Reasons to be cheerful...: … 1, 2, 3… I LOVE... - No Smoking Day

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Reasons to be cheerful...

nsd_user663_8351 profile image
19 Replies

… 1, 2, 3…

I LOVE that feeling of getting up in the morning knowing that I didn’t smoke yesterday and I will not smoke today… :D

I LOVE coming on here in the morning and seeing so much positivity and encouragement – it brightens my day and stops me from being a gloomy Eeyore when things are tough… :D

I LOVE the fact that I’m using my gym membership again, and can breathe easier when I’m there… :D

We’re quitting and winning – what a great feeling!

How about you?

Lottie x

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nsd_user663_8351 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_8123 profile image

Far too cheerful!!!!

Hi Lottie,

I find it hard to be that cheerful in the morning (lol) but i do know what you mean!!!

I found myself walking to work this morning after getting off the train and thinking how i used to light up as soon as i got out of the train station and what a sad addict i must have been!!!

Day 16 and all is well though, last two days have been ok.


nsd_user663_3248 profile image

Good on yer Lottie,

Great positive post to start the day off:D My breating is so much better even after this short time, and the craves are more like thoughts of wanting that are easily delt with. We have to be on our guard for the gotyer moment:eek:

Nice work Lottie:cool:

I am not smoking today, not one puff:cool:

Quit date 8th Feb

Two weeks, one day, 8 hours, 41 minutes and 9 seconds. 307 cigarettes not smoked, saving £53.77. Life saved: 1 day, 1 hour, 35 minutes.

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Lovely post Lottie, fantastic encouragement for those feeling it's a bit tough at the moment.

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_8351 profile image

And once again with feeling...

Morning all!

I'm being a little cheeky and bumping my own thread as I think we could all use a little cheerfulness.

So.... what are your three reasons to be cheerful? :)

Lottie x

nsd_user663_7957 profile image

Good idea

I agree a little cheerfulness is called for.

I am happy that my limbs don't ache too much after my run yesterday.

I am very happy that my husband started his quit yesterday.

nsd_user663_4293 profile image


I don't smell bad

My teeth are not stained

I have saved £70 (so far) which I will spend on taking MIL out for lunch on Mother's Day

I have made my daughter proud. :D

nsd_user663_8351 profile image


That's fantastic Elaine - is he following your great example?! :)

I'm secretly hoping the same thing will happen with my OH - I had a bit of a breakthrough the other day when he asked me to pick up some patches if I saw any on offer, so fingers crossed!

Lottie x

nsd_user663_8123 profile image


1. 25 days!!! :D

2. Kids are proud.:D

3. I don't smell like a dirty ashtray.:D

Sod it I need more.......

4. I have only drawn cash out once this week

5. My Carbon Monoxide levels are down to 1 - probably not 0 as I work in Central London.

6. My teeth look slightly whiter.

7. I am actually thinking about starting running again - i stopped last year as I could only go about five minutes without wheezing!

8. My stop smoking nurse said she was proud of me.

9. My parents are proud of me.

10. My sense of taste is back!!!

I could probably go on but won't. I was looking for some of the other Fab Febbers last night, seems we've lost a few.......hope all the others are doing well!!


nsd_user663_8351 profile image

And I'm proud of you too!

Ello stranger! :)

Cor, that's plenty of reasons to be cheerful, brilliant. I agree with all of those, with the possible exception of the running - had to run (well, sort of half-gallop, half skip, cos of my heavy laptop) 20 yards or so for the bus this morning, and was just as out of breath as I would be usually!

But I am back at the gym, and actually enjoying it so far, so that's another positive. Teeth slightly less yellow too, but not quite in the Simon Cowell league yet.

Think another roll call for the Fab Febbers may be in order, hope everyone's doing ok! :D

Lottie x

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

try something.. it worked for me early in my quit, and helped me get through so many days and cravings too.

Smoking is an addiction, and as such created what we called 'our habit'.. and a habit is about doing the same things.. routinely, all the darn time yes?

Well, each day, to both pass time and to break the pattern of daily life a bit.. Do something different, try to build something new into your life even if its just trying a different sandwich filling that you would not normally go for, or walk a different way to work, watch different programs on tv.. read a book if you don't normally read much, go on a youtube search for something completely random and see where the search takes you, go for a walk in the evening for half an hour, ring someone up that you know but don't ring enough and have a chat... just well.. anything.

You'll be surprised by just how much good these little diversions take you, and the best thing is you can use these things to get through cravings too.. just by changing your daily routine.

Its your daily routine that you end up having cravings around, so try it. :)

nsd_user663_8123 profile image

Good tip Jase,

You're on....... something different tonight, i am a creature of habit and that needs to stop!!

And Lottie, at least you're going to the gym - I'm only thinking about running!! Haven't actually started yet!!:D

PS Is it rude if i take the non-starters out of my signature?? Guessing yes :o

nsd_user663_4293 profile image


great tip. I have been doing things like washing up later, walking the dog at different time. Biggest problem is I have been baking to distract myself instead of watching TV. I make a mean cheese scone.............. is there a loose weight support forum somewhere, I may need it soon.

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

PS Is it rude if i take the non-starters out of my signature?? Guessing yes :o

tbh, your signature is yours... i've edited my signature many times, nothing wrong with taking the non-starters out, what matters is how you are doing on THIS quit.

good luck on trying some new things just to change your routine a bit, it worked for me, i stopped watching some tv programmes which i'd been watching just because i'd seen all the others, but when i thought on, i figured i wasn't missing much by not continuing to watch them any more. In fact, TV wise, i've found tuning into bbc i-player and the other tv on demand services on the internet a welcome boost to my tv viewing as i now catch alot of programmes on there that i would otherwise miss.

foodwise, i changed alot of the food i was eating regularly and tried new foods too, this was great when my sense of smell and taste was returning as i could literally tell what spices were in alot of the food too now.

nsd_user663_8123 profile image

Sky plus on the way!!!

:DBetter late than never, I always want to watch programmes that are on past my bedtime!!

I couldn't get it until now as my sky was in my ex husbands name, even though I was paying for it. Anyway, stopped paying for it - they cut it off, so I rang up as a new customer and ordered sky plus! Coming on Saturday.

Food - i pretty much eat anything and everything anyway, but will find something to do.

Every little helps!!!

CanDoWillDo, there is a weight support group on this site - go to the social groups and have a look!!!


nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Sky+ is amazing :).. i honestly cannot be without that now.. series linking your recordings is wonderful.. live pause is great too!.

I just wish their programme listings were more dynamic and better searchable than they are currently.

I would also like it alot if they allowed you to favourite your individual programmes and have it tell you if there is any on any channels even if its a re-run.

nsd_user663_4293 profile image

:DBetter late than never, I always want to watch programmes that are on past my bedtime!!

I couldn't get it until now as my sky was in my ex husbands name, even though I was paying for it. Anyway, stopped paying for it - they cut it off, so I rang up as a new customer and ordered sky plus! Coming on Saturday.

Food - i pretty much eat anything and everything anyway, but will find something to do.

Every little helps!!!

CanDoWillDo, there is a weight support group on this site - go to the social groups and have a look!!!


Thanks, not there yet. Trying to use fruit and chewing gum rather than chocolate. I find if I take the baking into work it save us eating it at home.

nsd_user663_8995 profile image


I'm new on here and on day 19 of quitting. I love this post- here are some of my reasons to be cheerful-

1)Food is delicious

2)I'm now running to and from work so it doesn't matter if I'm eating throughout the day

3)I can breathe deeply

4)I'm so excited at the prospect of being free of my addiction- if I can crack this one then there are all kinds of other things I can achieve that I always thought would be too difficult

5)Not sure if it's the Champix or the fact I no longer have nicotine in my system, BUT, I used to feel very anxious and wound up about things out of my control, things that might or might not happen in the future. Now I am taking each day, one at a time, and I feel much calmer

6)My heart has stopped pumping so fast

7)My skin is breaking out in spots all over, but I'm hoping this is the toxins flushing out. I'm hoping my skin will be clearer and glowing at some point in the near future

8)All in all I feel like my mental state is changing, and for the better

nsd_user663_8351 profile image

Good news

Clo - that's fantastic to hear how you feel calmer and your mental state has improved. I found that as well on previous quits, and it really helped with subsequent ones.

Smokers often talk about quitting as being a stressful time, so it's good to remind yourself that it is cigarettes causing the stress rather than the other way around.

I definitely feel like a calmer, nicer person when I'm not a smoker - good to hear someone else feels the same!

Keep on keepin on... :)

Lottie x

nsd_user663_9004 profile image

Helping others

Loving all the reasons to be cheerful listed in this thread so far, it's so important to focus on the positives!

I agree with all of the suggestions listed on here so far. Particularly Clo's point 6: Going to bed at night and not having to wait half an hour for my heart-rate to calm down is amazing!

But my personal top reason to be cheerful is that on the 11th day of my quit my brother-in-law announced that I'd inspired him to follow suit. He's been smoke-free for over a week now too, and it makes me feel wonderful to think that I helped him get there!

I've pointed him in the direction of this forum so if anyone hears from an Irish guy who's been gagging for a fag since 28th Feb then say hello from me!

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