Weight gain - metabolic rate: Be aware that... - No Smoking Day

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Weight gain - metabolic rate

nsd_user663_4847 profile image
14 Replies

Be aware that your metabolic rate actually slows when you stop smoking, so increase your exercise.

If you haven't exercised in a while start off slowly, your improved lungs (without all those nasty toxins) will surprise you.

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nsd_user663_4847 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Mah :D

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off whyquit.com and woofmang.com Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK

Best Wishes

Marg xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4848 profile image

day 18

well - I have put on 4 and a half pounds already!!!

eighteen days of not smoking - not feeling too bad, I have

been trying to train my thoughts that a withdrawel symptom is

my lungs healing!

good luck everybody

nsd_user663_4909 profile image

I have lost weight since I quit, I was slim to begin with. Although I'm way more active, which far outweighs a slight slowing down of my metabolism.

nsd_user663_3855 profile image

I put on a fair bit of weight in the first three months after quitting and was overweight to start with. I reckon the best attitude is just not to worry about it at all.

A time will come, for me at three months, when you feel pretty secure that the quit has worked and you get this boost that you feel you can achieve anything. Since health is on most people's minds as a major reason for quitting it makes sense that project 2 for those out of shape, will be about getting back in shape, to get the full benefit out of clearing your lungs. Don't underestimate this boost. An American would describe it as a "can-do" attitude. It really needs to be taken advantage of. What's more, there is an incentive to attack it properly as a lifestyle change, since you are already in the rigours of it, instead of reaching for chemical aids and faddy quick fix diets.

I reckon trying to do everything at the same time is doomed to failure, but when you really feel you have conquered smoking the confidence in your ability to succeed in other areas increases immeasurably.

After seven months of the quit I weigh a few pounds less than when I began the quit, am a huge amount fitter and my lifestyle is a lot healthier.

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

i really am hoping that i put on some weight. ive always been skinny from smokig far to much and not eating properly. Now id like to look like a normal person instead of a skinny lad :D

now where did I leave that cake?! yom yom yom :p

nsd_user663_4680 profile image

I am just over 100 days quit and on Sunday I had three seperate and unrelated instances of people asking me if I had put on weight :mad:

Subsequently I am now on day 3 of my choc-choc and cake quit, do you think if i sellotape a cream bun to my arm it will help with the cravings ;)

nsd_user663_5066 profile image

Hmmm... I have heard of the evil weight goblins when you quit... this isn't a good thing. Already struggling to shed weight and still haven't managed to get to my target (oh been battling for years, but finally think i've cracked it.)

I've put a lot of hard work into weight loss... the thought of going backwards once I have that final smoke is kinda numbing... growl!

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Well done you

Hmmm... I have heard of the evil weight goblins when you quit... this isn't a good thing. Already struggling to shed weight and still haven't managed to get to my target (oh been battling for years, but finally think i've cracked it.)

I've put a lot of hard work into weight loss... the thought of going backwards once I have that final smoke is kinda numbing... growl!

At the end of the day, you can always loose weight, giving up smoking is more necessary. Was reading on whyquit about how a person needs to gain 75lbs to do as much damage to themselves as smoking 20 cigarettes.

Good luck with your quit, I know you're just about to start. If your really worried about putting on weight get the healthy snacks ready, carrots, radishes etc but if choc is the only thing or a fag, choose the choc.

If you aren't with a gym or any sort of fitness routine give it some thought, walking groups cost nothing and considering your giving up the fags, gym membership to the swankiest of gyms ( sauna, jacuzzi etc etc) just don't come close.

My apologies if I'm teaching you to suck eggs, I really do want you to be successful in your quit.

nsd_user663_4119 profile image

I am just over 100 days quit and on Sunday I had three seperate and unrelated instances of people asking me if I had put on weight :mad:

Subsequently I am now on day 3 of my choc-choc and cake quit, do you think if i sellotape a cream bun to my arm it will help with the cravings ;)

I have only just seen this and I have been rather unladylike and spat coffee over my VDU!!

Not sure if I was suppose to laugh as much as I have but thank you! I have a bizarre image of a fresh cream scone strapped to my arm!!!

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

I have only just seen this and I have been rather unladylike and spat coffee over my VDU!!

Not sure if I was suppose to laugh as much as I have but thank you! I have a bizarre image of a fresh cream scone strapped to my arm!!!

certainly puts NRT in a different light!

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Someone told me that the average smoker burns an additional 300 calories a day by smoking.

You therefore need to burn this amount just to stay the same.

So, think 300 calories down and then replacing fags with biscuits (say 4 a day) that could potentially be another 360 calories (if you choose hob nobs).

3500 calories is 1lb in fat. Thats about a pound in weight on every 5 days.

I probably doubled that rate and am just starting to get it off again now 5 months in....

Thought this was more to do with the fact that when you smoke you eat less (cigs take food place hence why smokers can often skip several meals perhaps eating only once a day) also because smoking stresses your body your heart rate is higher (not a good thing) which in itself burns more calories.

Have heard that top athletes (being former smokers unlikely I know) are trying to get their heart rates (resting) closer to 50bpm, the average is 70-90.

nsd_user663_5062 profile image

i know i might be hated for this, but after 2 and 1/2 weeks of not smoking, i have lost weight! I need to put weight on, so anyone want to swap?

Before i get abuse, can i just point out, that someone calling me thin, is the same as someone calling people fat if you know what i mean, as the same self confidence knock etc

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

i know i might be hated for this, but after 2 and 1/2 weeks of not smoking, i have lost weight! I need to put weight on, so anyone want to swap?

Before i get abuse, can i just point out, that someone calling me thin, is the same as someone calling people fat if you know what i mean, as the same self confidence knock etc

Can appreciate that, most people are affected the other way though. Perhaps for you food always tasted nasty? Smoking helped disguise strong tastes or odours, effectively ruining the olfactory senses and therefore when smoking you enjoyed food more as you couldn't really smell or taste. Have no real medical reason for this belief although it would make medical sense.

nsd_user663_5172 profile image

Smoking always tends to increase the metabolic rate of a person. When metabolic rate increases; the energy is confused in a fairly fast manner. When a person quit smoking then his metabolic rate tends to decrease due to which he gains some weight.

During your plan of quit smoking you can follow these tips to avoid decreasing of metabolic rate:

Exercise always increases metabolic rate. So exercise daily and try to perform various physical activities.

I won't advice you to carry dieting along with your quit smoking plan but just advice you to avoid all those fatty food and snacks, instead of them try to consume healthy fruits and vegetable in your meal..

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