still here!: Hi all Day 15 (?) Feeling... - No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_5039 profile image
17 Replies

Hi all

Day 15 (?)

Feeling really rough today my throat is as bad as when i had glandular fever but its all normal, i work for a doctor and asked for a bit of advice, he checked my tempurature to make sure I'm swine flu free!! but its making me feel down, haven't really had any other major quitting symptoms just my throat and i know it will repair its just hard work sometimes and worst bit is my job involves listening to people moan all day about their problems!!! not very sympathetic with anyone at present!! :(

I know its all for the best but just need a kick up the a**e today really!! :eek:

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nsd_user663_5039 profile image
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17 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Windy :)

Day 15 eh lots of people struggle around about now and some of them end up back on day one after the odd puff or to on a fag

Sorry you have a bad throat but it will pass soon

You say you need a kick up the a**e today OK consider it kicked if you need that again the steel toe caps come out of storage again


Marg xxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_5039 profile image

:D thanks for that Marg...... did make me laugh which made me feel better!!

think coz other things are going on too which is making it hard but i will carry on regardless!!

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Speakin about that marg,

theres a chap who works two offices away from me who quit 2 weeks ago and has got one of them 'electronic cigarette' things and i asked him today how his quit was going, fully expecting him to say 'oh its goin great!', and he told me that this morning he'd slipped up majorly and had smoked a cig. I asked what happened, and he said 'the battery ran out on my electronic cigarette'.


Anyway, he knows the score, so today he said, this is his new day one and he's rang his wife to pick up a pack of 3 or 4 batteries so it doesn't happen again.

So morale of that story is... if you use the electronic cigarette, buy spare batteries, and perhaps even consider buying a spare electronic thingy too because to put your entire quit attempt in the hands of a device that could fail at any time is foolhardy.

Pity to see he's had to start again today, but thats how it is i suppose. :/

nsd_user663_4887 profile image

Some people get these electronic cigarettes with a view to letting the battery run down ! - then they use them like a fake cigarette - just as a comforter I think - something to hold in one's hand and of course as smoking is such an oral thing as a substitute - poor guy though I know how it is to fall ! - but I am coming back for sure - Peta

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Speakin about that marg,

theres a chap who works two offices away from me who quit 2 weeks ago and has got one of them 'electronic cigarette' things and i asked him today how his quit was going, fully expecting him to say 'oh its goin great!', and he told me that this morning he'd slipped up majorly and had smoked a cig. I asked what happened, and he said 'the battery ran out on my electronic cigarette'.


Anyway, he knows the score, so today he said, this is his new day one and he's rang his wife to pick up a pack of 3 or 4 batteries so it doesn't happen again.

So morale of that story is... if you use the electronic cigarette, buy spare batteries, and perhaps even consider buying a spare electronic thingy too because to put your entire quit attempt in the hands of a device that could fail at any time is foolhardy.

Pity to see he's had to start again today, but thats how it is i suppose. :/

Hi Jase :)

Pity about that poor man who had a slip because his batteries for the electronic ciggie ran out and he had a fag especially as he'd got to 14 days quit

It's a pity but I admire him for doing the right thing and going back to day one again as after all a fag is a fag but please give him my best wishes when next you see him


Marg xxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

I will do :)

nsd_user663_5039 profile image

Thank you for your comments

I will no longer be using this site for help.

I have felt totally crap, spent the last 3 days crying and being upset and guilty about a slip up and to be "hinted " at that i should go to day one and no one actually says it, is no support at all, it is totally demoralising and makes me feel like a naughty child and if i realised this i would have probably not mentioned it and actually makes me feel worse than i did!

thankyou and hope you all achieve what you want coz i certainly will and you have made me more determined to do so!

nsd_user663_4990 profile image


It would be a great shame for you to not use the site for help any longer, so many folk here care more than you think. It was a shame to see that you failed and had a smoke, but i think you know like the rest of us that its better to embrace this blip than to deny it ever happened.

I've been a secret smoker.. heck i've even had a cheeky smoke on an earlier quit attempt, and yes, i felt just as terrible as you described, but what we simply cannot do when we reach for that smoke is carry on regardless as though it never happened, because it just did.

If i failed now myself, yes i'd be extremely gutted, but even after 4 weeks.. 6 months, 8 months or even longer, i'd recognise it for what it is.. and i'd be back posting in the first forum again, and more determined than ever to carry on. In fact, take a look in the day 1/2/3 forums there are folk returning there to try again fully acknowledging these blips, and they are trying again and will succeed i am certain.. we all will.

It is a good thing that you posted about the event when it happened, it truly is, but so briefly into a quit all you are doing is going back 2 weeks or less in reality, and this has to be alot easier than someone who has to roll back 8 or 9 months surely?

Sorry if my post seemed like i was 'hinting', but what would have been better do you think? to directly tell you would have been even harder, and only this way by giving you a gentle nudge, could you have come to the decision yourself. To hide the smoke and pretend it didn't happen will not help your quit, you will just end up convincing yourself that its ok to have one when you want.

Feel free to disagree, i for one am not attempting to be hard on you here and no-one is, these things happen sadly while quitting and on your first attempt its better to learn from the mistake than to pretend it never happened.


nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Please Don't leave

Thank you for your comments

I will no longer be using this site for help.

I have felt totally crap, spent the last 3 days crying and being upset and guilty about a slip up and to be "hinted " at that i should go to day one and no one actually says it, is no support at all, it is totally demoralising and makes me feel like a naughty child and if i realised this i would have probably not mentioned it and actually makes me feel worse than i did!

thankyou and hope you all achieve what you want coz i certainly will and you have made me more determined to do so!

Hi Windyc,

I am sorry you are feeling so bad at the moment hun. Here's my view on the blip thingy which I have had also:

I had a fag somewhere in my quit, around day 20ish I think. It tasted foul & I new at that moment there was no way I was gonna smoke again. I view 1 ciggie as a blip, that is all & if you carry on with your quit It can make you more determined to beat it. Sadly for me I had a major crash at day 90 (I know I'm stupid :( & because it was more than one ciggie I felt that I had not choice but to start at day 1 again.

Everbody has different views obviuosly & I hope you will not beat yourself up too much. It's more important you carry on with your quit if you can. Learn from it & put it behind you ;)

Love Gaynor xxx

nsd_user663_4625 profile image


Cheers for the heads up (do you mean i could have lit the bugger):D

Sorry but one would not be enough for me as i have been there in the past and had a terrible time longing for another until i went back to a full time smoker. I learnt my lesson the hard way

Guess im an all or nothing girl :D

Love Chrissie x

No cheeky, I did say at least you DIDN'T light it LOL.

I do appreciate the all or nothing feeling but after my initial blip it was 70ish days before I crashed & burned.

We're all of us different thank god, we'd all be well bored by now if not.

Just hope your ok WindyC. Here for you if you need us.

Love Gaynor xxx

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Can i just add:

windyc, just want you to know i do care. I was attempting to prevent you making a mistake i've made on previous quits. Sorry if my intentions were misread, but i was certainly posting with best intentions.

Again sorry.


nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Can i just add:

windyc, just want you to know i do care. I was attempting to prevent you making a mistake i've made on previous quits. Sorry if my intentions were misread, but i was certainly posting with best intentions.

Again sorry.


I can vouch for that WindyC ;)

Love Gaynor xxx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Thank you for your comments

I will no longer be using this site for help.

you have made me more determined to do so!

Hi Windy

Sorry you no longer feel able to use this forum I assure we do care why else would we all spend time on here trying to help others as we were helped by others on here

I truly hope you will reconsider your decision when you feel less upset by what happened

I understand how you feel having been there many times myself over the years oh yes I had many such times until this time


Marg xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_5039 profile image

I feel such a prat!!!

I havent touched a ciggie since my"blip" and i realise now that it wasnt you peeps i was angry at it was ME!!!

I was p*ssed at the time i had a smoke and i felt such an idiot the day after I just wanted to beat every one in the world out including myself! I have never tried to give up smoking ever and i think i was sooooooooooo diaspointed in myself it was hard to admit that I had actually smoked!!! BUT iam glad to say i have calmed down b*tch slapped myself and now am officially on day 6!!!!!


windy xxxx

ps fanx to all those who understood what i was going through!! xxxx :D

nsd_user663_4887 profile image

windy I am right with you - please stay on here I am comingback really soon and I would love you to be a pal - I will help you all I can - and hopefully you can help me too - Peta x

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Windy :D

Welcome back and on day 6 that's great keep it going

I know how disappointed you must have been with yourself and angry as well

Been there done that many times over the years

Glad you've calmed down now and decided to give the forum another go


marg xx

nsd_user663_5039 profile image

thank you ladies!!

now having a having a nice glass of wine and am happy!! i suppose this is like my uni teacher said a learning curve!! i never done this before and in 3 weeks i have smoked once which is brilliant really!!!

think i will have another glass of wine and a pot noodle!!!

and Peta love to you honey its hard int it!!! xxx :)

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