When do the Cravings STOP!: I am new here... - No Smoking Day

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When do the Cravings STOP!

nsd_user663_4063 profile image
19 Replies

I am new here.. day 33 for me. Some days are great.. i never even think about a smoke but others are terrible like yesterday and today.. I want to cry! All Day i thought about a cig.. i get an empty pit feeling in my stomach.. I havent given in but my poor husband.. I think that the womans cycle doent help. I need to find something to HELP

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nsd_user663_4063 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_4023 profile image

Hi Jodio ,last cig for me was Jan 13th and I think about it every day.Like you I sometimes get a real wierd feeling in my stomach like somethings missing.

I'm popping NRT lozenges which really help but sometimes I think oh just one.

I try not see myself as given up I'm just not having one today.

The thought of these cravings never going is a bit worrying although the thought of letting myself down after never having gone so long without one drives me on .

Keep it up as least your not suffering on your own..it must pass sometime.

The weirdest thing though is although I feel healthier I'm not sure I like the feeling ,I can only put it down to the nicotine craving again.

Keep going.

nsd_user663_3810 profile image

Hello jodio

First of all well done with your quit, 33 days is quite something.

The craves can be different for every-one, are you using NRTs at all? i have stopped the awful weed for 5months now, the first 3 months i was taking gum and found myself craving for nicotine via the gum, so i took the plunge and weaned myself off the NRT, and touch wood since stopping NRT completely i have very few and mild cravings now-easily manageable.

If you have on the other hand gone CT, then the craves are more likely to be the pining and the habitual feeling of smoking, rather than physical craves for NRT.

Stay strong, learn to laugh about the craves and embrace them, after all it is only a reminder that you are doing the right thing!!!;)

all the best xx

P.S PMT-doesnt help!!!!!:eek:

nsd_user663_4063 profile image

Oh Johnboy.. I know the feelings.. I havent gone this long without one in 25 years.. I think oh just a drag or two.. just to get this terrible feeling away.. i havent used any NRT and I think that if i did i would be addicted to that.. but this feeling in my stomach is just awful. and yes.. i can breathe alot better but i feel awful.. i dont smile or laugh as much and I am very serious...

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Jodio

welcome and congrats on your 33 days. they will go in the end you will have much more good days than bad. its good you forget about smoking when you have a good day. Me I have never in all my time quitting forgot about smoking thats not to say Im craving because Im not. I can honestly say I not very offtern really feel like a ciggy much now but still think of them if that makes sense. Keep strong both we will win in the end. Also a good tip read all you can about quitting. xxx

nsd_user663_3816 profile image

Hi Jodie

Well done on day 33 hun, that is a great achievement. I am only about 2 weeks further than you but i do remember at the 1 month mark still feeling like crap and wondering if it was all worth the feelings that i had and feeling so low.

It is hun, and you will get through it, brighter days are just around the corner, reading really does help, i know that was what i was told to do, re focus on why you had quit and all the reasons why you intend to stay quit.

Good luck hun, be proud of your self because you are doing fab:)



nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Jodio

Well done you 33 days quit is brilliant welcome to the forum the cravings and weird feelings vary as we are all different but we are all here to help as much as we can we all help each other read all you can find just click on the links you will find on a lot of posts 2 which I found very good are



They helped me a lot the more ypu read the easier it gets just hang in there

All the best Margaret

nsd_user663_3738 profile image


physical withdrawal from nicotine is temporary,,but it can be uncomfortable,while it lasts and soon goes,,

when your exhausted from trying,,,

try just one more time,

keep the faith tony keep:D:D

nsd_user663_4063 profile image

Oh.. I want to thank all of you.. for the help and warm wishes..it means alot and I am happy that i found this forum.. Thanks:)

nsd_user663_4023 profile image

Am I kidding myself

I agree with your comments Jodio,the number of people who unselfishly offer their supportive comments is fantastic.

But I do have one question about the cravings..I take NRT lozenges whilst many others go CT.They work for me but I am now starting to enjoy them.I'm now bothered that I'm kidding myself and not really a non smoker.

Anyone else have the same problem.

Not sure if this is the right thread or not but thought it worth asking.

nsd_user663_3810 profile image


Am I kidding myself

I agree with your comments Jodio,the number of people who unselfishly offer their supportive comments is fantastic.

But I do have one question about the cravings..I take NRT lozenges whilst many others go CT.They work for me but I am now starting to enjoy them.I'm now bothered that I'm kidding myself and not really a non smoker.

Anyone else have the same problem.

Not sure if this is the right thread or not but thought it worth asking.

Hi Johnboy

I know exactly where you are coming from!! I felt the same as you, i thought 'yep iv'e kicked the habit, but i haven't kicked the addiction to nicotine'

The thing is johnboy-its the act of puffing away at smelly fags that kill you-not sucking at a lozenge be it NRT or not!!

Lozenges', gum, Other NRTs' are a great way to build up your confidence, kick the habit etc. When you feel strong enough, take less lozenges and wean yourself off them like i did, i dont take anything now, apart from airwaves gum-which is a popular substitue on this forumxxxx

You are doing great-and the answer is -YEP YOU HAVE STOPPED SMOKING xxxx

nsd_user663_4063 profile image

You are a non smoker.. your not smoking.. that is the first right step..

I didnt take anything i got down to 3 aday for about 5 months they stopped..

to me.. it not the actual act of smoking its the nicotine that i want..

I think that you have to follow the steps of the program for real cut down every couple of weeks..

but your not smoking.. and thats very important:D

nsd_user663_4063 profile image

Hi Johnboy

I know exactly where you are coming from!! I felt the same as you, i thought 'yep iv'e kicked the habit, but i haven't kicked the addiction to nicotine'

The thing is johnboy-its the act of puffing away at smelly fags that kill you-not sucking at a lozenge be it NRT or not!!

Lozenges', gum, Other NRTs' are a great way to build up your confidence, kick the habit etc. When you feel strong enough, take less lozenges and wean yourself off them like i did, i dont take anything now, apart from airwaves gum-which is a popular substitue on this forumxxxx

You are doing great-and the answer is -YEP YOU HAVE STOPPED SMOKING xxxx

what is airwaves gum??

nsd_user663_3810 profile image

Hi jodio

Airwaves chewing gum is just a very strong minty gum-which alot of people on the forum have used as a way of coming off NRT gum and lozenges-very successfuly too!!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Johnboy

You are a non Smoker full stop and will come of the lozenges when you are ready so do not worry about it if you wanted to speed it up you could try using airwaves gum alternately

all the best


nsd_user663_4051 profile image

I wish we could buy a lozenge without the nicotine because for me I just park it in the side of my mouth and it takes 2 hours to disolve, I couldn't just chew it because it tastes yucky so a nicotine free one would be great:)

nsd_user663_3810 profile image

Yvette I wish we could buy a lozenge without the nicotine because for me I just park it in the side of my mouth and it takes 2 hours to disolve, I couldn't just chew it because it tastes yucky so a nicotine free one would be great

Why dont you just try boiled sweeties?? not great for the teeth mind you, but could be an alternative?:o

nsd_user663_4051 profile image

Why dont you just try boiled sweeties?? not great for the teeth mind you, but could be an alternative?:o

I'll just crunch them in 2 secs because they taste nice lol.

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

i use,,, EXTRA PEPPERMINT SUGERFREE GUM,,,got a bit of a kick when you bit in to the gum,,but works for me,,try it and see keep the faith tony keep:D:D:D

nsd_user663_4063 profile image

Hello.. I found something to help me and my cravings.. Chamomile Tea..all right.. i am not a tea drinker.. i rather have a beer or wine... but.. when you get that feeling of a gotta have a smoke.. or that feeling of Anxiety have Chamomile Tea..

Chamomile comes in capsule, liquid, and tea form.

Why Do People Use Chamomile?

Chamomile has a long history of use in Europe for digestive ailments. The active constiuents of chamomile have anti-inflammatory properties, and ease spasm and discomfort in the digestive tract.



Canker sores


Conjunctivitis, eye irritations

Crohn's disease





Menstrual disorders


Irritable bowel syndrome

Peptic ulcer

Skin irritations

Ulcerative colitis

Minor wounds


Chamomile is part of the Asteraceae plant family, which includes ragweed and chrysanthemum, so people with allergies may react when they use chamomile either internally or topically. Call your doctor if you experience vomiting, skin irritation, allergic reactions (chest tightness, wheezing, hives, rash, itching) after chamomile use.

Chamomile should not be taken during pregnancy or breast-feeding.

Chamomile contains coumarin, a naturally-occurring compound with anticoagulant or blood-thinning effects. It should not be combined with warfarin or other medications or supplements that have the same effect or be used by people with bleeding disorders. It shouldn't be used two weeks before or after surgery.

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