Goodie, it's day 4, ou est tu?: Goodie, where... - No Smoking Day

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Goodie, it's day 4, ou est tu?

nsd_user663_4910 profile image
8 Replies

Goodie, where for art thou? Still rooting for you wherever you are... hurry back :D

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nsd_user663_4910 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Gillie :D

Well done getting to day 4 that's great

You're over half way through the first week already keep it going


Marg xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4910 profile image


Sorry Margareth... it was Goodie's day 4, not mine but we seem to have lost her somewhere... :confused:

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Gillie :D

Oppppssss sorry about that must remember to make sure I'm awake in future when I come on here :D

I think I remember now you're starting Monday or have I got that wrong as well

Maybe I just better go back to bed

I expect she'll be along later so we've only mislaid her


Marg xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4910 profile image

Not to worry...

You are absolutely correct Marg, monday is my day and I am exceedingly impressed that you remembered considering that you have so many people here to keep a track of, I am truly in awe of you!

I hope we find Goodie again, I must admit she's brought me a great deal of amusement!

Well believe it or not, in spite of having probably the most stressful couple of days I got to 3:30 today having only had 3. With work looming still, by 9:00 this evening the count will be 5, which for 14 hours is not bad going at all.

The prep week had not been a bad one, normally I go in to it thinking I need to have a fag-a-thon; make my last goodbye a throat burning affair of self abuse but this has been different.

Now that I'm finding my place here, it makes the announcement on monday something to look forward to.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Gillie :D

Well done on this stressful weekend only having 3 so far today and you expect to onlt have 5 by nine this evening

I'm pleased that you haven't needed that fag a thon you usually have before a quit as well

I'm also pleased to hear that having found your place here you're looking forward to Monday

I also hope that Goodie is around somewhere maybe she's busy or out somewhere

Remember that we're all here for you, theres always someone around


Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4910 profile image

Thanks Margareth...

I think you are single handedly supporting the whole lot of us here and I know I'll be needing you come Monday...

I did manage to stick to my plan and have only had 6 so far today, considering that years ago I was a 40+ smoker, I never thought I'd be capable of any kind of discipline. At least in my current state I'm completely unable to smoke such quantities nor do I want to.

Only one day to go until posting properly and feeling like a 'real' member of the team :D

nsd_user663_4906 profile image

Im here Im here Im here!!

Oh Gillie you do make me laugh! Im here!! You'll notice that I will vanish over the weekend due to being a secret smoker (now secret ex-smoker), wouldn't want hubby to catch me on this forum. (On laptop at the mo whilst he is in the bath, it used to be out in the garden for a cig whilst he was in the bath)

Just re-read your post about sitting camp like over a cig...LOL

One day to go for you then!! Are you excited?

This weekend has been more of a test for me. Had to deal with hubby's foul mood and then kept forgetting to chew my was touch and go at times especially as I had a couple of glasses of vino last night.

But here I am, sticking with it and sticking with you to see you through tomorrow!!

I've noticed another positive about quitting......this will seem a bit weird.but I feel I know you are lol'd. Think its cos i can rush around with out getting out of breath.

Big hugs for tomorrow! Go Girl!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Gillie :D

Well done sticking to your plan for smoking only a few

I'll be here Monday as I am most days but not single handedlt at all although as I#m retired I get more time than most to spend here

You're already a real member of the team


Marg xxxxxxxxxx

Hi Goodie :D

Glad you're still with us we were getting a bit worried about you but now we know you vanish at the weekends and why keep it going


Marg xxxxxxxx

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