Day 4 end, will it be better here on.. - No Smoking Day

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Day 4 end, will it be better here on..

nsd_user663_27638 profile image
10 Replies

Dear folks,

I'm on Day 4 and waiting it to end. I'm doin Cold Turkey. Cravings not so often as Day 3 but when they came they were strong and i almost gave up twice, thoughts like I should have started quitting next week, the next minute i started reading these forums and I realized what is right. I'm hoping Day 5 onwards it would be better, would it really be? how long does this last...ohh!


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nsd_user663_27638 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_27121 profile image

Hi Sid - I'm on Day 12 and i think it is different for everyone, but it is getting easier for me. I think for the first couple of days you are just riding high on the idea of giving up but then reality kicks in and you think 'oh no, what have i done?' I do miss smoking but I only want to have to do this once and not keep starting again so I think about how quickly time passes, and before i know it, it will be a month, two months, 6 months etc.

Are you using anything to help you?

nsd_user663_27261 profile image

Stick with it Sid, you know it makes sense.

I'm on day 10 and I'd love to say the winning line is just round the corner, fact is I'm not sure there is a win line, but it does get easier.

The nicotine is out of your system now, the big challenge is re-training the mind.

Good luck

nsd_user663_27638 profile image

Thank you MrsCP & H, these words from you make me feel committed.

No I'm not using anything to stop.

Good Morning Day 5. Had a long bath, looked into the the mirror for more time, yes I don't see any wrinkles under my eyes, I'm having more energy, ok am i imagining these?? watever they sure workin now and so far no carvings and I ready to head to office. good luck!!!


nsd_user663_27638 profile image

Back from Office and I'm feeling the urge, all these 5 days strongest has been when back to home from office, I should be making it thru my 5th day today, I'm only more scared of the wknd...


nsd_user663_27537 profile image

Hi Sid

I am on day 4 and have also found the getting home from the office the hardest (would be on day 7 otherwise!)...

I dreaded getting up this morning (Sat.) but have so far managed to stay busy with chores, paperwork and reading the forum :)

Stay strong and before you know it we'll be into our second week!

nsd_user663_27537 profile image

I read that back and it sounded a bit boastful - Sorry!

I really hope you managed to get through day 5 and that your weekend is bearable if not fun - keep thinking of the end goal and all the reasons you are stopping - good luck!

nsd_user663_20448 profile image

sid it does get easier believe me i have been where you are and know its not easy but stick with it, get a load of sugar free gum and just keep chewing good look fellow


nsd_user663_26699 profile image

Hi Sid,

Different strokes for different folks really, although generally things get easier and easier as you work your way through the quit. Typically the early days are the worst, accompanied by difficulties when anything which breaks your newly found quit routine.

Say for example you've substituted going for a smoke break for going for a glass of water and a chat with a good colleague/friend... You're feeling good about this new routine, until your boss tells you the report you just gave him/her is a load of crap! Be prepared for this.

Tell yourself UP FRONT that sh%t happens, and that there will always be an excuse ready for you to give in giving up.

Also tell yourself UP FRONT that if you need an "out clause", then you might as well not bother quitting in the first place.


Days 1 to 3 are mainly about beating the nicotine addiction, and getting psychologically worked up about about the long-term. The following few weeks are about driving those long-term thoughts home and making sure that one is really in it for the long haul. After that, it is a question of reassuring oneself that one is doing the right thing. Preferably, you will learn about all of these prior to starting your quit.

Basically, there are the standard cravings caused by a) nicotine withdrawal and b) habitual smoking associations, and then there are c) the exceptional circumstances. It is really necessary to be able to attack all three in order to quit.

Get ready to hop, skip, and jump!


nsd_user663_26590 profile image

Yep!!! The moments when the urge/Cravings get to you catch you by suprise!! Be prepared for them. THEY PASS - DO NOT GIVE IN!!! You will regret giving in to the gremlins for far longer than the time that it takes the craving to pass.

Yes they get weaker. and yes they get less frequent.



nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Hi Sid

What worked for me was playing a game with the triggers that I knew would make me want a cigarette.

So I looked at all the times/events that made me smoke and when I had one of those times and over came it I gave myself a gold star and a pat on the back! That way I began to look forward to the triggers and overcoming them.

Clearly after only 3 months I still have loads to face - one later this week, going overseas for a week (not a holiday so not relaxing!) - but I look forward to them as a challenge rather than fear.

Hope the weekend has been good to you

PS Alex: really excellent post, makes a lot of sense, thanks

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