Weight Gain: OK so 7 weeks in and 7lb on... - No Smoking Day

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Weight Gain

nsd_user663_22533 profile image
27 Replies

OK so 7 weeks in and 7lb on - this is really starting to get me down, so much so OH told me to go back to smoking this morning because I am always bleeting on about my weight.

Thanks for your support OH but I will not be smoking thank you.:mad:

I have started more exercise and stuff but still piling it on, any tips, other than the obvious one of not eating at all


Tracey wobble !!

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nsd_user663_22533 profile image
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27 Replies
nsd_user663_20558 profile image

mate, I've been filling my face so voraciously that I've put on well over a stone since I quit!:eek:

Fortunately I was in the happy position of being underweight, so I could take it, but even so, it hasn't spread attractively all over me, making me pleasantly curvy - it's gone straight to my belly, making me look pregnant :o

Anyway, it has to stop. I'm not sure I can offer much advice, but you're not alone. I have to start walking the three miles home every day, and not just once a fortnight (I hate gyms etc!).

Someone once told me 'breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dine like a pauper'. And it's true that the more you eat close to bedtime, the more likely you are to put on the pounds. Don't know if that's any help.

Now I just need to figure out what to do to replace my chocolate and sweeties addiction. I too could use some advice on that!


nsd_user663_17606 profile image

Fortunately I was in the happy position of being underweight, so I could take it, but even so, it hasn't spread attractively all over me, making me pleasantly curvy - it's gone straight to my belly, making me look pregnant

Oh Hels, I can so relate to that, I'm always getting asked when it's due :eek:

I started this quit at 8 stone 7, and now I'm at 10 stone 4 :o

I have mentioned this before, but for people who aren't aware, my doctors offer the 'terms' programme which is basically gym membership at a reduced rate for a certain number of weeks (10 for me). I got this purely because I'd put on weight due to stopping smoking.

Can't wait to see if I get results, but I too have got to stop eating everything in sight :eek: Oops, too late....my workmate has just offered me a buttered hot cross bun and I've succumbed :o

With me I think it's mainly due to boredom, I used to smoke when bored...and now I eat instead

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

We smoked when we didn't want a fag. Now we graze when we want a fag that we didn't want.

S'not fair is it...?

Still, a buttered hot-cross bun ranks high on the taste meter... :D

nsd_user663_22533 profile image

Under weight - now thats something you'll never hear me say!

Reigned in the eating today, special K for brekkie and low fat sandwich for lunch. Dont think OH will be pleased when he finds out he is not getting a cottage pie for dinner but instead low fat chilli with rice:p

Thanks for your support everyone, still dont want to go back to smelly cigs anyways

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

Still, a buttered hot-cross bun ranks high on the taste meter... :D

Would have been even nicer toasted ;)

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Mmmmm.... toasted hot cross buns.... mmmmmssschhlurrppp.

I just ate a mars bar. I found it in the fridge. I couldn't help myself. I am now eating an orange to balance it out. Shame it doesn't actually work that way.:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_24590 profile image

Holding your weight

We are all different. We all have different metabolisms. My thyroid gland has gone kaput - probably due to diabetes. I am on 150 mgs of Thyroxin. I have a 'problem' with weight, without being obese. I am 5' 11" & 98.6 kilos - 15 stone 9 ish. Ex Rugby player so of a solid build anyway. My problems are compounded by the fact that I do NOT take insulin, I am on diet control. In effect this means no sweet stuff and take in lots of veg. Difficult. Christmas (food) is not possible. What is chocolate?!!!!

When I started this 'quit' lark, I thought long and hard about the weight gain problem. Very simply, this is what I've done. I eat twice a day. Being retired, and going to bed most nights around 2.0am and getting up about 9.0am, I can have 'brunch' around 11.00am and evening meal at 6.00pm. I eat at no other time. No crisps, no plain biscuits, nothing. I have reduced, ever so slightly, the quantity on my plate in the evening. The result is a loss of fags for 28 days and............a loss of 1.2kgs!! I used to fight to keep the dreaded '100' off the scales. The other thing that puts weight on without use of teeth is, regrettably, booze. I have no probs with drink, but the amount of calories in most popular drinks soon adds-up to 2/3rd a day's calorie intake. Works for me. Wouldn't work for everyone - we are all different.

nsd_user663_10013 profile image

OK so 7 weeks in and 7lb on - this is really starting to get me down, so much so OH told me to go back to smoking this morning because I am always bleeting on about my weight.

Thanks for your support OH but I will not be smoking thank you.:mad:

I have started more exercise and stuff but still piling it on, any tips, other than the obvious one of not eating at all


Tracey wobble !!

Hi Tracey

Quitting makes your metabolism slow down and to avoid gaining weight you need to drop approximately 200 calories a day :(

I found halving the sugar I had in hot drinks and cutting down a little stopped me from gaining when I quit - just have to deal with the aftermath of the xmas pig out though :o

nsd_user663_22968 profile image

With me I think it's mainly due to boredom, I used to smoke when bored...and now I eat instead

That is what I do. I have gained 12lbs in 5 weeks. I was at the lightest I had been since having children.

I'm only 5ft, pre children I was 7st and a size 6, after 3 kids 10st 4lbs and a size 12/14. Now about 9st 8lbs and wearing very tight size 10's!!!!! :eek:

I spent all last week cutting out the snacks and walking the dog, wii fit jogging, exercise dvds and put on 2lbs so have given up now and will eat what I want when I want! :D

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Mmmmm.... toasted hot cross buns.... mmmmmssschhlurrppp.

I just ate a mars bar. I found it in the fridge. I couldn't help myself. I am now eating an orange to balance it out. Shame it doesn't actually work that way.:rolleyes:

So relate to that!!! I will 'find' myself magically eating something like hot buttered toast (I say magical because OBVIOUSLY I don't make it, butter it or put it on the plate that I didn't put in front of me) and then drink diet coke (because Full Fat is too fattening) and cook OH a different meal to me because I have to have something slimming. Like I need anything at all having just gobbled down 2 - 4 pieces of toast (the quantity variant is down to the size of the loaf, 1mm smaller and CLEARLY I need more slices).

No idea how much weight I've put on (do not want to know) but since I no longer have any clothes I can sqidge into I have joined Slimming World. 3lbs down so far. But still all my clothes have shrunk. :mad:

nsd_user663_23350 profile image

Hi folks!!

Just found this thread and I have to say I can associate with EVERY lb you talk about - lol!!

Last autumn I lost over a stone and now its all back on me.....and I'm only 17 days into my quit! I dont really think i'm eating more as such its just that I'm looking for something more satisfying...so instead of eating an Alpen Light bar - i'll have a slice of chocolate cake :rolleyes:

Anyway, I found that slimming world was the only thing that worked for me and as soon as I sum up the courage to weigh myself again....I'm going straight back!!

Why do we have to worry about this, just when we're supposed to be feeling better about ourselves....dammed if ya do....dammed if ya dont!!!!:(

nsd_user663_22533 profile image

Glad to know its not just me, thanks guys :D

I think its just shocking how quickly it goes on, was really good yesterday no snacking and lots of exercise and dropper 1 and half pounds - I wont be able to keep that up though !!

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

With me I think it's mainly due to boredom, I used to smoke when bored...and now I eat instead

I know what you mean but now we look at it isn't it the oddest thing to say?

We had nothing to do so we breathed some smoke in and out...

Doesn't it make us sound like complete idiots... :(

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

When you put it like that, it does sound rather silly.

It's a lovely day out, and yet I have no inclination to leave my desk and breathe in the fresh air outside for a few minutes, because I have no reason to :confused:. Maybe I should......

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

The Post Fag Fat Fighting Cure

Simples folks. Rescue 2 x 3 year old labs who can't yet be walked off a lead.

Done bleedin miles of walking in the 18 hours since they became mine.:D

I'm exhausted and already wafer-thin (if your wafers are biggish, Zeppelin sized wafers that is). I foresee and 'good' week at Slimming World next week!

nsd_user663_22533 profile image

pictures of doggies please Dale

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

My favourite one was I put hair colour on my hair and had to wait 20 minutes. I thought "I know, I'll have a ciggie while I'm waiting". I couldn't find my lighter so lit the gas ring and bent over to light it. Next thing my heads on fire where the light caught the flammable hair dye.

I had to have a number 1 all over :rolleyes:

OMG that's terrible. Hope you were OK :eek:.

Mind you, I've fallen asleep having a fag countless times, once burning a throw that was wrapped around me (I didn't just singe it - there were flames), and my dressing gown has too many fag burns to count.

Back to thread topic....have just had the most delicious belgian bun, but surely it won't count as someone else brought them into work :D Think I may have to go to the gym again tonight

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Back to thread topic....have just had the most delicious belgian bun, but surely it won't count as someone else brought them into work :D

Even better if it was slightly damaged. As I'm sure you're aware, broken biscuits have no calories.

I'm sure we can adopt it for Belgian Buns... :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_22533 profile image

[QUOTE=. As I'm sure you're aware, broken biscuits have no calories.

Really? Why didn't I know this - where's my rolling pin !!

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

I thought everyone knew...

1. If you eat something and nobody sees you eat it, it has no calories

2. If you drink a Diet Coke with a Mars Bar, the calories of the Mars Bar are cancelled out by the Diet Coke

3. When you eat with someone else the calories don't count as long as you don't eat more than they do

4. Food used for medicinal purposes never counts, e.g. barley sugar sweets, hot chocolate, brandy

5. Foods that are part of an entertainment package, such as popcorn and ice-cream at the cinema or crisps and chocolate eaten while watching TV or videos with other people, are not part of one's personal fuel and therefore do not have additional calories

6. If you fatten up everyone around you, you look thinner

7. Foods of the same colour may be said to have the same number of calories, e.g. mushrooms and white chocolate, or spinach and pistachio ice-cream

8. Broken biscuits contain no calories - breaking causes calorie leakage

9. Things licked off knives and teaspoons have no calories if you are in the process of preparing something.

10."Feed a cold, starve a fever" or is it the other way round. "Who cares, I feel a little peaky, I'd better eat summat just in case."

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Also there is the pudding stomach.

Anything that could be remotely called a pudding goes directly to the pudding stomach bypassing all digestive processes and therefore not absorbing any calories.

The other thing about the pudding stomach is that it is incapable of being full.

You may have noticed the phenomena at say Christmas. You have just eaten a gargantuan meal but you can still squeeze in Christmas pud and Brandy Butter, after which you can still manage 3 quality street and a toblerone!

I have a feeling this is an evolutionary trait most commonly found amongst the female of the species, but you men may be able to tell me otherwise!

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

I'm clearly amongst experts... :D

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

I have a feeling this is an evolutionary trait most commonly found amongst the female of the species, but you men may be able to tell me otherwise!

I once knew a chap that could out pudding the most puddingist of women.

I once knew a chap that could out pudding the most puddingist of women.

Yea but i bet his name was Vera at the weekend!! :eek:

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Yea but i bet his name was Vera at the weekend!! :eek:

Given yours is Elizabeth, the problem is...? :D

nsd_user663_24590 profile image

OMG that's terrible. Hope you were OK :eek:.

Mind you, I've fallen asleep having a fag countless times, once burning a throw that was wrapped around me (I didn't just singe it - there were flames), and my dressing gown has too many fag burns to count.

Smiled at the dressing gown! This winter - snow on deck etc - I got up late as usual (go to bed about 2.0am) and had to have me first gasper before I hit the bathroom - as you do....err....DID! Bucket of Tea, one hand, ciggy in t'other. STOP PRESS TIP: Reducing sugar (In my case sweetener) in Tea/Coffee reduces the taste on the back of my tongue which stimulated desire for another weed. It works for me.

Back to the door step, in me dressin' gown: I was having a slurp of tea, with nicotine chaser, and never noticed the end getting ever closer to the tip. End result was that the hot end detached from the filter, falling neatly into the dressing gown sleeve and burning a nice round hole straight through. A week later........I did it again! The only airtex dressing gown in town!

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

Luckily I woke up and chucked it in the sink :eek: My husband slept through the whole thing :rolleyes:

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