The 4-7 day crew Thursday Evening Thread - No Smoking Day

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The 4-7 day crew Thursday Evening Thread

nsd_user663_4062 profile image
22 Replies

Hi folks,

I am bored so I thought I'd start a thread for any of you still up. I'm on day 5, but gearing up for day 6.

So what am I up to? (I thought this might be a relevant thread theme) - well, I'm surfing the net, drinking a beer, chewing on Nicorette gum. Just had a phone convo with my potential next girlfriend :o. She's really sweet, I likes her. Incidentally, I'm really happy that I can enjoy a pint whilst off the tobaccy, I do enjoy a decent pint of proper ale (stella? ewww).

Might have some supper soon, my tummy's grumbling like, well...a grumbly thing.

Let me know what you're up to this Thursday night folks!

Love, P. x

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nsd_user663_4062 profile image
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22 Replies
nsd_user663_4421 profile image

Gosh you're nosey!! :p:p

Haha.. well, i'm waiting to get my progglings into bed, then I can go and have a bath/shower... which ever I decide to have when I get there :D

Then not sure what to do with the rest of my evening... but seen as though you mentioned food, i'm hungry now... so might have to make some scram before bed :D your fault!!

nsd_user663_4062 profile image

awww progglings :). Scrambled eggs? Can I have some? sounds good. I'd have a bath, in lavender radox, or whatever oil/foam you have to hand ;). Oh and, yes I'm nosey, this is the nosmokingday twitter thread lol.

nsd_user663_4421 profile image

awww progglings :). Scrambled eggs? Can I have some? sounds good. I'd have a bath, in lavender radox, or whatever oil/foam you have to hand ;).

Hmm that was meant to be Sprogglings... but my S is playing up lol.

I have 3 different Radox's in my bathroom :D

Hmmm scrabbled eggs... now you're talking :D

nsd_user663_4062 profile image

Eat those scrambled eggipoos, and get in the bathy. Then it's time for bedways. Bedways is rightways. (sorry, bit of Stanley Kubrick's Clockwork Orange, kinda :eek:)

nsd_user663_4425 profile image

Hi there:D

Hope everyone is doing fine this evening.

Well I have just got out of the bath after being in a Radox coma for about an hour:p now I'm just chilling drinking my green tea (havent had any coffee/regular tea/alcohol since the quit) eating a yogurt and watching Sex and the City because I love it:D also trying to stop my cat from walking all over my laptop:p

Pretty uneventful night for me hehe

Lottie -x-

nsd_user663_4062 profile image

Hey lottie! Nice of you to grace my thread :). Yeah green tea is veeery good, tons of potent antioxidants. I would also recommend rooibos. It's caffeine free, is not camellia sinensis (tea) but is also very good for you. You can get it from most supermarkets.

Two thumbs up for good health. Oh and, with the cats, just sprinkle some catnip on the other side of the sofa, you'll be laughing :D

nsd_user663_4425 profile image

Hey P,

Thanks, I will defo try that rooibos, I will try anything healthy now as the past few days everything I've eaten has either been covered in a layer of grease or sugar!:D

Haha my cat is BANNED from catnip for now, I got her a little bag of it a few weeks ago and I forgot about it, she found it on the table picked it up in her mouth n took it to the sofa where she promptly ripped the bag open and rolled around in the stuff, it was a mess!:p Think she may have got a bit stoned aswel:eek:haha

nsd_user663_4062 profile image

Haha my cat is BANNED from catnip for now, I got her a little bag of it a few weeks ago and I forgot about it, she found it on the table picked it up in her mouth n took it to the sofa where she promptly ripped the bag open and rolled around in the stuff, it was a mess!:p Think she may have got a bit stoned aswel:eek:haha

Lol you made me smile. I love cats - I remember the effect catnip had one of our cats, they are mad for the stuff. Haha stoned cats.

Yeah try the rooibos, it's got a lovely nutty taste. A very health conscious drink, and because it's caffeine free, it's as hydrating as water. If you wanna go really mad, try green rooibos, its even better for you. Tastes a bit like green tea, and - like GT - the oxidation has not occurred like with normal black tea. But I'd say try regular redbush (rooibos) first.

MMQs rule :D

nsd_user663_4398 profile image

Hi Raddleman, Lottie, and the day 5 crew,

Just home from work, I do 3pm till 10pm. Had my mince and two slice of bread to dip in the gravy, yumyum. Hope you have all had a good nicotine free day?? I have, it's been great again. I wonder when I'm gonna hit a low?

Maybe not this time as I really feel different about this quit.

See ya all 6........I can't beleieve it.:)

Nite Nite. x x x x

nsd_user663_4425 profile image

:)I love cats too, they're so funny sometimes, I got a couple pics of my little "darling" on my profile, she such a little poser haha you gotta love 'em:p

I'm gonna have a browse round the shops tomorrow for that drink, I got a Holland & Barrett near where I work, I'm sure they should do it. Thanks for all the suggestions:)

Yeh the MMQs rule:D

nsd_user663_4398 profile image

Hey Lottie, I just noticed how many MMQ'S are in your signature, WOW, there's a few of us.

I have a pic of my cats in my profile too. They are sisters, Missy and Elsa, and they both go nuts for catnip also. J.x

nsd_user663_4062 profile image

Woohoo, J!! How you doing??! Day 6 soon matey! Yeah, lots off MMQs flying around. Just gotta be careful, we'll end up owning the forum :p

Look forward to your day 6 thread tomoz J ;)

nsd_user663_4398 profile image

Evening Raddleman, I think you might have missed my post at the bottom of page 1 . ;)

nsd_user663_4425 profile image

Hey there J,

Yeh there are quite a few of us!:D

Aww saw the pic of your cats, they gorgeous little things, my little one is called Trinity (OH named her after a character from the Matrix) Men!:p

Yeh well I've learnt my lesson now, always keep catnip out of her reach - a locked cupboard should do it haha

nsd_user663_4398 profile image
nsd_user663_4398 do I put the MMQ and all the names at the bottom of my signature.........I don't want to be left out :eek: x

nsd_user663_4062 profile image

Sooo sorry J, I missed it :o

Had my mince and two slice of bread to dip in the gravy, yumyum.

Mmmm, sounds good. Food is our friend as far as I'm concerned. So you gain a little weight, who cares - you'll live a decade longer :D

Like I said, I look forward to your day 6 post, it puts a smile on my face

- I'm proud of you ;)

Love P. x

nsd_user663_4425 profile image

Haha aww ok, we don't you to feel left out:p

Just highlight the names from my sig and copy then paste them on to where you edit your sig.......then just add my name to it when you do it as I havent got my own name on mine:D

nsd_user663_4425 profile image

Ok everyone, I am off to bed to have more of the weird/funny dreams I've been having lately:p

Chat to you all tomorrow and enjoy the rest of the evening!!!

Night night,

Lottie xxxxxx

nsd_user663_4421 profile image

Nite Lottie..xx have nice dreams :)

See ya tomoz

nsd_user663_4421 profile image

Hi sally, I class tomoz as my 11th day, cos I didn't have my last Cig til 23:30pm on the Monday night :o BUT, I really can't believe how quick it is going!! Apart from eating the whole contents of my fridge every hour on the hour, things are good :D:D

How you doing Sally?? is it getting better??

nsd_user663_4421 profile image

Hahaha I'm finding it a hell of a lot easier than I thought I would.

This forum has helped no end... just knowing you aint on your own is good enough to keep quit, and the people are great... REALLY glad I found it and will tell all other quitters about it.

I'm eating like TONES!! My jaw is aching with keep eating :D But it's better than Nicotine. My sleep pattern is getting back to normal. I have always struggled with insomnia, go to bed...can't fall asleep til 3/4/5... but when i get over can sleep for england, but, when I gave up, I couldn't get over to sleep until like 4/5/6.. then would be awake every 20 mins after falling asleep.:eek: so I was shattered. I got some of those sleepaid tablets from Asda ( only £1.79 a box ) and they have helped. Don't get me wrong, they aint really strong like sleepers you would get off a doc, but just enough to relax me at night!! So luckily for about 5/6 days I have been sleeping really well.

All in all.. i'm doing fantastically. And it's not til my hubby says to someone " Yeah, my wife has given up smoking...on her own...and not smoked now for x days..." I get a really proud feeling of myself :o

nsd_user663_4421 profile image

It's brilliant isn't it?:D

Right, I'm off up the hill to Bedfordshire...gonna make hubby moan by having the light on to read my trashy novel! Tough titties!:D

Lossa love, speak tomorrow


Hahaha tough titties!! I always say that, but thought it was only me :D that gave me a giggle x Nite Nite sweet x sleep well!!! Seeya tomoz...when it's a new day :D

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