Day 8 and a little rough going.... - No Smoking Day

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Day 8 and a little rough going....

nsd_user663_3828 profile image
22 Replies

can't explain it but seem to have withdrawl symptoms again.... 100% mental thing as I have not cheated or even inhaled 2nd hand smoke.... annoying..... not enough to break me in the next 2-3 days but getting tired of that monkey bastard in my

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nsd_user663_3828 profile image
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22 Replies
NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

can't explain it but seem to have withdrawl symptoms again.... 100% mental thing as I have not cheated or even inhaled 2nd hand smoke.... annoying..... not enough to break me in the next 2-3 days but getting tired of that monkey bastard in my

Hang in there, tomorrow is another day.

Wake up tomorrow with a positive attitude and make tomorrow better?

Its all in your hands!

Best wishes.


nsd_user663_3810 profile image

I know what you mean!! i was like that the first two weeks but it is all mind games, keep yourself busy-learn to laugh at yourself!!! (it worked for me!!) and the days will soon turn into weeks and months

stay strong xxxxx

nickywalton profile image

can't explain it but seem to have withdrawl symptoms again.... 100% mental thing as I have not cheated or even inhaled 2nd hand smoke.... annoying..... not enough to break me in the next 2-3 days but getting tired of that monkey bastard in my

be kind to yourself, early days yet and you are doing fantastic:D

try some exercise if you can - gets the happy hormones going and if you can get outside, the fresh air will smell sooo beautiful now you're not filling it with smoke!!!

stay strong, it will get better just takes longer for some than others....

good luck


nsd_user663_3738 profile image

like they say just hang in will get through.dont cave ,,for if you do you will have to start all over again,,and you dont went to do that do you steve,no you dont..8 days thats will get a lot easier..take in deep breaths and hole for 8 seconds then exhale...that works for me..;) you just keep the faith all the best tony

nsd_user663_1733 profile image


Hope today is a better one for you in my last quit days 9/10 was very hard but things did improve. xxxxx

nsd_user663_3845 profile image

Been hovering in here for a few days - day 8 for me too, just had to post after reading that 'monkey bastard in my head' comment. That just about sums it up for me too, I know I don't want to smoke, I know I don't even enjoy it but the 'monkey bastard' doesn't seem to agree:mad:

nsd_user663_3810 profile image

How are we feeling today better? keep going, stay strong it does get better

AND YOU johnt5-keep it up, the monkeybastards will soon get bored and pick on someone else!!!

all the best and keep posting xx

nsd_user663_3828 profile image

Thank you

.... to everyone who reached out to me, even as I was trying to reach out to others :-) I am grateful for all the support :-)

Last night was pretty hairy, but I managed to get to sleep and it seems okay so far today... Thanks again.... Still hear the voices... but hopefully less soon

Tomatpots profile image
Tomatpots10 Years Smoke Free

AND YOU johnt5-keep it up, the monkeybastards will soon get bored and pick on someone else!!!

So thats where they went!!!;);)

Both of you keep at it and they will go and pick on somebody else.

Well done

nsd_user663_3816 profile image

Aww Steve, how strange is that, myself Jo and you are all on day 8 and having a bad day. Good thing about it is that its normal and will pass. Tomorrow we will wake up refreshed and our minds full of more important things then ciggys.

You have done so well hun, keep it up and stay strong.

We will get there :)



nsd_user663_3828 profile image

Yes they will go away...

... but when... when will it ease up... not sure why but I am really struggling this time... will it better after 2 weeks.... 1 month.... if it does not stop after 3 month then I am going back to smoking.... I can't live the rest of my life dreaming of these stupid cigarettes... :mad::mad::mad::mad:

nsd_user663_3816 profile image

I dont know hun, i wish i did. Going but what others have said it does pass and different times.

You have come so far already hun, just get through this hard bit hun, if i can do it you can im sure. Read and post on here if you have to but please dont give in not when you have done so well.

Stay strong steve, im right beside you with Joe we can do it hun, although at this moment in time it feels like a distant dream.



nsd_user663_3845 profile image

Steve, join the Jan quitting team and it may help you through, I am also a day 8er and your 'monkey bastard' phrase is the funniest (but true) think I have come across today. Stay strong I will need more laughs as time goes on:D

nsd_user663_3861 profile image

... but when... when will it ease up... not sure why but I am really struggling this time... will it better after 2 weeks.... 1 month.... if it does not stop after 3 month then I am going back to smoking.... I can't live the rest of my life dreaming of these stupid cigarettes... :mad::mad::mad::mad:


Like you I am on day 8 but suffer very different symptons....I dont have the ability to think about fags any more purely because I dont have the ability to think due to the weird tunnel vision thing and head feels like it will explode any minute !!!

Tomatpots profile image
Tomatpots10 Years Smoke Free


Stay strong steve, im right beside you with Joe we can do it hun, although at this moment in time it feels like a distant dream.

You are all doing it.

Take it one day at a time and the craves WILL cease.

Help yourselves by reading and understanding the real reasons people smoke.

It makes it so much easier to cease (dont like the word give up, because youre giving up nothing and gaining so so much)

Well done all of you youre doing great

nsd_user663_3828 profile image

Thanks to all

... so lets make a list of people who quit on the 30th of Dec, i.e. 31st as 1st smoke free day.... Thanks for all the support.... Still hanging in... Just wish I had made notes the last time I quit.... re. timeframes and when the voices subside.... lol

Hang in Denise....


nsd_user663_3633 profile image

You are all doing it.

Take it one day at a time and the craves WILL cease.

Help yourselves by reading and understanding the real reasons people smoke.

It makes it so much easier to cease (dont like the word give up, because youre giving up nothing and gaining so so much)

Well done all of you youre doing great

I just want to add my voice to this - the more you understand your addictions the easier it will be. The cravings and urges (the voices :D ) will go away. They will.

Not only CAN you do this, you ARE doing it. Your body is already healing faster than it can keep up with (which is why we have to deal with weird symptoms as we go through the first few weeks). The body is adjusting faster than it can deal with. It's truly a miracle of engineering, and when it all catches up - the difference is amazing!

You are all doing superbly, and you WILL make it through to freedom. Knowing what to expect is the biggest part of it though.

nsd_user663_3838 profile image


Like you I am on day 8 but suffer very different symptons....I dont have the ability to think about fags any more purely because I dont have the ability to think due to the weird tunnel vision thing and head feels like it will explode any minute !!!

Tunnel vision - that's it! I'm on day 6 and can honestly say I have never in my life been as dumb as I have been this week! Cannot concentrate on anything, which is tricky as have a heavy workload on :rolleyes: yep, I'm on this forum again as well, love procrastination :D! Actually I have realised this week that cigarettes are the procrastinators bestest friend ever... they really help 'get nothing done' don't they?

Day 6, eating loads, made my own bread and butter pudding at 9.30pm last night :D it's not normal this nicotine withdrawl thing.... anyone else feel like thy're not themselves anymore or feel a bit 'lost'?

nsd_user663_3845 profile image

Last time I tried or maybe the time before a Greenday lyric popped into my head - 'feel like my eyes are gonna bleed' had the same feeling a couple of days ago but ok again now:cool:

I've found cake to be a great friend which might be a problem as I'm diabetic:o

nsd_user663_3861 profile image

at last someone else who feels the same......I am just away with the fairies at the moment....I run my own business and have £350 worth of bills to process through my credit card machine from last Monday ! I just simply cant be arsed to do anything apart from eat and sleep during the day and read and snooze during the night.

I rang the NHS hotline to ask whether my symptons are normal and was told by not one but two idiots to ring my GP....I ****ing hate these quangos set up by Brown to keep worthless civil servants employed.

nsd_user663_3849 profile image

.I ****ing hate these quangos set up by Brown to keep worthless civil servants employed.


Love your sense of humour - you sound too strong minded to give in to the nicotene monster. Keep up those kind of comments and keep us all smiling - it really helps keep the cravings away!

nsd_user663_3861 profile image

I have a new improved angle on this problem...its only an experiment but I have decided to increase my intake of NRT via some more natural methods.

To that avail my hourly intake of Nicotine now consists of the following:

1. One NiQuitinCQ tablet firmly stuck into the top of my gum just below my nose

2. One peanut sized pinch of Swedish GENERAL chewing tobacco lodged into my bottom left hand gum ( every ten minutes or so I roll the ball under my tongue for a giggle)

3. Four extreme snorts of snuff ( Fribourg & Treyer French Carrotte.....its like the KRUG of snuffs from the Smiths snuff shop in Charing Cross Road )...I add a little artistic license to this procedure by cutting the snuff on a vanity mirror with a razor blade and snorting it up through a dollar bill left over from my trip to Disneyland, its just the same as taking a pinch between your finger and thumb but boy does it feel naughty ....hehe

I have to confess I feel bloody FANTASTIC !!!! I dont need a fag at all...!!!

In fact if I had one I think I would need an ambulance to Betty Ford !!

YIPPEE !!! I love not smoking !

Sleep who needs it...I'm off to go and chase some foxes up the railway !

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