Made it to Day Three: Here I am at Day Three... - No Smoking Day

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Made it to Day Three

nsd_user663_2931 profile image
23 Replies

Here I am at Day Three...didn't think I would be after an awful day yesterday. I daresay its more of the same today though.

Going to try and keep busy with lots of dog walking and housework. Will try to remember to do some breathing exercises whenever I feel a crave coming on.

Good luck to everyone else also...:)

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nsd_user663_2931 profile image
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23 Replies
nsd_user663_2629 profile image

Hey maddy well done!! keep it up and remember that no matter what stresses you out or annoys you - it will still be there even if you have a cig, coz they dont make all the bad things go away at all, we just think they do!! :D


I have been quit for 2 Months, 3 Days, 8 hours, 24 minutes and 38 seconds (63 days). I have saved £286.97 by not smoking 1,267 cigarettes. I have saved 4 Days, 9 hours and 35 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 01/01/2008 00:05

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done Maddy

The first few days are hard but has the days go by it gets better its old nic leaving the body. You may find by this afternoon you start to feel much better. Keep Strong Linda xxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Thanks everyone. You know, if I didn't you guys to fall back on I'm sure I would have succumbed by now. I can't help but to feel like just one more cig won't hurt :confused: I just need the one to make these awful feelings go away. But of course, it would lead to another 'one' so no can do. Not doing it...not going there! Its just the addiction trying to lure me back to cigs.

Went to the Dr's this morning to attend a stop smoking apptmt with a nurse. They got me to blow into this carbon monoxide detector thing and my score was 1. That's not a bad score, right? They also encouraged me to use NRT but I don't want to. Now that I have done two full days without any nicotine go into my body I would feel as if I have taken a step back. Now if I had used NRT from the start then I wouldn't be feeling like that. I hope you know what I mean and I am not trying to take away from any of you that do use NRT, just that for me, going two days without any NRT is also a feat! Oh I don't know, maybe I don't know what I'm talking about!

I'd just like to wish you all the best of luck too. I can feel a crave coming on so I'm gonna go get busy! Have a good one :D

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

brill news about your score, that is good :D

keep yourself busy hun, most people who quit have very very clean houses, cars and pets!!!

nsd_user663_2739 profile image

They also encouraged me to use NRT but I don't want to.

Why does the NHS do that? It seems ridiculous to encourage you to use NRT after 2 days of Cold Turkey. I mean, you've only got today to deal with now and all the nicotine will be out of your bloodstream, allegedly. And from then on, it's "just" the psychological addiction you need to deal with ;)

Anyway, well done for clinging on yesterday, hope today is just as successful, and that things get easier from now on.

Stay strong

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

So proud of you maddy! Heres hoping you can fly by through day three and fall asleep tonight knowing your nic free completely! Nice job on recruitment for the team thus far!

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Keep at it Maddy.

The 72 hours is just around the corner and is a psychological millstone from around your neck.

From then on you're just on that road to recovery and it's a lovely fresh smelling road.

Bizarrely, you'll probably get more in-depth advice here than from your practice nurse but hopefully the same encouragement.


nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Thank you sooooooooo much everyone. I have set the 72hr mark as my goal for 'right now'. After that, its day by day or however long I need to set my target.

It really helps knowing that I'm not the only one going through this. I'm really amazed that I have not caved in and had a cig yet. Really.

I know this sounds really sad, but I feel like I'm saying goodbye to a part of my life and I'm not altogether sure I like it...I mean, I enjoyed smoking. Not all cigarettes felt as good as certains cigarettes, I'd enjoy some cigs more than others and its the 'good' ones I'm gonna miss. Smoking really helped chill me out and to not ever have that anymore is hard. Trying not to look at it as 'never again' though as it seems an impossible mission if I look at it that never have another cig again. Noooooooo! No, today, I'm not smoking one and thats it. Tomorrow is another day and I'll deal with that when it arrives.

Spirits up can all do this I know ya can!! You are all my inspiration so keep it up :p

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free


It doesn't sound sad because we all do it. We’ve all had those moments. We put on our rose-tinted smoking goggles and imagine every good time that we’ve ever had in our lives accompanied by a cigarette. Our memories put a fag between our fingers whether we had one or not.

What is just as peculiar is that it works for the future too. The moment you book your summer holiday you picture yourself at a bar or similar smoking a fag even though now you don't smoke.

It's a cruel trick of old Nic.

He'll show you those bright shiny beads of desire and persude you that the good times were only good because you smoked and future good times won't be good unless you carry on smoking.

He's a bit of a monster be under no illusion..!

There were no "good" fags.

They were the ones the furthest from the previous one, the morning ones, the after meal ones, the ones where your nicotine levels were depleted. They were the ones that fed your monster.

The "bad" ones..? They're the routine ones aren't they..? The ones you smoked at certain points in the day that might have even interrupted your day but you were compelled to smoke them. Many of them you didn't need, some you couldn't wait to finish so that you could get back to what you were doing..?

It all sounds horribly familiar doesn't it..?

Nic lied about the past. It doesn't take long to produce lovely memories without a fag.

The future is all about small steps.

If never again scares you just look at it as tomorrow.

You're so right. Tomorrow is another day, deal with it tomorrow.

Someone once interestingly told me that giving up the fags was like eating an elephant, initially daunting but easy if approached one bit at a time...

Personally, i think he was barking..... ;)

nsd_user663_2847 profile image

Hi Maddy,

This may sound wierd but giving up cigarettes really is like the end of a relationship and before I stopped smoking somebody suggested I write a kind of a 'Dear John' letter saying goodbye. (Told you it would sound wierd!). Anyway, here is what I wrote:

Dear Cigarettes,

So here we are on the verge of splitting up. We’ve been together for 30 years now and while I can’t imagine life without you, I know that this relationship is not good for me so it is time for us to go our separate ways. You are totally controlling my life and making me feel weak. While I am still with you I will never know how strong I could be on my own so I am leaving you forever, to find my own way in life. I’m sure that occasionally I will look back with fond memories but I must remember that deep-down you are just evil and had a sinister power over me. I do not need or want that anymore. Goodbye.

Can't remember where this idea came from but it really helped me.


Two weeks, five days, 15 hours, 5 minutes and 49 seconds. 588 cigarettes not smoked, saving £147.21. Life saved: 2 days, 1 hour, 0 minutes.

nsd_user663_2739 profile image

I’m sure that occasionally I will look back with fond memories but I must remember that deep-down you are just evil and had a sinister power over me. I do not need or want that anymore. Goodbye.

Sounds just like one of my ex-girlfriends :D:D

The way I look at smoking is that I may want a cigarette, but I don't want to be a smoker. And the part of me that doesn't want to be a smoker is winning. To be honest, the cravings have lessened to the extent that they are now fleeting fancies rather than craves, it's gone from "I want a cigarette NOW! I want a cigarette NOW! I want a cigarette NOW!" to "I could just smoke a cigarette now, but ah well, never mind". And that's after only 2 months. As someone else has said, the thoughts about having "just one" cigarette are fewer and easily squashable.

Keep it going, it *does* get easier, and think of all the money you're saving :)

I have been quit for 2 Months, 3 hours and 42 minutes (60 days). I have saved £316.80 by not smoking 1,203 cigarettes. I have saved 4 Days, 4 hours and 15 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 04/01/2008 11:45

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

*sniggers @ Trevs ex-girlfiends* lol

Thank you again Trev, french and Austin. Words of wisdom yet again :) I read many of the threads more than once just to take in again the good advice offered on this site and to reinforce my determination to quit this nasty habit.

Hope you are all doing fine on this wonderful eve :p

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Wow, so was a reading of '1' good then? Maybe that wasn't a true reading either? I had to hold my breath for ten seconds and then blow into the mouthpiece.

AAAAAnnnnnnnnyway, I just need to sound off for a bit. I am wanting a cigarette pretty bad and the temptation is becoming too much. I can just imagine having a cig right now...oooh it would be bliss...I miss it too. Ok, how messed up is this...according to my quit meter:

I have been quit for 2 Days, 12 hours, 20 minutes and 10 seconds (2 days). I have saved £17.76 by not smoking 70 cigarettes. I have saved 5 hours and 50 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 02/03/2008 07:07

I have not smoked 70 fags. Why do I feel like I am missing out on something? lol I feel a kind of 'loss' at not having smoked those fags and to smoke one right now would be better than anything. A N Y T H I N G !!!

Not gonna let the side down tho...I'm not I'm not I'm not...I know there are others struggling also and they aren't resorting to having a cig!

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

Maddy, think of all the reasons you decided to quit in the first place... cause just one smoke and you'll have to list all those reasons to yourself again... I'm thinking of this as ... if i don't start up again, i don't have to quit again :P I'm staying strong, today was better then yesterday... you are almost at day 4! So proud of you for staying so strong... Nic will be fully gone by tomorrow, then its about avoiding the physcological cravings only, as there is nothing to top up... not easy, but at least its only the last half of the battle :P High five, we can make it a week!


nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Thanks for the encouragement. My kids have seriously stressed me out and I just can't pull myself out of this downer and I just want a fag :( Feeling very tearful at the mo...just doesn't feel like this is ever going to end. And will it ever end? I hear people say they still fancy a smoke ten years down the line! Not really what you want to hear when you are struggling to give up.

I know I shouldn't even have the ONE cig, but it'd be soooooooooo nice to smoke that ONE.

I have actually done more than three days so the nicotine should already be out of my system (I had a few sneaky fags one morning and had to put myself back at Day One ggrrr).

Why do kids have to test you all the friggin' time? Why are they not capable of behaving like a civilised human being for just FIVE MINUTES????

Right, I either need to calm down or go buy some fags...decisions decisions! I'll be sooooo disappointed if I give in, but how can I give up when my kids are constantly pushing me? :mad:

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

By the way, my reasons for quitting and all the benefits I get from not smoking becomes ever hard to keep sight off when the crave really hits in. Do all you guys struggle to keep hold of your quit?

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Thanks Sue. Sorry for being so whingey. I'm terrible aren't I? So I'm sorry. I just feel that typing how I am feeling will help move the crave along. I wish I could physically move it along! I'd take it to the highest cliff and drop it. Yeah, just like that :D

I'm going to try and not be so depressing on my Day Four. Whenever I feel my mood dipping, instead of feeling sorry for myself, I'm going to think of all the positives of quitting smoking.

Man, I'm so hungry!! I've been a right pig today but sod it. I'm allowed a treat or ten, given all the cravings I have had to endure today :D

Upwards and Onwards!

nsd_user663_2949 profile image

I'm with you on the kids being annoying front! My 2 keep arguing like mad. I have explained to them about me giving up though and they really want me to and have promised me they will be nice for a while! hmmmmmm lol

I have been quit for 1 Day, 11 hours, 12 minutes and 29 seconds (1 days). I have saved £16.71 by not smoking 73 cigarettes. I have saved 6 hours and 5 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 03/03/2008 20:30

nsd_user663_2929 profile image

So well Done Maddy

Your day, and how you got through it is an inspiration. You didn't have to go and spend £95 on Hypnotherapy on the off chance it might help, you just got on with it! Good to see you Blogging too!:)

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Hey Kenny, thanks. As for spending money out on aids to help you quit, nowt wrong with that :) You do whatever you got to do to stay quit and stay quit you shall!

I'm really proud of you for staying of the cigs Kenny because I know how hard it is for you and considering you smoked a fair few I imagine you have the habit side to deal with even more.

As for me, I'm not feeling too bad today. Dare I speak too soon. I keep expecting something to go wrong and cause me to go buy some fags lol

Anyways, I'm off to hunt for Wii games :D Have a nice day. I guess you're on day four now? Woo hoo!

nsd_user663_2892 profile image

You are doing brilliantly Maddie! Well done to you - and enjoy your shopping - get yourself a wee treat too ;)

I have been quit for 2 Weeks, 5 Days, 10 hours, 58 minutes and 34 seconds (19 days). I have saved £97.27 by not smoking 389 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Day, 8 hours and 25 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 17/02/2008 22:00

nsd_user663_2929 profile image

Wii Games

You know, Maddy, since I've been struggling along, I had lost the inclination or enthusiasm for my Wii!!!! But, today, well, watch out the ornaments!

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

LoL kenny, you make me laugh you do :D If you weren't so far away I'd come kick ya butt at a few games :p

I'm going to get the Wii Play game today, then I'll have another remote and I want another game but dunno what one! Smooth moves or Marioparty hhmmmmmmmmm

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