Tell us your reasons for quitting - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Tell us your reasons for quitting

nsd_user663_1988 profile image
37 Replies

I know there have been loads of these threads in the past but are there any newbies who want to share their reasons.

My reasons in order of selfish reasons first.

1. Because of the smoking ban! I work in a pub and couldn't bare that I couldn't smoke on a shift.

2. Money! Couldn't really afford to smoke anyway so smoked roll-ups.

3. Didn't want to smell anymore.

4. Health reasons.

5. My dad. He was a heavy smoker for 50 years and died in October last year of lung cancer (After I quit).

6. My children. I don't want my children to breath in my smoke, I don't want to influence them to smoke (Like I was), I don't want them to lose their dad early like I did.

Would anyone like to share theirs?

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nsd_user663_1988 profile image
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37 Replies
nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Barney

My reasons are

1 Money

2 Would like to see my grand kids grow up and anymore to come

3 Give my son support on his quit ( drink)

4 me and my house to smell better

nsd_user663_2629 profile image

i really had only one reason and it makes me sound totally selfish and self centered, which when it comes to anything else in life i am not. I would not give up smoking for anyone or anything that includes children. BUT when i started learning to dance and found i was wheezin after just one jive - that was it, suddenly i wanted to give up so i could dance and didnt stink of smoke.

Cant say im proud of that, but i am proud that i - eventually - saw the light, just sorry it took so bloody long.

as a ps - my daughter started smokin at 16 and although i didnt agree with it i couldnt stop her!! not while i had a ciggie in my hand how hypocritical would that be :( but good news is she has stopped too now.

nsd_user663_2863 profile image

Hi Barney,

My contribution will not be a list cos, if I'm honest, the reason I quit this time ...and I take this to be THE quit (God willing) ... is that I was just fed up to the back teeth with trying and trying and trying...

This time I followed an instinct and hooked up with a quit group, and, eventually, with this forum. But i'd say I bothered to do that because I had just got to the end of the road with quitting...There's only so many times you can do it before you have to say..."life isn't forever and you're a smoker 'til you die."

Just couldn't do that.

And the only point to writing all this is to reinforce the point made lots of times on here by lots of people...START with the absolute intention to succeed. Do the homework. Inform yourself. AND NOTHING CAN STOP YOU!!!

Onwards and upwards!


Dellabella profile image

My one main reason to quit was, I went to a party and hooked up with an old buddy, my age 40 and two days before he was told that he had a growth on his liver, it made me think that I had the exact same vices as him, smoked 15 a day, drank over the healthy limit and just placed myself in his shoes, it was awful, he has since found out it wasn't cancer but he too has given up smoking...... it made me really evaluate my life and think about my two daughters.

Everyone in my family is so proud of me and it is such a nice feeling.....

nsd_user663_3170 profile image

My Main reason for giving up smoking is for my children, I don't want them to smoke and I don't want to die early and not see them grow up.

Also...My Grandfather passed away last year June the 22nd, he had Pancreatic Cancer, he was diagnosed 2 weeks before he died and although he didn't smoke it is not nice seeing someone die from Cancer and I am sure it wasn't very nice for him either, So therefore I would like to avoid cancer!

I choose life...................;)


nsd_user663_2981 profile image

I quit because I hated the feeling I was getting from smoking - each cigarette was giving me less satisfaction than the previous.

Also I HATE the feeling like I 'need' to have something to survive. For example I was taking painkillers for my sore back (it's all better now Thank God) and I had to keep checking to see if I had enough and stocking up at the chemist.

Then I was prescribed anti-anxiety drugs for a problem 'outside of me'. which I found it difficult to get off the buggering things.

Add to that my caffenine addiction and my love of a good old booze-up, my life became one chemical after another. i was a twitchy annoying mess, constantly angry because I needed one chemical or another to get me through the day.

Something had to give. First it was the valium, then the painkillers, then the cigs. The alcohol took the hint and left of it's own accord. Now all I have to do is wean myself off the nescafe and i'm home free!

Overshared a little bit perhaps, but sure you all know me better now ;)

I feel a squillion times better now my day is not an addiction fest. I might not have been Priory material or a binge buddy for Russell Brand BUT it had to stop somewhere and enough was enough.

I'm tired, Goodnight all :D

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

I went from full caffeine to half caf then decaf. Was easy if you ignore the blinding headaches and the urge to kill people for very little reason but the ability to fully justify their death. It passes though :D

So it's not just me then?? Honestly quitting smoking was a doddle compared to this.... Oh My God, the headaches, like nothing on Gods Green Earth and if anyone as much as looked at me on a 'decaf day' they copped it full force. Of course the smoking (or lack of) got the blame and nothing would convince them otherwise, not that i want them all to know about my million addictions. I told you all here, but you are as weird as me ;)

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Yeah, where are those freaks tonight anyway? :p

Are they sitting in the Sad Bar in Sad Street North of Sad Land talking about their Sad Lives :D

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Oh so its like that then is it....

You Pi55 off for a week and,even though we all missed you, nobody said anything about it.......

BUT, i go out for one night, ONE NIGHT MIND, and i get this sort of abuse.


All that door slamming and drama, are you sure you're not a teenager?? ;)

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

I'm sure we're all the same...

If I knew then what I knew now.......... how different it would all be!

nsd_user663_2497 profile image

I concur with the general money, health, family reasons that most of us are stating, anyone would probably.

But they weren't the overiding factors to me. Unfortunately, I cant tell you what was. It just 'was'.

Maybe thats an answer in itself :confused:

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Without sounding too morbid....

I enjoyed smoking (ho ho can you believe what we used to say..?), i could afford it and, of course, it made me look so cool....

It's weird then that i've sort of being trying to give it up for the last 18 years.

Being married to another professional meant our plan was to have no kids but one popped along uninvited and sort of ruined my "smoke for life and who cares?" plan.

I knew it would kill me sooner rather than later and i've spent the last 8 years (as a father) of my life thinking things like, "i hope i don't die before he knows his father" " i hope i live to see him go to school" and other such bizarre things.

My mind was clearly in a receptive state to stop so i did.

Now i hate to say it, but, i don't feel fitter, a don't feel richer, i don't taste food better and i'm a bit fatter.

More importantly, fags are no longer a part of my life (apart from this forum) and i don't constantly think about death either... which has got to be a good thing, yes..?


nsd_user663_3226 profile image

heya austin,

I'm sure thats a good thing, despite still not feeling richer, tasting better, and getting fatter. You might not notice it, but im sure it has improved. I often think that nothing has changed, but if you kept your old toothbrush, you'll probably notice a difference. Keep it up.

I've also started a poll at Quit Smoking Reasons just to see what the top few reasons are. Is there a polling section in this forum?

nsd_user663_3281 profile image

I quit because I was getting headaches and stomach cramps constantly and couldnt understand why and thought it could be related to smoking...havent had one since I gave up :)

nsd_user663_2045 profile image

a few reasons!

ok so here are a few of mine!...

1. My health

2. My son

3. My other half

4. wealth


1. I'm loads fatter! lmao, but feel good

2. Has a mum who is bigger but better,

3. I now get kissed more:p

woooo hooooo, he hated it before

4. hang on one mo whilst i look at the quitkeeper on my desktop which you can downlaod and really helps if you have a look evey few days especially if you have kids to play along with to guess how much you have saved.....OMG! £2924.31!!!!! bloody ell!.....

nsd_user663_3307 profile image

It hit home when my 6 year old son came home from school and asked me why i was killing myself he had the smoking people at his school telling them the dangers of smoking

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

To Be honest Gumpy I dont feel richer But I must Be smoked 40 a day now i always got money in my purse so must be a little. xxxx

nsd_user663_3468 profile image

I gave up cos:

I want to have babies one day, it was staining my teeth, the lung custard was horrible :eek:, I spend good money on anti wrinkle cream but continue to smoke :confused:, I enjoy looking young and don't want to look old when I get to 35, it made me irritable, it gave me headaches, it made me stink, in support of my boyfriend, none of my friends smoke, it will kill me before I get to see any grandchildren, I'd been smoking half my life :eek:, I don't want black lungs, I don't want cancer, I don't want to die a slow, wheezing death, I want to be fit and glowing, I want to be able to buy nice clothes, I want it all, I want it all and I want it now! :p

smoke free me

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

I gave up cos:

I want to have babies one day, it was staining my teeth, the lung custard was horrible :eek:, I spend good money on anti wrinkle cream but continue to smoke :confused:, I enjoy looking young and don't want to look old when I get to 35, it made me irritable, it gave me headaches, it made me stink, in support of my boyfriend, none of my friends smoke, it will kill me before I get to see any grandchildren, I'd been smoking half my life :eek:, I don't want black lungs, I don't want cancer, I don't want to die a slow, wheezing death, I want to be fit and glowing, I want to be able to buy nice clothes, I want it all, I want it all and I want it now! :p

smoke free me

That about sums it up SFM!!!!

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

no going back now or we will throw that right back at ya!! ;)

nsd_user663_3465 profile image

The main reason I stopped, even though it's only been 4 days is because I want 2 go 2 the Maldives next summer with my wife and 2 year old! There are also other reasons, but thats def the main one!!

nsd_user663_3521 profile image

my reasons are:

- my lovely 11 (almost 12) years old daughter..

- my girlfriend..

- a better health of corse..

- try to prove me that i'm strong than cigarettes (wish i can)..

nsd_user663_3554 profile image

Money and sick of looking for places to smoke.

nsd_user663_3468 profile image

Oh yeah, it stains your fingers too

nsd_user663_3356 profile image

I gave up cos:

I want to have babies one day, it was staining my teeth, the lung custard was horrible , I spend good money on anti wrinkle cream but continue to smoke :confused:, I enjoy looking young and don't want to look old when I get to 35, it made me irritable, it gave me headaches, it made me stink, in support of my boyfriend, none of my friends smoke, it will kill me before I get to see any grandchildren, I'd been smoking half my life :eek:, I don't want black lungs, I don't want cancer, I don't want to die a slow, wheezing death, I want to be fit and glowing, I want to be able to buy nice clothes, I want it all, I want it all and I want it now! :p

smoke free me

Is that it then???:D

nsd_user663_3552 profile image

I quit friday and I failed today,.. and anyways that is on another post and I am going to quit again I want to I am focused and I failed out of something stupid a physical symptom I wasnt aware about: constipation and I didnt wnated to gain weight as I just had gone through a 4 pound loss diet.

Anyway I am trying again and my reasons are:

- I dont wana die of lung cancer as 3 members of my family have: an uncle at the age of 38, another uncle at the age of 60, and my grandfather when he was 70. ( yeah it runs in the family)

-wrinkles and other skin problems I hate.. I like my skin and body to look healthy.

- I wanna be able to run without feeling like I cant breathe. I love running, i was a real fast runner.

- Kiss my boyfriend and have a family with him someday.

- Stop making my mother breathe my cigarrettes, by the way she is an ex-smoker too cold turkey method 20 years ago enver looked back. Once she broke her cigarrettes and flushed them away.

-Follow the example of ex-smokers in my family: mom as I mentioned, my aunt and a cousin.

- Be able to help my brother through this who smokes too and I want to make him realize he can do it just like I can, cause i love him and i want to see him healthy.

nsd_user663_3559 profile image

I want to give up for the following reasons:

- I want to see my 3 year old daughter grow up

- I don't want to die young (because of the cigs) and for her to resent me

- My dad's just been diagnosed with COPD so I'm leading the way for him to stop

- Saving madly for a deposit for a mortgage and every penny I would have spent on fags goes towards that goal

- I want to be able to breathe through my nose without using inhalers!!!

- I'm fed up being a social leper

- I want to set an example to my daughter

- I don't want to look old before my time!!

- I'm 33 and I've been smoking over 19 years, that's just appalling!!!!! :eek:

nsd_user663_3554 profile image

Great reasons juney,keep it up and put a copy of them in your wallet.

nsd_user663_3554 profile image

Another one of my reasons is I work all the time 65 to 75 hrs a week for most of my life,and it manual labor not office work.I just kept running out of steam daily.:mad:

nsd_user663_3570 profile image

Mine are

father had heart attack at 58 nearly died

17 year old daughter has informed me she has been smoking since 14 arrrgg

and i want to encourage her to stop,and stop my 2 other daughters from starting

i want to live shaz

nsd_user663_3578 profile image

Hi everyone :) my reasons are;

My partner had a stent put in his artery 4 wks ago(we quit same day)

I lost my dad to a massive heart attack he was only 55

My mum survived a heart attack 4 years ago

I love my family

When I write this I get annoyed at myself as its obvious I should have done this a long time ago.This is my first and Im determined my last quit.

nsd_user663_3554 profile image

Those are very good reasons to quit but make sure its for you ........

You have to be the most important person to yourself...

GOOD LUCK.....:)

nsd_user663_3570 profile image

Hi Nena,so sorry to hear about your dad,my dad to had stents put in and has to have regular check ups and mountains of pills for the rest of his life,i was worried this heart thing is genetic,so it,s a good reason in itself to give up,good luck to you shaz

nsd_user663_3578 profile image

Thanks guys and keep it up too x....

Yeah Colin and my mum are on med for life,but its treatable.

I get what your saying dubs,I do thanks for your honesty.

I reckon we could all write a list a mile long tho and those are my main reasons that keep me on track

nsd_user663_3578 profile image

Shaz...I think its natural to link the genetic thing I do it to

nickywalton profile image

My mum died of heart attack when she was 55 - and I'm nearly 54:eek: one of the many reasons I quit...

good luck to you all whatever your reasons to quit were...


nsd_user663_3554 profile image

My dad quit smoking at 42 and lived to 74,the only reason he quit was breathing problems like myself.I quit at 46 a little late so I hope for 70.:D

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