cant give up your habits don't try It won't work. Otherwise that bioresonance helps me a lot I wasn't suffering from nicotine addiction any more :D.

I don't know about the others why so expensive but this one it worked for me.

The site

nsd_user663_15459 profile image

My sister in law has given up using that place in Manchester. So far she's done over 6 months and she really doesn't seem phased by it. I'm now almost a week and feel fine (touch wood) I am having palpitations tho, not sure if that's the patch?? I seem to have had every side effect and withdrawal symptom under the rising sun!!! :)

nsd_user663_16279 profile image


you can do it

do it for your kids and yourself

stay positive and reap the benifits of quitting

breathing more easily , less chance of cancer

beginning to feel like you have more energy

no more stinky breath

no more nicotine stains

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