For all new quitters! Please read! - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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For all new quitters! Please read!

nsd_user663_38328 profile image
10 Replies

Hi all, I posted on here a couple of weeks ago. Im working on lots of different videos for quitting smoking which ill post in the next couple of days.

But there are some great videos on youtube already.

Theres ones are allen carr's dvd and audio book. I really cannot say how important and great these videos are. If you have just quit or are planning watch these videos and im sure u will be free from the trap forever. U can even smoke while watching it.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

You can also download the audio book and put it on your ipod or CD player to listen to if that works better for u.

Audio Book (look in description box for download links)

Please give it ago, u have nothing to lose and im sure it will help... This is what got me of the habbit. I really feel as though allen carr's easyway methord should be given out on NHS as it is really that amazing.

I also have the ebook if anyone would like me to send it them please send me a message.

Hope this helps everyone! I want to help cure the world of smoking.

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nsd_user663_38328 profile image
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nsd_user663_38328 profile image

This was something i posted a couple of weeks ago when i quit. I keep refering back to it as sometimes i get moments with my friends i think oh 1 wont hurt but i always come back and read this as a quick remember...

Why do we smoke? - These are the reasons we all give!

I like the smell:

So would u buy air freshner that smelt of cigarette smoke and spray that around your house? No

Some of use like the smell of roses but do we roll them up and smoke them? No

We all like the smell of our perfume but do we spray that on our fags? No

I like the taste

We like the taste of food thats why we eat it... So if we like the taste of cigarettes why don't we eat them - because that would be disgusting.

I like Inhailing the smoke

So why not breathe the smoke in from a fire? That would be horrible because its suffocation.

Its Oral Satisfation

If its oral satisfation then why light it, Why not just pose with it.

It's Stylish and Cool

Where do u get that idea from? Media/ film and all the other people out there doing it. We think its cool from seeing all the hotties in the films smoking and people out and about but do u still find it cool when u see someone who's aged and lost there teeth? No - The attraction lies in the person not the cigarette there smoking. You watch a film with the actor/ actress you find hot in, Whatever there doing in the film you will find attractive because the attraction lies in them. In most films and in public nowadays people are mostly non smokers.

It's a Social Prop

Nowadays you can hardly smoke anywhere, There is no such thing anymore as social smoking unless you think standing outside a building in the cold is a great way of so******ing?

It Relaxes Me

Think about the most pleasurable things in life? One of mine is going to concerts, A concert is usually 2 hours long and i get to see my favirout band live. What am i doing when im there? I'm not enjoying it the full time as i can't wait for it to end so i can have a cigarette. In my mind the whole time is "this is great but i could really do with a cigarette right now"

Another time u should be relaxing is when getting a massage. Yes your enjoying it but in your head your thinking "I could really do with a cigarette though right now, this would make it even better"

We can't as smokers ever be relaxed because we have always got to feed our craving to be completely relaxed and it never lasts for long. In allen's book he tells a story about his daughters wedding, he said how proud he should of been watching her get married but instead he was thinking " When's this gonna end so i can have a cigarette" - How lame is that?

It Relieves Boredom

There are always moments in our life that we are bored. Smoking dosen't relieve it. When were bored we have nothing todo so we feed and satisfy our addictions. It's a frame of mind, In fact we can't never do anything fun because we can't go for to long without a cigarette otherwise we cravings so instead of doing something fun we lie around bored lethargic. Smoking creates boredom.

It Helps Concentration

It dosen't help at all. We are distracted from concentraiting because in our minds we are thinking i need a cigarette so we stop whatever were doing to have 1.

Whenever we have distractions like say the television is on and we can't think and concentrate with it on... we turn the tv off. With smoking it is the distraction that stops us concentrating and we can't turn it off.

It Helps Stress

Ok when we are stressed and have a cigarette we do feel instantly better. Only because we take away the aggrivation from craving a cigarette. But u still have the same stress.

When were stressed this is when we usually chain smoke as we think it helps. Maybe the first 1 will take away that part of a craving but were still left with the actual stress/ problem. So then we chain smoke to try and get rid of the rest of the stress but it wont work because we have already satisfyed the nictoteen craving so the real problem is going to get any better.

Even when the stress of that problem goes. Were still stressed all our lives whenever we cant smoke but want 1.

All of the above are illusions in our head that we enjoy cigarettes. We smoke for 1 reason only and that is because of NICOTINE!!!

We are drug addicts!! we are the same as cocaine users, herion users. We are junkies. Nicotine is the worlds highest addictive drug! We look at herion addicts and feel sick watching them inject themselfs but we do the same thing but we smoke it.

When we first smoke we plant a monster in our bodies... The nicotine monster and every few hours it demands its feed. When we don't feed it we get trauma (the craving) so we relieve it by lighting a cigarette and breathing in fresh smoke. Over life as with any drug it demands more to relieve it so then we become chain smokers. And then after that we cant never relieve the craving as you can't feed it anymore so you will forever feel that craving and trauma even when smoking.

A good example Allen uses is this:

Say u have this sore on your face which u can't cover with make up or anything. U go to the doctors they have no idea how to cure it or what it is. You then meet a man who says try this cream it will get rid of the sore. So u start applying the sore and yipee it goes away. It keeps returning each time bigger and bigger. U keep calling the man to get more tube of cream, He sells it to u for £10 atime.

The tube only lasts u aday but the sore has now covered your whole face so u have no choice but to keep paying for the cream. The cream removes the sore. Now u read in the paper that this is happening to lots of other people and that the cream does not get rid of the sore it only gets rid of it tempory. But by using the cream u have fed the sore and each time which caused it to grow. U also read in the paper that if u stop using the cream it only takes 3 weeks togo.

Would u need will power to stop using the cream? NO! and even though the sore covered your face each day it got better and better and u knew that by 3 weeks it would all be gone.

I think that was a really great thing to write and it does only take 3 weeks for the nicotine to leave the body so u will stop craving it.

The only problem is: the craving will go but not whats in your head and once u understand that smoking does nothing for u then u wont have any doubt in your head.

I'm sorry if i rambled on but i wanted to share what i learnt with everyone and i hope it will help! I'm also sorry if i spelt a few things wrong i'm not the best speller lol.

I know now that I wont smoke again i really hate it now! and i can finally walk past people in the streets and pubs without wishing i was having 1 but feeling sorry for them that they have to go through life craving cigarettes all the time. Another thing is i can't believe how much cigarettes have gone up in price. I smoke 10 aday usually richmonds or Lamber and Butler. I probs would smoke more if i could have but i just couldn't afford it. When i first started i used to buy 20 Lambert and they were £4.50. Then i went down to 10 Richmond because i couldn't afford 20 aday anymore. 10 Richmond was £2.45 when i first started and now within the last year or so they've gone to £3.34 and some of the 20 packs are now over £7 nearly 8. I can't imagin how much there gonna be this time next year but i look forward to walking into stores and seeing the prices go up and thinking thank goodness i don't smoke anymore.

My goal was that i wanted to start 2012 of as a non smoker but i wanted todo it before then as i find it horrible the day before the 1st of January to say this is my last cigarette. Its so much pressure and then for the first few days your miserable for the new year. Thats why i think its better todo it now. I hope i don't have any bad moments as i feel so positive to never ever go back to that horrible chain of smoking. I'm 21 now so i hope that i havn't done to much damage to myself and that i can repair anything that i have. My teeth are stained in the corners and the back but tip for u all! brush your teeth with baking powder mixed with water once day and it will remove the staines eventually but make sure after using it u rinse your mouth out and then brush your teeth with normal tooth paste.

Just 1 more thing that Allen says in the book don't say u have given up smoking. Say you've escaped! because we have! were not giving anything up were only gaining and weve escaped from illnesses and death.

I really hope what i wrote can help someone if anyone wants the dvd i will try and post it to youtube.


nsd_user663_6426 profile image

Aww....thanks s17 really good post and I must say I couldn't agree more with you as I gave up the Allen Carr way. Some people get it and click right away, others it only helps and they need to slowly wean off the NRT or use champix, Zyban. However Allen Carr does help if only in a small way for some people for others it will make them quit forever like you and me. I know I won't smoke anymore and thanks for trying to help others to quit... also thanks for the tip on whitening your teeth....

lisa x

nsd_user663_39807 profile image

Thanks Lisa and S17.

I 'escaped'... (I'm learning) on Boxing Day. Decided to start before New Year for the same reasons as S17...did not want to put too much stress on New Years Eve. Your comments and quotes are very welcome. Also I will look at those videos you have recommended on Utube. So far it hasn't been too bad...but I am not back at work and the normal routine yet. I have had only myself to worry about the past couple of days. I have also downloaded an app that calculates how may smokes you have not had and how much money you have saved....this gives me a boost every now and then.


hello all

just had a look at the vids and is that true or is that true

thanx for the links

just wondering if anyone knows of anywhere i might be able to download the video file or avi i ave searched and downloaded the only one icould find but i dont speak russian lol i have searched looking for some rapidshare or fileserve links but to no avail

any help would be much appreciated



One week, three days, 11 hours, 12 minutes and 58 seconds. 628 cigarettes not smoked, saving $320.28. Life saved: 2 days, 4 hours, 20 minutes.

nsd_user663_34321 profile image

Great post. Thank you for taking the time to do this, am sure it will really help a lot of people. Although I personally couldn't quit from Allen Carr alone it (I used Champix as well) it certainly helps A LOT with the psychological aspects of quitting which is a BIG part of it. I really would recommend it as well regardless of the methods anyone is using. This is the first time I've been relaxing at home for a few days since quitting and these lazy days would have just been made for smoking loads in the past so the thoughts have crept in. Reading the above gave me a real boost and helps me kick those thoughts into touch! :D

nsd_user663_39965 profile image

Thank you for posting! :) They were very helpful for me!!!

nsd_user663_4558 profile image

Just watched the first show - magic. good posting. :)

this dvd is the bomb

i have not had a single craving since watching it also the munchie department has been closed down lol

no munchies and no cravings = excellent

i have also now found and downloaded the dvd and the complete set including audio book



One week, five days, 17 hours, 57 minutes and 54 seconds. 764 cigarettes not smoked, saving $390.09. Life saved: 2 days, 15 hours, 40 minutes.

nsd_user663_38328 profile image

I'm so glad that posting the videos has helped so many people.

Bring on 2012 for all of us were gonna have the best years of our lives and were FREE! :)

nsd_user663_39965 profile image


The links on this post are what helped me quit! And not look back!

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