Day 5 and onwards: Morning All, Well, I'm in... - No Smoking Day

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Day 5 and onwards

nsd_user663_5312 profile image
28 Replies

Morning All,

Well, I'm in to day 5 of quitting using nothing but my own will-power and, well, so far, its going great! Some of you might remember I had a rough day on Friday, but that's all passed now. Frankly I'm amazed at how much better I feel already (still have an irritating cough though, but I know this will pass).

On Saturday night I went out and did something I've not done for quite a long time - yes I danced, something I don't normally do. And not only that, I did it for quite a while. The thing is, I don't know why I didn't do it before, I always thought it was lack of confidence. I guess this is all part of the non-smoking, new me!

Having said all that, I STILL ache this morning!

Anyway, I know it's still only my fifth day, but I really am feeling good and positive about this at the moment. Lets hope it stays that way!

Good luck to everyone else!


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nsd_user663_5312 profile image
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28 Replies
nsd_user663_5310 profile image

Well done rob

Im also into day 5 and I 'm also feeling great. I have a couple of horses and every morning I muck out the stables producing a massive wheel barrow and the muck heap is up a hill. I havent been able to empty the wheel barrow myself for years, but today I did and skipped all the way back (another thing I havent done for years). Arnt we both brilliant


nsd_user663_4990 profile image

:) this is a good monday it seems! :)

Well done both, glad its going well !

Keep on going as you are, and keep posting yoru progress on here.


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Rob :D

Well done on 5 days smoke free that's great keep it going

Pleased to hear it's all going well for you and you're feeling good as well and that cough will go

I also started dancing again soon after I quit and like you I hadn't danced in years

Remember how good you feel now and if you get a rough day again it will help you get through it

Hi Caroline :D

Well done to you also on 5 days smoke free and feeling good as well

Also pushing that barrow up the hill and skipping back down again is great it's wonderful how soon the body starts to heal from the abuse of smoking and it gets bettter yet as well

Love to you both

Marg xxx

nsd_user663_5312 profile image

Caroline: Congrats to you too, worth doing this, isn't it? ;)

Jase & Marg: Thanks to both of you, I know its only been 5 days, but you both have always been commenting on my posts and offering advice, and I want you both to know how much I appreciate it, its nice to see that some of the long term quitters like yourselves will drop back to the lower forums to keep us newbies motivated. Sincere thanks to you both.

On another note, it's Monday morning, and I'm in a freaking fantastic mood! There's nothing in particular going on, I'm at work, but I'm feeling kind of euphoric.

I'm so loving this chemical rebalancing my brain is doing right now :D

Thing is, I know I'll have days, probably soon, where it swings the other way, so I'm going to enjoy this while it lasts :)

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

marg? marg!!!.... I've been called 'long term'. (*does happy dance*) :D I'm gonna get my new badge sorted right away. Long term is almost like saying lifer and as i'm quit smoking, that means alot :) thankie!

You do right to prepare and be prepared for the unexpected. Nothing wrong with savouring the moment either though!!! That euphoric feeling is so nice.. its likes you've had your first glimpse of what things can be like permanently, and certainly like you have that bit more energy than you've had in some time too.

Yeah you'll get some darker days, maybe some truly yukky moody days, but on the whole, providing you stick at this there is nothing to stop you reclaiming this feeling on a very much long term basis :)

and good luck.

No matter what the day, just stay smoke free.. thats the golden rule. but have fun along the way.


nsd_user663_5312 profile image

Jase: I'm glad you like being referred to as 'Long Term' :) But lets face it, 2 months + is definitely a serious, long-term effort.

Chrissie: Thanks for the encouragement - although I have to confess to spending a little while trying to find out what PMA stood for, but I know now :D

Up to the end of this week, instead of posting another two threads about it, I'll just keep updating this one, and that's probably how I'll do my updates from now on, now that I'm past the single day forums (Woohoo, go me, small milestones, I know :) ), saves filling up the board with threads about the same person and stops other threads getting lost in the flood.

I'll tell you all one thing though - this being happy all day business is wearing me out! Wouldn't swap back though :)

nsd_user663_5255 profile image

Congratulations - it is a good feeling each milestone you pass.

Well done :)

nsd_user663_4901 profile image

Hi Rob

Well done! It's great to be able to celebrate isn't it! :):)

Onwards and upwards!

nsd_user663_5031 profile image

Hi Nibbal,

Congrats on quitting, i've been saying it myself too, the amount of energy I have is amazing since I quit, and I certainly don't want to go back to being lazy, low energy, can't be bothered etc. So keep going because it gets better!!!!


nsd_user663_5312 profile image

Day 6

Well, it's back to earth with a bump this morning. Severe insomnia came out of nowhere last night so I'm exhausted. To go with that, an argument with the OH about something trivial so at 2 am I really did want a cigarette more than any other time so far.

At least that was the case last night. This morning was worse. Woke up to a poorly toddler who, bless her, still desperately wants to go to school, despite running a temperature of 39 decrees C. Cue me running to the local supermarket for supplies of nice things like crisps, oranges and fruit juice for her (luckily most of what she likes is good for her) and it took all I had to walk past the fag counter on the way out without stopping, but manage I did.

I realised after that its the first time I've been to the supermarket since quitting, so hopefully that's another habit / trigger successfully bypassed. Also, my wife has an appointment at the docs for our daughter later on, so I'm going to be worrying about that too.

I was thinking last night, while laying awake not sleeping, that while I am exhibiting many symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, when I think I want a cigarette, it's not the cigarette itself I want, it literally is the habit of "well, normally right now I'd be smoking, so that's what I should be doing". I don't know if this makes sense but I don't think its the cigarettes I miss so much, but the physical act itself. It's almost like a punctuation mark in my life. I wouldn't say I'm addicted to commas, but you notice them when they are not there. That's what this is like for me at the moment. I have set places in my day when I'd have a cigarette or while doing certain things when I'd smoke at the same time, like when I take a walk at lunchtime, and there's definitely something missing.

I don't know, anyway, I'm rambling now. I guess this was more trying to put my thoughts in order, so no-one needs to feel they have to reply to this, certainly the last bit, but if you can just about muddle through it, some perspective would be welcome.

Thanks all, and good luck with your own quits!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Nibball :)

Well done you almost a week now done and dusted that's great

Sorry you had a bad night last night and feel exhausted from it this is normal early in a quit but will pass

Sorry your little one is poorly but well done you passing the trigger of the cigarette counter yet another out of the way

The thing with wanting a fag when doing certain things we all have at times but as you conquer each without one it does become easier just hang in there


Marg xxxxx

nsd_user663_5255 profile image

So sorry to hear your little one isnt well, bless them they so want to go and see their friends and dont understand why your saying no despite them looking like they will fall asleep any minute.

But MASSIVE WELL DONE for not giving in whilst you were awake last night I dont know whether I would have had your will power especially everything else thats seems to have hit you at once. Dont worry about the argument you had with the OH I am sure that its forgotten about now as you have other things on your mind, just give them a big hug remember.

I know what you mean about it not being the cigarette its the habit, my OH always used to come home from work, find me in the kitchen and stand at the back door for a cigarette and we would talk about our day, now he cant come in the kitchen when he comes home. I always had one as soon as I had finished my tea, I would sit there content and let my meal go down, now i have to do the washing up straight away literally as soon as the last fork full goes in my mouth. I look at the clock in work and say "oh I should be having my morning cigarette now". To be totally honest, I dont think I even enjoyed 70% of my cigarettes, they were just smoked out of habit "cos thats what I do".

Although in saying that there is still the 30% that I did enjoy and miss but you just do something else. If you read my posts you will see thats cleaning and baking, my house is spotless and I am getting fat - but hey least I aint smoking no more. The OH has been doing the garden as it keeps him busy and it gets him out in the fresh air.

Now I am rambling.

Hope your little one gets better and keep up the good work. :)

nsd_user663_5310 profile image

Hi Rob

Must be 6 day blues eh!!! read mine

I know just what your talking about, I should be smoking right now writing to you as I always used to do when checking my e mails in a morning.

I suppose we'll just have to accept that whats normal is now different and think of something else to do, and tell our other halves to ignore everything we say from now on as we dont mean it. Im being a right bitch at the moment and I really cant help it,

Stay strong tomorrows a big milestone


nsd_user663_5255 profile image

Caroline - my OH says I am a right bitch all the time this is nothing new lol. :)

nsd_user663_5323 profile image

I couldn't agree more

I was thinking last night, while laying awake not sleeping, that while I am exhibiting many symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, when I think I want a cigarette, it's not the cigarette itself I want, it literally is the habit of "well, normally right now I'd be smoking, so that's what I should be doing". I don't know if this makes sense but I don't think its the cigarettes I miss so much, but the physical act itself. It's almost like a punctuation mark in my life. I wouldn't say I'm addicted to commas, but you notice them when they are not there. That's what this is like for me at the moment. I have set places in my day when I'd have a cigarette or while doing certain things when I'd smoke at the same time, like when I take a walk at lunchtime, and there's definitely something missing.

I couldn't agree with you more - I am on day 4 today and was thinking the exact same thing this morning. It is the routine of smoking. I love the fact that I no longer NEED a smoke (well at times I truly think I do but I know I don't). I sorta miss going out for a walk with a smoke, petting the barn cats etc... Just have to find someway to replace it!

nsd_user663_5312 profile image

Thanks to everyone for their input, as always, it is much appreciated :)

A bit more about my day today:

Its official, my daughter, who is three and a half, has swine flu. My son, who is nine months old, has a cold and might be heading for swine flu.

I know that swine flu is in fact less virulent than seasonal flu.

I know that the death rate from swine flu is far lower per capita than seasonal flu.

I also know that I have never been so damn scared in my entire life. I can't wait until I get home this evening and I can see them again.

I hate this.


nsd_user663_5323 profile image

I am so sorry to hear that... I also have a 3 1/2 year old and a 9 month old. I am terribly worried about the H1N1 flu. We have been thinking about vaccinations but not sure if we will.

Hang in there - although this is a difficult time - a cigarette will not help your fears.

My friends 3 young girls recently got the H1N1 flu and after a week of normal flu like symptoms they are all better. So try not to worry - they will be ok.

Good luck and give your children a great big hug!!!

nsd_user663_5312 profile image

Thanks Sasha.

It's weird, like I said, I know all about it, and before they got it, I didn't worry one little bit about it, but when I spoke to her on the phone earlier, to hear her sounding so croaky and weak, but still trying to be her usual giggly self, well, like I said, I've never been so scared in all my life. I'm still sure she'll be ok, I dunno, hopefully I'll calm down when I get home tonight.

nsd_user663_5312 profile image

Day 7

So then, yesterday was really bad by almost anyone's standards, and last night wasn't much better. My poor daughter is just so poorly :(

On the other hand, if I can get through yesterday and last night and manage to keep the cigs at bay (which I did) then hopefully I can say I can face down most things which are likely to come my way.

Although a few quiet days wouldn't go amiss first.

Thanks again to everyone who commented yesterday, it all helps, believe me :)

nsd_user663_5310 profile image

Hi rob

Congrats to us both for getting to 1 week, you did really well yesterday with you poor daughter and Im sorry you feel down at this crucial stage but if it helps I feel crap too and I havent got half your problems, but lets keep going if only to show the filthy fags we can beat them

Thinking of you mate Caroline

nsd_user663_5312 profile image

Cheers Caroline, that means a lot :) Hope you're feeling a bit cheered up from earlier as well :)

Anyway, just an update, I've had a phone call - my daughters fever has broken, now she's just tired and weak, but no temperature any more, she's going to be ok :D

Son is apparently looking better this morning too :)

nsd_user663_5310 profile image

see All that worry for nothing and I have just had the dreaded filling that I have been fretting about for the last 2 days and guess what it didn't hurt.

Going out tonight so cant sit about moping as I have done the past 2 days and tomorrow seeing my consultant about my long awaited boob and tummy job scheduled for the 1st Oct. So good things in the future!!! and I hope we will both have a couple of stress free days


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Rob :D

I'm so pleased to hear that your children are feeling better today that will make it a bit easier for you but having got through that worry smoke free you can face anything


Marg xxx

nsd_user663_5312 profile image

Caroline: Glad you made it through :) Although is it not freaking you out somewhat that we are going through good and bad times at virtually the same points in our quits? Freaky ;)

Marg: Thanks, it's really nice to hear you say that, although I'll bet you're not quite as pleased as I am :D Also, thats how I'm looking on this at the moment. I can't see how anything much worse could happen in the normal course of every day life, so I've had what I think of as the smokers main excuse for re-starting (stressful situations drove me to it, yer honner) taken away, because I made it through this.

Funnily enough, the last two times I've quit, I've used this excuse to cave and start smoking again, although both those times it was because I lost my job. Looks like I can't use this excuse anymore :D

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Rob :D

Goodeeeeeeee one excuse removed from your arsenal then so carry on not smoking is my advice here


Marg xxxx

nsd_user663_5255 profile image

Hi Rob

Hows the kids today? They feeling any better?


nsd_user663_5310 profile image

Hi Rob how are you and the kids, whats your mood today mine is up

Love Caroline

nsd_user663_5312 profile image

Kids are still snuffly today, but nothing like what they were earlier in the week, confident that they will be ok now :D

Thanks for asking :D

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