Almost six weeks!: Hey all Ok. I'm 4... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Almost six weeks!

nsd_user663_11284 profile image
10 Replies

Hey all

Ok. I'm 42, been smoking for over 20 years, and asthmatic :rolleyes:

I quit on day 9 of taking Champix which was 16th May. I stopped taking Champix a week later because I was turning into an insomniac zombie! So, I've been "going commando" as it were for almost 6 weeks!

I feel fantastic! Hardly have to use my inhalers anymore, get breathless very infrequently, am loving having fresh breath and a clean mouth, have loads more time to do worthwhile things, and have so much more energy! I sleep a lot better too.

On the "down" side, I've put on about 10 pounds :eek: and am spotty. Now, for someone as vain as I, this is tragic, lol! I've started to cut down and not be so piggy with my grub (cut out all snacks and fatty food), and have begun an exercise regime. I also leave the car at home for the school run and am loving the walk! Hoping my skin clears up soon.

I've found the quit easy on some days, very difficult on other days - especially in stressful situations. It helps if, whenever I feel a bit of a crave, I mentally punch the nicotine monster still clinging to life in my brain. One whack and it shuts him up :D

Have a family gathering coming up at the weekend and I know I'll be surrounded by smokers (whom I've managed to largely avoid so far), so that will be a test. I've had a couple of drinks since my quit, and coped with that really well, so that won't be a problem. It's just the thought of being with other smokers - ugh!

Anyway, just thought I'd make myself known on this thread. Have been a member here since I quit, but only lurked really; and, of course, have taken some excellent advice that's helped me keep going.

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nsd_user663_11284 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Skippy, well done you for six weeks, sounds as though things are pretty much in control for you which is brilliant. Don't worry about the weight thing, I think a lot of us have piled on a few pounds but weight can be sorted out, kicking this habit is more important.

Hope you enjoy your up and coming family gathering. Stay really proud of yourself and when those others light up, be glad you're out of that game. I went to a party last weekend and was really pleasantly suprised by the way I just wasn't bothered by the smokers, and I felt really glad not to be part of it, looking at them huddled together, cos that's what we all did wasn't it, grouped together with other smokers so we didn't draw attention to ourselves. You may think you might be missing something but I guarantee it will be them that will be envying you (though they won't say of course!?).

Anyway, good to hear from you, enjoy your moment, you deserve every bit of it.

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_12092 profile image

wa-hey look at you!!! Those spots will disappear soon enough and then you will be the yummiest mummy in the playground as your self esteem and confidence will shine through.

Wish I'd only gained 10lbs. I've put on just over 2 stone in the last 3 months and nobody knows why. I have cut out 2 sugars in my hot drinks (cut out hot drinks altogether as a trigger), eat minimal carbs and then to add another in the mix gave up smoking which will make me gain more.

Daren't even go near the scales and I'm due at the Doctors tomorrow for a weigh in to see how cutting out sugar has impacted on my weight!!! :eek:

Don't worry about your weight gain just yet - it is only the equivalent of one digestive biscuit a day over the course of a year so should be easy to kick back into touch. You have to remember we smoked as an appetite suppresant you're body is just getting back to a "normal" state.

Keep going with your amazing quit!!!

nsd_user663_4961 profile image

Hey skippy,

As Lorraine said the most important thing is kicking the habbit, for the sake of you and the children. I think the worst thing would be them growing up and becoming smokers.

I found that during the first month of my quit my body went through some major changes, all repairing itself from the damage I had caused. The second month is where these changes began to improve, and I'm hoping that on the 3rd month if I keep doing exercise I won't look 3 months pregnant (Bearing in mind that I'm a guy!).

So the most important thing really is stay quit, you'll notice a massive improvement on your skin and waistline if you use the right facewash & take nice walks everyday.

Good luck.


nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Hey, welcome Skippy,

Just like to add my voice to all the others welcoming and congratulating you on your quit. It is the best :)

Regarding the family gathering, plan a strategy before hand which could help out a lot. I certainly know that when I see my sis I still have a wee pang due to having known her forever and we smoked together forever. Try not to drink too much as the alcohol may dilute your resolve to stay quit. Think of wee exit possibly popping out into the garden if the smoke is getting too much. What's that saying? Fail to prepare, prepare to fail ;)

Oh, and the nicotine monster - female, don't you know :eek:


nsd_user663_11284 profile image

Thank you all for your kind replies.

I'm mentally preparing for Sunday and I think I'll be ok. After all, I'm determined there'll be no going back - not when I haven't felt this good in years!

And Cav, he's definitely male :p

nsd_user663_11284 profile image

I did it!

Had the whole day in the garden with family, alcohol and smokers!

Didn't cave, didn't crave and wasn't smug in the faces of addicts.

I just enjoyed the afternoon :)

I'm very proud of myself - especially as it's six weeks today since I quit!

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

I did it!

Had the whole day in the garden with family, alcohol and smokers!

Didn't cave, didn't crave and wasn't smug in the faces of addicts.

I just enjoyed the afternoon :)

I'm very proud of myself - especially as it's six weeks today since I quit!

Hi skippy pleased you have conquered a smoking fear, it can be hard to do things for the first time when you have always done them with a cig in your hand and I am different to you as I would have been smug and thought how good I was to have sat watching people smoke and not joined them, You are doing amazingly well and the fact that u have come this far, still feel good tells me you have a good strong quit going for you.

Keep focussed and you will be a life quitter, dont let anything get in your way because trust me smoking makes nothing right ever, infact I dont think you will find one person on this site that would not argue with the fact it makes a lot of things very wrong.

nsd_user663_11284 profile image

Thanks Jamangie :)

I really do feel that this quit is "the one". I've never felt this way in a quit before (nor lasted as long). I feel free!

I surprised myself with not feeling smug. I think what I felt most of all about the smokers today was sadness that they were struggling with their addiction, slaves to it, and conned by the nicotine. I wish I could have enthused about how good I feel, but I didn't want to soapbox or irritate anyone. Hopefully they'll realise for themselves one day, as I did.

I feel really good right now :D

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

I think this is what we were talking about earlier that you have to know when you are ready and sometimes even though we quit we know it doesnt feel right so we smoke again, but like you I know this time its the one like meeting the man of your dreams, well maybe thats a bit of an overstatement but similar, you hold these thoughts in you head and if ever you feel a little weak bring them back and you will be fine x

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Excellent news Skippy,

Glad you had a good time too...nowhere does it state that you have to have a bad time as you go through your quit. It's just that we somehow are caught up in the 'loss' and consequently feel carp. But then there isn't a 'loss', but rather a gain. If you switch onto that, as you undoubtedly have, then it's all good.

Keep reading around and post in the forum when you need to.

Woohoo, 6 weeks :cool:


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