This is day seven, not been too bad. I've read so much stuff on smoking etc. that I labelled myself a drug addict, which really left me with an unpleasant feeling cos I relate drug addiction to the kind of things you inject, of course I never wanted to accept that nicotine was the same thing.
I also have used a stop smoking session daily on my Ipod, and whatever it goes through, I now associate cigarettes with poison, there must be something in the session that repeats itself which has left this thought in my head.
Thought today might have been a bit testing, leaky pipe under sink, paddled around kitchen floor this morning, then got down to it and fixed it, normally this would have been accompanied by several ciggies, whilst thinking about the job and how to do it, but I just got on with it.
When I've had cravings, i've thought about what i'm doing and how would a cigarette help, not found a single situation yet when it would have been helpful.
Have found that I seem to have more time on my hands, which of course is rubbish, but the difference is that i'm not spending time thinking, Oh, i'll just pop out and have a ciggie before I start that, or before the children come home from school, or before I pop into town, to the shops etc.
Children still not noticed i'm not smoking, which I guess is a good thing, cos it couldn't have been much of a problem for them before. Money is mounting up in the piggy bank, so far so good.
To everyone either just starting or in their first week, good luck stay strong and focused, keep your caffeine low, i've given up caffeine completely and I think it has helped. Visit this forum as many times as you can, even if you just read peoples experiences, by the time you've read a few, that craving will have passed.
Take time to Look at people standing outside their offices, the supermarkets etc. (discretely of course). They're shivering in the wind, faces all screwed up cos their trying to smoke the cigarette so quick so they can get back in the warm. You try and find one that actually looks relaxed and is smiling, won't happen. We're all doing a brilliant thing, don't forget that.