Just joining the 3 month club today... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Just joining the 3 month club today...

nsd_user663_10279 profile image
42 Replies


Today is my day for having completed 2 months and now going into 3 months.....

Feeling proud that I have got this far and back on the diet and exercise regime....

I know that it's still a long and hard road, but my willpower is still strong!

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nsd_user663_10279 profile image
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42 Replies
nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Well done and what an achievement for you, I bet you feel proper proud of yourself, 2 months was a major milestone for me and I bet it is for you as well, so massive congratulations and off you go towards month 3 a quarter of a year, smoke free and happy, whatever you do dont get complacent as he will still be on your shoulder for a while yet, just keep an eye on him and be ready to blast him with your sweet smoke free breath when he starts to act up xx

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

A..thanks for your support, this is an excellent support forum...keeps me going, just knowing that we are all going through the same things xx

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Well done nicki on your 2 months done ..Into 3 months now brilliant:)

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Thanks guys...lets all just keep going!

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Hmmm....just realised I forgot to put a patch on today, and I've been fine without it....haven't even chewed so much gum either!!!!


nsd_user663_9045 profile image

Guid on ye Nicki pal!

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Am feeling really proud tonight...met up with some family (who dare I say it, still smoke) and they did in front of me (albeit in the garden!!), but actually it didn't bother me...that has made me feel great!:)

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Hi nicki

great you should feel ..infact you should feel more then that...people smoking around & you carried on without it bothering you ........Well done xx:)

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Hi nicki

great you should feel ..infact you should feel more then that...people smoking around & you carried on without it bothering you ........Well done xx:)

Thanks kitkat, feeling those cravings badly tonight....just wish it would get a bit better by now...it's sooooooo hard!!:(

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

I know nikki

nothing worse then feeling like that & sometimes nothing that anyone says make you feel any better ........just try you hardest to go with it & just remember its only a crave ..& you can beat this xx

gotta go i be on later if you want a chat xx wotever u do DONT SMOKE xxxx

Be good:)

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

I know nikki

nothing worse then feeling like that & sometimes nothing that anyone says make you feel any better ........just try you hardest to go with it & just remember its only a crave ..& you can beat this xx

gotta go i be on later if you want a chat xx wotever u do DONT SMOKE xxxx

Be good:)

I know, but at the moment it's a constant craving (ooh, sounds like a song in there somewhere!!) and it won't go away...I WON'T smoke, but just really finding it hard at the mo xx

Thanks for your support

nsd_user663_10813 profile image

your progress deserves a congratulation card-and I am sending you a virtual bunch of tulips as well . wish they were real .

this is so, so hard and I empathise with all those feelings .but you are so far down the road now and doing so well.

keep going and life must get sweeter -those in the penthouse cannot be lying:eek::eek:!!

your success so far inspires me .thanks xx

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Thanks both for your support.

That's the thing...I AM so far down this hard road, and really don't want to go back...but just lately it seems to be getting harder and harder....will be in bed shortly, just so I don't have to worry about it anymore tonight (and besides the fact I can't keep my eyes open lately)

Sorry, if I sound dispondent and I really don't want to put anyone off continuing, but I am REALLY struggling lately xx

nsd_user663_10813 profile image

Hi Nikki,

think you will get this tomorrow morning as you have done the wise thing and gone to bed now.

I am too early in my quit to presume to give any advice . just want you to know that I am thinking of you and willing you onwards.

A new day -and new resolve my love.

this is so huge -and we are becoming different people . sad for the loss of what we thought of as our support and friend . dont know about you -but I know the theory and still react emotionally to the bewilderment.

but we are getting there slowly arent we?

you wont waste all those days of hell Nikki.

so hope today is better . and thanks for telling the truth .it is comforting to know you are not alone chewing the carpet.:mad::mad:

thinking of you hun xx

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Hi Nikki,

think you will get this tomorrow morning as you have done the wise thing and gone to bed now.

I am too early in my quit to presume to give any advice . just want you to know that I am thinking of you and willing you onwards.

A new day -and new resolve my love.

this is so huge -and we are becoming different people . sad for the loss of what we thought of as our support and friend . dont know about you -but I know the theory and still react emotionally to the bewilderment.

but we are getting there slowly arent we?

you wont waste all those days of hell Nikki.

so hope today is better . and thanks for telling the truth .it is comforting to know you are not alone chewing the carpet.:mad::mad:

thinking of you hun xx

Thank you so much, means an awful lot to me xx

Today has been a bit better, but still feel close to the edge....

I think it is good to tell the truth, not so that you intend to put people off or to make them think it's not worth it...but to show that it is a LONG road and it's not very easy. In the early days I was on top of the world and I thought, hey, this is a piece of cake....things have changed now, and I think it is only fair to let others know that it will be difficult at times....but we must take one day at a time, and each day is an achievement.

It's no good telling everyone it's easy, cos it ain't....reading all the posts on here tells you it's not, especially when you've been smoking for more years than I care to remember.

What helps me is the support from people on here and being able to just "let it all out" as they say xx

nsd_user663_10813 profile image

Hello Nikki,

glad you are hanging on. I think your quit so far is fabulous -please give yourself a pat on the back from me. I sense you still feel very vulnerable.

we have to tell the truth here or what is the point? I love to read uplifting posts to propel me onwards -and I so need to read that others are going through the withdrawal the same as me . feel less lonely-and someone out there really understands.

you will do this.

and I too will-even if we are dragged screaming by our hair through it by our pals on forum !!

sitting on your shoulder willing you on xx

today I am ok -two days ago ? a complete witch:eek:

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Thanks Skylark xx

So how long have you been quit for, and you're obviously finding tough at times too x

nsd_user663_10813 profile image

just three weeks Nikki.

a complete newbie. long , long way to go.

was a bit euphoric at first -now I know . :eek::eek:

so - you are way ahead and I am hanging on your rope and everyone else up ahead that posts !!:)

just feel different this time . did it alone -too many quits to mention .

found this forum -and I am not alone anymore :D

hope you are ok xx

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

I had that euphoric feeling at the start..felt on top of the world and full of energy...my how things change...no energy and can hardly keep my eyes open in the evenings!!

Am feeling much better now, it sure helps talking to people on here and encouraging each other.

Hope things are going well for you now - I never ever thought I could get to nearly 3 months, so I know you can...we'll walk this tough road together eh?? xxx

nsd_user663_10813 profile image

yes indeed we will walk the road together with all the other really lovely folk who post here too. I am starting to think that we ex smokers are special-in that we are humble, honest and caring[on this forum anyway!!]

the lack of energy really worries me -as it does you. soul sapping isnt it?

I had it bad -and this was before quit-got the euphoria you mention-and felt woo hoo:D:D

but I do believe from reading posts etc -that this feeling of exhaustion is usual . guess it is your body waking up from a long , long sleep. will pass I am told.

Sleep and keep faith my love .

and remind me and tell me this when I post in the future [please god] -with the same despair.

be gentle with yourself .xx

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Yes, it is a great forum, everyone is so supportive and kind...as you say, we will all walk this road together!!

I think you're right about the lack of energy being soul sapping...I think that's what sometimes gets me down, but hopefully this will improve soon xx

Lethargy makes me irritable and craving even more - if I had more energy I would be inclined to get out and do more, but one day at a time.

Each day I get through is a step closer for me...or a step further away from being a smoker

Take care and be strong



nsd_user663_5956 profile image

Hi Nicki and Sky,

Reading your posts really takes me back a few months, I have been through the same emotions, tiredness etc etc that you both are experiencing. Please both just go with it, your body has had those thousands of chemicals pushed inside them for ages and is now trying to readjust without them. I have been quit for 7 months and still feel my body adjusting (although the craves are so much easier to live with when they happen), but I did smoke for 40 years and I have given my body a year to recover.

You both are doing brilliantly, read as much as you can about addiction and smoking, I can send you some links if you need them, keep positive, I do know thats very hard at times I turned into a screaming banshee at one stage!!! But, my best advice is take one hour at a time when its bad I ate grapes for Britain, chocolate and biscuits, crisps I hated when I smoked I now love.

The good things are, I smell great, my skin is so much better, my hair shines, my nails are far stronger, I can smell rain on my plants, scents of flowers, and the best bit can sign as a non smoker when I go to hosptal for my cancer checks. I am in remission at the moment and am hoping to stay that way, so when those craves get really bad just grin and bear them, and think of something lovely, it really does get better.

Dee xx

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Thanks for your inspiration Dee, this is what it's all about getting motivation from each other.

I presume you are finding it a bit better now, seeing as you are 7 months quit (which is fantastic)?

It always helps to know what other are going through or have been through, just so you know you're not alone. I'll take some motivation from your story Dee and wish you well in this fight. Also, glad to hear you're in remission, that's fantastic news, you have many battles to fight I feel, and if you can do this, then so can we -take care xx

nsd_user663_11476 profile image

Hi Ladies,

I am so glad I stumbled onto this thread. Thank you for the honesty of your postings and Dee I love your responses.


nsd_user663_10024 profile image

Just want to say well done to you all, and Dee I think you are amazing, a true inspiration x

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Have had a great day today - no nicotine whatsoever in the bloodstream!!!:p

Think it makes a difference cos the weather has taken a turn for the better and I do so love the sun!!

Have done plenty of exercise today and feel really good - wish every day was like this!

nsd_user663_10813 profile image

that is a brilliant post:D:D

I can hear through your words how good you feel . excellent -and hopefully following in your footsteps . so lovely to know you feeling so good . thanks it is so hopeful for us all.xx

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

Hi Nic

well done to you 3 months is awesome ... superbly well done do it again and it's 6 months....go on dare ya :)

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

well done nicki

chuffed for you ...Your doing brill :)

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Thanks all for your kind words...

Had another cracking day today and still no nicotine!!! Yay!!!!!

Long may it continue, but guys please be there for me if I come crashing down soon xx Thanks


nsd_user663_1658 profile image

well done nikki.

u wont crash ...ure doing soooooooo well xxx brilliant:)

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Hi all,

Just been interviewed in my job, for our company newsletter (that is circulated to all staff) about me quitting smoking!!!

Of course, I had to mention all the wonderful support that I am getting on here and to promote this forum....

Also, received my 3 month certificate from Boots the Chemist yesterday, so am feeling really positive....:):)

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Quick Nicki let me touch you as then you will be my claim to fame, I hope you said it wasnt easy and that you deserve a bonus for turning up every day for work even when you were under all that pressure, ok so they wouldnt give you one but you sure deserved it just because you hit 3 months and I know you want crash you are to strong and it means so much to you, stay smoke free and off you go to month 4 xx

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

I'll be sending out autographs upon request!!! LOL

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Ok were do we queue up for them :D

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Well, you will have to join the lonnnnnnnnnnnng queue that has already developed here...but I'll pop one in the post to you!!! Lol

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

How will I know that it is real might be xerox one and I dont want one I cant sell on ebay do I, oh the youth of today XX

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Just for you, I will send an original...but I would need a cut of your profit....

May even let you all preview the article as it gets published.....oh, this fame is going to my head already....

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Yes sounds like it is, have they fetched the red carpet out of moth balls or has it been decreed unfit for your tender tooties, and as for sharing, um per does not share unless its your chips :D

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

sorry, it is a local authority I work for, so definitely no red carpet!!

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

ha ha it will be one of those company dark blue things that absorb the wet and the dirt is that correct, you will not want your piccy taken on that then will you, dulux do a good red ;)

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Probably be the dirty doormat outside the staff entrance!!

Not what you're looking for?

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