Just finished reading AC's 'Scandal' - No Smoking Day

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Just finished reading AC's 'Scandal'

nsd_user663_2497 profile image
25 Replies

Considering this book is completely free for download from the Easyway International website, I would certainly recommend anyone give it a read.

I've read both Easyway and Scandal, and I'd have to say I think the latter is definately the more powerful read. Much of the main thrust of Easyway is duplicated in Scandal, but not in such a repetitive manner and its a bit easier to swallow. People who aren't so much interested in the industry, as it were, would probably find Easyway better, for strictly quitting purposes, but Scandal focuses more on the NRT and NHS sides of the whole situation and is quite fascinating in certain parts. There are many who still view both the man and his method as 'charlatan' but after reading this, you can see that he truly believed in what he was doing.

I know a few others on here have read this and hope others give it a chance too.

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nsd_user663_2497 profile image
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25 Replies
nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Thanks for the reminder SV. I keep meaning to read it. I've started it but haven't got very far. Only reason I haven't read it yet is because I don't like to sit at the puter for long intervals. I wish it was available as a book! Anyway I fully intend on finishing it. Might get stuck in for a bit tonight and read some.

Just as an aside, do you think all that AC writes re the 'Big 3' is all factually correct? Just wondering. I'm not calling him a liar! But just wanted to know what you guys think.

nsd_user663_2497 profile image

Yeah try to give it a read Mad's!

As for his comments on the Big 3, the figures seem sound enough, they certainly roughly match up with other figures I 've seen quoted. And while he may be somewhat overzealous, it wouldnt serve his purpose to out and out lie about them.

Its especially disconcerting when he describes his troubles setting up an Easyway workshop in Birmingham, and the ASA (ad standards agency) refusing to allow him to advertise it as 'no willpower required'. And also the companies repeated requests of NICE (nat. inst. of clinical excellence) to trail and test Easyway as they so willingly did, and approved, with NRT. But they never would.

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

I must read that book sometime.

I don't get why NHS and doctors don't recommend Easyway. It's treated like a cult or religion or something. They would rather you kept pumping a chemical into your body than read a bloody book or attend a clinic. Are doctors on commission from nicorette?? :rolleyes: (probably)

I don't know why it gets such bad press. I've been emailing the easyway people and said i would be glad to take part in their research etc and got a few emails from them so hopefully something big will happen soon.

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Yes I did leave a comment.

Oooh me on the telly, must get my roots done.... :p

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

In reference to part of WKD's post re stop smoking clinics, when I attended mine (last one was last week boo hoo!) it was encouraged that everybody was to go on some form of 'aid', be it NRT or Champix.

I can remember the very first session clearly. The 'props' were all given much discussion and everybody was to choose their method of stopping smoking. Not once was CT spoken about. I found this strange at the time because I myself was a CT quitter. I was the only one CT there and wondered at some point whether I was as welcome as the others seeing as I chose to stop without any NRT or Champix.

It wasn't too long after the first session when I heard a comment made by one of the 'leaders'. They have 'targets' to reach. By that, I mean they must get a certain amount of people on each 'prop' (NRT or Champix). So after I learned this I kinda figured I wasn't much use to their 'statistics'.

Maybe everyone who enrols on such a course is just a guinea pig to promote how great NRT is or how fabulous Champix is by becoming a statistic in favour of either of those two drugs? Who knows! Wouldn't surprise me!

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

I have read some older posts on here by people who obviously felt the same way and WOW did they get shot down VERY quickly.

I got shot down too...

I was told, this is not a discussion forum, this is a support forum."

The weird thing is.....I STILL haven't read Easyway....... :D

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Thats a very interesting post Maddy.

In view of your ease of quit this time, how did you think the others at your clinic were getting on with theirs?

Were they finding it as easy as you are?

Did the people running it ignore your thoughts etc because you were AC/CT. (Allen Carr / Cold Turkey jeeeez some peoples minds!!!!!)

Did they try to get you to change your quit method?

Are your feet still smelly?

Did you get anything from the sessions?

Did you have that same Euphoric feeling after quitting with AC ?

From what I gathered, most of the group struggled a fair bit with their quits apart from one guy who was on NRT. There was about 10 of us and I'd say half of those chose NRT and the other half Champix (and lil ole me CT). Only one of the NRT quitters found their quit relatively easy. Most of the Champix quitters complained of still finding times hard but felt the edge was taken off their quit and was that much easier to quit the fags. Then there was me. Completely happy to be nic free and feeling great about it! lol We all had to take turns having our own 'say' and I tried to tone down how great I felt 'cos I didn't want to appear as some sort of saint and tbh, I didn't know if I was worthy of a place there as I found this quit so easy.

I wouldn't say I got treated any differently by the Leaders. Though I do acknowledge I was of no help with their 'targets!' They didn't try to get me to change my quit method either and one of the leaders 'spoke off the record' of AC. He told us it was a big 'no no' to speak of AC but he did bring up his name a couple of times!

Out of the group I attended I would say I had the easiest time. Everybody else still wanted a smoke.

I get to meet up with them all again in 3 weeks and I'm looking forward to it :)

I'd love to hear of other quitters experience of Stopping Smoking Groups too.

nsd_user663_2981 profile image


I just read your comment. WKDFairy

I had forgotten you got called that!!!!:D

You know, if i was easily offended I would hve been offended at being called 'THAT'. But i'm not *dusts herself down and gets on with it*

I swear, so euphoric was I after quitting that I was (borderline - police reports pending) stalking the easyway people - you'll see my supemodel bod and fine features in one of their leaflets soon*snarf snarf*

No, I hear what everyone is saying. I don't doubt that Maddys clinic was actively encouraging that stuff, my own doctor kept trying to put me on NRT but i point blank refused. Would be interesting to know if this happened to others. I would have loved to join a clinic but had the feeling that someone, somewhere was 'sponsoring' it so I did it My Way. This forum, lots of reading and cranberry juice.

I can't stop talking tonight..........

Lots of newbies also, which is good to see.

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

I'm not mentioning any names that's for sure...

I honestly think it's easy to quit given the right attitude and that's the challenge.

What I do know is that AC clicked a light on in me that gave me oodles of strength and resolve. However, I now know some of what he said was not strictly true but it no longer matters as i'm too far down the quit route.

We sometimes forget that smoking is all in the head and try to cure it with chemicals. Sure the chemicals might be a distraction and they might even help but they won't work on their own and need masses of backup.

Ignoring the statistics and hype and propaganda there's no dispute that many quit CT and seem to have a relatively straightforward quit. That, to me, is clear evidence that you don't NEED anything else to quit.

However, THAT assumes that your head is in the right place.

To some it might just take a read of a book, a chat with an ex-smoker or similar and they're there ready to accept the challenge.

If your head isn't in the right place though then you may need drugs or whatever to get it there which makes it an entirely legitimate form of treatment. It's not a second best or "non-preferred" it's just an alternative.

Where it becomes an issue is when it's promoted as "the way" to quit.

I seem to remember champix was a £160 NHS cost.

NRT i've no idea.

AC £199 for a clinic (with money back guarantee)

So why does no-one get prescribed AC..?

Does anyone get prescribed hypnotherapy..?

Quite simply it HAS to be down to the massive influence of the drug companies, which would be cool if they were coming up with the goods..!

Still, my GP has a lovely collection of their calendars, notepads, pens, jotters, wall planners, desk tidys and paper-clip holders so things aren't looking too bad.... :(

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

I couldn't agree more!

I think many people start smoking again because they think they shouldn't feel any different, that they will just not smoke. Any feeling other than that sends them down the shop for 20 supekings quicker than a speeding bullet out of a gun. The easyway sort of removed my fears. Plus I didn't replace smoking with anything as advised, my ass got bigger becuse I started eating, something I rarely did when I was sustaining myself with nicotine.

So if NRT helps people then go for it, but I agree with AC when he says they stopped inspite of it and not because of it. I would have more faith in nicorette and all those other companies if they had a money back guarantee.

That new ad is making me sick though. The man has admirably just quit smoking, he's withdrawing from a powerful drug so of course he feels slightly twitchy, NO NEED to give him some more of what he's trying to come off!!! OMG, a shoe will go through my tv one of these days.....

Anyway, totally lost the point of this now.

Read the posts above this :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

I wanna see that advert! Still haven't seen it. Might help if I actually watch TV now and again tho eh? :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

I will have a complex over my feet soon John if you carry on :eek:

Ain't nowt wrong wiv MY feet...however, I hear your feet could do with a bit of a scrub...I don't think even a hammer drill will remove that crud from your tootsies :eek::eek: Now that is pretty bad John!


nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Aww There There Johnny boy. Don't get mad, get even...mind, I know it would be an unfair foight because being at an immediate disadvantage being a bloke I guess the odds weigh pretty much in my favour but I'm sure you'll do all you can not to let your side down :rolleyes:

As for dumping you...sorry about that!

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Oh and I can now dispose of my peg that used to be permanently attached to my nose now you are dropped.



nsd_user663_2497 profile image

Ooh nice to see the threads filled with replies! Some good stuff too..

I'm just glad I havent seen the 'nicotine recepters in the brain' advert for a while. That was THE worst.

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Awww So I have an ugly nose to add to my ugly smelly feet :( I'm not doing too well here am I?

Maddy is sad now :(

Well, well...oh well!

At least I ain't got big feet like yours with curly hair hanging from my tootsies! You got ogre feet! ggrrrr monster!

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Ooh nice to see the threads filled with replies! Some good stuff too..

I'm just glad I havent seen the 'nicotine recepters in the brain' advert for a while. That was THE worst.

Stop hijacking the thread pls :)

*runs off V V Very fast*

nsd_user663_2497 profile image

Stop hijacking the thread pls :)

*runs off V V Very fast*

Its my thread I'll do what I like with it! ;):)


nsd_user663_2931 profile image

I think you'll find SV that John started it with his 'foot spa' comment.

He knew by saying that it was like a red rag to a bull (shut it John) so I apologise on HIS behalf that your thread degenerated to HIS drivel (as he admitted to on another thread).

I apologise for taking the bait :o

haw haw !!

nsd_user663_2497 profile image

It's treated like a cult or religion or something.

I don't know why it gets such bad press.

Unfortunately I think these two go hand in hand. I've tried to convince one or two friends to try reading up (be it Carr or Casey) and also when people asked how I managed to quit, both elicit reactions of the person rolling their eyes a little. Its a shame but it happens. People generally assume that doctors and the medical establishment know whats best, and especially with smoking, dismiss anything else as 'mumbo jumbo'. Doctors should know whats best, but geniunely dont with smoking cessation, thats pretty much fact.

Despite the real statistics 'joe public' will see NRT adverts on TV, listen to their doctors, and plump for NRT. Or NMT in reality. I am a pessimist by nature, but I dont see this changing too much. AC campaigned relentlessly since '83, others have also discovered methods in the same vein, yet nothing has changed in 24 years.

Someday maybe, heres hoping.

nsd_user663_2892 profile image

Considering this book is completely free for download from the Easyway International website, I would certainly recommend anyone give it a read.

I tried to print it off at work but broke the printer! :o ( Shhhh, don't tell anyone at work :o )

I am half way through it, and it makes very interesting reading :)

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

just for Maddy and anyone else who hasn't seen it....


nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Unfortunately I think these two go hand in hand. I've tried to convince one or two friends to try reading up (be it Carr or Casey) and also when people asked how I managed to quit, both elicit reactions of the person rolling their eyes a little. Its a shame but it happens. People generally assume that doctors and the medical establishment know whats best, and especially with smoking, dismiss anything else as 'mumbo jumbo'. Doctors should know whats best, but geniunely dont with smoking cessation, thats pretty much fact.

Despite the real statistics 'joe public' will see NRT adverts on TV, listen to their doctors, and plump for NRT. Or NMT in reality. I am a pessimist by nature, but I dont see this changing too much. AC campaigned relentlessly since '83, others have also discovered methods in the same vein, yet nothing has changed in 24 years.

Someday maybe, heres hoping.

Are you telling me that I have been a guinea pig by going on NRT just so my doctor's surgery can reach a target(last bit said in a very high screechy voice). If so, I really do wish I had gone C/T, but as someone advised me the other day I shouldn't wish for what has gone and so I am pleased that I have more or less conquered the habit in spite of being a statistic in their target game. If I had known this in the very beginning I could have saved myself even more money from the prescriptions dished out.:mad: This'll teach me to read things in more detail. Oh well, onwards and upwards.

nsd_user663_2497 profile image

Hi Supervillain

i am sure you will like the following pages from Joel on whyquit.



I think they both confirm your thoughts, and on a large scale too.

Someday maybe but probably not while we have governments running health services funded by large pharmaceutical companies eh? :rolleyes:

Both excellent, cheers.

Your doing great Jan, thats the main thing for you personally, no point in worrying about it now.

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Both excellent, cheers.

Your doing great Jan, thats the main thing for you personally, no point in worrying about it now.

Thanks Supervillain - not worrying about it just a bit peed off. Am reading AC's Scandal in my lunch hour so could take some time as I have only just read the first page.:D:D

Nearly done 4 months only a few days to go and I can give myself a further pat on the back. Doesn't time fly when you're not worrying about when your next cig break is.:(

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