over 3 months gone and craving like mad today! - No Smoking Day

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over 3 months gone and craving like mad today!

nsd_user663_5649 profile image
36 Replies

grrrr! just as I was getting fairly comfortable, I don't why but today, right now, I'm craving like mad! all I can think about is smoking even though I have a mighty headache, and fags would make it worse, I just can't think of anything else! I usually have coping mechanism, but right now I'm feeling sorry for myself, I got the blues today and a bad craving :(

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nsd_user663_5649 profile image
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36 Replies
nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Im so sorry you are struggling here was I at 5 weeks thinking the shi**y week last week was as bad as it gets LOL

But I look at the fact that I had bad days when I smoked and having a cig didnt make it better so no point in having one now also try the I have had one trick sit back close your eyes and imagine the whole concept of a ciggy and then after the 2 or 3 minutes it would have taken to smoke it


no ok think of something you realy hate doing and tell yourself you can have one when you do it.

I’m really glad that you’ve quit

Cause in the past you’ve smoked some sh**

Smelly Hair Hands and Breath

Shorter Life but longer Death

Up the hills you’ve got no puff

Smokers cough that makes you rough

So pass each day without the weed

Cause only then will you succeed

So Bravo to all that now don’t smoke

Cause early Death is sure no Joke

Run out of ideas but just remember if you have one puff go back to go and dont collect and life minutes LOL

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hi Corrine

Stick with it and hang on and know that any time (the next minute, the next hour and hopefully by tomorrow :eek:) that crave will have gone.

They can really knock you back when they are so strong and sudden can't they? :mad:

You say you have a coping mechanism but it's not helping much this time. What was/were your coping mechanisms in the early days/weeks? Were they any different to what you would normally find helps more recently?

How about getting yourself and the boys out tonight for a chip supper or cinema or bowling.... something to distract big time, something to get you out the home might be good?

Or stick some AC/DC on and dance away the blues..... good music helps me loads. I say that band as I saw the name on your ticket:)

Wishing you well and crave free

Stay strong chick

Pol, x

nsd_user663_5649 profile image

very observant Pol :)

Maxime is at his dad's and Liam is on a school trip so I'm on my lonesome, part of the problem probably. This craving is knocking me for 6!

Usually I get busy so I hardly have any cravings but I've been at home today with a bad headache and no energy... I certainly won't smoke (no energy to go out to buy fags! :p ) but it's filling all my thoughts :eek:

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

very observant Pol :)

Maxime is at his dad's and Liam is on a school trip so I'm on my lonesome, part of the problem probably. This craving is knocking me for 6!

Usually I get busy so I hardly have any cravings but I've been at home today with a bad headache and no energy... I certainly won't smoke (no energy to go out to buy fags! :p ) but it's filling all my thoughts :eek:

You will NOT buy cigs...you know the score my lovely Pol pretends to give you conern and support but all the time Christine and I are getting ready to come round with the clip board!!! :eek:

It really is a pain these cfravings....they are so annoying, you know you will not smoke, you dont want to smoke so WHY does it keep annoying you...

Keep strong Frenchy....hope you feel better really soon.

Love and hugs xx

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

grrrr! just as I was getting fairly comfortable, I don't why but today, right now, I'm craving like mad! all I can think about is smoking even though I have a mighty headache, and fags would make it worse, I just can't think of anything else! I usually have coping mechanism, but right now I'm feeling sorry for myself, I got the blues today and a bad craving :(

Snap, snap and bloody snap. Month 1 (except for day 2) we were ok, craving but ok. Month 2 severe depression, sore teeth and moody as hell, then suddenly the mist cleared and it was bloody great being ones self again. THEN I have starting craving, what the hell is that all about we are nearly at 4 months.

Frankly not happy but I have no idea who to complain too.

Sweetheart we quit the same day and the ONLY reason I am not going to have one is I cannot go through month 1, 2 & 3 again!! Hold on there, think of our penthouse in St Barts.

Big Hug

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

LOL see told you.....Pol, Christine and me jumping all over you...


nsd_user663_5649 profile image

Thanks girls :)... this is so weird though, I felt good, busy, fairly upbeat and it just punched me today, the craving, the feeling really low and emotional!!! argh!

I wonder if it is easier for the guys? Jack, Bradders, Dave? do you ever feel very emotional and low?

don't worry girls, no stupid move anymore, no smoking, but I just want to stop thinking about things that are bad for me :(

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

LOL see told you.....Pol, Christine and me jumping all over you...


Frankly some men would pay a lot of money to see that:D

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

SORRY...again Christine lowers the tone of the thread...settle down guys that is NOT what I meant....:o

Frenchy....it is awful it is always the things that are bad for us that we want!!!! RIGHT??? :D


nsd_user663_5649 profile image

:D:D I'm now crying and laughing altogether!!

Christine lol! you're right, lot of men would :D

Lorna... yes and it really sucks! what is the point having a brain to end up being so stupid and crave BAD BAD things?!

it really is a long way to recovery!

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Please no laughing as we have been told off for that! Sarcasm and Lorna's clipboard is a no no!

Told my hubby about the men paying bit and he is getting the camcorder!! Smile girls:D

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hahahah, after the day I've had those last few posts have made me laugh.

*Pol with hands on hips* (just about find them) I am genuine in my concern and support Christine.... I am the good cop after all. Your the bad cop with the wine and chocolate just disguised as health vitamins and Stain Johns Warts and Lorna's is great at the peace keeping, she should work for the ............ hmmmmmm. ah! UN.... on second thoughts, she's to good for them ;)

Right, .... sorry Lorna, but this jumping about all over the place, THE PLACE, to good music may I add..... is just a great tonic.... No Christine, just tonic.

Corinne, you got a Wii game and do you (or the boys) have Mario Kart racing game?

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Sweetheart that is what we are here for....its a virtual girly night in!!

We will never recover Hun, that is the desperate irony of life...BUT

we learn how to be VERY naughty with things that are not quite so bad for us....I suggest red wine, chocolate, loud music and SHOES....


nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Please no laughing as we have been told off for that! Sarcasm and Lorna's clipboard is a no no!

Told my hubby about the men paying bit and he is getting the camcorder!! Smile girls:D

Oh NO.....its a niche market with that much lard!!!!!!!!:D

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

:o Shoes?

What do we do with the shoes? I thought you (Lorna) were bringing blue slippers?

I don't have shoes :eek: I really don't. I have some boots and lots of ankle boots and loads of clogs and flip flops but no shoes.

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

I'm not the bad cop, I'm the good cop and besides Corrine and I are twins, bugger off!:D

Lorna, don't worry about the lard DH has editing facilities.

Corrine just ignore these two they have issues:D

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Without shoes, we are nothing. With wine you just won't care:D

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Then I am nothing but a wino with issues :p

nsd_user663_5649 profile image

hahaha! you guys are completely crazy!!!

in my state, unfortunately choccies and wine are a no-no! now my mind is busy visualising blue slippers, hands on hips, clipboards and 3 crazy women jumping on my back (oh dear.... it's almost like a French movie, we'll be barred! ;) ) I'm not craving so much!

pffffff! what a tough day!... are we there yet? ;)

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

I love heels and long boots and ankle boots and flats and flip flops and trainers and slippers and sangles and wedges and and and and

but strange as it seems I sopend as much time as possible walking about in bare feet!!!! saves on shoes!!!!!!

Christine ther is no way photoshop is that good....there is airbrushing but I for one would need to be rubber out and restarted...

Christine I never said you were bad cop...settle down love and have a glass of wine....you are just the driver I'm the bad cop....


nsd_user663_4990 profile image

I wonder if it is easier for the guys? Jack, Bradders, Dave? do you ever feel very emotional and low?

It does hit us guys, i had a very down 3 weeks before christmas last year, i really got to the point in my quit where i felt that the way i felt at that point was not what i was expecting to feel considering i'd quit smoking 5 months at that point approx. The good news was it passed and thank goodness.

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

God, I feel like a right party pooper with some boring advice, no high heel shoe or flip flop jinks here. Try this though... Its a bit as Pol said but the word is H.A.L.T. Think its from tales from the quit. It means, when you're craving think, are you:



Lonely or


All of the above mimic the feelings you get when you crave a cigarette. If you can tick it off the list it makes the feeling become more logical and easier to handle. I still use it now, its almost a subconcious thing.


nsd_user663_5401 profile image

God, I feel like a right party pooper with some boring advice, no high heel shoe or flip flop jinks here. Try this though... Its a bit as Pol said but the word is H.A.L.T. Think its from tales from the quit. It means, when you're craving think, are you:



Lonely or


All of the above mimic the feelings you get when you crave a cigarette. If you can tick it off the list it makes the feeling become more logical and easier to handle. I still use it now, its almost a subconcious thing.


Not a party pooper, a genius!! I never knew that (I really should read this forum more!!). Cheers Fiona.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

grrrr! just as I was getting fairly comfortable, I don't why but today, right now, I'm craving like mad! all I can think about is smoking even though I have a mighty headache, and fags would make it worse, I just can't think of anything else! I usually have coping mechanism, but right now I'm feeling sorry for myself, I got the blues today and a bad craving :(

Hi Corinne :)

I'm so sorry you had a really bad day yesterday and hope today is better for you

I think you may have a bit of the terrible threes it happens to some of us as you know

So chin up stand tall grit those teeth yell scream shout whatever it takes get to the end of the month and it becomes so much easier to cope this is the Demons having a last fling OK

Just hang on you CAN DO IT

Love and Hugs

Marg xx

jackieinv profile image

Well done you guys, was a bit worried that some of you were feeling bad, then you distracted each other and the fun starts, I really hope that helped you. The idea from Fiona is great HALT, remember reading about it too and think it would be a great idea to try.

Even although you are all doing so well having finished your 3 months, reading is still a good way to help with bad times, there is always something to help with the thoughts in the head.


Atomicguy profile image


Hope you're now feeling better and less cravey. Just gotta fight through these awkward times.

I love this thread - this is what this forum is about - the support shown is just fantastic.

For my two-penny's worth - month 3 for me was a shocker! Two days in bed (but may have been flu) and BAAAAAAAD cravings. I would have smoked a sock if I could. And cry!! I cried at the drop of a hat - from Gok Wan right through the spectrum to crying in front of my boss at my work review meeting! (I'm a guy btw).

But here I am - just about to end 5 months and I feel bloomin' fantastic.

Just dig those (stilletto) heels in and you'll be here soon!

nsd_user663_5401 profile image


I must admit a few of the Octo lot are having a tough time month 3 with cravings (moods are fine though), but I did read a post of yours saying month 3 was bloody awful but it really does get better and am I taking you at your word.

However if you are wrong and I'm not full of the joys of spring in month 5 and at the 6 months mark, I am bringing Lorna and her clipboard to beat you:D

(note - I am really a nice person:D)

nsd_user663_5649 profile image

thank you Fiona, that's great advice.

AG, thank you so much for being so honest, Jack, you too... it's so easy to believe it's a woman thing being so emotional!

Lorna... I'm with you, heels are fab! it took me a long time enjoying them as I was always a bit of a tomboy, BUT got some Jimmy Choo (a gift), some Kurt Geiger, and they feel very sexy and great :o) ... I'd love some Louboutins and might if I get my dream job this year!

Thank you all, particularly my crazy 3 roommates Pol, Chris and Lorna... I feel much better today, the craving disappeared suddenly yesterday and the headache is fading. oh boy, what a roller coaster ride!!

Atomicguy profile image

Frenchy - really good to hear you're doing better.

Christine - HAAA!!! You and Lorna with a clipboard would be formidable indeed!

I realy hope you will be - and I'm sure you will. All I can say is here I am at the end of 5 months - I'm in work at the moment, having a little break in a mental day (for my fix here) - and two colleagues just said to me "Do you have to be so f*****g happy and cheerful all the time?" (in a nice way tho).

I reminded them of me at month 3. They quicky shut up! HAAAAA!!!!

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

thank you Fiona, that's great advice.

AG, thank you so much for being so honest, Jack, you too... it's so easy to believe it's a woman thing being so emotional!

Lorna... I'm with you, heels are fab! it took me a long time enjoying them as I was always a bit of a tomboy, BUT got some Jimmy Choo (a gift), some Kurt Geiger, and they feel very sexy and great :o) ... I'd love some Louboutins and might if I get my dream job this year!

Thank you all, particularly my crazy 3 roommates Pol, Chris and Lorna... I feel much better today, the craving disappeared suddenly yesterday and the headache is fading. oh boy, what a roller coaster ride!!

Good to hear it Hun....

Can I come to your house and see your shoes....heaven...

I tried a pair of Louboutins last year when I was looking for a very specific shoe. In the whole of Leeds I only found 2 pair that were right the Louboutins at £430 or a pair from LK Bennet at £140...I could not afford the Louboutins but in comparison the LK's were reasonably priced so I bought them...they are gorgeous...

PS If Mr LJ ever finds out how much I paid I will be in so much trouble...I told him they cost £40 in the sale!!!! :eek:

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Good to hear it Hun....

Can I come to your house and see your shoes....heaven...

I tried a pair of Louboutins last year when I was looking for a very specific shoe. In the whole of Leeds I only found 2 pair that were right the Louboutins at £430 or a pair from LK Bennet at £140...I could not afford the Louboutins but in comparison the LK's were reasonably priced so I bought them...they are gorgeous...

PS If Mr LJ ever finds out how much I paid I will be in so much trouble...I told him they cost £40 in the sale!!!! :eek:

£40.00, now I'm open to bribes!! PS what size are these shoes??

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

£40.00, now I'm open to bribes!! PS what size are these shoes??

Damn it......forgot about you....:mad:

I'll buy the wine?????

I'm 5'9" lady so they will be way too big for you....(6.5 or 40)


nsd_user663_7235 profile image

I have just read all this thread, and the outcome? On 2nd February I will be entering month three and my decision;

I am preparing to crave really badly, I am going to buy a clipboard and a pair of stiletto heels, I only hope it helps.

There is always the thought of all those women jumping all over me, hmm............................I shall ponder this one.


nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Damn it......forgot about you....:mad:

I'll buy the wine?????

I'm 5'9" lady so they will be way too big for you....(6.5 or 40)


I'm short 5'3" but size 7 so I may squeeze in them (hand them over):p

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

I have just read all this thread, and the outcome? On 2nd February I will be entering month three and my decision;

I am preparing to crave really badly, I am going to buy a clipboard and a pair of stiletto heels, I only hope it helps.

There is always the thought of all those women jumping all over me, hmm............................I shall ponder this one.


:D :D Oh Jack I would pay good money to see you in those Stilettos my lovely:)

nsd_user663_5649 profile image

Jack, loved your post, and can't wait to see you in high heels :D

Lorna, perfect, although I'm only 5'6, I am also a size 40 and I like LK too! The Louboutins I love are £360! but it's an investment :p ... that's about 80 packs of death sticks or about 6 months worth of smoke

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