1 month today but need help: Today is one... - No Smoking Day

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1 month today but need help

nsd_user663_7235 profile image
17 Replies

Today is one month for me and I'm normally feeling positive but right now I'm not. I had a very bad day yesterday and I am feeling the same today. I have this anxious feeling across my stomach and a horrible taste in my mouth. I can't concentrate on what I'm doing or what has to be done today.

I am not making excuses I am uder a lot of pressure just now. As some of you may know I'm a driving Instructor and because of the weather I have not worked now for 2 and a half weeks. Next week is not looking very good more snow today and no sign of things letting up. During this time I have lost about £1,500 and I'm slowly running out of money, bills still have to be paid business and personal.

I'm finding I don't want to do anything just lie down on the couch. I have no pupils booked in for next week and I should be doing that and can't get the where with all to make me do it.

I feel like I said once before that I'm being tortured by someone or something and the only way to stop them is to smoke. Can anyone tell me how long this torture is likely to last, a week, month, a year, I just want it to go away so I can get on with life.

I must add that over the last couple of weeks I have had no normal routine because I'm not working. If I don't get back to work soon I'll be forced to keep on quitting anyway because I won't have money for cigarettes.

Anyone reading this who is just starting to quit don't let this put you off. Remember I have went 1 month cold turkey. I'm normally very positive but not today I'm trying to be and I should be. If you read some of my other posts you'll see what I mean.


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nsd_user663_7235 profile image
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17 Replies
nsd_user663_6327 profile image

Hey Mr Twinny, come on now, this is not at all like you, is it?

We have all been there Jack, trust me, we get good days and bad days. Maybe tomorrow you will feel better. Guess what I thought this morning? Its very cold here today, about the coldest so far this winter and I thought "If only I could have a cigarette it would warm me up!!" What do you think of that for faulty thinking then? Good one eh?

Never mind that the blasted fags have almost buggered up my circulation system, never mind the truth of that, just a fag to warm me up!! ha ha - have a good laugh Jack, at a very mad person!! xxx

Chin up sweetie and this time tomorrow you will feel so much better, promise, ok? Love n hugs xxxx

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hi Jack

Hang in there.... please. These feelings could well be a mix of stuff. Quitting, the old habit not being met, no comfort blanket, no work, no money, winter blues, post festive bloatedness, low blood sugar, general and normal and excessive worry about all of those things and more.

You've got valid worrying stuff happening on top of a quit.

The low blood sugar and general lethargy and moods as part of a quit won't last long (mins to hours/day, depending) but they do become fewer and father apart. However, if and when they do come it can feel like a steam train has ploughed in to you. Low blood sugar can be helped though and that will have a positive knock on effect to some degree.

Try and separate the issues from smoking and work/business/money and deal with each as best you can in the circumstances knowing that even if you were still smoking, the snow would still have fallen, the quietness of pupils would still be the same and your money situation would be worse.

Through the haze of quit lethargy and worry, hang on to the knowledge that the quit is worth it and pretty soon all will have turned around again.

Stay strong

Pol x

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Jack :D

Well done you a whole month smoke free but so sorry you're feeling down right now and unable to work due to the weather

I know what you mean about that anxious feelihappens to most of us at some point but it will pass promise although like everything else it varies from persin to person

I hope you feel better soon

Love and a Hug

Marg xx

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

HI Jack

One month down that is a HUGE mile stone.....it is tough, if it wasn't we would not all still be here, but just think you will NEVER have to do that first month again EVER.....

It does get better my love I promise

Stay strong


nsd_user663_6596 profile image

Keep going Jack!!!

You've been a superstar in time so far... dont give up now... the hardest part is done!!!

I had a bit of a wobble at about a month... i think its your bodys last serious cry for its 'friend'.. thats what i said anyway!!! battle through it.. it'll only be a short while til you feel chipper again!!! :)

Big hugs, and try fun films or something you enjoy to take your mind off it... i became a crossword junky!!!!


nsd_user663_4121 profile image

I feel like I said once before that I'm being tortured by someone or something and the only way to stop them is to smoke. Can anyone tell me how long this torture is likely to last, a week, month, a year, I just want it to go away so I can get on with life.

Hey Jack,

just wanted to respond to this as I, and probably most people on here have felt exactly that way at some point.... it's normal early on in a quit. The torture you describe was very real for me too my first month but something did lift shortly after and things started to become do-able...

Over the years, you've programed your brain to think that the solution to everything is a fag..... the 'reprogramming' takes some time but considering how long we smoked, it doesn't even take that long..... all I can tell you is that things will get easier week by week and before long, it will actually be quite 'easy' to live without fags happily.

Things in your life sound a bit stressful and during times of stress you used to reach for the fags..... each time you handle such a trigger, your quit grows stronger..... so stick with things and try to stay positive, it'll get easier!

nsd_user663_4016 profile image

Jack, Bella is exactly right. We have all been where you are now. Not the exact situation, but the feelings are the same. It will go away. Smoking is not the answer and will not help. It will only add more stress - how will I buy, need another fix etc. Stay strong, this will pass. There are many bumps in this road to quittting and we just have to slow down and really think NOT ONE PUFF! We smoked for a long time and have lots of triggers to pass through. Each time we get through one we grow stronger. You can do this because you are a strong person. Just remember, education is the key. Keep going strong! Jody

nsd_user663_7229 profile image


Today is one month for me and I'm normally feeling positive but right now I'm not. I had a very bad day yesterday and I am feeling the same today. I have this anxious feeling across my stomach and a horrible taste in my mouth. I can't concentrate on what I'm doing or what has to be done today.

I am not making excuses I am uder a lot of pressure just now. As some of you may know I'm a driving Instructor and because of the weather I have not worked now for 2 and a half weeks. Next week is not looking very good more snow today and no sign of things letting up. During this time I have lost about £1,500 and I'm slowly running out of money, bills still have to be paid business and personal.

I'm finding I don't want to do anything just lie down on the couch. I have no pupils booked in for next week and I should be doing that and can't get the where with all to make me do it.

I feel like I said once before that I'm being tortured by someone or something and the only way to stop them is to smoke. Can anyone tell me how long this torture is likely to last, a week, month, a year, I just want it to go away so I can get on with life.

I must add that over the last couple of weeks I have had no normal routine because I'm not working. If I don't get back to work soon I'll be forced to keep on quitting anyway because I won't have money for cigarettes.

Anyone reading this who is just starting to quit don't let this put you off. Remember I have went 1 month cold turkey. I'm normally very positive but not today I'm trying to be and I should be. If you read some of my other posts you'll see what I mean.

JackKeep your chin up jack dont let a few bad weeks get you down,think positive:D this is a new year with new beginings for you;)were all here to support each other,xxx

nsd_user663_6570 profile image

hi jack please dont smoke... i have had those feelings you discribe and they are awful .... they will pass, come and go but wont make any difference to your work problems... they will make it worse because you will have evn less money..... the snow will stop... as soon as you get a day when you feel motivated cease it and promote your business.. maybe tutor people in the practical test??? that might make a bit of money.....

i hate when I feel the way you discride...

i have been off over christmas, go bak to work monday. i have had to force myself to do some work from home as I am so far behind in paper work.... it worries me as i know i am lacking motivation becaus of the quite.. but i cant smoke i need the money and do not want to go through all this again...

we are all hear for each other jack come on if you smoke you wont be able to flirt with Vivienne as a non smoker. xxx:):)

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Too many to reply to

Hi Guys, wow! I think you guys are more worried about me smoking than I am.


I just needed you guys tell me this is normal, maybe looking for simpathy, and the usual support

Hi Vivienne if you were cold you should have lit a cig then just put your hands round it to warm them. If you wern't so far away and my wife said it was okay I could come down there, give you a hug and keep you warm. she said it's okay for me to flirt with you on the forum xx I hope no one is listening. Do you think anyone notices well here's a hug back x

Pol it's just unfortunate that when I stopped smoking this all happened, if it had happened later it may have been easier to deal with. One of the things my family have always said to me is if I get knocked down I just get up again.

Marg, Lorna, Zozie, Bella, Jody, Tracey, thanks for your support and of course Tiggerpaws what's this about me flirting with Vivienne I think we may have to deny that won't we Vivienne sweetheart. It's just cos' she said she would find a nice roo.......I mean table when we both get to the penthouse.

Seriously I may ask from time to time for support but I just need to know this feeling will leave me soon. I am a very strong willed person I and I will try to be strong. I expect to look back one day and laugh at this. I'll tell you one thing when I know I have definately stopped and no matter for how long it is I will always be here to help others as you guys have helped me.

Love to you all xx:)

nsd_user663_4990 profile image


Whats happening right now is you are being tested .. you've gone a month, you are feeling the pressure due to some finance related issues due to the weather and the nicotine demon is seizing the moment, and stepping up the mind games a little bit to make you that bit more uneasy. Remember, he don't want to lose his prescious supply of nicotine, you've denied him for a month, and now he's playing his sneaky cards on you.

Things is jack? He's not got that many of them sneaky cards and things do start to feel quite a bit better, but for now, don't allow doubt into your quit.. you are doing very well.

Play the nicotine demon at his own game.. keep your chin up, shoulders back and give yourself credit for what you've already acheived.. and be ever more determined to see this through.

Its more short lived than you think and hopefully if the weather breaks soon, you will get some pupils after you for learning to drive.. its the new year too and folk even have 'i will learn to drive' as their resolution.

Good luck m8.. hope things pick up soon for you.


nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hi Jase you probably were doing you're post as I was doing mine and I am not going to let that demon get me. I have been feeling like this every day now for a few days I just keep telling myself maybe tomorrow I'll feel better.

The way you have put it is great because now I'm already thinking that little devil is not going to beat me.

I think everyone is missunderstanding me re my work. I have got plenty pupils but because the roads are bad we can't get the lessons done. They are all waiting for me to rebook them as soon as the roads will allow.

But again thanks Jase for the help.

It's just sad that on a day when I should be over the moon at what I've achieved so far I'm feeling like this I will use the words of wisdom that I tell my pupils. "Think of what you have achieved not what you have not."



nsd_user663_4964 profile image

It is absolutely true that your moods etc. can be a bit all over the place when you give up. and you will have days of feeling as if you can conquer anything, and then feel really down. Focus on what a big achievement you have made so far- that is something to feel very proud of. Distract yourself from thinking if you need to, go and do something absorbing and totally fun. You already know you don't want to go back to the evil things, so just let this pass.

nsd_user663_4990 profile image


You know these lovely milestones in our quit we celebrate? can you possibly imagine that i felt down in the dumps on my 100th day of being quit from smoking?

Well i was.. i really wasn't feeling wonderful, i was letting external stresses of life get on top of me and i'd not took the time out to acknowledge the things i'd truly done right.

Well I was feeling a bit down at that time, it lasted me a week or two.. i hated feeling low when i knew i should feel good about being quit.. but it was just not happening.

It did pass though, and things are much .. MUCH better for me now.

Tell you what though fella? bit of light hearted fun? just watch this vid n smile :).. youtube.com/watch?v=u2UP86b...

Chin up.


nsd_user663_6327 profile image

Hi Guys, wow! I think you guys are more worried about me smoking than I am.


I just needed you guys tell me this is normal, maybe looking for simpathy, and the usual support

Hi Vivienne if you were cold you should have lit a cig then just put your hands round it to warm them. If you wern't so far away and my wife said it was okay I could come down there, give you a hug and keep you warm. she said it's okay for me to flirt with you on the forum xx I hope no one is listening. Do you think anyone notices well here's a hug back x

Pol it's just unfortunate that when I stopped smoking this all happened, if it had happened later it may have been easier to deal with. One of the things my family have always said to me is if I get knocked down I just get up again.

Marg, Lorna, Zozie, Bella, Jody, Tracey, thanks for your support and of course Tiggerpaws what's this about me flirting with Vivienne I think we may have to deny that won't we Vivienne sweetheart. It's just cos' she said she would find a nice roo.......I mean table when we both get to the penthouse.

Seriously I may ask from time to time for support but I just need to know this feeling will leave me soon. I am a very strong willed person I and I will try to be strong. I expect to look back one day and laugh at this. I'll tell you one thing when I know I have definately stopped and no matter for how long it is I will always be here to help others as you guys have helped me.

Love to you all xx:)

How are you today sweetie? Also, I want to say hi and how are you to dear Mrs Jack, things cant be easy for her either, so hugs from me and thank you for being so understanding about this cyber flirting thing!!

As it was the coldest day of the year here so far yesterday, of course that had to be the day we had a power cut? It went off after lunch and came back on around 6pm but by that time we had already decided to go out to dinner as its very limiting how much you can cook for 5 people on one calor gas ring!!

Yes everyone, Jack and I deny any sort of flirting whatsoever - we are just encouraging each other towards the Penthouse roo .... table, so there!!

Would be great to hear from you Jack, whatever the circs, so please let us know how things are today. With much love to you and to Mrs Jack, Vivienne. xxxx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hello my darli.....I mean Vivienne. I'm fine feel the same as yesterday but handling it better. Mrs Jacks' name is Donna we will have been married 20yrs come April 28th 2010. I was married before for 25 years so I'm a glutten for punishment.

Donna had always said she would never marry a smoker, so I don't know what happened. I'd no money I'm 13 years older than her.........hmm must have had something (no rude remarks everyone).

Any ways you doing alright today my love for me it is 4 weeks and 4 days. My son Brendon and I had an expedition to the store today (Coop) had to walk to the farm where my car was, half a mile. Took about 40 minutes to get the car out of the snow, went and got shopping. Tried for about half an hour to get back up the hill with the car, gave up and left it at the farm. Had to dig a space to put it in then walked home with the shopping. I made dinner for us all (3rd day running) that was okay then watched Man U get beat by Leeds. Not a good day if anyone needed an excuse to smoke I had one but I didn't.

Love Jack xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:)

Don't let anyone see this shh!

nsd_user663_6385 profile image

awwww jack ya sound like ya doing grand all in all... as an arsenal fan i will with-hold saying anything about todays matches.... and you know that means a lot :D we are all together in this one honey ;) keep ya chin up and get stuck in to a tough winter you will come through it!

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