Yeah! Officially on Day Two now!: Great to be... - No Smoking Day

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Yeah! Officially on Day Two now!

nsd_user663_2931 profile image
20 Replies

Great to be here too! Ok so Its only Day Two, but for me to get through Day One without any NRT products is quite some feat! Dunno how I did it! Perhaps its the encouragement from you guys eh? :p

Anyway, how are you guys doing? :)

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nsd_user663_2931 profile image
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20 Replies
nsd_user663_2743 profile image

thats good news, your doing great :)

keep busy hun , keep strong

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

Well done Maddy!

It will be a week before you know it. If you hit a bad time, just ride it (it sounds difficult) but it is true they go away, even if it doesn't feel like it at the time)


austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Great to be here too! Ok so Its only Day Two, but for me to get through Day One without any NRT products is quite some feat! Dunno how I did it! Perhaps its the encouragement from you guys eh? :p

Aaaah, but being on day 2 means day 1 is now history and tomorrow you can tell us the same about today...... :D

You'll be surprised how quickly that 72 hour milestone arrives and it's a real monkey off your back because you realise that the worst is now over.

Start to reduce your caffeine intake now, keep your fluid intake up and be prepared for your body's complaints when it finds out you've stolen its nicotine.

Personally i suffered from waking up in the middle of the night, short term memory loss and a slight feeling of intoxication but everyone says goodbye to old Nic in their own way, after all, he's been a close friend.

Hopefully by now you've found that the craves you get are actually no worse than that feeling that you simply fancy a fag.

see ya in day 3..... :)

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Thanks everyone. I appreciate your support and hope I can return some of the encouragement back to yourselves :)

I'm getting some pretty good coughing bouts every now and again. Sometimes each one lasts as long as 20 mins on and off. I think thats the bronchitis as well though. Well I think its bronchitis or it could just be the tail end of the cold I had. However, the symptoms I have are exactly the same as when I was diagnosed with bronchitis last time.

Now I don't know if I'm imagining this because it is something I have read on here somewhere, but I'm sure I feel lightheaded sometimes. I'm thinking it might not be an idea to drive any time soon whilst feeling this way! Also, when I was over my sister's house yesterday, the rest of my family were there also and whilst I wasn't aware of doing so, but apparently they were talking to me but I wasn't really listening to them...although I remember I was trying to make an effort to look like I was listening to them lol

Or maybe its all in my mind...who knows.

Thanks again everyone :)

nsd_user663_2861 profile image

Well done Maddy!!

Keep strong! You're doing ace!! :D

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Keep going and good luck Maddy - I really admire those that can go cold turkey. I couldn't do it that way as I didn't think my will power was that good. :( Having said that I am quite surprised my will power has got me this far.:)

Well done you.:D

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Hey Jan, doesn't matter how we give up, so long as we all give up, right? Those using NRT are doing just as well as those going CT imo. I'd normally be using NRT right now but doing my best to do without. It seems to be better for me too, somehow. Oh great, I've just stuck the washing on the line and its decided to rain the minute I come back in :rolleyes: Typical!

But anyway, well done with your quit Jan, I hope one day I will have as many days under my belt as you have :)

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

I'm not going to have a cigarette I'm not going to have a cigarette I'm not going to have a cigarette I'm not going to have a cigarette I'm not going to have a cigarette I'm not going to have a cigarette I'm not going to have a cigarette I'm not going to have a cigarette I'm not going to have a cigarette!!!


I feel like having 'just one more' cigarette. Just one. I won't have anymore after it :confused: Feeling very, very tempted at the moment. I could easily nip over my sister's house and cadge a cigarette off her to save me buying some (and then smoking the rest!).

Oh but I can't do it though. If I have just the one, then I will want another one :mad: I wish it wasn't wet, 'cos I'd take my dog out again if I could. Just to do something.

Anyone struggling at the mo???

nsd_user663_2739 profile image

I'm not going to have a cigarette I'm not going to have a cigarette I'm not going to have a cigarette I'm not going to have a cigarette I'm not going to have a cigarette I'm not going to have a cigarette I'm not going to have a cigarette I'm not going to have a cigarette I'm not going to have a cigarette!!!


I feel like having 'just one more' cigarette. Just one. I won't have anymore after it :confused: Feeling very, very tempted at the moment. I could easily nip over my sister's house and cadge a cigarette off her to save me buying some (and then smoking the rest!).

Oh but I can't do it though. If I have just the one, then I will want another one :mad: I wish it wasn't wet, 'cos I'd take my dog out again if I could. Just to do something.

Anyone struggling at the mo???

Maddy, don't do it! The first 3 days are the worst, and once you're over them, it really does get easier. I felt exactly the same, wanting "just one" cigarette, but I knew deep down that I didn't really want just one, I wanted 20-a-day for the rest of my (admittedly shorter) life. That's the nicotine junkie side, anyway. But the sensible, intelligent, nice-smelling side of me knows that I don't want to be a smoker, and that's the side that keeps winning, every day, and what's more, every day that side wins *more easily*. It's a constant battle, but with every non-smoking day that passes, the desire to smoke becomes less, the self-belief grows, and you realise that you *can* actually do this thing, it isn't the impossible feat you thought it was initially, OK, it's not easy, but it's no longer impossible.

Stay strong, take it hour by hour or minute by minute if you have to. The longest journey starts with one step.

nsd_user663_2318 profile image


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Maddy don't light up! Not one single puff!!! Hang in there it will get better:) Go eat a big yummy chocolate cupcake or something!


nsd_user663_2931 profile image

lol thanks OverTheEdge. I'm trying not to! and a great big thank you to KingTrev too. I guess I'm having a pretty bad crave :(

All I want is a ciggie, just one! It'll stop me feeling like this :D Ahh g'an, say just ONE is ok. I won't ask anymore after that. mmmmmmm I can just imagine the pull on the ciggie right now...bliss....inhaling those gorgeous toxic chemicals into my lungs....the hit...Oh man, I need to shut up lol Probably not helping some of you guys either. Sowwie. Just really wanting a cig right now.

As for chocolate cake, I bought yet some more today as the Hot chocolcate fudge cake is half price in Sainsburys...I have it with double cream mmmmmmmmm Oh my god it is divine!!! Gonna look like one soon. Its the 4th one I've bought in a week LOL I haven't eaten all of 'em though!! Well, not on my own :D I need to put a bit of weight on 'cos I got quite ill a few months ago and hardly ate so I can afford to be a bit lavish, but at the rate I'm going, I'm gonna be rolling down those hills soon instead of running!!! (when running me dog) :D

Ok, I'm rambling now. Just trying to ride out this crave. It seems to be ebbing away slowly....thanks everyone!

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

dont do it hun, you will sooooooo regret it, you know we can never ever have "just one"

clean your oven, pig of a job but gets rid of craving for a while :rolleyes:

cake and cream sounds good

suck lollys, grapes, gum, sweets, pens, suck anything but a cig!!!!!

hang in there, you are doing so well

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

But its so hard. My 3 kids have just stressed me out and I really, really, want a cig. Hell, I need one. Feeling very emotional and if I don't have a cig soon I'm gonna explode! Man I could cry with the frustration of it all. I'm debating whether to just go and buy 10 cigs and start again tomorrow. Hell, maybe I should just give up giving up, its obvious I can't do it.

I know I will feel really gutted and annoyed at myself if I lapse now, but to be honest, I think I need a cig to keep my sanity intact lol And that of those around me. I feel really low and tearful again. I'm going to finish doing what I'm doing and then I'm gonna go to the shop to get what I need to get and hopefully I'll come away without any ciggies.

Actually, scratch this post. I'm not going to buy any cigarettes. Instead, I did some more reading on the 'whyquit' website and its kind've took the edge off the crave. Feeling low and stuff still but to be expected I guess. I just hope it passes soon for I know there may come a time where reading stories might not be enough.

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

heya Maddy, congrats on making it to day two... heres a quick story for you... I quit last year, for most of March, and April... was on this forum, and doing great... I figured, what harm could one cigar do... wasn't even planning on an inhale... well, April was back to cigars, May I was smokin again... and I have been angry with myself until three days ago... Cold turkey, like you... we can do it! I'm stressed too... but think of all the good things! I would personally really hate to go through these three days even one more time... and thats what one puff will make me do! Make it through today, and then make it through tomorrow... and keep celebrating your days quit! With you all the way,


nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Thanks viking. I'm sure things will get better even if they don't feel they will right now. Just get tired of it all sometimes.

Glad you are doing good...albeit hard times too. I bet you won't be making the same mistake you made last year again will you? At least you'll learn from it though :)

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

Not one puff for this norseman ever again :P Good to see your craving seems to have subsided for the meanwhile... almost done day two! I can't wait for hell week to be over with... I got more crazy day 6/7 then 2/3 for some reason last time... call them sneaky cravings. High fives on another day almost finished! Hmm... I have to figure out who's quitting this week with us... we should start a team perhaps? whats your thoughts?

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

yeah, it'd be pretty cool to form a team. I know there is a couple of other new quitters like me. there's kenny and manolo that I can think of straight away and a couple others....maybe see if they would like to form a team? Dunno what we'd call ourselves can be in charge 'o that if ya like!

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

Team FM or something simple like that would work (week between feb-march)... ya... look up the other peeps fer sure... the more the merrier:P

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

heheheh Ok will do viking.

Team FM. Yea...sounds good! I like it...just need to recruit a few then :D I'll do a 'sig' with all the team members once it's final, as a reminder to not let the team down :o

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

sweet :P good luck with the sig... i'm going for pizza rofl, catch ya in a few

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